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KING EDWARD PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL. QUE.. August 12. 1915. fifth dav Kin- Edward Part Jockey Clubs Sec. ml Meeting • •I 1 daj -- Weather clear. Presiding Judge, Sheridan Clark. Starter, lames Mill. .11. 2228G Fii-t Race Aleut 5-8 Mile. Purse 68. 2 year-olds. Soiling. Nit value to winner 25; -.■■ 1 d, - ."•": third, 5, 1ml. Horse. wi. Fin. Jockey. Op ci. 22220-UliZ7i MS l| A Dick. 11s I 1 22220 Tab Her 110 2* C Knight 1; S 22656* Barka 10s ::- T McCullough t 1 22226* Lady lul 107 4; J Dominick : " 222 20 Crlsple :il r, t* liergler 22220 Jo BernstetnMS « W Young 2 2 Time. 1:00. Track fast. Winner W. C. Weati .lands b. f. by Burgomaster — Iiesole trained by W. C. W 1 .I1111.I1. st.rt good. Won handily: second and third driving. 22287 Second Race About 5-8 Mile. Fin-.. 68. :;. year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner S22T.; second. .*." 0: third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. "p. CI. 2 8284 M. dm hfarra no 1- c Knight :: :; 22224.l. w. of Asia I"! :". i Corey I 4 ", 22234 Auster 111 :: A Matthews s ie 22224 - i, r 111 tJ W Carpm :: L s 5 22232sGoggety 168 ■•■ C Lab. II StOtS Miss Fissv as f c M.rgbr Time, 59V Track fast. Winner — T. Sle-. ban- eh. g. 10. by -la.k Point— Lizzie Cilinan rained by .1. -I. OC nnori Siart goad. Won easily: s. n.| and Ihird driving. 22288 Third Bace :;-4 Mile. Pane 8288. 1 vear-olds and upward. Silling. Net value to winner 8225; second. .$.".0; third, 5. Ind. Horse. WI. Fin. .1. ckey. Op. CI. 22225 Virginia S. I«i7 1- A Dickens :; 2 22201 liibin 112 jak C Knight 3-2 2-3 21827 Dhil Connor 11- ::; W Younjv :: .". 22235 Sir Ciles 11:: I* Mo Arthur 1; C 22222 Bacchante 161 •". H LaaTerty 16 13 22226 Mortgvle II.". 1 A Matthews 2 :: Time, IMfH. Track fast. Winner -J. E. Fanisworlhs blk. f. 4. bv Dick Welles- Fluvia trained by .1. B. Pamsworth. Start good. Won handily; aeeaad and third driving. 22289 Fourth Bare About 0 12 Furlongs. Pursa 00. 3-year-olds ami upward. Selling. Net value lo winner 25; seend. $.".0: third. 5. Did. Hone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. Cl. 22225 Energetic 184 1" A Dick, ns 22201 -Shoots 11?. z- .1 Bauer !-2 22204-O Tia True 11:: ;;- W Man. bis r, 4; 22223 PTeda .Inson 10S 41.. T Md ullough s :• 82 1 77 5 Fort Monroe ill :, H Lafferty I 1 Time. 1:225. Track fast. Winner— M. .1. Dalys b. r. ::. bv Sir Wilfred -Listless trained by M. .1. Daly. Start good. Won driving; second and Ihird the same. 22290 Filth Race 1 1 Hi Mile-. Purse 00. 3-rear olds and upward. Selling. Net value • winner -S22.".; second 0: third. ..".. Ind. Hone. Wt. Fin. .In-key. Op. CI. 22204 Cordova 161 l1 A Pickens 1.7 8 22202 1:1 ro ill -" G Corey - " 22223-Mud Sill 11" :: - C Knight I t T, 22223 ; Delia Mack 111 4". A Matthews C #V 22202 Duquesne 111 ■" - T Me ullough I" 1 22178 Bavenal 113 I .1 Bauer 1 1 22202 Tony Koch 168 Refusd.JMcDwl 2| :: Time. 1:49%. Track fast. Winner F. McKenzies ob. in. 8, by Ahc-ot — Watoma trained by T. Maloney. Start k mmI for all but Tuny Koch. Woa handily; I — mill and third dri ing. 22291 Sixth Race ::i Mile. Pane 66. 3-year olds ami upward. Selling. Net value b winner 25; second, 0; third. 5. Jnd. Horse. WI. Fin. Jockey. Dp. CL 22222 Uncle Flra hi-". U G Corey 1 t 22225- Frontier lb: - i W Young 22205 •Major Belt I Id "■■ A Matthews • 22234 Frosty Face 107 411. .1 Dominick " 2 21657 Phil T. 101 •"••k A Dick. 11s - C 22200 Clara James !« ti:: .1 Dawson 1.1 I. 22173 l-a Dolores 111 7- W Gargan 22200 Don] 168 8 H Lafferty lo lo Time. l:17z/5. Track fast. Winner Yarrow Brae stables eh. g. :;. by I acle Fiederiea trained by W. Short.. Start g 1. Won driving: second ami third the same. 22292 Seventh Rao,- :; 4 Mile. Pane 8380. "war-olds and npward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. 0; third. S2o. ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. !- 82172 Amasement no 14 R Bates 22205 H.lle Chlltonlll 2» L Meripole • • 22238Bastcr Boy km: ::"- W Gargan 22174 Black Earl 8M 8* H LanTert » ■ 22205 Drvnavia 108 5] G Corej d i 22 171 Miniieo 10S ; T M.- ull ur;h ■■ -i 22222 SR-Van Wkle I lo " - A Pickens 22230 Skinny c. ip» 8 C i„-ii,.n Time. 1:17%. Track fast. Winner It. V. Haymakers rh, g, 1. by Ogdea - I 111. 10,-k ill lined by L. ! laymakei 1 . Starl good. Won handily: second ."id third driving.