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SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Ililes. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 17535-1:43%— •— 117. ROYAL METEOR, ch. g. 7 112 By Star Shoot— Queen Regent J. J. Mahon. Jr.. 2357* l-aur.-l liaTSjr ISA hvy 13-10 IH 2 12 2 2- J: i .Meiagt H Coisiean. Valss, Harrv Junior 234*4 law l 1 ! I« l:5S%hvy 3»-2* 112 5 1 1 1 1= 1= J McTagrt 6 Csrttos C. His Nibs.. Partwnrth 23157 Laur. 1 Bn7-v i:3i»;hvy 6-4 11- 12 11 I" 11 T MeTagl M M. Park, Surgeon. M. Csvssagb 24B3 Phalico lm4Sjrl:H fast 1SJ Ml 111 2 B 6* K Taplin ! Kl Ore. Bslfron, Daingertiebl 30204 Pimlico 3-4 l:1414ftO©d 11 IB 7 7 4 € S*| C Taraer 8 Perthshire, Al Bloch, L.Travcrs 30132 H.deGee 3-4 l:14%slow 7 lft2 6 4 5 61 5 W Ural 12 Monty Fox, Pharaoh, Carlton .. 24S47 H.d-Gce ImTOjrl :43%Caat 2* 3 12 3 2 2 5 6"» 7"JW Dial I Tow. Field, O.Krlpp, Ven.Slrome 20-123 H.deGee 3-4~ 1 :14- ,fast 15 1*71 S 3 4 32 3i T McTagtl- Scallywag. Progsive. G.Bussell MSB Law el 1 1-M l:4S%fa*C 39 104 6 7 7 7 7 7:l A Klektaas T Working Lad. KingP.ov. Orotund 17S41 H.deGee Im7«yl:441fcteat 21 IB 3 3 3 S 31 3s A Kicklsna S Orotund. Chuckles. Beau Pere 174B H.deGee lm74yl:47tfcSlow 7-10 105 5 112 21 2 K Karrick !i Camellia. II. Hutchison. E.Light BBS Hd-Gec ln,7yl:45 fast 9-10 108 6 3 4 3 4: 3 .1 Batsrell 11 Walters. Orperth. King Box BALFROiJ. ch. g- 4 107 By Ornament— Mar-/ Street H. G. Bedwell. 23613 Laurel 1 I-K 1:51 ..-.hvy 12 KM 2 1 1 2 21 :!• ! Cooper « Partworta. Marsbon. CsrltOS G. .: T. Laurel lm74y B-." hvy 2S-5 MS 5 4 5 I 5 5" F Cooper s Coisiean. Borsl Meteor, Vslax :::"•: Laurel ImSSy 1:52 hvy B-3S MS 111 1 !■ I* F Coape r 7 Carlton G.. TrovstO, L. Ir.uers 234SS Laurel i 1 -14 l:5v%inud 13-S 147 2 2 2 2 21 2 F Cooper 7 Vodeling, Trovat... Dicks Pet 23434 Laurel 1 1-8 l:54,good 13-5 M3 4 2 1 4 I 7"! F Cooper 7 Sleneiienge, liar. Lauder. Napier 2397 i.tiur. I 1 1-M l:63Jfchvy 77-10 103 3 1 1 1 1* ll F Cooper U Bohiaetta, Orperth. Dryad 23312 H.deGee Ini70yl :44%f ast 10 P»tt 4 4 S S lul 14- F Cooper i3 Oloaming. Guy Fisher. Volant 23134 H.deGee lm70yl:4*%raud 6 1»4 2 2 3 3 3" 2: F Cooper Hi Dryad. His Nibs. Maryland Cirl 22775 BlaeBoa. 11-tlJl mud 3 Ml 5 11 1 l"k I] t Caspet 7 S.ofl.ove. Vdavjr., I..Siri;uel!e 22477 BlueB.-n. 1 1-8 1 :S4 4fa«t 61-10 105 6 2 .". 5 5 5" F Coofwf 6 Votes. C.M.Miller, Star of Love 22571 Con ent 1 MS 1:51 % fast 1 M 3 3 4 3 B 4-1 F Cooper 7 S.-.fLuve, Abbotsford, First Star BSBCaacht 1 1-M l:32?thvy 3 ME 12 1 1 ll 2 V Csspsr M Marsbon. Surpassing. Beau Pere DICXS PLT. h. f. 4 1C4 By Batta— Kittr Belle Brook* 0. E. Pons. 23387 laurel lra70y kin-livv 5 143 9 6 5 4 S* 4-J B McDott p Lather. Vbl-t. Boblaetta 2ST14 l.aur.-i 1 . I l:48%good II 112 2 7 5 I 2 :iiT McTagt 10 Yodel lag, Jswbone, KrisKriaglc 224B Laarel I 1-14 l:541fcinud 7 l« 7 S S E 41 4«IW Llllry 7 Vodeling. Baltroa. Trovat.. 23244 Wdbine 1 1 1 ; 43 20 107 1 3 5 5 52 31 .1 Morys 7 II. Brother, FirstStar. S.andCap 23T7S Wdbine 11 14 l:4S%fast 21-5 1*4 8 7 4 3 33 5-1.1 Morya N S.ofl.ove, Fciuaiitig. H.Brotaer : ■• :-:■ Wdbine 1 l:41%fast 26-5 107 4MB B II 4 .1 Morys 11 orjerth. Star of Love. BesoPere 22*34 Dorval lm76y 1 :4 £fa*t 7 1 «; S 7 7 4 I1 2 " A Collins .«• H. Lauder. R. Langdon. B. Pere : 7*J Pin-lion. !.:;.•-- ;!ow Ml l1". 8 7S7 S1 S«| A Collins S Supreme. Astrologer, JoeDeiboM 22423 Coasbt loaBy 1:S1 hvy k 107 6 7 7 7 !• 7" K AMhrose 8 Uarshoa. Astroteger. Ktaaaaay 22413 Windsor I 1 li-.lasi 12-5 Im; 1 R I 6 •* 4»1 W Ural S Aprtea. Miss W.-ders. Fliiawav 22B2 KortErte 1 1 M l:4S%taat 213 Ml I S I 6 8- •" W Ural M Galie Post, FIv Home. Mockery BSB PartErio Ua7Syl:B goodlS-20 B 3 4 5 1 1- 1J B BeO-oM I riHaaay. Birka, Cuttyhunk PERTH ROCK. blk. c. 4 104 By Rockton— Perth F. Duffy. 2344* Laurel Im2*y 1 :454islow 31-B 112 5 5 1 1 4» 4":J McTagrt ft MesuPsik, Mr.SolggK, M. Warren 2SM Laarel 5 f l:«S%good 171 MSftll ]l n • %f • •!,1;-"1,B. K. Allen, Sprlngntaiw, JiaiBosey 21844 A.iuedct 11 14 1:17 fast B IB I I 4 I 5 1*1 * MeTagl t it Kobinetta. Seheage. G.B.Millet •TTB Belmont 11:4; fast 12 IB 111 1 B 2-1 H ToHcer S lit. Cesrer Ham. Pass. D ubb-t 217M BelniOMi I l:44«4fast 15 IB 7 S 13 10 B» 12 »1T MeTagl ij Dryad. Naoler. Ttekte Bell ::•;:: ..u.-du. t " 1 I M- fasl s 112 2 11 I" ■ :"; B raatlt itnllook. ITuiageii.-i. Men. Put •:e.;.l;,!i,-,j,., 2 1 I 14 h-i M IM 1 4 * B P .1 M.l agrt V An.!.-. s:r K.niah. Patrick S. 30I02 H.i-G.- 1 1 16 1:17 fast • MS M 911 .1 B M" B And.ins,.|| | ftluch. CogS. Paton 20047 11 deGce lui74yl:4S%fast M MS 4 7 7 6 "1 ■•j B Shilling ■ Tow. Field. O.Krlpp, Ven.Slroine IMI2 Havana 3-4 1:21 slow 2J KW 9 8 9 01- B Flnt M Sirltetful. D.ivlight. J.Harsou 19832 Havana 3-4 l:lMigood 11-5 114 2 S 3* I 5 A Wrtapea S Hustic Maid, Oitana Daylight 19818 Havana, 0 S 1 BXrtsW U » 101 4 7 43 2]J F HoLinsii 8 Chil.Tranee. Idiola, CherrvSeed STAR OF LOVE. br. g. 3 101 . . By Star Shoot — Lady Vincent L. W. GarthB 23SSS Laurel 1 1-4 tlfUsTTT -*~° ** ■ ■ ■ ,;l 6"1 K Porch nd S Marsbon. It. Baker, Cl.ristophine 23417 Laurel lssBjr 1:4SsSOO 1 11 BS 14 4 2 21 ll ■ Forehnd 7 Volant. Nmueddin. North. Light 13179 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:4S%fa*t 19-3 IM • I 3 2 1"; l»| ■ Forehnd S FHseinating. D.sPet. II. Brother 2MB Wdbine 1 l:4l"ifast 36-5 MS S I 8 t; ;;i a K Foreiindn Orperth, Beau Pere, Dicks Pet "2773 BlaeBoa. 1 IS 1:57 mud 13-3 MS I ■• I I 2- 2. A Collins 7 Balfron. Vday.Ir., I..Spirituelle 2B77 BlaeBoa. 1 1-8 l:5lTfcfft1 38-5 B 2 4;. 4 4 ::-l E Forehnd S Valas. G.M.Miller. HarryLauder ■6°2 Conght lnVOv l:fd hvy 8 94 2 6 6 4 4 fti K Forehd S Marshon, Astrologer. 22571 Conght 1 1-16 l:51%fast 7 B 12 2 1 1 12 J Morys 7 Abbotsford. First Star, Balfrou DOM MORAN, ch. g, 3 103 By Czar — Adelaide Royer J. Phillips. 23438 Hilbrest Ab5 s 1:04 hvv 10 MS I 23 21 F Jenkins 7 Amazement, Kxcalibur. R. Straw 23434 Hillcrest 61 f l:.".i hvy 12 MS 2 8 8 8 S1- K Cullen S Palma, Van Bu. Pat GantKei 2::528 Hillcrest 61 f 1:26 fast 7 BI 10 6 | 81 93.K Cullen 10 Ashokan. Scrimmage, Mamita 23019 Dufferin CJ f l:27%slow 23 102 fifj p Jenkins 8 Martre. Pierre Dumas. Barette 22871 Dufferin 3f IB fast 1 BI 8 « A Pickens H Kate K., Leialo.ia, Sen. James 22639 Mnetive €1 f l:231i*ast 8-5 1"6 1 2 l2 1= A Pickens •» E. Boy, L.Incenc-. N.Muchacho 22606 Mneuve 61 f 1:25 fast 3 BS 5 1 1 1= A Pickens 8 N.Mchacuo, J.L.Dscy, Leialoh STAR BLRD, ch. f. 3 I01 By Star Ruby — Water Bird A. Turney. . 2:7,16 Laurel lasBy 1:42 fast Hi :is 8 8 8 R J* 7""K Forehnd Nephthys, Camellia. Dinah l»-.*Bj 23513 Laurel 1 1-16 l:49%good 32 99 5 4 2 2 11 ] 1: ForehndK Orotund. M. Warren. MDolweWtT 2467 Laurel lm70y 1 :5 l-y-hvy 81 99 5 it; s 7l 5* E ForchndlO R. Meteor, MenloPark. Surgeon 23246 Wdbine 3 4 1:11 "fast fid BS 4 697= 511 T Rice 12 Sparkler, Collector, Wc n 16827 G. Rapids 5-8 l:02%good 26-5 B3 311 Harty 4 Mimico, IadyButterfly, R.Csueus 15429 Fortlirie 5-8 1:01 fast 40 95 6 6 5 6» 59J J Smyth 7 Filigree, Linda Payne, E Alloa 15233 FortKrie 5-8 l:0O%fast 40 1«W 1" 10 lo 9 9"i J Smyth 11 Heeuan. Tokay, Eagle 15131 Hamton 5-8 l:01%fast 15 IB 6 9 8 9* andll.T Smyth 12 Eagle. Blackthorn. Kazan 14877 Conght 5-8 l:02%fast 15 111 11 10 8 9 71S J Smyth 12 Carbide. King Hamburg. Kazan