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LATOMA MEETING BOOMING ] rROMISES TO EXCEED ALL FORMER FALL MEETINGS IN PATRONAGE AND PROFIT. Kar.ovia Treats Speculators to an Unwelcome Sur- » priec — Favorites in Eclipse— Red Cross and Change Popular Winners — Track Gossip. I Cincinnati. Ohio. Octdier XL — Each day brings i additional improvement to the record-breaking meet- . ing at Lalonia and the end of tlie season promises to eclipse any former term of fall racing lierea- I lx nt. The patronage this af term on was again of ; the substantial sort, notwithstanding that no outstanding features were on the eard and that the i track continued to be in bad condition, although drying rapidly. i The principal race brought with it an upset in the failure of ogue and Dr. Larrick, which were re- i garded with the most favor. The winner turned up in tlie neglected lianovia, which came with a cy- i clonic rush through the stretch after a slow beginning. During the early racing Vogue and l r. L-trrick had alternated in the lead, with Prince llermis ; following and Hauovia trailing distantly. Vogue • retired in the last eighth and apparently left the i result b twecn l»r. I.arrick ai!d Prince llermis until in the last seventy yards, where lianovia came like a rocket and won drawing away. i The backers of favorites were jolted badly during the afternoon, l-ather Kiley being the only first choice to score, although Rod Cross and Change were stoutly supported, the latter particularly by the Canadian contingent. The victory of Kels was a decided torni reversal, for that racer has been beaten off in He vera I recent races and he won with the utmost ease today. 4. li. Dillon. Si"., formerly racing s h rotary of the I.atonia Jockey Club, now county clerk in Civing-ton. was a visitor this afternoon. llw yearlings |Hir hased by S. f. Henderson out of the l-awromv and Coinsioek sale were for J. E. Maddoifs account. There will be a sale of horse in training next Monday in the Lalonia paddock, when Blackthorn, lianovia. Rig Hipper. Dcngro. Slratbearn. Trout 1ly. 4i sic and Capitan Bravo will lie disposed of. Tomorrows card contains six races at one mile r over ami is expected to apjtea! greatly to moct of the patrons .,f racing in these parts. Jockey Kmiic Goo-.- rcttiiucd today from his home in Louisville where he went with the remains of his biother. Carl limit. He expressed his grati-Jni.iion to John Hachiueistcr ami E. K. Bradley for their man.." kindnesses and th? zealous efforts that wore put forth to Bare the life of the dead rider. p Hoot will no! be seen iu the saddle again this season, but will resume riding next spring at the Lexington meeting. 11. O. Comstock will return to California tomor row. I!c expressed satisfaction with the "prices his yearlings brought. W. Covington has added I-indly to the string that he will ship to New Orleans. Corkey W.. carded to start in tlie fifth, was not in the paddock when the liorses were sent to the K st. Those who wagered on him had their money refunded. The mistake was that of his handlers, who thought he was entered for the sixth race. Jockeys Acton and Shilling were each suspended for five days by the stewards, oil re| ort of patrol judge Phillips that they had indulged in rough riding. Work-outs over a heavy track this morning were: A. X. Akin— Half mile in 11%. Almoin Lawrence — Kite-eighths in 1:10. Big Fellow — Five-eighths in 1:05,. Blackic Daw — Three-quarters in 1:19%. Cliff Stream— Five-eighths in 1:07. Dr. Samuel — Three-quarters in 1 :1J"-i. Dignity —Three-quarters in 1:30%. Dimity -Sev n-eigl.ihs in 1:34. First Star-Mile in 1:30. lllihl — Five-eighths in 1 : • !. Ilunres-— Three-quarters in 1:17. Harrv Gardner— Half mile in £;. Hulfaker — Half mile in K%. Irish Gentleman -Three-quarters in 1:23. John Jr.— FIve-eiRiiths in 1:03%. Justice Gcc-Iiel- Three quarters in 1:20 Korfhage— Three-quarters in 1:21. Katlierine G— Mile in 1 : -»V In 1 :20. I.a krosi — Three -quarters Miss Ki nter — Mile ill IM, Maznik— Three quarters in 1:r.»--... Monev Maker Half mile in 34. «»lg« Star Half mile in 34".. liiiilu— Three quarters n 1 :2 . Prepaid- Half mile in 58%. Silver Bill -Three-eighths in .".. Star A t res- -Mile in 1:4s. ffojijrrt Tin i r -■***- in "... Syrian -Thrco-eighih.s in 3». W« terblossom— Mile in 1:4«. Yorkviile— Three-qi. alters m 1:21.