First Race [1st Windsor, Daily Racing Form, 1915-08-19

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FIRST RACE— 5 1-1 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 10511 1:08% 2 108. Index Course Pist TlmcTckOdds Wt St Vi % *4 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish BRIAR PATH, b. m. 6 106 By Marta Santa— Sweet Alice H. G. Bedwell. M FortErb :. .i l:12%hvy 11 ill 2 4 3 !» 1=. K Taplin 0 /.in Del, The Spirit. King Wort b 2J2B3 Hamtoo 5J i I ."7,-,iast 4 MM 3 7 7 7 71S»E Taplin S Slipper Day, Deposit. Viley tttn BlueBon. 3-4 l:14ttfast 8 5 no 4 2 2 2* ll E Taplin 13 Dicks Pet. Sleuth. MamaJohnsoo 30821 BlueBon. 5i f l4PJkf3st 8 112 8 5 5 5- 5a K Taplin 11 Zin Del. Krwsasa, S.pieoler ."721 Dorval t t 4 104 3 3 4 4 3J E Taplin 0 Back Bay, Deposit Kewessa 0336 Pimlico 3 1 i r.iRoud H-5 W7 :: 1 1 l2 l- G Taplin 9 Martin Caaca, Pharaoh, Supreme M H.dcOM 61 f l.llivitast 15 10C 8 4 5 6s 55 E Taplin 9 Miraniichi. I.elaniour, Glint RUBICON II., b. h, 104 By Rubicon— Genna P. Sheridan. ISM Windsor 511 i:Q8ifcslop K 111 3 E 5 5i 2.. A Neylon 8 The Spirit. LibertvHall. M. Pearl 21557 FortErie 3-4 l:22%hvj ls m s s s s 7"..I Metcalf 8 T.Basybody, Dicks Pet, ktlicka 2120» Hamton 3-4 l:14**fas1 M 11". 1 5 :: 5» 9" J Metcalf VI Bendel. LadyLondon, MHwWater* 21*54 Conghf E| f 1:12 mud 1" lit s 8 8 8 8*i G Hums 8 GoldCap, DlekaPet. M. Chaucer Mat* Bit* Bon. 3 i i t€ mad 4s III .". lo M 10 lo-1 J Metcalf Id Golden Pin me, Gordon, BlueWlna JtVtti Dorval 3 4 Df.-.tast 4 11. 4 L 1 :l»* 1:i J Metcalf 12 Kaydi rosoros. Blue Winn. F.Ma! 2*441 Dorval r 1 148 fast H US a 4 3 2 8*1 J Metcalf 1- L. London, M.Chaocer, V.8trome 19982 Juarez 5. f l:05Vkfast 0 110 4 3 3 2*1 2* B Ha es 0 Yuba, Coiinaught. Butter Ball 1*861 Jaarea : 8 S9*4fast 5 110 7 2 2 28 4- P Jackson R Marta Mac, Nifty, JndseGheens INKJamraa 7-8 l:2«%faat 8 111 1 1 3 3 4 8*1 R Carter 7 Hard Ball, Paaterract, Uuv h. ZIN DEL. ch. f. 3 105 By Dick Welles— Zinfandel W. H. Frey. M3 Windsor " 1 l:09%hvy 9-5 pk; j 1 j js «»J T Hayes 12 Videt, Cardigan, Laaghorne 137 PortEti andlfl:08iihvy l«-i 88 2 1 l 1 ::s, 1" Haves 7 Commensia, Jforkvllie, Colors -1944 lianiton 3-4 l:ls%siow :, 102 4 ill- i2 it Mcivott 9 Yorktllle, Lanra. Encore 21817 Hamton 8-4 l:13ttfast 8 80 1 11 1 4*1 A ••.llin n Vorkvllie, PrtretPetal, B. Around 21783 Hamton and1 f l:0»%faat 10 97 S :: 4 8* 41- A Coltins 12 Slipper Day, Kewessa, Commsla 21438 Fort Erie £,. f l:12%hvy 18-S 9S 4 1 1 1« l3 A Collins P, The Spirit, Kinn Worth. B. latli L1310 Hamton 3-4 1:14 fast 4 100 7 5 5 51 S*l I, MeAtee 12 Bettertaa, Commensia, Bichwood .22C, Hamton 3-4 l:14%fast 3-2 97 3 1 I 3= 5"! .1 Acton 12 The Spirit, Veaetia, Sir Blaise 2MK Coacat :; 1 l:I7%asad 4j 9» 2 11 1= 2 j Callabaa ti Vtdet, Bnaerltr, Yenhee FAIR HELEN, ch. f. S 100 Bv Broomstick— Belle of Troy J. Phillips. 20130 H.deOce 3-4 l:B%alow 4-5 »l I 3 3 21 2* P I oiul.-r it Scallywag, Ada Anne, limine 20*08 H.deGce 3-4 l:l3%faat 9 5 w, j :i r •* 2» P Loader 7 Joe Sinn, Mamie K., RllaBrysoa 2*8*7 II deOce 3 I l:E ■■ 13-5 1 V5 1 2 1 laa l« R .Shilling 31 Minsticl. Fly Home. Hiker 2A041 H.deGce 3 1 1 :i:. -,fast 21 SS 2 11 V- 1« P Louder i; Klv.ah. Jesse Jr., Alberta jikms H.deGce 51 f 1 : v,i;,fast 31 91 1 2 2 23 V V Louder 10 Coralean, Videt Amans 13*41 Bowie 3-4 1:13 fast 31 102 7 5 4 3" 21 W l.illev ft St.Laaertaa, Pnvr.«k. Raergtk I9SC7 N.Orlaa 61 f l.-0644faat fi 1081 3 2 1 li 24 F Keonu 7 Linda Iaync Bil.Joe. Estimable 19333 N.Orlaa S-4 l:131tfast 9-5 109 1 2 2 2J 22 R Goose 12 Nobleman, Blackthorn, S.McGee 1*8** N.Orlaa 5 f 1 :0T£a;ood 12 ios 2 2 3 5J f." A Iickcns 7 Bosc.Goose, Un. Payne, p.iiivjoe I84** N.Orlaa 3 4 1:14 fast 6 103 3 2 2 2J l*| w i.iii-v 0 M.Mtromery. riySaata, Mallard DIGNITY, blk. f. 3 105 By Dick Welles— Lass of Langden J. B. Rcspess. I-.: r.Miin. 3 I l:14*4«ood47-M : i 1 11 |m l»» 1: Jobnsonll Langhorne, M.Jobnson. L.Ioadon 21878 Hamton •"■ f 1 :" .slop 12 M 7 3 3 i7"M Garner R Miss Gayle, M.Jobnson. Rgraont 213B Latonia 3 1 l:13Hfaat 23-1*10414 1 1 l1 1= L Gantry 11 K. Krtngle. W.Metal, Rtoaewood 2*07* I.atonia 3il:17--liv 8 105 2 2 4 81 in*1 I, Gentry 10 Kaeelet, Waterproof, Alknnet 18333 Latonia .V. f V"0 -fust fil 10 110 11 7 7 5" 6"iT Metcalf 1.1 Gilt Eds W.Witrh. GcrtnideB 1817* I.atonia f» . f 1 07-f.Rood 13 112 4 2 R 5« C"M. MeEwcnl2 fidget. Water Witch, F.Crocket I78S3 Cbarchl Si t la7r.mud 29 10U 5 7 8 9 ! 24 V Murphy OPIfJr., Hank ODay. RonkerBtll F.GMONT. br. g, 3 103 By Plaudit— Nettie Dutchman Ottawa Stable. :W» I.otKn :: 11:10 hvy U M 8 7 7 7 i;:".a Molt R Water Lily. Miss Gayle. GobrCap B I.-rtKrh :: t l:18%hvy l 105 I 1 I S1 ■*] C VanDun 7 Yikville. Bndywine, Commenstn 2187* Hamton 51 f l:0fi%slop 10 98 s 7 4 ::■• 8* .1 Acton R Miss Gayle, M.Jobnson, T.Spirit 21233 Hamton 3-4 1 :!4A,fast 5 107 fi 7 8 7- 9n,w Ural I Cardigan. Crystal. Celebrity 21115 Coaght 3 4 1 : 5 102 3 ti r, 7- 6*1 I. MeAtee 0 Ladv London. Claribel. Letalnaa 2MS4 Coagbl 61 f 1:12 muii 31 lofi 2 3 3 7-1 5*f C VanDnn K GoldCap, IMcksPet. M. Chancer 21O08 Coaght 3 11:17 slow 2 1*8 4 2 2 3- 4-J J Acton R Cold Cap. York Lad. Riclnvood •.21 BtoeBoa. l l:40*«faat 27 97 s s 7 6 8 9* M McDottll Onttyhunk. Boahy Head. .Talmt 8813 Dorval 3-4 l:M*ftfaat 1 95 7 5 3 21 lJ. J Acton 13 1slilleart. Maxarka, Mcrcuiium 2*623 Wdbtne 1 1-M l:47%faat 21 M* 6 4 4 5 52 671 E Bayaea 7 Privet Petal, loun. Fay. Ormulu ASTBOLOGEB, blk. li. 6 109 Bv Star Shoot— Cremorne T. J. EiwardL 21*93 Port Erie 11:43 slow H HO 4 2 2 2 3". ::■ L, Hart well « D.s Pet, B.ofLore. L-Splrituellc 21EC7 PortBrie ,: 1 l:22*ahvy 32-5 ni ; :: 1 || f .1 Bterretl 8 Patience, JlmBasey. S. of lore 1388 Hamton 1 l:44«am»d G-5 110 14 3 3 3 . 2C G Burns 7 KewHaren. r"rdMai, C.Hollowav 21232 Hamton " ii.i-slop 7 HE 2 1 1 l| 1"| J Metcalf 10 Patience, Cliff Edge, Vaa Bu 12*1 Hamton 3-4 l:131andfaat 10 110 4 8 9 lonio-..j Metcalf 12 Miss Gayle, Brandywine. KateK. :122« Hamton 3-4 1 H1. fast 30 1*5 1 7 9 10 9"j J Starrett 12 The Spirit Veaetia, Sir Blaise 1*33* Havana 61 f l:12%8lOW 40 113 10 12 12 12** P Tealian 12 Dr.K.L.Snirer. Snip. F.Harweod 19019 Havana ■" : 1 I:144fchvy 8 112 2 8 8 82S C Jones s Ron.BoT. i*. Hudson. Yel. Bye* 18800 Charlen 3-4 I:l7%nmd 11-5 117 5 4 3 2 ■* .1 Hanover 7 .Lie Knight. Amoret Trnhlling 1S«89 Charlen 3-4 1:17 mud 3 117 9 9 7 51 6»1 J Hanover 15 LAislon. tlilla. Toddling 19869 Caarlea 3-4 l:l*%a1oW M-C 117 8 4 5 41 32 J Hanoverl.1 Fred Levy, York Lad. B. Collin? L1TRIA. b. m, 5 99 Bv Sempronius — Illustrious J. J. Ryan. 1783 Hamton 51 f 1 :05*fcf ast 20 M|i 5 c, fii 7".1..! Morys 12 KHpperDay, Kewessa. Commensia 21724 Windsor 51 f 1 :07ifcf ast 18 MS 1 :: 1 1. -j1 J All n: Yorkvllle. Kvle. Miss Sherwood ZK21 Windsor : ; f 1 :" ::• 10* 1 4 5 6* 8"IJ Connors 12 Useelt Mama Jobasoa, Colle 2131* Hamton I 1 1:14 fast 25 Ul| 9 M Pulled up. F Tealian 12 Betterton, Commensia. Bichwood 2123* Hamton 3-4 l:Mi»faat 16 110 f, 24 31 10" F Teaban 12 Bendel. lodrloadon. MimWaten 207*9 Dorval •. f 1 :«/«-, fa st 10 107 5 5 2 2?. r.n a Oarer 11 Martra, Blue .lav. Ortyx *f41 Dorval 61 f 148 fast fi 110 1 3 7 9 9« J Groth 12 I. .London. M.Cbaneer, Kliiconll 1910-5 N.Orlns 1-4 l:t3%gaod 8 109 2 11 ** •• R Goose IS Birka. LadyLondon. Dicks Pel WHITE CROWN, b. g. 3 95 Bv Peep oDay— Dividend J. Livingston. 21834 Hamton 3-4 l:12%fast 9 107 4 f. 8 :.- 4V M Troop R Schemer, Scrutincr, North.IJghl 2174* Windsor 61 f 148 fast 79 10 98 | I 3 8* 57i M Garner 10 Veaetia, Peggy I... Meelicka 24 PortBrie 61 f l:09%slow 43-8 M 3 111* I* M Garner R Ingnorne, Cold Cap. Inqateta •x 212*4 Hamton 3-4 1:14 fast 10 112 3 4 5 71 8»«1A Kevkm 12 Commensia, Wodaa. Schemer r 24327 Douglas 3-4 1 :i5-%mud 33-1* 1*3 1 2 6 11 ll-M..I McTagrtl I Royal Meteor. Greville, Manners 3*252 Chun hill 3-4 1 :13%faat 47 20 107 1 2 2 22 2" A Neylon 15 SkUesKnob. Manners, Vir.Field CONNAUGHT. b. g. 5 108 By Mazagan— The Mecca T. Eggers. 147 Windsor ■:.. f 1 "s ,-,..« M 99 8 s 8 I". 47 11 Stearns R York Lad, Broomsedge, CoUe. 22248 Windsor 51f1:06%fast 150 IIS 9 8 7 7* 7"".! Coleman 10 Marjorie A., imnerator, Dseeil 2TS48 Denver 51 t 1 "••• ouid 12 113 6 6 fi I2 4 J Track 7 El Pain. Judge Ghecns. Carllcrte 1389 Denver 61 f l:0S*4fast 77 10 111 ?, f, r, 8* 3* w Oraaea 7 Decency. Metropolitan. AnnTillv •1279 Denver 3 1 l:14Hslow in. lot: :: fi fi 51 3« w Oraaea fi Pontefract. Seneca, Carlieae 5113? Denver ElflKKHfasI 1:: 10 109 1 fi 5 1" 13 w Orraes 7 Quick, California Jack. Briton 2M25 Denver 51 f 148 fast M Kifi r, s fi 42 17 W Orraes 15 LaCaaadora. V.Hora, B.Prosoeet 13382 Juarez 51 f l:05%faat 2 107 6 9 s 72 :,■ 1: Shilling 0 Yuba. Bnhicoa II., Batter Ball JOSEFINA ZARATE. ch. f. 3 98 By Abe Frank— Minvon H. S. NewmanL •h". PnrtErii :: I 1:18 hvy 2* M :: 2 4 G1 7 E Forehnd s Watei Lily, Miss Gayle, GoblCap 1838 Hamton 5? f l.-07V»fas1 33 :«; 2 3 3 l«* 23 A Collins 12 WaterUiy. M.Waters, Marvelous 2174* Windsor 51 f 1:08 fast 12 92 8 7 9 83 ■ " K LapailleR Venette, lv-v 1... Meelicka 212W Hamton ■ 1 I 41 93 3 1112 5*| r. MeAtee 12 Bendel. I.adv London. M.Waters 21117 Conght :: 1 1 r.Hnood 21 93 1 1 1 1*12" A Collins 12 Steilata, Meelicka. Euterpe ■ 1010 Conght 3-4 l:17-.siow 21 94 6 3 2 22 8*1 A Collins 10 Gordon. KincRadford. ReanPer* ■0923 BlaeBon. 3 1 1 :14%raet fid 93 fi 3 1 la fi2] A Collins 1.1 Briar .lath, Dicks Pet Sleuth 2*842 Dorval 8-4 l:14%faat 31 K3 4 1 2 3*| S*| F Cooper 14 Reflection. Schnapps. Jefferson 19835 Juarez 5J f 1 :0fi/5fast 4 88 7 6 4 !■* 4| B Marco 7 Klva, La Casadora, Delaney ARGENT, b. f, 3 98 Bv Singleton— St. Agnes J. A. Thomson. ■ 77 i. .ni: 11:42 slow 13 92 2 3 1 ■ • PJT Hay R Wad.* Last Dorerla Lavaaa 21927 Hamton 2-4 1:l€%hvy 8 : 7 2 1 1 :" 23. K LanniUelO A. Bean, ElbUenninga, Collector 21*14 Hamton 5 f 141 fast M M 6 fi 6 7 5« A Collin* 12 Crvstal, Res. Latimer. Capt ;i«83 Windsor 51 f 1:12 hvy 64 90 r, 2 i S1 7°J K LapalUelO Venetta. Meelicka, Katharine i 93 Hamton 3 1 1 :i nfcfast M 97 I 9 8 82 fisJ L MeAtee 11 Cardigan. Crystal. Celebrity UN Hamton 53 f LOSiifast 20 so 7 8 8 s= k ". 1. MeAtee II Viley, Miss Gayle. Par Streak 21087 Conghl 3-4 l:14Hfast 7 1*2 3 2 1 S- 6*f C VanDna 9 Black Pine, .Subject, Aprs.-, 17100 Dorval 5 8l:02%fast 20 105 1 2 4 41. fiG c. W Carll S Carrie Orme. Alston. Don Cortex 17*87 Dorval 5-8 144%faat 15 Iff 4 2 2 1?. 4*| G W Carll S Asbokan. Aawaa, Broom Flower M577 Conght 6-8 143 fast 8 ion 4 5 4 42 3«» w Ohert fi CariieOnne. Anna Rose, Meelicka 15914 Hamton 51 f ln3%fast 20 98 5 5 fi 8 1 5* J Mejcalf 12 Palermo. Proctor. FossieCrocket 15827 Hamton S -8 1 :02 fast 25 KS 11 7 10= 10 •1 J Metcalf 12 Pcllv Flinders. Resinn. Palermo 15358 Fort Eric 6-8 l:M* 13 100 7 Go Rnk 71= f Moore SRcdland. Celebrity. Fteliis Also elbribie lo start in order named should any of above ,.. scratched: fOTLF ch. f, * 111 By Marta Santa — Veracious W. Gerst. 147 Windsor : ■ f 1 "-"-.slow 11 1*2 3 ! : : 1 Kobinsn • V. 1. ad. Broomsedge. Connanghl 248 Windsoi 1 I4fi*4fas1 1TV U« 1 :: 5 6 8«»«F Rnldnsn 10 Marjorie .. Imperator. IIseel M 1 Windsor ■"• 1 1 "fi-.-.l.".st 10 ill 11 fi 4 41 ::•. K RohinsnlS Gseclt, UamaJohnson. MissGayi* i - I.atonia :: 1 1 : i::v-,last 18-6 108 1 4 2 3| 1 E Robins n 8 C. Orme, D.DonKhertv. E Del! 2H8S Latonia 3 I 1:13 fast 4.". M! I 4 4 8 ;*; !• Roblnsn S Droll. Imnerator. Useelt n»45 lAtonia 3-4 l:14*4hvy 43 r. ios 1 3 3 3» 6«»1P Rohlnsnin r adyPancblta. KTc. Vellawmaa 8833 Lntonbi I I 1:14 fast 115 1"". 2 5 4 4t 4 E RobmsnlZ Bell Roy. Rio Brasos, Malheur -.771 Douglas 3-4 1:12%faat 17 W 5 4 4 2" P E Bobbrsn 9 Maaafk. High Private. Galario KNIGHTS DirFER. b. h, 6 109 By Knight of the Thistle— Indifference Thorncliffe Stable. 22189 PortBrie 3 1 1:13 fast 12 ill 2 r. fi 7 8*1 A Claver II WaterUiy. T. Maid. Pontefraci • 1 FortErie " 1 l»*4hvy 23 10 11". 5 6 2 2* :". A Claver 1; Encore. I. aura. Mama Johnson 219*4 Hamton S-4 l:16%hvy 2 107 2 2 6 8** 6* A Claver 7 Brandrwine. Valas. Yorkville -21817 Hamton 3-4 1 :i3--rast 41 KM [ 8 5 81 **j A Claver 9 Yorkrnie, PriretPetal, B.Aiound 21484 Windsor 51 f LlHfchvy 115 109 1 2 2 2 l1 A Claver R YorkviRe, SirBlaise. Tber Betl.e, 20843 BlueBon. I l:41%faat 21-2*107 7 4 1 1 2 fi7 .1 Smyth 7 Rtal.Helen. RashyHead. Martian 2075* Dorval 3-4 1:15 fast 4 5 iifi s fi 5 -11 :" A Claver R Hearts of Oak. Gordon. Ltnatn ■ Wdbine 3-4 1:13 good 4| 104 E 4 5 8" 6*| E Ambrose 7 Kewesaa, Back Bar. W. Lady Windsor 1 1:43 hvy 17-10 1*6 111 : 2" 2*1 A C,i-cr !i Paintbraab. Harbard, Vdenrrlft 14223 FortErie 3-4 l:14%mud 61 103 3 I : 2* 21 E Ambrose fi BackBav. Leochares. T.W.Mooa lfil15 FortErie 5j f l:0*%fast 21 11". 4 4 5 4 it r.-i p Goldstn 9 Stoat Heart, TTseelt. TrMtr 15938 HamtOB 61 I 1 :05%fast 4 103 3 3 3 3ak 3=1 E Ambrose S Paa Zateta. 1seeit. Back Bay MISS GAYLE. b. f. 4 106 By The Commoner — Alpaca C. A. Crew. 347 Windsoi low 3 inc I I 4 5 8* T Haves 8 York Lad. Broomsedge, Colle. I PortBrie 3 4 1:18 hvy 21 5 102 4 1 1 2" :" T Haves R Water LRt, GoM Can, l.aara :...i:t PortBrie ." : ll*4hv] 9 20 102 2 1 1 I 1 1 Hares ■■ Pinalee. Jim I.. Dimity 21944 Hamton -4 l:15*4sloa s 8 t 8 7 7« 7 IT Hayes II Yorkville. Zln DeL Lanra 878 Hamton 6 f l:0S*4slop 2 89 2 ill 8*1 I. MeAtee s Mama Johnson, Egmont. T.Splril 21461 Windsor 51 f 1 :10%mud 93-10 103 2 1 1 VI 2 T Haves 8 Mama Johnson, Kopje. M. Cases 1421 Windsor 51 f l:06%fast o m 4 2 3 32 4;5 D Connellyl2 tseeit. Mama Johnson. Colle .1334 Haint-. n :-l 1 .15 slop S 110 2 2 2 ?. 6*1 W Ernl KateK.. Reflection. M Johnson IS Hamton E f 1 afast fi 98| 5 3 4 44 4T1 J Acton s slipper Bar, Deposit, Vilev 21241 Hamton 2 4 t:13%faat 7 10* 7 11 2- 1* T Pargtonl2 Brandrwine, KateK., JOY. ch. f. 3 101 By Vnn Trcmp— Candlewick A. C. Niehaus. 22109 Fort E ■ ],, -:.,; 4 a a untv 1. ,..,,- R Water Lily, Miss Gayle GoldCap 1044 Wind r 98 I 34 7,2:.W Kelaay JO IT.Jimmie. Rflertion. K»«arine«I 1479 Denver 5 I i «4andfast fi 108 4 2 2 T ■ W Kelsay 7 Ban. Bens Brother. M.Franklin 2137* Denver 5! I 7- fasl 7 107 7 6 « f* " W Kelsay H BabyLyncdi. M.PrankUn. J S|m.;..| Denver 7-8 1:28 fasl 14 103 fi 2 1 1 :: ". •; W Kclsav fl VrtBIek, SamConnor. StolenAnte Denver l ••..i.-t v |«7 8 r 7 s 7; W Kelsay R Trnlane, Concha. Bins Brother 1019 Denver r, 99 8 8 3 V I* W Kelsay 14 Concha. Caterer* MerrvTwinkl 1 ":-. fa: s 95 s :: I : •■ .1 Mor s 11 M.Tei M.Twinkle, Ft.Jnson 213*0 212:::: Sj 80873 80774 20l 20137 1 -on 20051 198 19814 1 197 19751 IS7 IS721 rv * z£ ",j 21145 21248 M 20813 il 9J8 2*333 .1 20: 20270 s 196 1961 ■r 194 19475 g 194 19412 Yf ie 22248 "] 22189 " 22137 ,:, " ::, 22388 ZU .1914 211 21901 .-is 22817 21; 21721 1.1 2H 21484 1 211 21539 li 8M id ?o: 20269 SH 20220 *u 20201 20132 -01 VI III 223 22343 221 21: 2122* 2l 21056 Ic 2*1: 20991 p 2M 20863 ?e 20: 20576 te 8*4 8*424 •d 20: 202«fi A. A. .11 21 it 2*1 id 2*1 ji I. 1*1 19911 » 19 19821 1! I9i |« 19 ip ii P it 22 : is 221 it 21 1 21 21 m :l lit 19 2j ln JJ 2, 1? IV :. 1 41 s 1» 2? la 21 1 ■ 20 , 1 2* rs w I ■■] »« a 21 it 24 m 1 rj - Id 2 -1 e 21 lv 21 pi ft dl 2: in -I us 21 -1 rs 21 M re c 2 2 Ben en * G. j. - 8 k b oz ka ft | 10 : 2 2 hi 1 •• - rl» ■ ins n2 - :,n : r - l id I 1 „,] 2 ,e, - :ln - I r 1 1 ni ■ in 1 , - •• " .. j

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