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,„ _ " "t off ,,■ . . " ran 1,1 " st •• er AMBITIOUS CALIFORNIA RACING PLANS. A circuit of thoroughbred race meetings for the ie Pacific Coast is the plan of the olden Gate te Breeders A-s niation. Which is promoting the coining i- races at the Exposition track and is fathering ig the turf revival in California. The association is figuring on running only thirty days or so at one a meeting, and it realizes that it is at a disadvantage ;« in attracting horses with only one track on which to race. A turfman could hardly afford to make jp the long and expensive trip from the east simply |y to campaign for thirty days. It is for this r BOOOU in that more horses from the east are not coming to to the exposition. The Golden Gate Breeders Association a is accordingly laying plana to branch out so H that atone opportunity will be offeriHl the horaeaten n and their gallopers, of COOrae, the plans at this time ie are simply tentative, for it is not known bow the io exposition meeting will take with the public. If If the races are a success, however, as the prominent it horsemen confidently expect, an effort will be made le to organize the circuit. Horsemea la noa Angeles will lie interested in in launching a club there similar to the breeders s" bod] here, so that a race meeting can be promoted ■d for thirty days or so. Mrs. Anita Baldwin, so it it is understood, has been npneaaehed ami favors the ie idea. The Santa Anita track would be available le in that event, and the hundreds of horses that are rt coming here could pn ceel to Southern California. At the conclusion of the Los Angeles meeting, II; another thirty days of the s|wirt could likely be he scheduled tor the exposition track. The men behind e- the turf revival realize the dangers of giving lg long me ting-, but they figure that an interval of of a mouth or so and then for only thirty days vs would not do any harm. This would make ninety ty days of racing, and Keno would be in line about ut that time for another meeting, say nineteen to to twenty days. With Denver giving a meeting and talk nf rac- ■■ ing at I.a- Vegas, Nevada, and Tia Juana. Lower 1 California, in the winter months, it would provide " plenty of places for Hie horsemen to canioaign I" their string-. There would be no necessity to •* raved to the- far east. Prospects for the sport coming back on a sound 11,1 business basis, with the industry of breeding fore-"■ *" most in view and racing a secondary consideration. "• the turfmen are bmkttta: forward to the future with , a deal of pleasure. — San Francisco Chronicle of of August 11*.