Mount Royal Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-22


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I i MOUNT ROYAL PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL. QBE., Thursday, October 21. 1915.— Mount Royal Bark. Fifth day. Back River Jockey Clubs Second Meeting of 7 days. 15 books on. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. M. Nathanson. Starter. W. M. Murray. Racing Secretary. M. Nathanson. Racing starts at 2:00 p. in. Chicago time, 1:00. 28682 First Race— 5 8 Mile. 23065—1:00—2—102. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 25: second. 0: third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Joe-key. Op. CI. PL 2360U-Medea 113 1= W Young 1 1 1-2 BMM*Aan Scott los 2J V. White 3 3 6-5 £3430 Bethel Hill 108 3s E Cullen 7 5 2 23430 Lady I»al 108 4! .IDominick 3 4 8-5 23206 Stvx 113 0= HSteinhdt 15 JO 8 23600 Happiness 105 «3 W Schorn 5 0 2 23600 Buika 105 7 S Wolstm 4 5 I Show odds — Medea. 1-4: Ann Scott. 3-5: Bethel Hill, evens: Lady Dal. 4 5; Styx. 4: Happiness, evens: Barka. evens. Time. 25%. 53%. 1:08%. Track heavy. Winner — R. Hauleys eh. f. by Meelick — Fanny Kenible trained bv E. Whelan. Went to at 2:«H1. At post 4 minutes. Start good and sow. Won easily; second and third driving. MEDEA drew into the lead in the stretch and won going awav. ANN SCOTT finished gamely. BETHEL HILL ran well. STYX showed early sjieed. but uuit. Overweights — Styx. 5 pounds. 23683 Second Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 23252—1 :07 — 7—1 lit. i Burse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25: sescond. 0: third. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PL 23615Qnien Sabe 104 1= W Schorn 8-1 I 4-5 23662 Ella Jennings MS 2- .IDominick 1J 2 1 23663 Col. Randell 109 3" W Hinphy 6 S I 23617 R.d River 113 4l C White M 20 S SMU**Dr. Cann 105 5i B Wolstm C fi 2 23643 Our Mubelle los tiA J Cruise 20 20 8!istr:i 113 7 MSinunons « 8 3 23643- Yorkshire Bay I IS 81 J Pengast ZJ 8j 1 23642*l-idv Isle 108 H J Dodd U 81 8 23614 La Sainrella 113 lo1 A Pickens 8 10 4 23643 Irish Mary I0M IU W Gargan 20 20 8 22968 Irish General MS 12 ■ Cullen 20 20 8 Show odds — cnieii Salw. 2-5: Ella Jennings. 1-2; Col. Ramh-11. 3 2: Red River. 4: Dr. Cann. evens: Oil Mnlielle. 4: Ml— IIS ".-2: Yorkshire Boy. 1-2: Ladv Dl,.. 4- lt Sainrella. 2: Irish Marv. 4; Irish General. 4. Time. 25%. 52, 1:05%. 1:12%. Track heavy. Winner J. D. Misicks b. f. 3. by Golden Maxim ..r Fayette Andrisa trai 1 by J. D. Misicki. Went to post at 2:30. At post 3 minutes. Start good and sb.w. Won easily: second and third driving. Ql IEN SABE finished with a rush after BFTttag througli on the stretih turn. ELLA JEN NINtiS made up ground. COL. RANDELL finished gainelv. The winner was entered for SSM; no bid. Scratched — SM3 Turkey l ot. lli: 23.C59 Rescue. KG: 2251S I .usbens Brhb-. 112. Ovr«eights ltr. Cann. 1 pound: Yorkshire Boy. 2. 236e4 Third Race -5 12 Furlongs. 23252-1:07- 7 IIO.i Burse 00. ."-year olds and upward. Selling. Net value- lo winner 25; second. 0: third. 5. Ind. Hor.-e. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 23645*Bla.k Chief KM D K Cullen 0-5 4-5 2 5 23646 Neville 109 2" TCummgs 7 10 4 23646-Mazurka 114 I A Bickens 2| 2 1 23618-Eneigetic 117 4- C Peak 2 3 C-3 23644 John Maris 114 5= W Gargan 20 20 S 23665 Yelie Forty 104 «* W Schorn 7 I I 23G18*I.ittle Jake K»5 !■ S Wolstm S 10 4 23604 Bass On 114 S .IDominick 20 20 8 Show odds -Black Chief. 1-5: Neville, 2; Ma 7iirka. 1-2: Energetic. 3-5: .l.ihn Marrs, 4; Yelie Fortv. 3 2: Little Jake. 2: Pas On. 4. Time. 24%. 51. 1:04%. 1:11. Track heaw. Winner— E. L. Fitzgeralds blk. g. 8. by Allan a-. Dale- Ilollie Mc trained by E. L. Fitzgerald. Yent to |K st at 2:57. At tsjst 4 minutes. Start good anil slow. Won easily: second and third driv:ng. BLACK CHIEF set the pace and won in a canter. NEVILLE suffered from interference ami showed good s.eed. MAZURKA showed earlv speed, but tired. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Scratched U.IOIS Scrimmage. Ii9; 23.l.4"The Lark. 110. Overweights Little Jake, 1 pound. I j ; ; S J I ! i ! , , • 23685 Bonrlh Race 3 1 Mile. 232.. 1 1:13% 5 loot Bur-c S.liHi. 3 year olds and upward. Selling. Nci value to winner 25: second. o; Hind. SS. Did. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jo. key. Oj. 1. Bl. 23601-Mazol C. 100 IU S Wolst in 21 3 c.:, 23663Willis MS 2- W Sch orn 3-2 «-o 3-5 23663 -Col. Fred lot! 3J .IDominick 12 12 5 23615 King Chilton 114 4 H Watts 7 4 2 22971 Col. McDoug11114 f.1?. JDeavprt 10 10 4 23615 Frosty Face 109 J1 A Bickens 2i 3 1 23646»Gallan! Roy :03 " J Cruise 20 L*0 S 23S20 Excalibiir 114 S: W Doyle i S 4 23664rlu Biiena 112 "J- K Culbn 5 fi | 23433 Little Bele 112 10 J Howard 12 15 fi Show odds -Hazel ft, 3-5: Willis. 13; Col. lied. 2: King Chi linn, evens; Col. McDougall. 2: Frosty Face, 12: Gallant Boy. 4: Kxcalihur. 2; Muy Buemi. evens; Little Bete. 3. Time, 25, 52%, 1:06, 1:20%. Track heavy. Winner— J. Hoskins b. m. 0. by Kismet or Melton — Jean Green framed by J. Hoskins. Went to post at 3:20. At post 5 minute-:. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. HAZEL C. wore the leader down in the stretch drive. WILLIS, away poorly, rushed to the front and was made too much use of. COL. FRED made up ground. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Scratched— 23602 Inity, 103; 236G3 Knight of Bytliias, 103. Overweights — Col. Fred, 3 pounds; Col. McDougall, 3. 23686 Fifth Race— 3 4 Mile. 23251— 1:13%— 5— 100. Burse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Sell-ing. Net value to winner 25: second, »; third. 5. Did. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 23644Wo|fs Baths 114 P W Hinphy 4 4 2 23648 Frontier 114 2a W Young 4 5 2 23615 Ischgabihble 112 3J .1 Howard 3 4 2 23646 Autumn MB 4* .IDominick Z 1 1 23662Tankard 108 ..- WWMean 7 S 4 23615 Capt. Elliott 110 «.*. C Beak 4 I I 23601Moss Rose 114 7= A Bickens B 8 4 23616 Francis 114 8= VY Gargan « 7 3 J5364S Amazement .14 »«J R Watts 10 10 1 236F.*l.ill. Rebel IDS 10 B Cullen S S 4 Show odds— Wolfs Baths, evens: Frontier, evens: Ischgabihble. evens: Autumn. 1-2: Tankard. 2: apt. Elliott, evens: Moss Rose. 2; Francis 3-2: Amazement. 2: Littlest Rebel. 2. lime. 24%. 50%. 1:04%, 1:19%. Track heavy. Winner M. R. Trowbridges br. g. 0. by Cesar ion — Retained II. trained by W. A. Smith. Went to |« st at 3:51. At post 2 minutes. Start giMMl and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. WOLFS BATHS set a fast pace and won under restraint. FRONTIER finished gamely. ISCHGABIBBLE was always a forward contender. The w inn. r was entered for SMS; no bill. Scratched SB13 Meelbka. KM; 2301 l-Gilbcit |:..*p. MS; 23i;«;»-.!in Mallady. 117. Overweights Tankard. - |h Minds; apt. Elliott. 2: Lit lb -si Rel«d. 5. 23687 Sixth Race-1 1-10 Miles. USSBB. -1:47--. -5—109.1 Burse 0O. 4-year olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second, BBS; tiiird. 5. Did. Hor.-e. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. Bl. 23668*MaliU 1»4 1 S Wolstm 6 « 2 23620 I . F. Oraingcrll:: 2 TMciullh 3 4 3 2 23667 The Monk IM S*| W Gargan lo N 4 23648 liddie l"ft IM 4- A Bickens 1 • | ., ?. 23619»Master Joe 108 and£ B ulbii | 1 I 23667Okolona !■»"• 8* J Dodd -» :: l 23667 Love Bay IU 7 MSi.nmons li lo 4 Show odd- -Malik, evens; CfeBK. V. Graiig-T. 1 The Monk. 2: Eddie Mott. 13; Mast-r Joe, . MB Okolcna. 1 2: Love Day. 2. Time. 25%, 53, 1:07%, 1:20%, 1:50. 1:57%. Track heavy. Winner— R. Badgetts br. e. 4. bv Ildrim — Margaret Angela trained by R. Badgetti. Went to post at 4:14. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Yon driving: second and third the same. MALIK raced his opposition to defeat and won going away. CHAS. F. GRAINGER closed a big gap. THE MONK finished close up. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Scratched — -3043 Young Morpheus, 10:.. overweights — Chas. F. Grainger, 4 pounds: Okolona. 5: Love Day. 3. 23688 Seventh Race— 1 1 10 Miles. 23288—1:47% — 5—109. Purse $.UXi. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 25; second. BBS; third. 5. Did. Hor-e. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 23667*Duiin DM lJ W Schorn 1112 23619 Ba in Dance 113 2" W Hinphy S| 2". I 23619 -Minda MB 9 W Young fi 4 2 23621 Pliug Bosev MB 4- S Wolstui B 15 ". 23648 IM it Bleu Ki5 .", .IDominicU 5 fi 2 23667»Endurunce IM fi- C M. rgler S IS ll 23648 Ilvki 1l« 7 TMcCullh 7 s 3 236C6 Mycenae MS Fell.ABick. ns 3 4 * " Show - Dnrin. 14: Bam Dane. 1: M,m|:i. evens: Blooming Posey. 2: Petit Bleu, evens; Kn-durauce. 3: Hvki. 3-2: Mycenae. 4 5. Time. 25. 51%. 1:05%. 1:19, 1:49%, 1:57. Track heavy. Winner—I*. Freemans eh. g. 4. by Solitaire II.— IL.ndsonie Florry by ft N. Freeman.. Went to post at 4:41. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second ym| third driving. DlRIN finished fast and won going away. BARN DANCE outgamed MINDA in the final drive. The latter closed a big gap. MYCENAE stumbled near the finish and fell. The winner was entered for S200; no bid. Overweights — Blooming Posey. 4 pounds.

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Local Identifier: drf1915102201_2_6
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