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LATONIA FORM CHART. LATONIA, KY.. THURSDAY. 0CT0BEH 21, 1915.— Eleventh day Latonia Jcekey Club. Autumn Mect- - ■"■ t] l» day-. Weather clear. Stewards, j;. • tanpa r. Charles F. Trice and John T Ireland. Frcsidmg Judge. W. II. Shelley. • •""• Hariy Morrissey. Racing Secretary. Walter H Iearce. " Racing starts at 2: i p. in. Chicago time -: X P- in.. Indicate* apprentice allowance. 0* *«1V FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. 15126— 1 :11-V— lie. | .1915.sh00 Added, -year-olds. Maidens. OvJOO Selling. Net value to winner 00; second, : third. 4. :ndei Horses AWtTPSttt H % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odda Strt t 2o593 JKli CROSS »c 105 6 6 4i 3 3£ 1 = L Gentry .1 l: R-spess 1S3-100 i -■*=9**1 »XY FASHION w !2 8 3 7i 6J 4= St T Henry ~il II Gray MM Ml j - -!x V,°KT w Mil 1 1- P l11 3 E Pool Q J Long 3610-100 • o30 I1ABGBABT ELLEN m 168 4 1 2 2= J" 4J F Murphy L T Morris 7745-1O0 KUII*JAalBi OAKLEY w ".rj 3 r. ,".. 7i ti£ r.J. F Judv M C Moore 175-100 : -ui9 AlKU WARBLER w loll 7 10 6 GJ and «- E Martin T C McDowell 510-100 *jf Jf-KA LTEREIXE wislo;.. :, 7 l« 4- 7J 72 W W TlorT Taylor 1903-100 . £K aand*YACUEL WORTH wn »." 10 J S1 S3 •* 8s C Hunt O T Worthington BMN 1 0u49*].o]t RLOSSOM w !I3 9 » 10 t * 9» 9» F Will ma J M Foley I5SM-1N -:5S0 R.VlID .MAY w H I S tj 10 10 10 K Lapaill. .VJkn fc Hensley 4960-100 Time. 24. 48%, 1:16%. Track heavy. *.i mutnels pa:d. r.ed Cross. $."..70 straight. .70 place, .30 show; Tony Fashion, 1.00 place, .30 I s.mW : Violet. 2.i* show. Kquivalent Itooking odds— Red Cross. ]s. to 100 straight. S3 to 100 ptice. U, to 100 show; Tony Fashion. SCO t ixi place. :;i;:, to Km show: Violet. 545 to lNt show. inner— CM. f. by Dick Welles— Winter trained by J . It. Kespcssi. V ent to p4:st at ::: ..". At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. IM-ll CROSS, alt-r lieing saeu -b s«. up. dn w away qui -kly when eallei! on in the stretch. TONY FASII-KN closed a gap ai. i hnishe.l gamelv. VIOI.KT showed the most early sj»eeil. lint tired an l swerved out t n the strei.-h. iaAJtGAJUCT BLLKM fell back in the last iua.-;er. WATLK WARBLER was forced to be s.ikcu up sharply in I he first quarter. JAMES OAkl.KY dropped back and came fast in the stretch. The ; . ;n:i,r was etitereil f..r $:.o»: no bid. tuaiiaafi I HI Ulaaijaalna.. 1-: T9BB Trout Fly. 100. QV r -ights— l:» l Cross. ■" imrmis: Violet. 8jj Margaret Ellen. 3: Wtler Warbler. 1J: Sauterelle. 1J. 60/*k/ SlXtt.M RACK— 3-4 Mile. UaSB— 1:11- .",— MC. MM Added. 3 year-olds and up-«OUl/U ward. Silling. Net value to winner 00; seeottd. 30; third. 4. "index Horses AWtPPSt % Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt I 3662 *Z1N DEL. w 3 W» 2 1 li 1?. 1- l«t F Judv W H Frev 3J0-100 1 2SM7*TALJCBEARBB v .". low 11 I -■ -* I3 2J V M-ehanM G Thompson 475-100 ■ZcboZ FIRLtlNG wn 7 122 5 11 10- ;! 4- 3« E Martin W J Weber 1145-100 23471*».K.ANH vu C. 114 S - 3s "■ 3* 4 J 11 Stearns K J OConnell 660-100 ! 23562 SCALLYWAG wb .". 11!t « 3 •- 71 6i 5" H CavanhS M Nealy 1345-100 23261 IHUK w I 114 M • 71 H 71 6J F Robins nG Watts 1MM 1M laWCMAmma nt ll» 9 : S.». : :.?. 7"t J Metcalf J W Goldblatt 220-100 Mali HI SV FUIilf wn I 114 1 i iX 4- S3 I* J McCabe F D Weir MS-MI £?363*SI:ITLK;i MORN wn 3 lo:t 4 7 91 10J 93 9« K Lapaillo.f C Cahn 9655-100 I 22283 » FUG I IT ELLA we. 7 1 l.i 3 M 11 11 101 10= W AmlressJ R WeUa to«10-100 i.J±21 WKLCttR v.B 3 114 7 S V 9l II 11 J HanoverA Eslabrook | tMutnel field. Tiiee. 23«i, 481». l:15li. Track heavy. n.nniols pahl. Zin Del. .40 straight, .10 »d:tce. .00 show; Talebearer. .00 place, .70 show lorlong. . 7..3 » show. Equivalent bookng odds— Zin Del. 220 to 100 straight. 105 to 100 place. SO to 100 show; Tali-bearer j:: ! to UN* pitee. H to lixi show : lurlon-. 2a". to 1ih show. Winner -Ch. f. by Dick Welle; — Ziniat.del trained liy W. R. Salleei. Vent to at 2::;o At pst 1 minute. Start good and siow. Won driving: second and third the tnc. ZIN DLL showcl tie n;«.st speed all the way and gamely outstayed TALEBEARER. The latter laced close up in nearest pursuit all the way. FURLONG, away slowly, si. Eked for the first quarter and finished with a rush. OAKLAND tired badly. CHAR.MEUSE quit in the taM quarter. The wiuner was . litered for 0: ro bid. Scratched— ggM I-ddie Delling. 109. OO/Q-I THIRD RACE— 1 1-13 Miles. 2220— 1 :43«f— 2— 110. 1 «0 Added. 3-year-olds and i tjXjtJ A upward. Selling Handicap. Net value to winner S470: second. 1S: third. 1915.sh2. "index Horses AWtPPSt M Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt tJMM: FATHER RILEY wit 4 10S 1 2 1» F I3 1- lii K LapaOleR L. Baker 125-100 3509-EXPECTATiON w 4 103.. 3 I 43 4« 49 41 2l E Pool W L I ewis 770-100 isi€25 GRCMlY w 3 90 4 4 :i* 3s 2 l" 31 J Morys C .1 l.roekmiller 9*-lO0 23583 BLACK BROOM w 4 1UO 5 5 51 V 5: : - 41 F RobinsnA B Trotter 335-10 23626IBONANZA w i: 0 115 2 1 21 23 3° .V= A Mott M Quinn 1070-100 23490J DISILLUSION w •. »3 6 C 6 C 0 « 6 T Henfy W Woodard HOO-100 Tiu.e. 24, 48*6. 1:14%, l:41«s, 1:45%. Track heavy. niutiiels paid. Father Kiley. .".0 straigiil. .10 place, .00 show : Expectation. .40 place. .80 slow: Grumpy. .50 show. Eqi:iva.eei l hii!u odds— Father Riley. 125 to 100 straight. 55 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Expeeta tion. 170 to 100 place, !R» Hi 100 show: Grumpy. 125 to KtO show. Winner — Ch. g. by Stalwart--Usury trained by A. Baker. - ■ Went to i«ist at 2:50. At post 2 minutes. Start bad and slow. Won driving: second and third th# same. FATHER RILEY showed the n ost speed all the way. but tired in the last eighth and barely 1 Med long enough to win. EXPECTATION begin slowly, leu made up ground and finished with a rush. L BUMPY tiled in the stretch. BLACK BROOM closed a gap. BONANZA retired after being a contender . r ihri c-qneiters. DISILLUSION was almost 1 f t and not persevered with. The winner was entered for ,300; no bid. Overweights — Expectation. .1 pounds. b * / * a i FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. 15120—1 : 11—5—1 10. 1 Purse 00. 3-yoar-otds and up- Zi £ |3 3 Jmi ward. Handicap. Net value to winner S55Q: second. 00: third. 0. " Index Horses A Wt PP St M xk Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 23537 -HVNOVIA w 3 102 1 5 6 r, 4« ll A Mott M A Colton 1360-100 23672- DR I.ARRICK w I H 5 4 2i l- lh in F Judy Elkins and Johnson 270-100 2362s IMtJNCE DERMIS wn 5 114 2 2 4° 3 3i 31 E Pool L Marion 295-100 23625 r VOI ;Ui: v.- :! 112 3 3 Ih I1 2i 41 W AndressGallaher Bros 190-100 26625 ;RoV. QCGHE8 w 7 110 4 1 3 45 5 5 T Henry J Umensetter 720-100 ! in-.. 24%. 48%, 1:14%. Track heavy. mutnels paid. Hanovia. 9.30 s:raig!il. PUM place. .10 show; Dr. Larriek, .70 place. .10 scow: Iriaee Dermis. $.;..".» show. Equivalent bonking odds — llanovia, 1300 to 100 straiglit. 305 to 100 place. 155 to 100 show; Dr. Lar-r.ek. 135 to 100 place. 55 .o KKt show ; Prince Herniis. 75 to loo show. "winn.T— Ch. f. b Fair Play .M:s Hanover trained by E. T. Colton. Went to p it at 3:20. At pest 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the — me HVNOVIA. after lieiiu badly eutpaced for the first half, came with a great rush ii the last . i-itii and won goin_ away. DR. I.ARRICK raced forwardly and gamely all the way. PBINCB DERMIS .crvcd baiilv in the stretch. VOOUE s.t a fast early pace and retired in the last eighth. GROVER HUGHES tired badly. £-v " «3 |~» O mill PACE 5-8 Mile. Ot02 j7— .V.t— 2— 1 1». i 1915.sh0O Added. 2 -year-olds. Colts and fj fy Geldings. Selling. Net value to winner S..OO; second. 30: third. 4. iTmIcx Horses AWtPPSt % jj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 2«R m BEST THURMANwn 10 3 1 1J ij 1= 1* A Mott W F Cisco ]635-HK» 2*-534 j" " WELCH ■ 112 I 7 2 2l 21 2l E Martin F Gering Jr 1190-100 235*2 1FRRY vvn 112 9 4 4 ."?. 31 :: ] Ceiury V H Baker 130-100 Z3624 ••* L FIERCE wit lo7 1 M "u 4» 41 4- J Morys A P. Gordon 530-10o 23584 ill MoN VI! vvb 112 2 Z ? h 51 71 M W Aiuln-ssGallaher Bros 350-100 23670 INooT w« 112 3 », i fi1 f.lh «s F Murphy C .1 Brockmiller t«M»-MI 34c0*ilKI MULLEN W 107 « 1 9 91 Si 7* K I-ipaille.r J Marklein MM 1M 22301iUNCLF WILL wn 112 M 9 6i 72 9 S3 O Garner W L E«wM 1933-100 23255 MrADAMS » ■• * s s* r2 9 ■ *+* Marion I Ptv S ilSPFR v.- 112 7 I 10 10 10 10 .1 HanoverG J Long 5760-100 °Mutr.l field Time. 24%, 50. 1:02%. Track heavy. |B iti |r paid. If. lb-! Tniirman. 4.70 straight. 7.00 place. .20 show: J. 0L Welch. 3.00 ■•tart- H show: Jerry. hBX0 show. Kouivalenl hoaklug onaV — M. B rt Ttami. 1 BB to 1n1 atraicM, 7SI to 100 place, 310 to 100 show; I C Welch 505 to loo place. ."Or, to 10O show Jerry. SO to 1IKI show. Wiiim-— B c, bv Bi-arcatch.T — Aimee C. traimd by W. F. Cbn. Went to post ml 3:40. At p .s 2 minutes. Start g c l and slow. Won easily: second and third ilriv- :n" M PFRl TIIUP.MAN. b Ml ill the mist speed and away fast, easily held the others safe throughout. . ". WELCH r. e d in closest pursuit ai:d held on gamely through the stretch. JERRY rr.ced well up all ii wivL PIERCE « =is -ilicwd to drop back at the star". COL. MeNAR tired in the last quarter. -r_ wiiinerwas onend for MM; M bid. S ■■ratche.I— 23073 RiM.- SI:«oter. 112: Corkey W.. 112. r f*C A SIXTH RACE- 1 Mile and 70 Yaids. I ! »: 1 55— 1 : 42— 3 —00 ... . 1915.sh00 Added. 3 year-JIJ el. Is and upward. Selling. Net value to winner .5: second. 33: third. 2. • !l],.x Horses AW triSt ■ Vz a4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt »-r.aii«H VNOF w i: :• 07 7 5 1" V- 1 : P D K LapailleW B Tamsen MO-MO Jti% iiVVV !-oRT - 5 |« M • H s; I" 3- 2J I Henry J F Gaffney 274S-M0 rilU, *Ki:PY "i-4 HI r 7 -1 K"- ::h Ji- "z A Mof r M t-ivi" T-l-TW o.c-t.i. -• •viIT V «• ■"• *•• • s I ■ • r" S 4- W M-ehanM G Thompson MM Ml -r-?-,vtpvF wb 3 103i 2 1 r 3 ■-■■ * 3 R Fool J W May SM-MO 5__Uni»K wn 4 1-k; t; 3 A A I tii ♦; : H :-:,rns .T Lowensteir. J175-10J M.UlM-I- CROWN w :: 07 1 J :* 3- v1 Ii 7» F Judy .T Livingston 1MS-1M S I Ivil! w n 7 111 4 1" 6" 71 7- 8« * .1 K. |. ris- W A McKinney SK-MO «« liv •I.vus w 3 102 :: 4 r. :m *■ 9 «■♦ F RoblniaW P RcaidM MMS-MO Hirl -■ x V- 11 WEIGIE wn 3 102 8 . »»»M 1" 10 M P Murphy J M Goode :17o-bi0 23563 • Time. 24%. 49%, 1:15%. 1:42%. 1:47. Track slow. Ml r-utnoK paid. Change. $ :.0m s.iaighl. .10 place, .:mi show: Tranaport, 3.50 place. .50 show: * rli/i!- iokii odds Change. 2:;0 to TO itnlKkt. 155 to 100 place. 45 to 100 show; Transport. : — " mim. 175 u 100 show: Mo.kery. 3d to HHt show. " ■•■ !*.. ,,■., . . t |,v F-iir Plav -iM -Cl.inkira itr;:it:.d by T. Cai-olli. nine! • w At x lnimltl.. start ge...,| tad .:,,„ Won hindily: second and third driv- /•ii.v.C mov dinto a good lead in the tils: Warter and heol TRANSPORT safe at the end. Tie it ._-. L.NOK ".V...,,, ■„ tie tin: 1 quarter. MOCKERY also ma_ up ground _i finished fast. HER 1 t,r e.. se,t .i •-• - fr ;ii ;i M w ,,..._.!„.. j„- MAI.Al.AR I ir - !. MUD SILL was in the worst going all , i.A -:U!. ,-J.K CROWN retird early. The winner was entered for oo: _ bid. " Scrau-ho.l-23 » Altamaha 111 ttvrweiirhls— Malabar. 1 po:n d-. _ _, bjjjvENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. o-.n.V. — 1 :42— 3— 4»%. MM Added, ft-rear- O t *-l p% olds -m.l nt.w.ird. Sellitv-. Net va!i:. to witiior !MI: ■ ml. SI 30: third. -S70. L** ■ ,lo— 77 AWtPPSt H •: =1 S;r Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt L__ LL— : —A c, s . s fih 4.. p. r- .1 Xl.ivs W ovinglon MCS-M0 23eS5*FKI S wr. 4 111 I : •■ •• -" -"1 -- Ll-nlrv A . Kirl.y 3S5-1M I9M9 uiiN m 4 mi :; i fi tf « 4- ;:■ g Gimt c j BrockaaiUer m i»i :ir5 VI-T, .•..,.!» we. 4 112 I I ,: 1- E ■■ P W .1 0B*bH Ii craine :■:. KM ! am hamjijhid . .. .,- , 7 7, v, -. ... v ,. HlIlit r D ,.riB,..r sr,_1„ _• 2| "-/V. • n| 07 ■ « ■■" I* M • «* K LmpailleR I* B_»r MH-HW • 62TMANDJL wSIII ■ i V -1 V ~~ 7- C V-.iiPun.l W Tate MWO-MW CV.3I"M.MA wr. 4 111 1 4 :" S= s- S» S. K Martin II Davis CM-MI ! .•?.2M M.l AN .OLD w , ;; 102 9 *» » « » ! •» K .1. nkns .1 Odell IfiM-MI 2:il4KA/AN ].;,l|. 24 4S4-. 1:14%. 1:41%. 1:46%. Track slow. •l rvls y:;] .".0 stijight. 4211 place. sl..,v.: Eiln. .7o pla.e. .WI show; A is . -;. show. «•«. odds 1405 to 100 straight, 010 to 100 place. 220 to 100 show: Erin. 135 to i,.4.iv Pouival-nt ]fu sho_ VVeiiei i- _ , , ,, t t..-i 2 miiTiil.s Mart aw d :m,| nkHT. W.n Matt/: s.eond and third »••:■ ".", b_riw but mint ground »i«_BI.T *Nil. eantiac wnh ■ raah in the la-i Marter. • !•- IEI.- l--:" » . L1r .t,!i. BKIN MB well and held ..,, -anielv to I lie end. ACIS dropm-d back ... 5»;i; wil h .■:;-• ■ ■ „„„„_ HARWOOO ~et a L...:M| „„.,. t„]„. stretch and had no ■__■*, ., p4ac a l.nli am- •• ]ir W.,, f,„. throe quartets. „ ■ winner wa catered for 10: M hid. !