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FADDISTS TBYING TO MAKE TB0TJBLE. New Orleans. La.. October 21 .—Headed by Ib-v. S. H. Werbin of the First Methodist Clurcli and Miss Jean Gordon-, leading suffragist, the aeti-raee horse forces will hold a big mass meetiig next Sunday night here to seek means by which to stop racing at the Fair Grounds race track next winter. They seek to enforce the l.xke law. which forbids betting of any kind no a horse race, and nr» appealing to all of the citizen-- of New Orleans f join in the movement. Despite this. Manager Murphy and the directors of tlie association are going ahead with their p!an~. Mr. Murphy today lnaMng arratigcmeiits witi Superintendent of Police Reynolds for the policing of the grounds next year. Several Piukertous will aKo be employed. Stalls are lieing built and the place put in order. The New Orleans Hotel Mens Handicap of 94.000 guaranteed will be run in February at one mile anil a sixteenth.