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WINDSOR FORM CHART. WINDSOR. ONT.. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 18. 1915. fourth day. Windsor Jockey Club. Second 8am- nu r Meeting ,.f 7 days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. Charles 1". Price. Presiding Judge, Francis Nelson. Starter. A. R. Dade. Baring Secretary, Walter o. Parmer. Racing starts al 2:.;i p. in. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.l. Indicates apprentice allowance. OOQO/". 1TRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 21622— 1:11**— and— 118. Pane 7io. 3-year-olds and up dU .OOvJ ward. Maidens. Special Weighls. Net value to winner 8536; second. 66; third. fojC ; Detex Horses A Wt ID St 1 U -t Str Fin Jockeys Owners R.piiv. Odds Sirt 21 824 * SCRUTINEER wTlS 3 :: 2» l 1* 1« V Cooper i M Hendrie 45-100 •iDi.xj WODAN w 3 161 I 1 :;".::- V V ■ ..- n V Sheridan 125-100 22188 8TONEWOOD wBlHt s :. :," 4- 41 ::»- L Gentry .1 D Stevens 4546-T00 2,137 DOCTOR D. vn 1 Vd j S 1 V V 4. C VanDunH Oota or..-. 11 hi 17185 8TARCRESS wn 3 181 : l 4u B*i S1 64 A Claver Thorncllffe Stable 2TAV160 22188 NKM.IK BOOTS W 3 101 1; 7 7* 8* 8 V .1 Morya r Allen 15415-160 22077 KATHLEEN S. w 8 169 I I 8 8 7: 7- P Keogh B Levj 8255-100 21927 E. M. WATSON wn 1 111 5 I P 7. I S .1 Met. all W B Wardle 1815-108 Time. 23%, 48. 1:14%. Track fast. mutueis paid, Scrutineer. .*2.!to straight, -*2 ::o place, *2..:o show; Wodan, .56 pis e, 00 nbow; Stonewood, .60 show. Equivalent 1 king odds Scrutineer, 15 to 1ihi Ktralgbt, 15 to 100 place, 1". to 106 s|,..w : Wodan, 25 to 100 nl*ce, 30 to 100 show: Stonewood, 136 to Kni show. Winnei B. 1. In Voter Kin Rose trained hv .1. Wallers.. Went to post »t 2::2. Al posl 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won cantering: second and Ihird driving SCRIl IM:i:i; moved up Into the lead while rounding be last lura and was rased up ai the r-nd. WODAN raced well ami was easllj best of the other-. STDNKWOOI the tiring DOCTOR l . ibnvu 1:1 I..- Una I xtridrw. I be latter set tin* early |iace. but qait ba llj S 1 B leled 2LIC Himil., 101: 2i|.i2 Hlomle. Iic. h fc 4 Q 1 SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Ftirlonfrs. 16511 1:65% 2 ■■■:: , Purse 8J00. 2 year-old £ £J Onl Caiiadian -f a led. Alloy .iiiets. N.I value lo wuric- S..-.i»: s.,..,nd. : Hunt. S.V. "I.iiA Jb.i-es AWIDISi t . , Str Fin aV«Tke"~ Owner llTuTTMds Slrt 21624 MWDAR1N WR 1«8 U 2 1 j j- p. .1 Sins th .1 IS Seagram 12". too 21833 VRMINE wn 138 4 I Ji i . p.k - c VanDunH ii.biings .2". Kh 22247-Ml s PAY « lo". s t I 1 ■ Jj R McDottW Walker 510-160 21833 |GA LA DAV wins 7 s 71 :,h g| 4] daver .1 B Seagram 21624 McRRLUK w MS 3 1 :;- |E r.- 1, Gentry Brookdale Slab!.- 1175-166 a 22247 kATHt.l.E.N IT. w ME I I I f 8 8" !■ Cooper -1 Hendricks 1355 106 ■ 21660 WATERDOWN urB M i 7 P . - 7" 7- C C MillerJ S Hendrie 23715-100 2 1652 OLD POP w* 168 E 5 s1 i s sH .1 A. 1.01 c Preu 2845-166 II..CKF1 I. Ai.K u M I I Is I : II Stearns 1 W Poster 1980.V166 iCoupb-d iii belting. Time. 23--,. 48. 1:08,. Track fast. .sj mutueis paid. .1. V. Seagram entry, .50 Rtraigfat, .4« place. .30 show: Armine, S2.70 place, jo -how: htiaa Pay, .00 show, Eanlvaleat in.oking odds— J. E. Seagram entrv. 12." lo If.o itralght, 20 to 1imi place, 15 l" 100 abow; Armin... ::.". to loo place. SB to 106 Show; Mis- i;,v. .-,0 to 166 show. Winner Ch. c, bj Havoc— Boyal China trained by I.. T. I.ittletieliD. Wast to poH at 0:U7. At post 1 miuute. Start aaaaj ami slow. Won driving: aeeeaaj ami tlnxU tUe MANDARIN m i ■ i:i i early pact and, latahlng fast ;,i.d resolutely, won in the hut stride after l-oins repeatedlj humped t ARM1NE after entering the homestretch m:iiH ran a v. I rare i ■ 1 1 tired i i ■ end wider her trrtght. Miss KA1 closed a gap hikI Unisbed rani UALA P.W began slowly ind tin * -•"" •■ MfPUIPI. wa-. :i pioinin. :u contender t the I ■ t — i eighth. k9QWO THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. 21622 ill . 5 lis. , Ims,. sTuo :: year ,.1,N and up .i_W_0 O W wai.l. Selling. Nil value !■» winner . ■"..» I; sec I. SKH: iliii.l, S..l . !"■ ■ 11. ■!■ -. AWtlISt 4 Pj ■■! Str Pin Jockeys ~~Qnicrs Kiptiv. Odds Strt 39343 LAXGHOR.NE n ;; l 7 I 5 :i- !■» H l" F Keogh S l Henderson 105-100 22188 McCLIXTOCK wsb « 112 2 3 1* U 3* 2» -l Metcalf Wheat City Stable 7495-100 22851 MARTIN CASCA w» 4 112 I J 6» M* SI I"| L Gentry F Brown 585-100 -1 ~ 4 * KOPJE wan 3 . r | 1 4" 7J 7*4 .1 Sterretl T i Elward 8fifl.VlO0 22248 CARO u.ii: w i M ii i 8 8 -- 5] B Graves r i Mile* H285-100 22252 AFRJ *A REAP : m4 . 9 W l " !"•• C .1 Acta* V K Lewis S040-10n 22182 MISS WATERS w 4 Ml 7 •; «4 8* 6* 7h .1 Connors 1 i Pom 900-100 22182 LAI l: u i KB 12 7 2 2* 4- v- F Hooper II i Bedweli 340-100 21814 PAMPINEA w 5 M 1 1 8" 6 H 8* I Lowder J V Fletcher f2793-100 -•»«i»ii WOLFS BATHS w « MB til 11- 11- II I"1 V Ural M B Trowbridge t -• iX4 HYK1 w4 MMii : ■• vu H 11 W WartonL F OLearj t T*=US8*SHER. HOLMES n C Ml 12 12 12 12 12 s Brown W Walker 1 T I *--". 100 - : AI ■ 1 1 1 1 . -1 lici.l. Time, 24=,-,. 48 V 1:15%. Track fast. sl mntnels paid, I anghorne, .n straight, 33.50 place, .80 show; McClintoek, 842.00 place, 5.80 ■ a : Mat tin asi n, I 1.50 show. Equivalent booking odds Laaghoroe, IOC to km straight, 7.". to loo place, lo to loo show; McClintoek, LiHMi u iihi place, 680 to 1 m i show; Martin Casca, 7.". to 100 show. Winn, i -Br c, by Oddfellow Sons Cloth trained by s. M. Hemic* son. Went to ihm at 3:44. At i«vi •: minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and tliir.l driving. LANGHORNE followed tin leaders close up to i in- stretch turn, then moved up fasl and, finishing imely under punishment, won going away. McCLIXTOCK, a quick beginner, took the lead and raced l.vlK.V int.. defeat in the tn-t half, Iben tired MARTIN CAW rt 1 well and was on the outside of ;l.. leaders all the way. KOPJE finished fast. CARO NOME and AFRICA BEAU dosed gaps. LAURA i ait. The winner was entered for 8400; n. bid. Scratch. ,1 ■ 22H;2.Maina Johns..!!. !"■■: 22182 Aitnce Leslie, 85. fcl fc O O Q FoPKTil RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 15888 1:44% 4 114. Pane 8700. :: year-olds and Si Si O O O upward. Sdliny. Net value to m iniiei .Will; second, 00; lbird. gO. "l:-|.- l|..r~cs .V WtlISt U _. "•♦ Str Tin Jo -keys owners Eiiuiv. Odds Str~ Z2 18S * MOCKERY wn 4 N4 :: 5 4»i.4:::ii I1 V A Claver P M Civill 275-100 •••j:;o« KING BOX v. S .". . - -- - iL -i -1 I Callahan P J Miles !i4 i-l ! ■v-.l»:: MARTIAN a till 1 1 :i3 S1 4s 4"» ;; p Keogh T J Bird IcmiKhi at 188 s PRIVET PETAL wn 4 108 5 3 Ill* 21! 31 4 .1 Smyth .1 S Hendrle 75-1«ki •Miiti STANIEf? H wb7M2 7 7 ;i r.j 5i 5 51 C VanDunl. Desforgea 10580-100 Stl8€*BEAC PERE wa 4 M •; C I* 8* P 6*1 « F Cooper s Ij.iiN 4SO5-K10 •; 21S8 1 1i.nwu AV w 4 104 4 4 7 7 7 7 7 i. Gentry H I. CrahM 2O70-100 Time. 2335. 48%. 1:14«5, 1:41 5, 1:48%. Track fast. mntnels paid. Mockery. .S7..".o straight, .70 place, show; King P.oy. place. .30 Martian, .00 show. Equivalent i.e.. kins odds— Mockery. 875 to 100 straight, v. to 108 place, 80 to Kmi show: King J v 240 to 1 : place, 115 t. 1«hi show; Martian, 180 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. ?.. hj llandit - Sthcne trained by I. Stockier. W.tit to post at 4:ls. At rMlv; 3 minutes. Start goad and *lov. Won easily: second and third driring. MOCKERY, after being badly outrun early, atored ni rapidly "ti the last turn and easily went into the lead in the lai eighth. KING BOX was a forward contender all the way and Bas "11 gamely to the end. MARTIAN ran well and ontgamed PRIVET PETAL for third place. itie latter qnit after setting the early pace and running a good three-qnartera. The winner was entered for ; no hid. o-rweiyiits--Kli:away. .1 pounds. __ FIFTH ItAt K— 3-4 Mile. 21822 1:11 --,— :.— 1 is. i Inr-e bo. 2-year-olds. Sellins. 2iQQ/l Si POT: Net al;i.- to v.innei . .Vii : v.-e.-nd. if 1 0il: third. 0. "tudex Horses AWlIlSt U »» 34 Str Fin Jockeys owners Kiiniy. Odds Strt 22304 *• INVESTMENT w M W :: S $■ 4; 1»» Ii McDottl M drill oto 100 22181*GIX MER WB ■■■ I I ■ " M.K zn .1 S Tvree 12030-100 21328CARDOME w 187 8 ! I H* 2] J»* I Lowder T I Haves 145-100 .".Mi .VTA it BRUSH WB 187 5 10 ■■» T»i-- n- 8* F Cooper T .1 Bird 1080-100 22184YERMAK a MC 11 7 •* •.■ 5| S»* A Claver .1 0 Keeae 1105-100 2I783MIS8 ATKIN WB M* I ; 2» ".:k 7- 6* 1/ Gentry W Gerat 305-lflO ...:, PETLAR a 113 l a 4i s- 81 71 W Warton-I Liringston 2910-100 32135 i;oKl: is FIRST w 101 1 I 8» • - » B« W Ural I J Tons 1355-100 !HH LADY WORTHTONwB M! 7 11 7! 2»| 1* 91 .1 Acton W .1 Weber tlH085-100 :I74I OAKLAWN BELLE wb 103 ! 8 11 10" M* 18 r VanliunW Straus I .!H-.- LARKIN WB Ml 1 1 M» 11 11 11 .1 Smvtli W Walker 4130-100 :Miitm-l Held. Time. 24%. 48%, 1:15%. Track fast. sj mntnels paid Investment. 4.80 straight, .40 place, . 4.::ii show; Glomer, 7.78 place, 40 ■■ ant : Cardomi1, .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Inrestment. 040 to 100 straight, L"Jo to loo place, 115 to 108 show; Glomer, 4- ;, m 100 place, mo !•■ lno show; Cardome, 85 to 100 show. Winner B. f. by Proateaae Jennie Wade trained by .. Stockier. Went to |«i-t :.t 4:." l. At post 1! minutes. Start good and Slow. Won driving: second and third the same. INVESTMENT, alter being a forward contender from the start, ».u.-.i groand when entering the bj -tret.-h an.t ontgamed GLOMER at the end. The hitter tired near the finish after saving groand on the turns. ARIMMK showed the m..M early speed, bat swnng wide when entering the bomeatrecth and tired. TAR BRUSH raced on tlie ontsMe thronghonl and closed a gap. YERMAK and Miss ATKIN finished ■ |. -.■ ap. The winner va- entend for 00; no l.i.l. O O Q tt f SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 21822 -1:11%— 5 118.1 Parse 00. ..year-elds and tip- £i £ Q O Q w.inl. SidliiiL. N. I value to winner S..r.Q: second, 00; third. .$.~ o. ill- x. Horses AWtlTSi j ■_. 3i Str Tin Jockeys Own, is gqajv. Odds Strt 22 18S* ARISTOCRAT wa 4 MO M 5 U 1- !■* 1« R McDottl" M Civill 1223-100 I0H44 THE ISHER w 4 Ml I :: 41 9 V 2] A Claver Tborncliffe Stable 540-100 21828,CAPT. BEN w 4 105 4 J 2» 3»* J* :: ; AV Obert J W Scott :153-100 221381,8TRATHEARN w 4 M2 8 4 ::. 411 4- t- F Cooper G M Hendrle 350-100 22 182 FINALISE ami N I I 8* •;- .;• S | P Lowder J D Stevens 4970-100 .iilHS JIM I.. W 7 112 :; I 5 k 6*] " :; W UartonA Brent 5800-100 821M**NIOADOO wa 4 MS l 7 7"« 71 71 7". AV Iral .1 0 Byrne 325-100 221SS*ABBOTSFORD w S Mtl 2 1 « B»| «» 8* H HanmerW I, Oliver lsi;7l-100 2 1572 •CELEBRITY w :: ft? " I » H »S S»t T Hayes W air 1015-108 21SS9*TWILIGHT a I H41 7 1" M M 1" M H Stearns]; Levy 9375-100 Time. 24 i, 48%. 1:14%. Track fast. s2 matneli paid. Aristocrat, 8,50 straight, 2.80 place, . so show: The I 1ier, S12.10 plaea, Kt show; apt. Ken. .S4.::o -how. i:.|niv.ilent booking odds — Aristocrat. 1225 to 100 -traight. 54". to loO place, 188 to 100 show; The usher, ■~.u5 to loo place, -j:. to KKi show: Capt. Ben, 115 to I00 ahow. Winner— 1.. z. by Ben Brush — Braeegirdle trained by .T. Stockier. Wen; to posl at 5:24. At post 1 minute. Start good ami slow. Won handily: second and third driving. AltlSToi RAT set I good pace, under mild restraint, for the first half, and came wide ■ n entering the bomeatretch, bat ooatayed iHK USHER, and wen going away. The latter raced * * the outside «.t the winner for the entire way and was forced wide at the head of the stretch. C»PT. BBS waa a forward contender all the way and male a gaase tinish. NIGADOO began slowly and was crowded back. The winner was entered fi t 00; no bid. Scratched 19330 Miss Fannie, 85: 217! Mordecal, 105; 22182 Katharine G., 85. Overweiuhts -Slrnthearn. 2 p.unds: Abhofsford. 1: Twilight. 4-. OOQQ SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile. 15738 1 :• 17 ■-. -4- 105. Pane 00. 3-year-olds and np- 1 J +S O O ward. Sellin--. Set valr.e t.. winner s.V.O: -c- I. .- iiHi: third. 0. 1 1 !h~ TTors..." AWlIlSt t t % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt *28S3*RIRKA wb I M$ S 1 V l". 1 i 1- L Gentry J Lowenstein 4K5-100 ••.too .1 11 HOUGHTONwb 8 M 9 9 7- f.1 9*3 - AV War*tonG W SV.itt :t435-100 •2 184* HARRY LAUDER ws 5 MS 8 C 8s 7;l. :... 21 ::. B Haynes J K Sweeney 17so.iiki 22308 *BALFRON w 4 KM 7 S !»* I! 4" 4.. 4 F Cooper II ; Bedweti BIO-100 I 22882 l ENAVAAL wa 4 MS 2 8 I ».+ ■". •" ; C VanDunU E Stewarl 8450-100 "•». .- : -« l. I i-iH.i Hi w 5 187 4 :: 8*81 •■■■ 7- i.:: .1 Smyth .1 W Goldblatt 3185-100 "2104 CLIFF EDGE w H !l HS G 4 5* l" 31 64 7- F Keogh It B Watkins 11K5-100 "":;4H SURPASSING wb 4 111 1 l t; $«1 I R1 8* F ColemanJ J Ryan 1305-100 •;:J,0» DUNDREARY wb :: S7 7 2 1 I1- B1 I I F Morphy F Johnson 480-100 Time. 24%. 49%, 1:15%. 1:42%. Track fast. su mutieis paid, Birka, 1.70 straight, ?-..i n place. .48 show; .1. II. Honghton, 7.70 place. .0.50 ow: Harry Laader, .80 show. Equivalent booking odds- Birka, 4sr. to 100 Btralght, 150 to 100 place. 120 to 188 show: J. II. Honghton, .s.-, to loo place, 42". to loo show: Harry Lander, 2io to loo show. Winner Br. t. by Solitaire II.— Lily Goldlng trained by M. Lowenstein.. Went to l".st at :.:.".s. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Wen easily; -com] and third driving. BIRKA s.-t the pace mult r restiaini to the last turn and easily drew away in the final quarter. J. II. HOUGHTON began slowly, but moved np with a rush and pasaed HARRY LAUDER in the last eighth. The latter also closed a gap, but tlr.d in the final drive. BALFRON bad no mishaps. LXNAVAAL tin !ied fast. Tin- winner was entered for 00; no bitl.