Laurel Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-22


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LAUREL PARK FORM CHART. LAUREL. MD., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1915.— Eighteenth day. Maryland Slate Fair. Fall Meeting of 20 days. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. E. C. Smith. Starter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at~2:30 p. in. Chicago time 1:30 p. in.. *Iudicates apprentice allowance. Q Q fCJ rT f* FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 17593— 1 :12— 0— 1 14. Purs.- 00. 2 year olds. Selling. ODlD Net value to winner ni; second. 0; third. 1. Index Horses AWtPPSt% % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kuuiv. Odds Strt 23608 NOL1.1 w 107 2 4 I«| 1»| 1" ll W Ward W C Daly Ml Ml 23479-BOB REDFIELD w lili» 1 3 2.1 2i 2= 2« T Davies J M ZimnMt 1%5-Ps 3575*KING TlSCAN wu 104 ! S B B* 3i 33 F Cooiier H G Beilwell ::72.r, loo 23542 ROSE JILIEITE w KM, lo 2 4 » 3 4 4* C Turner Kentucky Stable 455 1«0 23321 AFTER NIGHT w MS 7 7 6+ *»* 7- f..1. K Foiehd J Hurley t7245 loo 23529*MRS. JACK w MS 3 10 tf BJ 51 6"t A Collins G Swain MM Ml Sfib36-MARY BLACKWOOD wis 95 4 12 Sl 9 S= 7i J Gartner .1 W Hedrick Jr t 23608*IR. SULLIVAN wit KM 12 11 73 ft 9 S- M MountnK .1 Crawford t 28836 BONNER w 102 It 5 3i 41 6J 9 J CallahanK K Watkins MSI MS 23555*StOTTISH KNIGHT ws 100 5 « Fell. R McDottS 1. Barsons CM M 23575 SEMBER STALW T wit 1091 « 9 Fell. J Butwell W L Oliver 8M M 23589*MARK;oLD w 100 8 1 Fell. T PargionW Dale MS-MS vMutuel lield. Time. 25%. 52%. 1:19%. Track heavy. mil fuels paid. Nolli. 0.00 straight, |BjM placee, fB.SU show; Rob Redfteld. .80 place. .0o show: King Tuscan. 1.20 show. Equivalent hooking islds— Nolli. 930 to ICO straight. 195 to 100 place. 175 to 100 show; Boh Rcltield. !Mt to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; King Tuscan. 40O to I0O show. Winner — B. c, by Voorhoes — Nanna trained by W. C. Daly. Went to |MJst at 2:31. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. NOLLI outran the others all the way. but had to be ridden out at the end to retain his advantage. BOB REDFIELD raced in clcsc pursuit of the leader and was bard ridden through the Homestretch, but was unable to improve his position. KING TlSCAN shook ROSE JILIETTE off in the last eighth. The latter ran well. MARIGOLD fell at the half-mile post and SCOTTISH KNIGHT and SKMBER STALWART tumbled over her. ROSE JILIETTE was bumped and stumbled when the others went down. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Scratched— 23542-I.etfetti. 100; SMS Lady Atkin, 107; 23U3G:1Costnn:or. 103. Overweights — King Tuscan, 1 pound: Semper Stalwart. 2.. 4« 07rT SECOND RACE -5 1-2 Furlongs. 18270— 1 : 05 +i— 2—1 IsTi Burse 00. 3-year olds JQD I § and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00; second. »: third. BBS, I ndex Horses AWtPPSt% V2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. odds Strt 236101MART1N CASCA wn 4 107 S3 ]« !■» I1 1» L Mink F G Drown 445 1- *j SBSU*KNVbUI BEY wn 4 112 !♦ C. 24 2s 21 25 J Butwell P L Turner S8-MT" 23610=LILY ORME wu 4 112 11 1 4U 4J 4- BJ C M A Green ■ : !"" 23589 DEVIL FISH w 3 115 12 2 5J 3= 3J 4J T Rice K Her/. 27f. SM 23610 LVRL wi: 1 115 14 4 7.. 51 .". 5"k R Troxler F B Lemaire s.Hi UH 23609 BATWA wit 0 112 4 9 lo" S.. S«k fih A Schugrl. A S.r.gni tTMS-MS 23C09I1M L. wn 7 114 2 S s= M" 71* 7 M Buxton A Br. in BM BM NATHAN R. 3 107 3 10 !i»t 9- 101 SJ J WilliamsW A Carter t 23609 KAYDKKOSEROS wb 5 115 « 13 13 11- IF y3 W Kelsay J Wilson MM 1H 23611 Ml ZANTI wn 3 10! 1 7 fiJ 7"" 9s 101 C Turner E Ttterback t 23611*LAURA vv 4 KM 10 r. ::..k «?. «i rjs p Cooper H G Bedwell MB 100 23609*LOi: LANIER vv 8 109 13 11 11J 12- 12 12s J Pitz N L Snelson t 2C667tHECTOGRABH 3 102 7 12 12?. 13* 13* 13s T Hayes B J McGraw t 1756G MANSON wn 4 112 5 11 14 14 14 14 D St~wardW F Kerger 13315-100 iMutuel field. Time. 24%, 51»/s, 1:11%. Track heavy. uiutuels paid. Martin Casta, 0.90 straight, .10 place, .40 show; Enver Rev, place. .80 show: Lily Orme. .20 sIkiw. Equivalent booking odds — Martin Casca, -145 to 100 straight. 105 to loo placee. 70 to 100 show: Enver Bey. SM to 100 place, 90 to 100 show: Lily Orme. 110 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by Martinet — Cascabel trained by J. Brown. Went to jKist at 3:02. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easilv: second and third driving. MARTIN CASCA took a quick lead and. having raced ENVER REY into defeat in the first half, drew away into a long lead in tie last eighth. ENVICR BEY ran well, but tired in the homestretch. LILY ORME finished fast and outgamed DEVIL FISH. Tlie latter was going well at the end. The winner was entered for WOO: no bid. Scratched— 20477 Colonel Cook. 115. OQft7Q THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 18270— 1 :05-*f.— 2— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and J Ql I O upward. Selling. Net value to winner 00: second. 0; third. Q. Index Horses AWtPPSt,j % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 23612*RORAX wb 3 107 10 M Nnk 3 11 H P Cooper K G Bedwell 1320-100 23611 ENVY wb I 114 S | lJ |S gl 23 A Schugr.I T Strite Ml 109 23610*01. 1 BOB. w I 104 7 « 4i 4s 43 3J I, Mink P T Shorten HMS-Mj 23576-MINSTREL wt: 3 107 5 5 Lt.k -jnk 31?. 4»k J Callahan W B Mitchell 3»-MJ 23611-SALON wstt 4 112 I 11 !i= S 5 r.l W Kelsav T P McCoy 635 1*» 23609 WOODFAIR wsr. I 104 2 7 B* « f* it- C Turner D Douglas -lO» 23609MI.M B.ASEY wr. 7 110 4 I 7" W SJ 1- T Haves ■ BJ IVck Issiv-HW 23609 RERMIDIAN w 4 112 11 4 lol 7 . S Snk T, HartwllS Veiller 421". 100 22688 DEDUCTION w 0 114 12 3 ■ f.1 9* 9 W Obert G C Brenton t 23544 COY wb 5 114 « ! 11« 11* n* MH R Troxler A J Keinhardt 8M-MB 23638-1 ROGER GORDON wn 4 112 9 I «.. MS io in M Buxton C K Rockwell BSM 1 0 2S613 CANTO wn 4 115 3 12 1- 12 12 12 G Corey R P Simpson t fMiituel field. Time. 25. 51%. 1:04, 1:11%. Track heivy. muliiels paid. Borax. 8.40 straight. .::o place, .50 show: Envy, .10 place. .n0 show: old Bob. field. .20 show. Equivalent booking odd? — Borax. 1"20 to 1C0 straight, 405 to 100 place. 175 to 100 show: Envy, 255 to : 0 place. 150 to 1H show: Old Bob. field. KM to MS show. Winner — Ch. g, by Golden Maxim — Housewife trained by II. G. Bedwell. Went to pest at 3:33. At post 3 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won easily: second ami third driving. BORAX, oft slowly, worked his way up on the outside and. going to the leaders with a rush after entering the homestretch, was going away at tlie end. ENVY showed the most earlv speed, but tired after going a half mile. OI.D BOB was n forward contender all the way and outgamed MINSTREL. The winner, entered for 00. was bid up to 05 and bought in Scratched 235K Vlley. KO; 23058 Springmass. 112. _ ty*y£i*7C FOIRTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. 17879— 2:05"-— e 108. Seiond Running Dixie Handi-£JtJJ I fi cap. ,500 Added. 3 year olds and upward. Net value to winner ,550; second, 50: third. 5. I Index Horses AWtPPSt4 i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds_SIVt 23558THE FINN wr. 3 113 2 2 ptpTJ w i* J B.utw.ll II C Hall, k S MM 23500 TACTICS wb 0 M 1 1 :V* M 4-° 4 ~* 2 * I. Mink P .1 Coleman 885 Ml 23590 GVINER WB 4 109 3 3 1] l.-l* |l 3 k C Torn-r Greentrre Stable fi.T, 1ti» 23590-ADDIE M. WB 4 HM I 4 I" 4* 3 3"k 4- .1 McCaliev.I ff MlSSUflJ 2T3 -Ml SBMBBILUE BAKER w 5 i»7 I r. 5 i 5 I r. .1 Callahan.I A Strod- SM5 M0 Time. 24%. 49, 1:16%, 1:46%, 2:14. Tra.k heavy. uiutuels paid. Tlie Finn. .8i straight. *3. i place. .2o show: Tactics. Bt.10 place. .40 show: Gainer. .30 show. Equivalent liooking odds— The Finn. 90 to 100 straight. 50 to 10 place. 10 to 100 show: Tactics. MB to loo place. 20 to loo show: Gainer. 55 to DO show. Winner--Blk. c. bv Ogileu Livonia drained bv E. W. Ileffner. Meat to pari at 4:ti2. At post 1 minute. Start god sai slow. Wo-i easilv: second and third driving. THE FINN forced the pace until well into the homestretch, then passed the leader and dn vv away into a long lead. TACTICS closed a big gao and oiiteameil the tiring GAINER. The latter set a fast early pace and tired bi.dlv in u,t. ]:lst eighlh. ADDIE M. pulled up lame. Scratched 235 15-Short Grass. IIS. OQAGH FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 99201 IcSSM. » 100. Pane $.!«». . vear"- " £t OQOl olds ami upward. Selling. Net value t.. winner QQ: second. s7 : third. S:M . Index Horses AWtPPStlj A % Str Fin Jin-keys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 23612 M ESSE JR. l SB 1 3 ! | -n -. p,k ] I ■[• Mav.s I W BtSriS Jr MB P« 23544f AMBROSE wn 5 103 I I 1 1" Ink l. Mink Marrone Stable so b © SSMSREYBOIIRN wb 8 110 4 4 3 3*. ::«. 3 .. 3U M Buxton W J Speirs 8M-sS| E3560-»BARBNER w « 103 S 1 4» 4s 4lS 4: 4-" P Cooper II G Bedwell B MS 23203 OLD BROOM wr. I 101 2 I | :, r, - - p Hopkins J O Talbott iaM Ml Time. £5 51, 1:20%. 1:47%, 1:52. Track heavy. niuucls paid. Jesse Jr.. BSSwSS straight. fSJM place: Ambrose, .30 place: no show luufnels ,b|. Equivalent booking odds — Jesse Jr.. Bur, to 100 straight SM to loo place; Ambre-.. . 165 hi I0U Winner— R. g, by The Commoner — Simla McCarthy trained bv J. W. Hedrick i. Went to pest at 4:31. At post 2 m.nutcs. start good and slow. Won handily: ml an I tail I .:riT. ing. JESSE JR. forced the pace for seven eighths, then outgamed AMBROSE in the tinal drive and won giing away. AMBROSE set lb* under restraint until challenged, but was tiring badly at the liuish RFYROIRN raced gamely and held BARDNER safe all the way. The litt.r could never baanat position. The winner was entered for S1.20H; no bid. Overweights Jesse Jr.. 2 founds: Pardiier. 1. OQOQ1 SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 17555 -1:43% -3 I1T.1 Burse $."lO. .". INMlS «jj jgOy Q J. upward. Sidling. Net value to w.nn-r X ion: second. : third. $:. ■ . Index Horses A Wt PP. St «4 14 g str Fin Jockeys Owners Kuuiv. OiMs s7r7 S3613*CARI.TON G. vv 8 112 1 j 2 J p -j« •_ 10 ei v,~i7j |5,:v J~S~"t » v n E ■ V 2 .1 f, .,. 835B7*LITHER wn 5 MS 3 2 1- * i u. •_.» p fliaif H G Bedwell K j.m, 23533 SINGLETOB WB 3 101 7 7 and» 3 3« 3r, 31 K WeaUiyA A Gregg 9S1; 3 "iS?*1-, ,!,:l:oN va ■ m 4 s 8 «•* r. v n j iz C K Rockwell 6625-100 i :,-,v w t! Ill :. 4 6» s 7* 7« I* T Haves P M»M 6-0-100 "Ji . , . « . CAVASAOH WB 4 111 s j I" 42 4 7,ak 7» ] steward W C Dmtf 9880-100 I --/as iii-Ai;ii;i:.vT »» 4 in I :; 4" : i I s s W Okart ■ vtt arback ntw €.. . , Time. 25. 51 /s. 1:2035, 1:49. 1:56. Track heavy. . *_ mantels j,;,;,. Carlton ;.. .*7. x straight, Jf.SO place • S- »—• 7o show; Lotnor. ..00 place. .r 0 show: ;:i«. n-. *:».;o dMr Equivalent l«K.kinc odds— Carlton :.. 2.-.0 to 100 straight -10 t« 100 place. Si to lot show; Luther. M I nri place. 25 ,„ ],M . s|.„n singletoe, 381 to 100 show. Winner— Cb. ],. |,v earn,,,, Qraaai — Resignation trained liy J S. Ownhcyt. /Vim-i JR? lii ""-• At P°** :i ■!— tea. S;:i" - od .11x1 slow. Won second and third Mr-C. l.xitl.lox t; sradaaUy wore the 1 ider down and. finishing resolutely, wen going away. LCIHKR ; t «• i into a long bad in Hi,- tirst quaiicr. but tired l.a.llv in the last aaarter. c-lNGLKTOB ran well and iii»iayod si RGEOX. The latter finished gamely. CI TTYIUNK waa foreeil wide on the first turn. i. » inner. enter-d for . :: hi. was hid up t. MM a id bought in • "»"" »l 21UU2 His Nibs. KM!; 23001 Solon. HIT.. jaj;its—Snige« ii. 1 pound.

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Local Identifier: drf1915102201_2_7
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