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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. Mrs. L. A. Livingston has a tine leaking lot of two-year -oida at Saratoga. Horses that have been suiiiinering at the Louisville tracka are beginning to work again. L. II. Donnelly of Atlantic City has purchased the two-year-old Belgian Trooper from K. It. Bradley. Thomas Piatt has sold to Raker Brothers the yearling chestnut colt by Toddlngton — Idle Day. by Deep oDay. .locekv I. Groth has arrived al San Francisco from New York and will ride there during the thirty-day meeting beginning next Saturday. Improvements to be made at the Windsor track before next years racing include the building of a three-quarters chute and 800 new stalls. Some ,000 was realized from gate receipts at the Reno race track one day recently and contributed to the found to build a direct mad from Reno to Lake. Tahoe. Au extra race has been arranged for Saturday ::t Saratoga in which the gentlemen riders will have a chance to show their prowess. The distance will lie one mile. George J. Day, who has been racing at King I.d-xvard Dark, win now ship his stable to Connaught Inrk. ittswn. N. K. Real will also shin his horses Richard Langdon. Regular and El Oro to Connaught Dark. George M. Van Cordon, who has arrived at the Expositor, track In San Francis will his string of thoroughbreds. H snid to have lieen the lirst person to drive a heard of cattle through Nevada into California. H. T. Ratchler has arrived at San Francisco witii John Hurie. Ratchler. Merry Twinkle. Sultana and Booger Johnson. D. B. Freeman is also among the arrivals there with Jack Mario. Kl Pato, Ogita and Smoky Dan. Fort Monro*, which broke down in Ma last race at King Edward Park, lias been aoM to his former owner, D. F. Kinney. 1-• rt Monro., was purchased not long ago by J. A. Moisant of Montreal and raced in his colors until he broke down. Edward Craven, a noted English owner and trainer of the racing thoroughbred, has arrived at Sarat iga and la so impressed wiih racing condition.-, in this country that he is thinking of shipping his string of horses here from England to race. Harry Payne Whitney has been elected to membership in the Golden Gate Thoroughbred Breeedrs Association and has promised to assist In the revival of racing soon to take place al San Francisco, according to reports from the coast. The book lor the fall meeting of the Connaught P«rk Jockey Club at Ottawa has made its appeal auce. It is built along much the same lines as ft r the meeting in June. Seven races will be run each afternoon. Including one lor jumpers. Oateuta is in grand fona this year. Oa the last day of i he Bene meeting, with 12s pounds on ber back, she won the ,000 Overland Handicap ai a mile by live lengths in 1:38%, with Zor aster. 103 pounds, second, and Rash, 10- |Oiin.N. third. H. T. Oomisky, well known in racing and Other linos of sports, died recently at bis home in California. He was a popular man and. in the words of one of his friends, "a grand character, a true, honorable sportsman, a ioving husband ami father." Daniels - Hodge of Denver have reached the Ex poslton track at San Francisco with eight horse-. including I.oftus and John Graham. C. L. Stevens and J. D. English have also arrived with a string of four, including Reward, Breeser, El Cuchlllo and Mcdelle. Freda Johnson changed hand-, after winning a mee at King Edward Park, Montreal Friday, she was bid up by w. i. Oapps, who recently lost Mis- Brush by the claiming process to E II Short. Capos bid Freda Johnson up to 00, an advance of 00, and teak her. John W. Sehoir baa Bent to the Kentucky iaao elation trail; three yearttnga a brother to John Quad, winner of the Latonia Derby: a brother to Ed Crump and a chestnut colt by Ultimo*- Wood light — and turned them over to the .1. o. Keenc •table for breaking. John D. Carr has sold lo Eugene Alvarez, of Cuba, four yeartlnga, as follows: Baj colt, in Dick Weill- Lamp Cir!, by Lamplighter; bay colt, by Hastings— Pocket piece, by Hanover: black tilly. in- Dick Welles -Fluid, by Blitaen; black til1;., by Dick Welles — Pheenie Fickle, by Wootstborpe. Jockey Feeny arrived at Reno from Deer Lodge. August 13, and reported that the Deer Lodge melding lasted litt seven day-, closing for tack of patronage. He reported that the stables of W. C. Weani. .1. Kennedy, B. J. Farris. W. C. McCHntoek and others had left Deer Lodge for San Francisco.