Heavy Rain at Mount Royal, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-22


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HEAVY BAIN AT MOUNT B0YAL. Montreal. Que.. October 21. The somewhat featureless cud off. red bj the Ba.k Rive:- Jockey Club this afternoon wa uro.bn tie . if MoreMlag racin ■. cb.se finishes BMUrhiag s.e:al .o itie |aCM Th • nearest to a feature wa~ the thii.l. which y.;is w..i by P.lack Chief, with Ncil!e second an I MasarkS. third. The going was deep and heavy owing to an overnight rain which puts a fast track cut of the question for the remaining days yf lue meeting.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915102201/drf1915102201_1_10
Local Identifier: drf1915102201_1_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800