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s ■ - 4 t - - 1 2 2 • 2 2 . 2 • J ; 1 2 . * 1 ; . I 1 1 I ; • 1 I , ; • j • j ; • 1 t | I t a ■ f • ; s : e : - ] e II to 0 • ti e :. a i y h a II r e i- n * is * n e •• e d »■ 1 B "p Is ie te i- ig is a ;« jp |y in to to a so H n ie the io If If it le in in s" ■d it it the ie le are rt II; be he e- lg of of vs ty ut to to ■■ 1 " I" to •* 11,1 *" "• of of , SARATOGA FORM CHART. SARATOGA, N. Y., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1915. --Fifteenth day. Saratoga Association. Summer M c tiii g of m da -. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, Frank J. Bryaa. Presiding Judge, c. H. PettingilL starter. Mars Caaahtp. ahne- ing Sc c re ■tarj . Andrew Miller. starts at 2:.M p. m. Chicago time 1 p. in. •Indicates apprentice- allowance. OOQQPv 1TUST BACK 5 1-2 Furlongs. MH8 - 1 :1- :V.— - —114. Pane 00. :; year-olds and /U Q i7 aj upward. Maidens. Sidling. Net value te winner .; second, 0: third, . Index Horses AWtPPStA j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P jj 1647tf A w :: 108 11 I 1° V l4 1" C Turner J Sanforcl i 3 and-a 4-5 i-i 22315-FVi:i.VN C. w II lltl 1 J l | • 22 .1 McTagrtB Pfifferling :t 41 4 S-6 7-10 22044 CHANCE w 4 112 1 ■". 4. :!- I* ■.* M Buxton J B Madden 1". M M I 4 11 A Kit V w :; 103 lo . lo- 61 4:l I M Garner J N Camden 0 0 4J 1 1 22172*11 KK OF IHXBAR W :: lot 4 li ,k M f.". .V J Pitz K J Travers 8 IS It 5 Il 22020»MOM10NK W I 100 S 11 11 11 « il T Henry S D Riddle M :» 30 12 G 22315 KUIS KRINGLE WB 3 107 ! 10 : ?. H2 XJ T* T McTagt J Livingston i S 3J 3-2 4-5 2SSlo**8ANTO at I lag 0 4 ■ 10 ll V W Lilley V Q King-DoddsC X 8 3 8-r 18310 PIN MONEY WB :: MS :. 7 7| V ft K Martin J J Felix :K M 13 6 24 22198 HASTKNA W 1 1 »7 I S S ] # 7?. K». J Kederia A C Mackenzie 20 : 0 4o If. 8 20312 PRTRB STALWRT w :; lot!.. 7 :: a1 •"• ltj II I» Connellys C Nuckols Jr 20 30 30 12 U Time. 11, 23y5, 35, 48". lfOO. l:07/5. Track fast. Winner Ch. f. by Hocktein— Auriesville trained by II. Haghes. Went to at 2:.".." . Al 4 minutes. Start gsod and slow. Won eaisily; second and third ilriv-! Iiik. SILICA, away mnaing fast, raced Into a Ions lead in the rirst half and won in a canter. EVKLVN C. raced ii, cloaeal pursuit and was hard ridden throughout, hut could never improve her position. CHANCK disposed of the others after entering the home-stretch and finished gamely. IIAKKY began slowlv and closed a hiK gsp. DUKB OF DUNBAB need wide- throaghoat. The wiaaer, catered for $.". mi, was hid up to 06 and bodghl in. Scrat, lied -2 o4." Jem. 105; Senator Casey, 112. Overweights — Kris Kringle, 2 pownds; Peter Stalwart, JJ. 1 k Q J i? SKCOXn RACK About 2 Miles. |T88T4— 4:16— d- -188. BhM pleehase. $«00 Added. *.*£e t/t 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to wintur ! r ; second, 00; third, $ . iiu.i-x Hois,..: AWtlPSt .. It !.-» 17 Fin J.eekevs Owners I Ii C P | 2*2310 OLD SALT W I 14.". 1 4 H l1 5 P 1- M Tighe B A Purk.- 2-. 4 .,!. !t-10out ttSSS*BRYNDOWN W fi IS* 4 1 3l f* 1 li -s M OConnrW F Ire-sgrave 1 1 4-5 1-4 out 22263 INDIAN ARROW w 1 11, 1 2 4 .1- L-5 2* V* B Hryant H TV" Sage « 6 3 4-3 out M 141 BUCKTHORN W * 132 2 3 2h 4 4 4 4 8 Push Mrs T J Uonohueb IS 12 2". out Time. 4:31. Track fast. Winner — B. s. hy Seahor-e II. — Sallie Tlateasson trained hy I". A. Burke. Went to post al 3:03. At post 1 minute. Sr.irt ur.» el and slow. Won handily: second anil third driv- Ing. OLD SALT was taken lead; and saved until in the eirhth. theui responded with a burst of speed When called on and drew away at the end. P.UYNDOWN raced under restraint to the fifteenth fence and disposed Of INDIAN ARROW, tint e-oulel not withstand the wiaaer. INDIAN ARROW made a game effort ii the l.i — r turn of the held, but tired badly filially. HICKTIHiKN was outpaced. O Q O 7 THIRD RACK— 1 Mile. C.iloHl--1 :""-.-.- 3 119. I Purse $.-.00. 4 year-olds and upward. flQg I Selling. Net value t- winner MgOj second, 0: third. $:;o. index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 22267-AMAI.FI a it 7 1 12 M 12 12 11- •* V li .1 McCabeyR T Wilson ii-5 7-3 11-101-21-4 21962-* AZYIADK W 6 05 1 1 1- l4 l3 1- -■ L McAtee H C Hallenbeck 4 ." 4 8-5 4-5 22362 GBOSVENOB wb 5 112 4 4 t;J :.i 31 21 3- D ConnellyJ M Henry Sr 10 10 7 21 6-a 22219*e AIU.TON 0. wn S 100 3 11 l«n aa eU | 4 W Lilley J S Ownbey 8 8 8 3 7-5 22092 MARY WARREN w 4 108111 7 4J l-! B 4 ol L. Allen A Miller 20 20 20 8 4 22199 DRYAD w 4 114 12 I 71 S1 i| 9" «■. L Mink C W Gasser la 20 15 G 3 22199*THH IHITREADER w 4 102 I M Ul 12 11* H 7l J Pitz E Herz IS 20 20 8 4 22267*NAPIF.R w t 111 7 S S- 10 in 71?. X* J Gartner J W Heelrick Jr 30 30 30 10 6 21909 BEN QUINCE WB 4 114. I I 9l 61 7s 0 J U8 C Borel E Witte U 20 20 7 3 22231 COL. ASIIMEADE W S 102 S 3 2*1 3" S1 101 W K LapailleC C Smithson 20 20 20 8 4 21931 DARTWORTH wn 7 105 I « : k « 9- 11 11 " M Buxton Marrone Stable lo K 12 i 2» 22231 COUNTERPART wb 5 105". 2 2 54 71 12 12 12 C DishmonH Gardner 30 50 50 20 8 Time. 13. 25. 37. 49. LOHj, 1:153/,. 1:29V5, 1:42%. Track fast. Winner— Ch. s. hy The Scribe Tarantella I trained by T. J. Healey. Weal to post at 3:35. At post 4 minutes. Start sihhI and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. AMAI.FI was permitted to trail in the earty running, but closed up steadily while rounding the last two turns and outstayed AZVIADE in a bard e!rive. AZYIADK raced into a long lead in the first half, but llred in the stretch drive. GROSVENOB nude a 1 utile effort to overtake the leader ill the homestretch ami ouit. CARLTON i. close-d a Mg gag and finished with iuilliant speed. MARY WARREN rau well. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Scratched — 22207 OSnUlvan. 115; 21001 Rav oLisht. 115: 21254 Raoul. 107: 22.110 0. If, Miller 113; 22382 Marshon, 112: 22144 El Riod. 112: 22087 Faster Star. 102. Overweights— Mary Warren, 31 pounds; Ben Quince. 2.: Dart worth, ■■: Counterpart. 3J. i t O O lal **OCRTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 16810—1:11 -3—113. See-ond Ruiminj. Grab Bae Handi-f dB £QjQ cap. alue 13,888. 2 year-olds. Net value to winner 11.180. second. 9*88; third, , .S2iMi. Index Horses AWtlPSt A V-i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S 22122 BBOMO w 107 M 7 7- 3nk ]h I* T McTagt L S Thompson 4 S ." 2 1 21934 ST. ISIDORE w 105 8 4 P 4« :". : M Uirner J Sanford 8 10 10 4 I k22320l LEIRO W 105 1 E 4.. ; i .V 3- J Kederis J Livingston 28 20 1.. « 3 88317 t BON NIB TESS w 100 7 I f.h 6 gj a .1 McCaheyQalncy stable 12 12 10 4 2 22122 JACOBA wn 118 I 2 ff 71 7- 5- J Loftus S L Parsons 4 7 6 21 6-5 22264 ACHIEVEMENT wn 104 I f 21 2l 4l C1?. M Buxton R P Carman I B I 7-5 7-10 22264 AIR MAN w 118 t !* »•» S2 M 7l C Bgame Q A Cochran S 12 12 I 2i 22046M.ORAC WB 117 4 1 !• 1* V Si J McTagrtF P Keene 4 5 fi 2 1 22142 TEA CADDY WB 111 2 S M 9" W- !»-" C Turner A Belmont 12 20 10 3 8-5 22190 MISSION BELL w M M M M 10 lo K LapailleH H Hewitt M 100 100 40 ■ tAdded starter. Time, 12. 23%. 35%, 48, 1:01. 1:14. Track fast. Winner- -B. e, by Braoaastich Leayonara trained by J. Bowe. Weuit to p,st at 4:12. At post •! minutis. SlMt good and slow. Won easily: second and third drir- hu. BROMO began slowly, but went aroutul tin leaders with a rush while roandsng the last turn ami, taking the lead in the noniestretch, woa with speed in reserve. ST. ISIDORE was a forward contender n.11 the way an 1 maile a game challenge at the eights post, but tired finally nader punishment. PLEIRo was toreeel to pull up while rounding the last turn and finished resolutely. LORAC se-t a fast pace, but tlre-oi and was knocked back at the- eighth ixvst. BONNIE TESS Bhlshed fast and so did JACOBA. ACHIEVE- MENT tired. Scratched— 22214 i Dominant. 12C: Blue Owl, 11C. Overweights — Bronao, 1 powd. OOQQQ 1TFTH RACE- 1 Mile. 0ir,c,l -i::;7%— 5— 110. i Added. 3-yeat -olds and upward. Jj £ O s7 %1 Hanilicap. Net value to winner 70: second. o0: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt y *k % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P j 22067 HOLIDAY wb 4 00. t ! :• U ]- 1- 1- J McTagrtA Barklie 4 6 5 2 4-5 22047 -"VIRILE w n 5 101 « j 7 ff*| gj |k p j Kederis Jreentree Stable I - :li 3J 6-5 1-2 22143-MONT REST R who 111 1 1 2. 3- 3+ P J McCaheyR T Wilson !*-5 2J 11-54-5 1-;: 22265 SARATOGA w :i 102 2 4 4»k 45 4J 4* 410 O Turner D J Learv 4 4i 4 7-5 3-5 22262 GOLDCREST LOY w :; 90 :: 3 3k 7 7 r.5 r,» F Judy J W Schorr If. 20 20 6 3 2231C CREVILI.E W 3 M 7 7 6 B* ti3 «i ti1 M Garner F Schaller 12 12 12 5 2 2231911EP ;E wb • 83 5 I " l t" "» 7 7 1, McAtee H C Hallenbeck 12 15 12 4 8-5 Time. 13. 25%, 37%, 49, 1:01%, 1:14%. 1:26%, 1:40. Track fast. Winner — B. g. by Broomstick — Leisure trained by S. Veife-lil. Went to post at 4:50. At post 1 minute. Start ;;ood and slow. Won hamlily: second and third driv- in?. HOLIDAY race-d into the had on the backstteleh and. after being rated In front to the stretch, drew i way in the final eighth when challenged. VIRILE was pock ted in the earty running, but slipped through n .xt to the rail and finished fast thrangfe the homestretch. MONTRESOR se-t the early pace and was prominent throughout, but tired in the final eighth. Saratoga ran poorly. Scratched 1 22300 Leoehares, 117: 22318 star Qaae, loo. Overwejghta Holiday. 4j pounds: Virile.. 1. — — s f O /I AA SIXTH BACB 5 1-2 Furlongs. 18188— 15%— 2— 114. Parse 8408. 8-year-oMs end £J gg -j:/ "/ upward. Selling. Net value to winner $:.0 : second, o: tliird. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % lk % Str jin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 22231 TINKLE BELL am S 105 i l 5 _•» j1. [j ii Hoftinan.l Batter S U S « :: 22120*1 ORFCAST WB 3 04 lo I C- ., Sj l T Henry Oneck Stable 4 4 18-53-2 3-5 22093 GLOAMING wa 3 101 17 v 7 .v 3j J McCabeyR T Wilson 21 3 1S-S8-S S-C 21300 KOREHAtiH wa 4 102 7 _ ti l- l1 tl M Darner j Bpencer 4" 5 4 3-2 7-to 22231 VOLANT wb :: K 7 C 4 2 : "- 4| i | T McTagt 8 Lewis 4 I 1 c-5 3-5 21819"CHi:STERTON w :: KK! 1t » 71 S 6 Hi B Ott J MaeManus 20 25 25 S 4 21880 ;ooDWOOD WB 3 101 2 11 11 11 9 7. .1 McTagrtR F Carman 20 30 28 12 6 22262 AMBROSE WB 5 108 ■ S V 4?. 1 %t y Steward Marrone Satble 15 15 10 4 2 21881 YOUNG EMBLEM W 4 102 I 8 ■ - fC.nn !». W McD*OttC N Darke 30 BJ M 20 10 22138 IIEBRMANA w 4 107 .", 3 P. ■ s. 1o- E Martin Mrs P P CowansJo :!o ir» « :; 20793 PERTHSHIRE w 7 113 2 lo 1 o lo 11 n c B*game X Adrians r. BJ 0 R 4 Time. 12, 23, 35%, 47%. 1:01. 1:08%. Track fast. Winner -Ch. •_. by Peter Pan -Lady Cay trained by R. C. Pe-nsoui. Went to post at 5:10. At post 1 ininnte. Start good anil slow. Won drivins: second and third the «nme. TINKLE BELL forced Ins way through while rounding the last turn and hang on gamely to the Bnish. FORECAST was compelled lo race aide and was saining at the end. GLOAMING was shuffled back at the atari and after a raaga race, finished fast when dear. KOBFHAGE quit as if short after set- ling the pace to the last eighth, volant and Ambrose showed speed, but tire-d. Scratched -21876 Presumption, II t: 22082 Pfauatagenet, 88; 22313 Bevelry James 0.1- 21882 Striker 105; 22315 Voiuspa, ol. Qverweijthls- Volant. 2 poiinils: riiesterton. ■!: Perthshire. 1