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,, l- lot "" da e ip ". *a * *H en in FOURTH RACE — 1 Mile. Canadian Handicap. 3-vcar-olds and upward. Canadian-foaled. 12572 1 : 1 .-. I 105. j SLIPPER DAY, br. f. 4 121 By Martimas— Blue Grouse J. 8. Hendrie. I FortEi 3-4 1:11 hvy 1 lis 1 111* l« .1 Suiyth R Mar. Gaietv. Mr.ssFov L.Curaon , - s Ham ton 5j f I45%fast 5 101 1 ill I* .1 Smyth 12 K wessa, Comm n Zin Del •• 2625 FortErie 3-4 1 :15%slow 2i-2* 11* I 111- 2** J Metcalf 7 Sea Lord. P. Montague H.ofOak " • Mm, ton 51 f l:"7-fa?t 4 ins 4 1 1 1* U J Metcalf » Deposit, Viley M ■ . Gayle Ham ton 3-4 l:13*4faat -1 112 4 1 1 11 l« j Metcalf 12 Tartarean, La lv cur/o-i, l.insin » 8 BlueBon. 3-4 1 :16%mud 15 113 6 21 2«l 2 e Cooper 8 Herrmann. L.Sndthrift Meissen .. 2*S21 BlueBon 51 f l:07%fast 40 1*7 1 | 4 4". 4- J Smyth II Zln Del Kewessa Soneeler ? S.»rval 3-4 l:I7Vtfaat 9 5 117 4 111- I] .1 Metcalf 5 Corn Broom Lindesta Sandy j fll- n|u-i:..n. 7-8 1:28 fas 9_ MS ill | p 3i , v,.u.,l s i.indes,,. PPhiSrpV. P Snei 16320 Windsor 3 11:1. hvy 4o IM 3 2 3 4*1 5"JJ Smyth 7 M.Galety. Ondramble O Beliabls SEA LOBD. b. - 4 104 By Ypsilanti IL— Sea Wall J. E. Seagram. !«•_• i""E ■• 1 1 I5%hvj I . 4 4 4 2 313* J Smyth Is ,.,■,,,,. 1 „,iy« i, 1 ..., -• • leu 5-4 1 .i."..-,.-.low IS 11 8 12 .1 Smyth 7 Slip Dav F Montague p. .link ilj!" JJamton : I . ;,!/,as: , I, !.! * 5 : : v Schugr li rartarean. LCuraon, F.Mntagne gll 7-8 l:294tgood 21 M3 ,. 4 I 4 PI ll J Smyth 5 Corn Bi m BedFIre llerrmana M918 RlueBon. 11:41 fast mU IM 4 2 1 1 1| :• J Smyth . I.ins,,,. Carthv , f v lan IXICSI Wdbine I l:42%fast 48 106 2 2 4 5 8 PI J Groth and Ampbion F.Mtaaue Tartareaa 17293 Wdbine 1 1 4 2:0S-Vast 5 llfi244 4 4 4 ID 1 loblsfn 4 IWhl ve C. rn 1 roo 1 V- st alio 16M2 BlueBon."-! 1-2 2:41Jthvy 1 10 1*4 243 1 P l .1 Callahaa 4 Corr? B?oomTl. PtrW?.* SnivA-Mol IS794 Hamton 1 1-M l:484fcfaat 2 86 3 2 2 2 •_ 2 1 J Smyth SB Ire. Rockspring IrisbHeart HAMPTON DAME. b. f. 3 111 Bv Inferno— Roval Dame , E. J. DavUt [["":,"" ■ ! ;, "r;"; i " !.« .! , 1 :i v !"« ; «». ; Hartley ,; ■ :fU»fast •■ to.: .: 1 1 r 1 a Plarer 12 L. Ilirami. F.M.uit.ignt- tniplilon 2K42 Windsor I l:444»slop 17-5 IM 111 1 l*V AClarer 7 L.Cur/.on. D, .-n E v • ■.. 465 FortErie 11 JVfchvy 29-M 91 4 3 I 1 1*1* 1. MeAtee « Gar.Snn. 11 Bawrt H MonaG SSSJS»5on :; ! ! Iv.T *-°Z "= t; :; :" 4nA !:V"r s:: 1-i"M" "«-tii„i. 1 r ;,„ ■ JI dbine 1 l:42Jfcfast 10 MM ,43 . I 7 P 1 ton ll Ampbiun P.Mtaene Tartareaa 20396 Wdbine 1 1 1 : -:" ,g,,od r. 108 3 M U 9 6 5»JW Obert 12 Tartarean PMontaaueP Sauce 17417 Wdbine H t lagttb* 42 5 115 3 3 3 2P2* R Shilling 10 LadvCurzon Tor s H; TartareaS 17324 Wdbine 5-Sl:01Vast 2 U5 4 2 1 p 3» P Goldgfa 8 Otero. Tartkreaa Gartley *° LADY CURZON. h. f, 3 105 By Plaudit— The Belle of Mayfair Brookdale Stablei D * I Fort E . 111. hvj : "I | i .1 i i ■ .... ; is Slip Day. liar. Gaiety. U«mwK« x i i.m 1 1 i ■ [ : i. i, li-io 109 i i i i • F Coopci Tartarean, 8ea Lord. Ampbioa ► Uaji Ion :i llMifast i 5 Ml ! 4 3 I "■ ; M Garner ! 1! Dam?, F Montague, Imphion in 2 ■i Windsor i l:44%slop M ioh I 3 3 3 . 2" M Garner . H.Pame. D.Bosaleen, P.Mtague i«. 21314 ii.uiii.Mi 1 l s i . r-.i.tsi ;i 102 j 2 i i i i ". .» .1 Metcalf IS Tartarean, K.Montagac, P.Sauce J -i 1 Hamton 3-4 l:13%fast 2 M6 3 ti 2 -4 3*1 W Obert 12 Slipper Pay. Tail mmu, Llnsla S 20581 Wdl ii i:sfast 11-6 Ml 5 7 S S 9 5*1 R shilling » Amphion, lMts*ue. Tartarean n t v n.iii. l in; i:Cifast 3-19 122 5 3 2 l Is i« it Shilling 4 Can. Jean, M Bradley, TornSllk k 8 iNMWd! 1 1 4 :: "» , good 3-2 108 9 8 5 2 3» 4-i R Shilling; 12 Tartarean, F.Montaguo. 1. Sauce e i 17484 Wdbine 1 l:40%andat 21 101 122 2 i i" R Shilling a Rancher, B. of Lore, StaL Helen " 17417 Wdbine 6*. f 1 :l»«shvy 8-5 US 2 111" Is I* GoldstnlO H. Dame. Torn Silk. Tartarean I 17LH1 Wdbine 2-4 1:11 fast 3 102J 4 2 3 5 5* W Obert 5 ZtaDel. EthanAllen. PepjierSance « 2 RED FIRE. b. g, 3 106 Ev Red Fox II.— Shimonese G. M. Hendrie. ► Wind im 3 ! 1:16 .-.livy 19-20 1«3 2 1 1 1 ! Moi II.. fccRhupcrd. Gar.Sna n 2 • i i :i«-.-.hv.Y 77-M 108 5 2 l i- -i Metcalf 10 Hartley. Mar. laiefy, Pep.Sauc« ■.• 2 3171S Windsor 7-8 L:29VsSOod 6* M R 2 I 1 Pi 4** M Gamer 10 Linain, Rustling, Mona G. 2l»ao Wind hvj 16-5 91 I 11 1| U L MeAtee 7 Gar t ley, Mar. Gaiety, Shrovetide le 2 S3 Hamton 3 I I:l«%mud 4 MS 2 l 2 24 44 .1 Smyth 8 Oar t ley. .M. Gaiety, Shrovetide 21028 Conghl 7-8 l:29%rood 6 in5 : 3 4 :i 43 3* A Schogr 5 Sea Lord, CornBrooni, Herrmana a 2 . •■-■■ BlueBon. 7-8 l:29%fast 21-3 lot; 2 4 4 3 41 4;w Obert 15 L. Spendthrift C. Broom. R.Post -t -••• I Wdbine 1 l:42Vfcfast 17 Ml 12X4 8 * 9"1J 9 Ampbion. F.Mtacue. Tartarean ,1 -• 3 Wdbine M l:14%fast ioj MO 5 3 3 33 i1 .1 Metcalf 14 Gartley, Linear, Garish Ban e MARION GAIETY, b. f. 4 95 By Martimas— Miss Gaiety iE. Glas3co. 14 Windsoi 7-8 1:33%hvj 7-3 105 8 8] 1 r 2* .1 Alt il P. Rliuperd, Pep.Sauce, LSpark k - 22134 FortErie :: . 1:17 hvy U R :: 2 . 2* S* -l Acton 6 Slip.Day, MoaaFox, LadyCnrson 2 FortErie 3 1 l:I7%hvy 17 103 s 4 4 8j T-:;.i Acton 1" BeauPere, LadyLondou, Par.Boy 2 220G FortErie 3-4 l:M%hvy 11-5 MM I 1 2 21 -".: it McDott 10 Red Fire, Gartley, Pepper Sanee •e - 21818 Hamton 11:42 Cant 7 mill 1 1 21 .1 Acton 10 Rustling, Sarolta, D. of Cheater r 2 21718 Windsor 7-8 l:29Ksood 8 Mill 1 4t r.: F Cooper 10 Linain. Rustling. Mona G. 0 Windsor 3-4 l:21*fchvy 1 104 5 3 3 31 3=$ M Garner 7 Bed Fire. Gartley, Shrovetide 2 S3 Hamton S-4 l:M%mnd 9-10 182 4 3 3 3* 2»k J Acton 8 Gartley, Shrovetide, Red Fire I 1 Hamton S-4 l:13%fast 15 100 5 2 3 S4 7,s J Acton 22 SlipperDay. Tartarean. L.Curzcn n ! 1T015 BlneBon. 7-8 1:28 but 10 M8 3 3 3 0 G;i S;,J K Ambrose 8 Lindesta. P.Pliilstl.ori.e. Slip.Dav v 2 PRINCE PHILSTHORPE, br. g, 6 110 By Woolsthorpe— Lady Philura Wheat City Stable"!. , - W rtdsor l l:45%hvy M MS 1 I « « 8" J Clancy •. ».lf«. Harbard, Moving Picture o B I FortErie 2 1 1:17 hvy :: 113 2 I I •■ W War* too C Slip. Day, liar. Gaiety, MoaaFox ■ 2 1744X Wdbine I 1 :40*igood 22 108 10 10 11 H 181 lo-"T Cnmngsll Inkle, Astrologer, Privet Petal 17387 Wdbine 1 2 4 ::: ii.s1od 2 112 4 2 11 il li J Metcalf 7 Beehive, Calumny, Vastatio 2 1732! Wdbine 1 l:42%fast Cl-10 110 7 5 7 s 51 .", .1 Metcalf in Beehive, D. Boaaleen, CornBrnom in 2 17278 Uorval 3-4 1:14 fast 89 MS I I I 1 B" T Camnga 8 H. Shaw, Paintbrush. Vreeland. 2 I7M1 DorvaJ lm70y l:4S%faat 9-8 108 till ll 1»1 II Lafferty 5 Calumny, Puritan Lass, I. Pride s 2 •- Dorval lm70y l:49%fast 3 102 2 5 6 4 l1 1* R Neander 6 IrishHeart, T.P.Connen*, Bursar 2 W13 BlneBon. 7-8 1:28 List 28 Ul 7 5 5 4 4 24 T Cnmags 8 Lindesta, SlipperDay, Pep.Sauce v 2 AMPKION. b. g, 4 99 By Inferno— Court Maid II. W. Bennett. Fort Ki 1 l:43%hvy 13 104 3 5 5 • 5 : VanDuu r Tartarean, Lady Ciiraon, SeaLord d H • Hamton l .: andfa t 8 M3 :. E 5 ::: 4T A Mott 0 II. Dame, L. Curaon, F. Montague i" 2 FortErie 3-4 l:l51fcslow 13] Ml t 7 : V B«§J Acton 7 Sea Lord. Slip.Dav. F. Montague .-• 2; 21224 Hamton 3-4 l:13%tast 10 ii«»n 11 12 HH-m; Burns 12 SlipperDay. Tartarean, L.Cnraon in : Wdbine I l:42%fast 22 MS 2 C 7 4 I4 l1 F. Ambrose t F.Montagne, Tartarean. P. San. ■•■ e £ 21 .: : Wdb ne 1 1-18 1:58 good 13 183 4 C 0 4 34 I»| ■ Ambrose 7 H.ofOak, Rnstllng, M.ofFTome 2 174:1 Wdbine 8-4 l:18%slo*i 14 186 ?. 11 IM3 K Ambrose 8 OndramMa. M. of Fronie. J. Peel ?1 2 17328 Wdbine t l:42andfaat CG 97 8 10 10 9 9» H " D HoffmanUt Bhive. D.Kosal.-en. Pr.Phllsthpe « 2 17294 Wdbine 8-4 l:13*£fast fid 96 4 10 10 102 10 * J McAtf-e 12 Rubfcoa IL, Sadonis, J.H.H*htoa II ] 17915 BlneBon. 7-8 1:28 last 10 98 4 4 7 7 7» 5T1 K Sliillins S Lindesta. P.Philsthorpe. Slip.Dav y 2 ] 7;o :onght 3-4 l:18%slow 12 102 3 8 8 si 8"?.C VanDunlo Mar. tialetv. Mansolna, Meiaaen ■n I MSS2 Coagbt 7-8 l:22%hvy 10 1041 15 4 4 55 S»*IL Deronde 7 M.Gaiety. Mansolna, P.Pliilsfoe 1 PEPPER SAUCE, b. c, 3 98 By Inferno — New Dance C. A. Crew. 14 Windsor 7 l:33%hvy II 112 9 I 7 _- 3 I 11 Donson it P. Rbuperd, M.Gaiety, LSpark •L- ■ . FortEi ■ 1 l:43%slow 29-6 192 s S s s 71 7T, .1 Callahan 9 GarishSua, P.Rhnperd, RedPost FortErie 3-4 l:l6%hvy s 102 9 7 fi 7- 4s P Lowder ki Red Fire, Gartley, MarionGaiety y 15 Hamton 1 1-M l-£t%aiow 3-2 1"4 4 4 14 4J 4"1W iral 8 GarisbSun, LastSpark. off.Ttorv I l 13 Hamton 3-4 l:15%alop 25 Ml 8 n 4 23 5*| J Acton 7 II. Dame, Tartarean. F. Montague . ■ Windsor 7-8 1 :29*4good 38 102 M 9 n n 10 l""1 .i Callahan 10 Linain. Rustling. Mona :. 21C42 Windsor 1 l:44%slop IS 102 3 G G G Gs r.lcM Callahan 7 II. Dame. L. Curaon. D.Rosaleen !1 ". RED POST. b. g. 3 93 By Red Fox II.— Billposter W. T. Trenholme. 2 ■ ■■ ..-. ;n,i- ,,r :: 1 1 :1«%hvy 18 95 t 2 1 ::: .7 n Stearns «fl Red Fire, Mona G.. PceRkuperd ■d 2 100 FortErie 1 l:43%aiow 17 91 4 1 1 1 21.. :.•"• II Rtearaa n Gar. Sun. PceRbaperd, Gartley v 2 20861 Din. Hon. 2 I l:l5%fast 13-10 107 .". f. 7 .* 45 E Taplin II Gartley, Linger. Ravenconrt 2 20820 BlneBon. 7-8 l:294Jfcfast 7 108 3 11 1 l| 8* K Haynes 15 L..Spendtbrift, CnBrooaa, It.Fire •e 2 17448 Wdbine 3-4 l:16%good53-19 89 4 2 3 24 22 P McAtee 10 Herrmana. s. Arthur, J.Tmpaoa II n 17417 Wdbine 5] r i:iN .iiv 32 104 :. 5 r, 9- 8* K AnabroselO LXuraon. Hamp.Dame, TornSllk i. Doral ;,:■ f ; :ii;v-ra,t f. M2 1 1 3 4- 4 R Acton 7 Reddest. Splutter. Llngar • BlueBon. ■:,-« liorft-.tast s 115 2 1 1*1*1 Metcalf 7 1.. Spendthrift, Reddest Linear • i - i Hamton 5-8 lrtlttfast 12 Ml 4 .: S»* 4* A Clam R L.Cnraon, II. Dame. H.BasaettlL J- • 15392 FortErie 5 S DOHifast 100 108 7 5 r, 43 tft i Gould 7 I-.Cizon. L.SMthrif t. H.lVsctlll. L j