General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-22


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. An official statement issued yesterday at Paris •ays that following their futile bombardment last evening to the east of Rheims. the Germans re-laewed their attacks in this region, according lo an announcement made this afternoon by the French war office. In spite of a violent preparatory ar-tilery lire they again were checked, and cut down bv the lire of the French artillery ami machine gun*. They did not succeed in winning a single position in the French first-line trenches, the report sijs. The text of the communication says: Following the bombardment reported yesterday evening lo tbe east of Rheims along the front of five miles stretching Itetween the Butte de Tir and Iruiiay. the Germans hare renewed their attack, which failed piteously liefore. in the same region. In spte of the violence of the preparatory tire on tbe part of the artillery, and the increased density of the blanket of suffocating gases, the enemy suffered a further check. On three distinct occasions our assailants endeavored to |K-neirate our positions. Decimated bv tlie tire of our machine guns and the coneentrat d fire or our artillery, they finally were brought to a halt in of our ha i bed wire entanglements, and they were not successful in gaining jtossesskm of auv point in our lirsl lines of trenches. Last night we also repulsed a German attack directed against our positions iu the forest of Givcnohy. to the northeast of Sou chez. An official statement issued yesterday at Nisb. as forwarded lo Paris by the Havas News agency, says the Serbian army i« now menaci-d seriously. Tnc Serbian war office savs the railroad line to Salonisi has been cut in two places. •The situation grows more and more serious. Tlie resistance of the Serb ian troops is desperate and hemic, but the strong pressure of the Austrians and the Germans from the n hi Ii and l f masses of Bulgarians from the east ■ menacing seriously the Serbian army which is now cut off from Saloniki. Tlie arrival of allied troops is awaited anxiously. The S-rhians iu the north hold the Rakhantz-Alcxanderovatz Daihgohdiovi and Asagna-Kosmai lines and the right bank of the Kolonaza. On the astern front they hold the Zaiot-chsvi-Koiatsovatz -Pirot-Ylassina line, but the Bui garians have taken the towns of Yranya and cutting the line to Saloniki in two places." This establishes the fact that the Bulgarians have captured the imp rtant railway town of Yrany:i. regarding which there has been some doubt. A dispatch from Petrc.grad of yesterday says: An important Russian success in the region ot Baranovichi, resulting in the capture of several positions. 3.037 men. ten machine guns and one piece of artillerv. was announced today by tue war office. Baranovichi is in the central portion I ,.f tbe Russian line to the north of ,«1,«.I.rV V! River. The announcement says: In the districts i •Miuihests! of Baranovichi our troops, after a dashing snrpiKe attack vesterday. captured German |h-si Cons nesr the villages »f Ekiniovi.hl. Odokporscbina. N ovlki and Nagornla. In Hie .ours.- of the day wo took eighty live German ami Austrian officers anil 3.552 men" prisoners, iu addition to capturius ten quick flrcrs awl one gun.

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Local Identifier: drf1915102201_2_4
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