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SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. Kingsvi.le Selling Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. 15730 1:374* I KB. BUSHY HEAD, ch. g. 4 109 By Cunard— Miss Ringlets H. G. Bedwell. Windsor 1 1 • 1:55 fast 11-10 wi 6 11 1 1 1*1 K Cooper 8 Bobilensley, GdePost, Bnrwi d ! FortErie lm70yl:44 hvy 2 108 fi 2 2 2 1| 1] P Cooper h PrlvetPetal. Bendel. R Henslev 23110 FortErie 1 1 16 l:50%hvy 3-2 102 12 11 l» 1- I Coofier 7 Bnrwood, PrlvetPetal, GdePosl 21949 Hamton 1 I 40%slow 31 103 :. 4 4 1 T 1* ! Cooper R Martiaa. CarrieOrme. Dundreary 21559 FortErie lni70i ..7- hy 2i 108 2 5 5 5 5 5"- E Taplin 5 So;. vine. Progressive, Bnrwood 21488 FortErie :; 4 1 Jl hw 4 119 5 5 2 !l 2|l E Tapun •:»:,. ,i,.i. Martian, Uatnik Hamton 1 1 16 l:47*4fast 2-2 MS 3 3 2 3 34 2*1 F. Tanlla 5 D.Mdonald Pgreaaive. S Helen 11 BlueBon 1 l:42*S4slow 19-5 Pi4 13 2 2 3s I3 K Taplin 0 Carbide, Schemer, Shyneaa 20924 BlueBon. 1 l:40*4faat 7-5 107 1 2 2 2 l» 23 B Taplin 11 Cnttyhunk. Jabot. Martian Blu Don. 1 1 41" -fast S MSI 2 13 2 I1 2*J S Taplin 7 Stat. Helen, Martian, Harbard 20324 Pimlico 3-4 l:1554mud 71-10 108 3 4 2 24 L:! K Taplin 8 Corn Broom. Alhefia, Muni.o 18757 Cbarien 1 1:41 fast 5 888 3 4 4 5 5» 6" C VanDun . ILShaw. B.Cnnarder, Work. Lad 1S691 Cbarien lm70v 1:l5%mud 7 97 4 5 6 6 fi 64 J Smyth i Bar. Shaw, Work. Lad, Croasbun 18649 Charb n 1 1:4C hvy 9-10 106 1 1 1 1 1! I1 R Pool 7 N.ish. KiM-iv. Balfron RECOIL, br. f, 4 103 By Ogden— Hammerless Tuorncliffe Stablel. FortErie 1 l:45%hvy 17 5 99 3 2 I 1 1*1*A Claver 5 Pardner, B. Broom, The W. Moon 21907 Hamton 1 l:41*4aIow 21 99 1 6 6 5 31 33ij A Claver ft ■Sahaimr. W Lady. Progressive 21780 Hamton S-4 l:ll%faat 8 :.4 5 7 7 64 5*1 I. i -.iee 8 Sir Edgar, PadUfrvtn: I.r.I.arriek 217 1 Windsor S-4 I:i2--,fast 37-8 97 2 5 4 5 i-i L MeAtee 5 P.2Ureta, Cnunonada. B.Howard FortErie S-4 1 -1 hw 44-8 !".i 4 5 5 f-1 4- L MeAtee G Dr. Larrick, Back Bay, Pardner 21468 FortErie 2 4 1:l4 hw 28-6 Phi I 5 5 I 4J 1. MeAtee "• Hob Hensley, Back Bay. Vogue 21315 Hamton S-4 l:13%faat 5 100 3 I 3 8* 2 L MeAtee 7 Carbide. Dr. Larrick. Keweana 2M8S Conght 1 1:43 fast 2 MS 2 4 3 3 2- l"t l MeAtee 4 Otto, Ida CbUre, Anxiety 2M09 Congbt S-4 1 :i4-.siow fi 90 2 3 3 32 ]■ L MeAtee 4 Back Bay, Pan Zareta. Vf. Lady 2US43 BlueBon. 1 l:41%fast 21-20 102 and 6 6 7 7 7" A Claver 7 Stal. Helen, BushyUead. Martian D * in 2 i«. J S n k 8 e i " I « 2 n 2 ■.• 2 le 2 a 2 -t ,1 -• e k - 2 2 •e - r 2 2 I n ! v 2 , - o B ■ 2 2 in 2 2 s 2 2 v 2 d H i" 2 .-• 2; in : ■•■ e £ 2 ?1 2 « 2 II ] y 2 ■n I 1 •L- BLACK BROOM, ch. g. 4 102 Bv Broomstick— BIa k Venus A. Newell. 1 KnrtErie 11 IIinv 15 W4 I 5 5 5 1=1 K Ioopei ., Pardm . I 1 1 W •! l ■ m i. Hamton 11 11 i.i 1 aO 102 8 S 8 8 »*• .1 Acton 8 Sir Edgar, PanZa • I 1. 1" 1 21262 Hamton 11-16 1 i.i.t:t 1 MS I I I 1 iIJ 1" A 8chug*r 1.. Carder, P.Eugene D.MdonaM 2105s Conghl 3 i 1 it - mini 15 Kt .. .. 51 6*| A Scbugr fl VhJet Zln Del, Boneeler ■I mi,. Hon. 111. 081 1.1 t 16 10. i 1 t t :: t1 D A Bcbngr 1 Foan Fay. Il.ofOak, Privet Petal vv BlueBon. I l:39%fnst 65 MS 14 4 .". 5 ..* A Collins 5 Caaonada, B.Cnnarder. W.I.ady •• 6 Wdbine 1 1 16 l:48Hfnat 21 M8 fi 2 1 1 Hi1 T Rice 7 Bean Pere, Fearoek, S a8Jae 20424 Wdbine 2-4 l:13sl"ast 64 888 12 12 8 G1 543 T Rice 15 Brandywine, EgBBOUt Ida Claire TRANSIT, ch. c. 4 104 Bv Transvaal — Resignation J. W. Goldblatt. Windsor l 1 14 1:51 hvy M MS S 223 9 ■■ v Moti 4 BarnefBt, K. Fay, ExpecUtion 21932 Aquedct 1 1-M l:45%fast 4* MS 3 2 2 2 23 _; .1 McCahey 5 Bay. Candle. Lahore, Hanovia 21823 Aquetluct ll:28/sfast 20 1"- 2 5 6 5 61 ti: W Lilley 6 Hodge, Holiday. Coquette 21754 Beimont 1 1 i"4«iow •; io4 2444 lj 13 W Lilley 4 RockView, Holiday, Rr. Maid i 21463 Latonia 1 1-8 l:52%faat 10 5 110 2 4 4 4 1 1J J Doniink 1 1 LPaehlta, Fovvman. Diatll 214:7 Latonia 3-4 l :i.--mud 31 5 112 t 4 .; 21 l J Domink 7 Aanaaon, Sosius. Dr. Carmen 21343 Latonia 11 16 1 :47*4good23-20 109 2 4 5 4 24 2-i J Domink 7 .lis. Louise. Disillusion. Bonanaa 21303 Latonia ImTOy l:48%alop 28-5105 3 4 3 2 ll li J Doniinick 7 Manasseh. Bonanza. Sosins Latonia 8-4 i:i2/5fast 29 109 8 is 8 4* 42 j Domink B Tory Maid. Useeit Mias Deeiara 21093 Latonia 8-4 1:14 good 34 122 5 7 5 4 54i J UominicklO It. Goose. W. Witch, Imperaacxw 20289 Churchill lm70yl:44*4faat 151 109 8 7 7 4 4i 52i D Gaugel 9 Raoul, Robinetta. Alia.: al.:. OJ .0177 j.-xgton 1 l:4l*hvy 48 105 2 0 6 6 6 618 J Domick 6 Phosphor, Gold. Boy, Emodarj BOB HENSLEY. ch. g. 4 110 By Rapid Water— Mae Erwin E. B. Elkins. 22253 Windsor 1 1 s 1:56 faat 17 113 5 2 2 2 2* 211. H Stearns 8 Bushy Head, GdePost, Burwi l 22193 FortErie Im70yl:44 hvy 71 U2 I S 5 4 4- iJ H Stearns S BushyUead. PrlvetPetal, Bead 1 FortErie 1 1 16 153 hvy S1-2B 113 5 11 1 i*| laa R McDott 5 Martian, Pardner, Progre salve 219::. Hamton 51 f 1 :07 hw fi 110 3 4 4 4° 2 F Murphy 5 Carbide. TheW.MoOB, E.Howard 21876 Hamton 1 1-18 l:494,s!op 31 110 0 3 3 4 23 2" V Murphy ». Indolence. K. Hamburg, Resign 21815. Hamton 1 1-S 1:53 fast 5 114 3 2 2 2 31 0-*J F Murphy 4 "monada. Barnet;:t, Bzpeetion 21701 Windsor 1 1 :4oy5slov 5 115 4 3 3 3 41 5J P Murphy 8 Waterbaaa. Baraegat T.W.Moon 2M83 Wfaadaor 11:48 mud 17-G 112 3 2 2 2 14 l5 F Murphy h Tactics, TbeW.Moon, M. Pletnra 28680 FortErie S-4 l:16%aIow 2B-J4 111 4 4 :; 6* S*| J Acton 8 Water Lady, Vogue, Bendel 21468 FortErie 3-4 1:24 hvy 23-6 MS 5 4 4 43 l1 J Kederis 7. Back Bay. VOgne, Recoil 21.25 Harnton 1 1-16 1:40 fast 4 106 3 1 1 1 VI 1* A Xeylon King Hamburg. CeltO, Indolence 21062 Latonia 1 l:40*4hvy 72-10 104 12 5 2 22 2l t Murphy 8 S. Jasmine. Ebroidery, B.itSt;irs BENDEL, ch. g, 4 101 By Uncle — Bremen J. J. Timmerman. 22348 Windsor 1 l:43*4slow 6-6 MB 2 2 2 2 2*2* W Cooper 7 IadyMexican, Loehiel, C.Streani 2J I Windsor 1 1-8 1:55 East 12 M9 1 fi 6 6 fi»" 74 P Lowder 8 BushyUead, B. Hensley. G.Post 22192 FortErie lm70yl:44 hvy 19 M7 6 3 3 I 33 22J P Lowder 8 BushyHead, Pr.Petal, B.Heua]ey 2i9fi7 Hamton 1 l:41%slow fi 107 5 2 4 4 62 6*1 V Cooper 8 Scbenter, Water Lady, Recoil 21782 Hamton 11-16 1:47 faat 0 102 2 3 3 4 81 S* F Cooper II Resign, Schemer, Cannonade 21743 Windsor 11:40 faat 2fi 104 4 4 6 .". :. t*| F Cooper H FounLFay, Sebeaaer, WaterLady 21590 FortErie S-4 l:18%alow 15 KiS 2 7 5 t;u 8*5 W Ural B Water Lady, Vogue, Boneeler 21486 FortErie S-4 l:2D-.hvy 12 122 4 2 1 l2 1*| M Gainer 8 Bushy Head. Martian. Maznlk 21470 FortErie 1 1-8 2:ll%hvy 21 112 4 1 1 1 DJ 2- W Obert 7 Cnttyhunk, Joe Btein, Weyanoke REDLAND. b. g. 3 92 By Plaudit— Ruby Right W. Walker. 22306 Windsor 1 1 16 l:51%bvy 19 10 100 1 1 1. 1 1~ 1* k McDott •-. Balfron, Aprisa, Dundr 22252 Windsor 1 l:41*ftfast 27-5 M 72 2 2* 2» II Stearns 7 Kim. Stalwart Helen. Kne el 22192 FortErie 1 1 16 l:4CVfcfast I0i 103 fi ;; 2 2 S" 5 -It Stearns 10 Guide Post, Fly Home, Mockery 221 10 FortErie 11 lfi 1 r.eihvv 111 94 2 1 2 2 6* 7l*iH Stenrns 7 BushyHead, Brwood, Priv. Fetal 22088 FortErie 2 I l:U%hvy 57-10 105 4 4 5 42 47 T Haws 7 Vikville. Bndywine. Cotainensia 21439 FortErie lni70yl :54%hvy 28-5 90 5 1 1 1 Ink 1«| 1, MeAtee 5 Bnrwood, Progressive, S.Actresa 21165 Conght S-4 1:M tood 10 10s 0 44 2j 4| H Haynes S Deposit, Brandywine. Betterton 21091 Conght 1 l:41*4ifast 6 100 111 1 in 3:i F Coleman ! Sunset. A. N. Akin. Kazan 20990 Conght 11-16 1:53 slow 5 103 4 1 1 1 D V* C VauDunU L. Sprituelle. Duqueane, Dt:rin 2iiS45 BlueBon. 7-8 l:2S%fast 21 101 5 2 1 1 in In C VanDnnIS Inquieta. Bur wood. Ven. StroiiK- e 20642 Dorval 2 4 1 :14%fast 7 104 9 9 5 5h 55 C VanDunl t Reflection. Schnapps, Jos.Zaiate 18873 Churchill SI f 1:03 good 25 9S 4 3 5 6 7° F Robinsn 7 Ratiua, Carrie Drme, Oakland