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I , 1 » • STAKES ANNOUNCED F0H BELMONT PARK. The Westdicsler Kacing As-ooiation gives nolice that entii.v will lo-e on KtWWt 22 for Ihe fol loving stake raies. to Ik; run at its spring meetings of I.tlO and Bil7. To Be Bun in 1916. Metropolitan Handicap. ,000 added, three-year-olds aud over: 1 mile. 1.. idies Handicap. ,300 added, mares, three- ftmn ..Id and over: 1 mile. TllBimo llandicii.. CUM* added, three year olds ui. I .iter; J i mile. Harlem Sellim; Slakes. «h» added, thro,- year olds and oyer: 1 mile. , , , ., Amateur Cup. "0 added, three year-olds ami over: 1 mile llolli Selling Stakes. 00 added, three year-olds aud over; 4 mile. Suburban Handicap. ,300 added, three-year-olds and over: 11-4 miles. Juvenile Stakes. ,000 guaranteed. 2-vear-oltls: 3-.S mile. Keen. Memorial Stakes, ,000 guaranteed, two-yea rs olds; 3 1-2 furlongs. Fashion Stakes, $::.3i«» guaranteed, two-year-old lillies; r. s mile-. Bouquet Stakes ,000 guaranteed, selling, two year olds; 3-S mile. To Bo Bun in 1917. Belmont Stakes, ,300 guaranteed, three vear-olds: 1 :i-S miles. Withers Stakes. ,000 guaranteed, three-year-olds; 1 mile. The Suburban. Juvenile. Keene Memorial. Fashion am! Bouquet are events taken over from the Sheeps head Bay program, b courtesy of the Coney Island Jockey lub. The association also ann..,iuces thai overnight purses will be of Ihe value of UN, MM and 00. according to the conditions. It also gives notice that four steeplechase slakes. |a be run at the spring meeting of lJIO, will be closed early in uext March.