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HILLCREST PARK FORM CHART. TORONTO. 0NT.. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18. 1915. -HlUcreSl Park. Toronto Driving Club. First Meet in;; of 7 days, ill I..H.ks i n. t Weather clear. Presiding Judge, Ed .-l-.-. Starter. 1. McHinity. itacina Secretary. AV. It. X-.rvell. Racing starts at 2::; i p. m. Chicago time 1:3$ p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. J % O Q -T FIRST RACE About 5-8 Mil?. Parse 00. 3-j ai . ids and upward. SeUlng. Jj £ %j Qj I N.t value jo winner 10; second. 0; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSl U % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 2X113*BRGOKCI*ESS w :; :i.i 7 1 1: 1J l1. li N I.urg. r I Sproule -■ I I 1 S-5 22308 RYE STRAW wb 7 113 2 :. ::J :." i- V A Neylon 1 Striker I 1 4 1-2 2-5 22307 i:. W. KISKER wb 3 lo7 3 I ."." 41 3 3* .1 DomlnlckJ Lally S S •" I 2 3 S 22309 KV. OF PYTHIAS WB 3 107 ."• t « .- "" I* AV Hinphy W F Martin -". i1. J 2-21 1 220C0 STRANGE GIRL w ." 110 1 -". 4» 5»| 4* 6* R Lowe AV Kern 821 2113 1 1 EL. BAYBOULD w :; Hm; i, s 7 .7- 7J 8 N Foden I Hill 12 12 12 t _ 22308 SANTA MARIA WB 3 103] 4 7 8 9 s 7- A Fin.v 11 A Cotton IS 13 1". I I 22114*MRS. LALLY w :. 103 B 1 l* IJ ti- 8 F Jenkins W Fogg lo 12 12 4 2 Time. 1:01. Track fast. Winner -Ch. f, by Charles Edward— Brookweed trained by C. A. Parr. Went t" post at L:.:J. At pest 2 minutes. Start R 1 and slow. Wen easily: second and third driving. BBOOKCKESS s. t a good pace and waa never seriously threatened. BYE STRAW moved up when nearing the stretch, but could not ;_et to the leader. G. W. KISKER ran fairly well. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Unisbed well from a slow beginning. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights— Brookeress, :; pounds: Strange Girl, 2: Helen Baybould, 5: Santa Maria, 2. 4 4 * Q 43 SECOND RACK About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward Selling. £ Si f Q Q N.-t value to wintf-r 10: see.m.l. -SOQ: third. .$:;0. Indci Homes AWtlPSt 4 - "t Str Fin Jockeys Owners O TI C 1 « 22307-1. VI i 1S1.K w 4 110 .", 1 l« 1* 1» 1 11 Watts W Ha una 3 23-2 ■■ . ..- i « 22255 LILBURNE w ti lii .» t 2 2" -; -J - A Pfatley Mrs I* Manor E S r. 2 1 22309-SVIi:sii: wn 4 lit I I • - •" ■" " .1 Deavp1 K Simpson 2] 21 J 1-5 1 3 2t887»G RENVILLE w :; UNi I t I 3| I1 4 .1 DomlnlckP .1 Mulhall 1 31 3] I E l ! 22255 ST. BASS WB 7 114 7 3 4 | 3| -"■ AV Mumn ,1 Bell E E E J 1 22113 HOPE DES w 4 112 2 7 I ■ I W Martin .1 Dnnlap 28 24 IS E i". 1C013 W1KV w 3 KW 4 5 7 7 7 7 N Foden N R Sutherland 1 N M 7 o lime. 1:00%. Track fast. Win;!, r -B. f by Havoc Fairlle Head trained by B. Lata. Went to l--t at 2:52. At post 2 mantes. Start good and slow. Won ea-ilv: second and third driving. LAD ISLE was much the best and won as her rider pleased. LILBURNE always held the others safe. SYKESIE. a h w beginner, finished fa t. The winner was entered for 60; so bid. Serat. bed 22307 Oal dene 100. Q.-i weights l.ailv Ile. :: pouinls: Grcnvillo. 4: Hope l es. .": Wiry. 4. 4 4 O O O TIIIlt" RACE- About 5-8 Mile. Parse 00. 3-year-olds and upward] Sellins. i £ ff Q Yf N.t Viilue lo wiun.-r 10: mh-qihI. 1915.sh0: third. $:;0. hid x Horses AWtiPStU U Str Fin Jockey~ Own, is ~ O fj P S 22052 SIB BAYMOND w 7 117 : 2 2« 2» 2» P* F Prior AV K Barns I 3 J 3 2 3 -r 1 T 22255 m»I"l. wn ii 114 a l 11 1 1*1 2* .1 DominickW Herrimaa 8 8 2 I I ! 22308 --i.KKl IT.lM w :: kmi t t- i 1 ■ " Burger F Standton 4 4 1 8-2 2-4 i23fe DOUBLE PASS w 4 114 1 l :: ::- ::- 4* II Watts N R Sutherland S E E ! 1 21353 MISS MENARD wb B 111 7 S E 6 E f. .1 Deavpt S R Craig ?. :: " I ! 2 1 22351. ii m MALLADY w 8 113 4 Left at the post. I; MertpoleJ J Flannigan I I ti 1 2230S LITTLEST REBEL wb 4 los Left ,tt the post. C White AV R Hurst vj. 12 12 4 I Time, 1:00. Track fast. Winner — B. g, by Macagan— Thrilled trained by •. Cordea. Weal to post at 3:18. At post 2 minutes. Start bad and slow. Won drivm:.- second and third the SIB RAYMOND finished camely and ;;ot up in the closing strides. AIUH I. swerved in front of 1 GEBTHELMA. snd Dti Pi. i: pass ;1t the start, raining tbeli chances, tiien tired in the hist sixteenth. GERTHELMA Onished gamely, n* winner was entered for 00; no bid Scratched -22013 Delightful, 112: 22.THI Birdie Williams, 112. 1 1 ■ -rweiuhls — Sir Paym.-Pil. :: |..r,in.|s: Miss Menard, ■• 0 0flll FOURTH RACE About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-oMs and upward. Sellinp. 2 _ Si fj 9JJ N- : value to winner .IQ: «.-ornl. 0: third. S:to. *Ind Horses AWtlISt U Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O C 1 S aMMGENBRAL w 8 118 I I 5 Pt lot lh J Deav*ptJ Ktrkpatrick 1 ! 2-3 1-3 out 2225b si REGET wu $ 110 i 1 3i 3J tj 21 C Peak J F Oufiney 2 2] q 1 1-4 8SJESSUP pirn am 9 ill .". S 4- 4= 4= F J nl.iiis.t w Plnkham I N M 4 I ." ltS117TACTLESS w : 1 1 I I :; ,: 2| ::" i; M Griner w II oopei -: ."■ 2 i 22258 I SCLE DICK w - IK. I I ... x Foden D Hill 3 3j ; l 2-5 I nne. 1:00. Track fast. Winner— B g, by oil Wells Inns Loretta Daly tt -.1 by J. Klrkpatrick. Went to posl :it 3:41. At posl 3 minntes. start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ORNERAL, under a powerful ride, iust lasted lenj; enough to win. SUREOET raced on the outside ei the leaders throughout ami Buiahed raal and gamely, icssi p Bl K. beaded TACl LESS In the closinu strides. The latter tired from racing with the winner. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 22357£Lw Invalides. 107. ___________ 6 k t 0"| Ill "Ill RACK About 5-8 Mile. Parse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Sen lag. dfl Si O %J -L N.-t value to winn.-r 30; se.-eii.i. SOQ: third, s: .o. Imle llm sis AWtlISt U ii: ■; Str Fin Jocke.i s Owners 5 II C P 5 22357 Y.. MA HIM ivi: I 1 lo 1 J JJ : :". !. .1 Itonini. kit Hinl-v . 3 3 •; .". I • 22255- Ito«K OBRIEN wb 8 112 3 I !- H l . 2 A Neylon l Hill hi 1 12 4 2 22313 i a wt: 7 no 7 3 :; :: ::- W Hinphy G Fraley 14 4 3 22311 IONSTITl ENT w 5 118 - E $ i. 1 | I1 II Watts M Phillips in 10 P 4 22259 -Bl MK CHIEF w 8 118 I I :■ V 5» •"- B Lowe i; L Fitzgerald 1 1 2-3 2-5 out 28812 CRYSTAL w .1 103 I I t: 61 ;- i" A Fin ley t ; Smith 3 3 :: I 22259 HAISA STEVENS m- 3 107 5 7 7 7" 7 7 N Foden P Delaney 7 1 Time, 1:00%. Track fast. Winner Ch. .-. by Voter Cassandra trained l. K. Ripley. Weni to posi ;,i t:,!.-, ai po o minutes, start good and slow. Won ridden out: second and third driving. EL MAHPI ran forwardly and ontgamed BOCKY OBBIEN in the tinal drive The latter off t. rwardly. showed much speed and hung eii well. YNTA was Forced to be eased np near the end CONSTITUENT Unisbed fast. BLACK CHIEF coald never gel up. The winner was entered for 00; no bid Scrati ift-d L2."..ii. Jno. M.-n-Cinnis. 1 1i. : 1 22:;Ol I.atiy Pen/oi. P 7: Little Pete. los. * bl Q Q 4J sixth RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 80. 3-year ..his ,,,d apward SHUag. Si Si O *J Si Net value lo winner 10: second, 0; third. $::i. index Horses AWHTSt 4 H- ~1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners T fl C V S~ 28860*CARRIE ORME ws :: UC I 2 ? 1- H P* N Barger B I o"i,,nn-u 5 • j :- : ,,ui 22314 IMPRUDENT w s 110 7 r, 41 :, 41 31 h Watts W M MIkel 6 :, 5 22353 STAR .J RYAN wn 7 112 :l •; t;- g 6" V A Finley K C Crockett 12 12 l9 4 I 22314 Miss SHERWOOD w 4 Ho 1 1 S» 41 •;. 4l. A Neylon BJ Creighton 5 E ". T 22010l.oi;ii WELLS w 7 112 ■ .". S1 1] 2 ij .1 Deavpt P E Fit zige raid fi H t; 2 1 22312 BARKTTE wn 8 114 .7 " 71 Cl N Foden II C Airh.nt :: 1 1 3 22260 Bl l.tiAII w4 113 I 4 || 2* 3k 7 VV Hinphv.l E Harrison M 12 12 4 22313-PKI.l.i: TERRE w t 110 1 I 71 4* s s w Doyle I T West 3 5 1 1 - Time, 1:244-,. Track fast. Winner — Ch. f. by Monsieur de LOrme— Mum trained by E. J. OConnell. Went to posl at 4:30. At posl M minntes. Start goad and Blow. Won handilv: second and third driving. CARRIE ORME was on the extreme outside when entering the stretch but came again and won drawing away. IMPRUDENT mushed gamely. STAR 0RY.».N finished fasl from a slow heginning. l.opp WELLS qnll in the last eighth and so did BULGAR. The winner was entered u.r "Q : no hid. 26 QQQ BEVENTH RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and apward. Sellin-Si*J *f *y N.t value lo winner 10; second, 1915.sh0; liiird. .s:.:ii. Index Horses AWtlPSt .j ]/2 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q H 0 P S 22314-V. AIT wn 1 114 2 1 1 1". 1- 1- • tal.lwellA :, Taylor :-",--°. 1 ■". 2225C KING WORTH wa 4 lio 1 1 a 21 V -- .1 Deavp1 R O Bgan 3 3 S-2 *-* 1-3 22258 VAN BU w 7 117 5 I -I- V V V H Watts X R Sutherland 3 4 4 3-2 3-5 22261 Aliss JEAN w8 110 4 3 :;". U 4- 4i B I. owe K L Fitzgerald 54: 1 .22308 K ;oi.PKN KCBV wsb 7 112 S S 5*15* "- W Hinphy C E Broslus I 7 7" 22261 SCRIMMAGE W 7 110 3 ti fi 6 6 ti A Neylon W McDonald 7 10 M 3 1 ! Time, 1:22%. Track fast. Winner— Ch. g, by Zal — Wasti trained by AV. P. Taylor. Went to nost at 4:53. At ]mst 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. /AT. 1 easily held his opposition safe throughout. KINO WORTH was hard ridden but could never catch the leader, van pi Unisbed resolutely. Miss JEAN ran well fur a half and tired The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweiul 1 - l:s~ .lean. J pounds. 0 6QCb/I_ EIGHTH RACK -1 1-16 Miles. Parse" 0O :: yea! olds and upward SeJUnc! fiLflfJU ~Ttr Net value to winter -S210: s . oinl. 0; third, 8, Jndes Horses AWtlPSt V* M H. Str Kin Jockeys Owners T» ?1 C P s 222GC Pit. DOICIIKRTV ws s 11J 7 . S- L. L" H 1! II Watts 1- Hnr!inKtoii 3 ~. 3 fi-.". ! r. 22311 IRISH KID w T 113 I I t 4 t* 2* 2 J DominickD C Cambron 6-5 8-5 1 :; :, 1 :: 22353 P.R1NV DEEP WB 3 103 4 fi 8* ::1 B l ::- A Finley i Swain I I I 21 22311 PACK i:lNis w 3 108 S 4 4t» 6« %* 5« 4l N Foden l Hll] E E E 8 I 22355 OOLDEN l.ASSIK w :: KWJ 2 1 !■ 1«| 1] .:: 5 W Hinphy J AV Plnkham 10 12 M 4 22356 M IKK COHEN w 4 104 3 E V 7* 7 » 7" 6»1 F Jenkins Mrs a F Dayton « 25 25 s 4 22257 TIIK MONK wit S 1 12 fi R :, . ;■■ C* fiJ 7" D Boland .1 Poland t, 7 7 • J-» 22310-PlKK OF SHELBYwb 4 I10| 3 :♦ :» su V I I .1 Deavpt R P Dodson 4 4 12 1* 22257 I.ORNA G. w I loi l 7 7H !i -i Whit- N II Sutherland 30 40 4 i". fi Time. 1:54. Track fast. Winner — B. b. by Galveston— Lobosina trained by P. Harrington Went to post at .V24. At posl 2 minutes. Start xIH»] and slow. Won driving; second ami third the same. DR. POPOJHERTA was saved for the first half and. taking the Lad in the stretch held IRISH KIP safe. IRISH KIP dnished gamely, but doing ids best t., ontstai BRINY DEEP The latter raced well throughout. GOLDEN LASSIE raced wide on the turns and tired in the last eighth The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched 22333 R. s«. Oneil, 107. Overweights— Psal Gaines, 1 trends; Telden Lassie. 2: The Monk, ::■. Poke of Bhelhy. Ij : Laraa r... 4.