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WINDSOR ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weatner clear: track fast. Racing -starts at 2:: 0 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30. XRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Mi maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. "-vear-olds and upward. Selling. ill. ick record: 10511 1 :65%— 2— 163. Iml. Horse. Wt. Bee. ».WI.IIan. 21438* Rriar Path 166 1:66% 5 106X725 21640s* Rubicon II Ill 1:05% i 1O4X720 L-.M:: /.in Del 102 1:07% :: 105X715 20130-* Fair Helen M 1:06% :: 100x71.". 22162 Dignity 112 1:09% 3 165. .715 22106 Bgmont 112 1:07% :: 10.;v710 21593* Astrologer 104 1:07% 6 166X716 21783* I.uria 111 1 :0i;% 5 86. .706 21s.!4- White Crown lot 1:07--. :: 95X705 22347* Connaught 1n7 1:0 i-, 5 1O8X705 2210! Joseuna Karate ... 88 1:66% • 98.. 700 22077 Argent Ml SOLOS :: WX696 Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched: 22347* Colle Ill 1:67% 4 111X720 22189 Knights Differ 108 16% 6 109X720 22:;47- Miss Gayle 103 1:05% 4 106X726 22168 Joy 10S 1 :66% 3 101 . .705 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and onward. Selling. Track record: 21622— 1:11%— 6— 118. 22248* Marjorle A Do 1:12 7 164X725 2224s- I seeit 110 1:11 8 164. .720 22189* Water Lily 160 1:12% 4 10sx720 221891 Tory Maid 112 1:12 8 164. .715 2l2isi Cbarmeuse 166 1:11% 4 168X715 2221s Vorkvllle 167 1:13 5 111 ©715 22343* Videt 164 1:14% 3 164x711 21091s* v N. Akin 112 1:14% 8 164X710 22248 Rontefraet 10S 1 :12-.-. 6 166X765 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs, 2 year olds. Allowances. Track record: 16611 1:66% 2 163. 22346 Anita 1*0 1:07% HO X 725 222.".1- Water War 103 1:08% 103X720 22340s Milestone 101 1:06 103X720 22251*f Port Light 107 1:083 Ids- 71.". 22384* anionic Kit 1 :os-. 106X715 22::sl Moneros First . . ,.110 l:13%b 10:;. .710 223461 John Jr ins 1:09% 111X705 221611 link Williams M101 1»7% 100.. 765 21395 Early Sight 113 1:16% m 106X706 223461 Jack Reeves M.. 96 l:10%b 10::..iK. IJ. .1. Tiniinerman and B. W. Moore entry. ID. E. Mull,. Hand entry. Fourth Race — 1 Mile. Canadian Handicap. S1.5C0 Added. •: year olds and upward. Canadian-foaled. Track record: 15736 1:37% -4—105 I 22131M Slipper Day 4 121 725 221«5» Sea Lord 95 1:41% 4 104X720 21875 Hampton Dame ...103 1:41% •" 111 720 22134 Ladv Curaon 101 1 :40•-,:. 3 106X715 22300i Red Eire 103 1 :44 H :: 106x715 22344 Marion Gaiety ...101 1:42% 4 95X715 22303 Prince Pbilstborpe.HO 1:42% R HOX705 22105 Amphion 106 1:41% 1 60X765 22344 Pepper Sane- 101 1:43 " 98X705 22360 Red Lost iMi 94 1:44%s :; 93. .705 ;.I. S. and C. M. Hendrie entry. Fifth Race— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Sdling. Track record: 15736 1:37% -4—166. 22348* Stalwari Helen ... 88 1:46% :t 104X725 22.".s::* Fliiawav 105 1:39% t 102X720 22252* knelt 961:41% 8 160X715 22306 Anrlsa 167 1:46% 4 107x715 22382 Mi-s Waters 165 1:41% 4 167X710 21593 Ladv Spirituelle .. 99 1:40% 3 .7/710 22192* Di.-ks Pet 108 1:41% 4 166 705 22347* Neville 5 103x705 223 17 Kyle 107 1:42% 8 103X706 Sixth Race — 1 Mile. Kingsville Selling Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. Trail, record: 16730—1:37% — 4—105. 22253 Busby Head 162 1:46% 4 169X725 22138 Recoil 1021:4ii-, 4 163X720 22136 Black Broom 100 1:12/, 4 162X720 22302 Transit 1 2 1:39% 4 104X720 22253= Bob llenslev :io 1:40% 116X715 22:MK= Mendel 101 1:40". 4 161X715 22306 Redland 90 1:41% •: 82X705 Seventh Rac?— 1 1-8 Miles. .. vear-olds and upward. Selling. i rruck re ord: 98034 1 :51% 6 W6. 2_: ::i MOCKBR km; .1 :.-.:;••- 4 110X725 2225:8 Guide Dost 10411:63 5 110. .715 22349 Kellowman 110 1:53 5 I68®715 22348* lift Stream 116 1:54% 6 166X715 22192s Fly Horn- 166 1:56 3 161. .715 22139* Subject :; 92X705 22349 Bah] Sinter 167 1:54% I 106X706 122077. Wad-.vorths Last. :; 97 - 705 22349* ordie F 90 1:52% .". 87x705 2:.:sc, Gold Color 10341:53 5 104x700 21S71 Ovation -1100X090 22139* Wild Horse Mi . . . D! 1 :57 4 97.. GOO