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:. THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Allowances, 13511 — 1M%— 1 -lttt. 1 41 ANITA, b. f, 2 115 By Voorhees— Handsome Florry H. G. Bedwell s 22344 Windsor 5] I 149 hvy 51 115 1 1 1 || u a claver ■ Milestone, J.ODowd. K.Npl 22251 Windsor 51 f 147%fast ll no 1 4 11" ll A Claver 9 WaterWar, PtLIght J.OD 22*41 FortErie 61 f l:1lV5hvv 63-10 107 2 1 1 21 2". E Cooper 5 Dodge, Port Light, Tar Brush 1» 2? 21923 Hamton 6-8 142%hvy 13-5 117 1 1 2 32 S"1 E Taplin fi Taka. Bernice. Margery 21778 Hamton 5* f 1 :0fi fast 9 110 4 2 2 42 5"".M Garner 8 Milestone. Del-". Phil Tngar la 21 21434 FortErie 51 f l:12%hvy 16-5 107 2 3 2 25 1" E Taplin fi Pat Light. TarBrush. S. Stalwart 1 ■ .ess MluoBon. 5-8 1:02 slow 9-4 113 4 3 3 3* ]i» E Taplin fi Candle. CaSCO, Blue Cap 20 20722 Dorval 41 f f.lfefast 4 105 2 111* 11 E Taplin 7 Alfadir. Phil f mrnr. lolite , 1 2* 20015 Dorval 41 f 65ikfaat 5 IOS 1 2 2 22 ll E Taplin s Cincinnati. B. Straw. S. Maggie rs w WATER WAR. b. g. 2 103 By Waterbov— Lady Ilsley CW. T. Martin. 22251 Windsor 5J f 14744fast 31 W IBS 6 8 fi 31 21 J Callahan : Anita. Port Light Jack ODwwd I ■■] -172:: Windsor 5-8 1: 00 Vast 23-45 1*4 3 1 1 I* I* J Callanan and S.rvia. Tnsh Tnsii. Mary Est elie »« 215*8 a FortErie 6-8 14* hvy 27-10 100 2 1 1 Is 1* J Callahan. Reserve, J.Z.Wi. : la . PeepSight 21 21053 Conght 5-8 1484cmud 6 111 1 11 Ink 41 j Callahan 9 Lark in. Il.uia. Tar Rrnsh it 24 20S41 BlueBon. 5 S 1:02 fast 40 109 11 11 U 71 9-M Callahanlt Alfadir. Ocean Prince, llaria m MILESTONE b. g. 2 103 By Star Shoot— Auvergne R. J. Austin. 1 22344 Windsor 61 f 148 hvy 41-6 MM 4 3 3 3* 2 .1 Smyth R Anita. Jack ODnwd. K Rep 22251 Windsor 51 f 1 :07%fast 39-10 mt 2 3 2 2 6*1 C VanDun 9 Anita. Water War. Port Lichl rj - 22136 FortErie 61 f l:llihvy 18.", 1M :: :: 2 2:; S1 W Waritoo 7 Port Light T. Brush, Prohibit Id 2 22107 Eort Erie 5. f 1 :09.hvy 83-10 1 10 4 4 2 ?,■. C» W Warton 3 Dodge, C Id List. King Neptnne 21948 Hamton 3-4 l:H%siow 4 107 3 :: :: 3 4" .W obert R Dodge, King Neptune. PortLigbt 21778 Hamton 61 f 14* fast 8 101 I 1 1 1« 1* E Cooper S Dodge. Phil Cngar. Taka -1 21743 Windsor 61 f l:04%fast 27-1*108 4 2 1 1" :: J Kederis 7 Kin- Neptune, lolite. Reserve e 21 21*2* Windsor f 8 1 :00%fast 42-3 103111 9 6 3nk 3f J Kederis 12 Begins, PortLight BonerosFlrai lv 21 21558 FortErie 5-8 1 iShvy 47-10 MM 6 6 5 5= 4*1 R Shilling 7 Pesky, Dodge. Golden List pi PORT LIGHT, b. g. 2 108 By Hamburg— Morningside J. J. Tiranjcrraan. 22251 Windsor .".. f I : ifi p,7 7 7 7 7- 3*1 F Cooper » Anita, Water War, .1 ckO*I »wd ft 22133 FortErie 51 f l:ll*thvy 9-13 113 1 11 1* 1" P Goldstn 7 TarBrush. Milestone, Prohibition dl 2: 22041 FortErie 51 t Lilr.hvy 63 10 in:: :, r, :: 8" 3*1 P Lowder .". Dodge. Anita. Tar Brush 1946 Hamton 3 I l:14%slow 3 lo:; i 1 1 21. 2"1 P I. 0 Dodge. Kins Neptune, Milestone in 21620 -I Windsor 5-8 140%faat 21-2* 105 1 2 2 2i 2*1 W Ural 12 Beglna, Milestone, BonerosFlrst us 21 21434 FortErie 51 f l:12%hvy 6-5 97 I 1 1 li 2h J Morvs e Anita. Tar Brush. Bern. Stalwart -1 21335 Hamton 6-8 142*£slop 2] 102 8 2 1 l5 I3 W Ural 12 Peep Sight, llaria. Tar Brush rs 21 21201 Hamton 5-8 l:00%fast 7 148 4 3 3 32 5" J Morvs 11 Pesky, Milestone. King Neptnae M 8*8*7 Jamaica 5-8 1:01 %f ast 5 114 6 6 6 6 fi*-2 i earner II Lib Sands. IlandsOIT. GoM.Gate re c CARDOME, ch. f, 2 105 Bv Jack Atkin— Toots Mook T. P. Hayes. 2 22384 Windsor 3-4 1 :1" 29 20 HW 2 1 1 :". 3*1 P Lowder 11 Inn iti •in. Burner, f,-:n- 1 21420 Windsor 5 S 1 a-n-tast 47-5 105 6 3 9 71 78, W W Tlor12 Regina, Port Light. Milestone ■I.atonia 51 f 1 :10/-,hvy 73 -10 lOfi 2 4 6 6" 3l F Keogh .Checks. Thomwood, Old Charter 21162 i.atonia 6-8 1404sfast 43 20 104 3 2 2 2* 2" L Gentry 5 Jacoba, M Elliott Gypsv Blnlr 2 2:097 Latonia 5 f 148%goodl7-M 1*8 4 2 2 l1 11 F Keogh 0 H.Apparent CaneRnn. Rabrtitl 8*981 Latonia 6-8 1:92 slow 47-10 107 6 5 4 41 4*1 B Goose » Bd Test L-Always, B*eredK"te Ben en * 20930 Latonia 6-8 141 fast 29-5 100 5 5 5 4 22 M Garner li Dodge, Harry Gardner, Ellison G. j. - 20837 Latonia 6-S l:01%fast 24-5 105 3 5 4 li 2n W Median 7 B. Daw. Dtatarlter, Innovation 8 20327 Churchill 41 f 54%fast 10J 110 4 2 1- 1° L Gentry 11 Bessie X.. Onota . Mtnids Pet k b BONEROS FIRST, br. f, 2 103 Bv Tony Bonero— Merces F. J. Pons. -I Windsor 3-4 1:15 Vast 11 M3 9 8 8 .; T W Ural 11 Investment, Gkmier, Canlome oz 22135 FortErie 51 f l:1l%hvy 25 110 7 7 7 7 71* V Kaogb 7 Port Light TarBrush, Mlleslone 21711 Windsor 6-8 141%faat 12 5 108 3 22 li ll J Kederis 12 Matrix, Peggy OBrien Vtaka ka 21703 Windsor 6-8 141%good 10 105 6 4 4 32 22 J Connors 10 Miss Atkln, Lucky B.. liana ft | : 21682 Windsor 5-s 1 :09 .-hvy 63 i n 4 7 fi 62 610 J Acton 7 Dodge. King Neptune. Berniee 10 21620 Windsor 6-8 1 :00Vast 139 103J 3 4 3 41 463 J Connors 12 Regina. Port Light, Milestone «08 " BlueBon. 5-8 i:02%fast 56 101 1 8 r, a- 8*1 E Murphy lfi T Elward, Casco, lolite 2 2 ri9 Dorval 1-2 49V"ast 4 107 5 I P 1 F Murphy 0 Tar Brush. Early Sight. Ilarla 2*649 Wdbine 41 f 55%fast 2J 109 2 4 5 4h 581 F Murphy 8 Candle. Alfadir, Letfeltl hi 1 JOHN JR., b. c. 2 111 By Marta Santa— Maude Fealy CD. E. Mulholland , •• - 22346 Windsor »5 f 149 hvy 19 lot 5 B 7 8 71 ..I Acton S Anita, Milestone. Jari l»Dn rl» ■ 22251 Windsor 61 f l:074*fast 13 108 s s s s" 7-, I Keorb ! Anita. Water War, Licbl ins n2 21267 - Latonia 6-8 140%faat 4- 5 10s 2 3 3 21 11 E Keogh 11 Blaek.Daw. BnckShot Capt.Re. 21181 Latonia 5-8 141 fast *1 112 :: 4 4 2i 2 C loin/. D Franklin, Rochester, J.J.Mrdnek :,n : 21064 Latonia E B 1:02 hvy 2] no l 13 ?,♦ v Mott S Margarel S., •:. Kale C. McG r 20872 Latonia 5-8 l:00**fast "I 112 fi I 3 31 4* A Mott 8 Dodge, II. Gardner, Rochester 106 Douglas 6-8 l:00£good 15 111 1 4 4 22 2i A Mott 8 Boise, Black Coffee. II. Gardner - l 20432 Douglas 41 f 57--.hvy 11-10 114 5 2 1". T- A Molt fl Steuben It... Ingot. J C. Welch 20403 Douglas 5 8 1 :02,f,mud 43 10 106 3 2 2 3- !! A Mott 5 Ellison. Cane Run, Stephen R. id DICK I WILLIAMS, br. e. 2 1C0 By Dick Finnell— Annie Williams D. E. Mulholland 1 22161 FortErie 5-8 142%slow 24-6 111 7 7 6 ".... E Keogh C.Gntellns. PeepSiKlit, M.McGee 21743 Windsor 51 f 1 :nfi%fast 22 1u1 1; 6 6 r,- n . Mott 7 King Neptune lolite Mil.-! ie „,] 2 211 "20 Windsor 5-8 1:00 Vast 3fi 10119 7 7 51 5* A Mott 12 Regina Port Light. Milestone ,e, 21430 - Latonia 3-4 l:16*4mud fid 105 9 9 10 10 10 3 A Mott 11 BlackicDa* CaneRnn B. Smoke :ln 21229 - Latonia 5i f 1 :i8/5fast 56 M* 8 6 3 21 2l A Mott 8 Checks, Polroma. Black Coffee I LARLY SIGHT, b. c, 2 108 By Peep oDay— Miss Marconi Thorncliffe Stable. Han ton 6.1 f 1:09 mud 15 11:; 2 5 4 **ftF Goldstn « K. Neptune. Reserve phlll gar r 21201 Har ton S l:00%fast 10 in 6 4 .". 4n 461 A Claver il Pesky, Milestone. King Neptune 1 21027 Con ght .. s 1 aiitjgood :; ill 6 5 6 6* 4", P Goldstn 7 Blame. Ocean Prince, PhilUngar Con ght 5-8 1:05 slow4i 113 4 4 1 l3 D P Goldstn 7 Ocean Prince, llaria. C.Morgan 119 Dorval 1-2 49%that 2 115 7 3 42 I*] A Claver 9 Bon. Eim. Tar Brush, Ilarla JACK 1 REEVES, ch. c. 2 103 Bv The Commoner-Brief E. W. Moore 1. 140 YMndsor :.■ I 1 ••" hvy 12* M 6 fi 1 t •. .1 Morvs s nlta. Milestone Jack ODowd I FortErie 5-8 l:02%slow 28-5 114 1 :. 7 7- P I • wier 9 C.Gntellns PeepSighl M McGee Ha 1 ton • S i.i-.-,tast 12 MM 7 1: :: 3 : c ,■ it Renard, Ardent. S. of Pleasure 21643 Windsoi 5-8 l:03%slop 64 US 5 I 4 ■ 47 W Wartonio Philistine. OceanPrince Reserve ni ■ 21201 Ham ton 6-8 14*%faat So 106 y 99 y- 9**1W Ohert 11 Pesky, Milestone, King Neptune