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at at the be and nil This lis a a SAN FRANCISCOS OPENING PROGRAM. From the card to he raced for at San Francisco next Batarday, ■ fairly uesid idea of the raises, which have attracted all the far western stables to the Golden Gate Breeders Assoclatiana meeting may I be formed. The days program is as follows: rtrst race -Paine 00. for three-year-olds and over; fhree-qoartera e,f a mile. Second race — Purse 00, for two-year-olds; four an. I a half furlongs. Third race— Paras I.IOO, for two-year olds: five-eighths of a mile. Eourth race— Exposition Handicap. ,000 added. for three-year-olds and over: one mile. Fifth race — Pnrs». 00. for three-year olds and over; thre* quartern of a mile. Sixth race — Purse 88, for three-yiar-olds and over: OBO and one-sixteenth miles. With Other sallies probable- those, received up to last Saturday to the Exposition Handicap were Lovins, Celesta. Star Shooter, Scarlet Oaks. Brvu-lin.ah. Moddelie. John Graham, Loftaa, Rash, Alila, Stolen Ante, W. C. West and Be.