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o | | ] I j I ! o I MOUNT ROYAL PARK ENTRIES. I — ■ — - ■ The figures under the heading "Rec." in the I entries below show the best time of each horse j at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was ; made on other than a fast or good track, abbre- ! ; yiations show track conditions. I S — o J l-iobabililies; Weather clear: track heavy. I Rating starts at 2:00 p. in. fChicago time, 1:001. ! vRuns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner, i Ml maidens. •Apprentice allowance. ! First Race — 5 1-2 Furlones. All Ag.s. Caiiadiau-bred. Selling. Track record: 23252-1:07—7 — UJ. Did. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 23042= Irin.-.j Biiilsthorpe. .111 1 : 9%s I 100X725 23042* O ero 104 1:07*-, 3 109x720 23042 Puritan Lass 107 1:07*. .1110X71.". SSSSS* Sarolta 107 1:12% 5 113X715 ZMM St. 7 100X705 30MS* Duke of Chester .. 4 101X090 , 23004* Sati 102 1:10 0 108X090 8M1 Dix Rogers Ml ..100 1:09% 2 87.. 080 , Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 23252—1:07—7—119. 23044= Gilbert Rose 107 1:07% 8 IU 0725 i:.!«S« Tankard 101 1 :07 S B 1UX 720 2M1T" Davlight 102 1:08*. B 108X715 23002= Galley Slave Ill 1:08/-, 8 113X718 23003- Rye Straw 1o7 l:00+i 7 ll »x71"i • 2::t.o2:j Oxer 10! 1:07 R IMXT1S 39MM* Sir Fretful 108 1 :o7% .» MS-X7M 28518 Lenshens ITide ..MB 1:08 4 108. .70", o::»;i;7 Carburetor MB 1:10 4 11". X705 tXtia Fifty Five 105 1:08s 5 11frX»iW» Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: BW— 1 :«— T— IM. 2MM Bhil Conuor MM 1 :07fi 7 IISXVM 2:ii; ;-"° Fawn IK 1 : r.i-- 0 D is X CM ■aaO Inrkev lint 112 1:08 .. tl«x04 r. 2:!.*i:!!t* The I rchin M* 1:07%. * MftXOM aSS* King Cotton 104 l:08Ai 4 MBXW L.WIT* Belle Chilton 100 1:10% r» losx«S 0 SMS* Berpetual 104 1 M 4 108. ATM* •S.IW.7 Ajax 110 l:o7% 4 li:;xttt«» SMS Nino Muchacho . ..ll« 1:07.-. I 1 1 ■• X ».!M •UX:: Ridgeland 10j 1 :0t»-~ •• 110© KM SSM Old Gotch 100 1:07 4 IMXMB SMS I-idy Isle M 1:08% 4 ll 8X»W0 Fourth Race — 5-8 Mile. .1-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track MMM: 2:iOGo -1 :00— 2-102. 2oG8C* Littlest Rebel 108 1:00% 4 108. .700 SMS* Miss Jean 100 1 :02 % 1MDM3 23082 Lnity 108 1:01% * 109XC95 2::t;." Belfast US 1:01% 7 lloXOOa SMt* Borel 10". 1:02% S 104 X 000 2-;oi7 Clara James 109 1:0" S 109. .«B0 IrWti.! Knight of Pvthias.10! 1:02 :: 1KIX090 -lOSo Litlle Pete •" ItSXM 2:i«44 Field Flower 108 1:02% 5 ll.IXODO Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. ".-vear-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 2:!2.".l— 1 :1. S %—." — 10t!. I23G6GI PARLOR BOY ..110 1:12% 0 1120725 I2SM8I Martre 109 1:14 .112X715 8MB Mont v Fox M«1:U% 7 115X715 2::ti0;2 Tactless 99 1:15 5 107X71O SMS* Curious 114 1:15% 7 112x710 2:IM;s McClinttsk 112 1:1:5% • 112x710 2::084 Energetic 109 1:14% ".107x705 2:.r.t;5* Ortyx lOfi 1: IS 4 107X700 2:: iti7 Luke Yan /.andt ..10:il:14% 5 110X090 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. "-vear-ohls and upward. Selling. Track record: 23288-1 :47%— 5— 109.1 SMT* Font Ill 1:47% !• 1040725 2:mos* Kinmuiidy lot; 1:M% B IWXTM SM7** Rose Oneil 107 1:47 7 1MXTS SMS* Okolona 104 1:49% 7 011X715 SMS Blooming Posev . . . MS 1 :57%s 3 100X715 Stitii Cisko 113 1:40 7 IMXTU UtfiuTi Dixie 91 1:49% :: 100x715 SM7* The Monk 98 1:47 8 104X710 •SMXi La Sainrellu MS 1:51% 5 104X705 2:;tS07 Johnny Harris 111 Idtt" B 110x705 SSM Marshal Tilghinaii..! 11 1 :50%m 0 108X091 2:!04f. Sordello 1H» 1:59 %ni 4 108x090 2:5087- has. F. Grainger .105 1:40% 8 111X090 2::OS7* Master Joe 113 1:48% 4 111X090 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 3-year-olds ami upward. Selling. Track re: old : 23287— 1 :41%— 13— 104. 23010 Merciirium 5 1120725 230021 Sir Blaise 113 1:48s C 1120720 230201 Pierre Dumas 113 1:43 S IMXTM 23008* Montreal MS 1 :50%h 4 108X715 23019 The Isher 102 1:40s 4 108X710 SMS1 Brince Ihilsthorpe. 0 105x710 SSM Regular 100 1:43% 3 105. .710 SSM 11 ,ki lit 1:50 --.m 4 110x710