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THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. 2-year-olds. Selling, tils."!". -1 ::".7"t. 4 1 14. HARRY GARDNER, b. c. 2 102 By Dick Welles— Fluid M. C. Moore. I ,t.7ruT 3 4 1 13*fast 71 10 1il7 2 2 2 l1 21 F Mi-.rphy II. 1». Williams. I.. Shop. F.lanchita "lflaonia ::-4 1 13 fast 8i 1ft"..1. 3 3 3 4" 6*1 A Matt ! Impressive. Mary 11.. IhilCngar :..:.,v., « liurth-i r,4 l:l7»ihvv 111 Itfl" 1 3 3 21 1" A Molt IL I..Whins:t. n. AlPierce. Yerrnak ■"•■ ■•*- cimrchM 3 4 1 HV-.good 5 ItS 1 3 I V Ci A Molt jl Taka. Paymaster. Ri.le Shooter ":vj l"uRla« ■".• f 107*-fast 32 Mil 4 4 3 2" 1" A Mott 11 L. Worth/ton. B.Beaitty, R.Ster "T* Doueas f.» f 1 : ,S»sKOod 37-5 103?. 5 5 2 2= 23 A Mott M Paymaster. Savino. Beauty Shop "•. -• 1 -ton 51 f l:oS ifast 3 HW 1 12 2° 3J R Ooose 10 Cardome. Savino. Brown Velvet 2f*n I .xeton 5 f 1 07 fast 101 in« . 2 2 3 P 3* R Cooso 10 Pop| ee. Cardome. Lucky R. "V. Saratoga U f 1 :09"igood 7 101 5 5 7 8 817JM Garner S High Horse, Tralee. Servla •T-li! Saiatosra H f l:10%aiow 16-5 lft" 5 2 1 21 5*1 l» Connellr 7 Tralee. Edna Kenna. Noll! ."ucrtin n a ■ 1 104 By Radford — Miss Matthews Gatewood and Buckner. ," t ITonH 2-4 1:17 hvv 34-5 Ml S 7 7 6SJ W J OB11 !l l.indly. Dolina. Lady Mildred 22584 I "itonii ."•• f l09=Vhv"v 445 KI7J 6 6 4 3i 2s W J OBulO l.indly. R. Shooter. Col. McXab !" l"it..niv 3-4 1:13 "fast 72 Ml I 7 S S1 S"| F Mtpaj !» Impressive. Mary II., PUHJfUtar ■ tj " iiureh"l 11-15 mud 101 103 6 8 I I 31 4"i F Murphy ! L.Wthington. Savino. R. Shooter ■ . l»oUKlas 51 f l"07%fast f Id 102 S 10 M 9= 9* II Stearns 11 H.Gdner. L.Worthton. B.Buty "••?"* l»oU"Ia« y f 10S%good 32 104 10 8 S 61 615 F Uol.insnlC Iayinaster, EL Gardner, Savino •1341 1 atonia 5-8 l:01%good 20 100 5 3 4 41 4» F Murphy S BlackieDaw. BuckShot, P.Harry haST l"-tl nia III tTlliaawl 11 "t Ml 6 84 45 I1! F Murphy S Disturber. Illuminator, Baby Cal %M* Latonia 5 -8 1 :04%hvy 15 107 5 5 6 B 2= W J OBn 7 B. Beauty. Lit.Bigger. Intention r*i8C9 Titonia 5-S l:00%fast 13-5 110 2 4 4 2* 31 1W J 0"Bn B TUornwood. Aspar.Sam, Lit.Cove tmt lltonia 5 S 1*S%Sm 15 1 9 9 7 4 4b 3 W J OBn 0 M. Hamilton. B. Coffee. Mediation 1 ncilTVA rli f 2 107 By Sir Huon — Bonnie Kate G. J. Long. -,,l*;,™:, Vj i-n hvv la M.J 2 4 3 4- 2= B K5 :. I.ou.Stone •*5«5 I Atonia ". f 1 oniinud 16 ltd 8 9 8 71 Ci J Morys 11 Mary II.. BhieCap. LittleBigger 7 l church 1 3-1 115 fast 21-20 119 4 3 1 1= ll E Pool 8 Emily R.. Marg. E.. Innovation : C Cliurchl 3-4 1 16 hvy 24-5 104 4 4 5 51 31 T Henry 10 Veldt. Industry. Laehis « • «8 Do l.-las 51 f l-08%fast 21-5 101 7 2 2 21 21 K I.apaillel2 Bernini. .losie. Innovation SIZDottKUa 5-8 l!02 good 29-5 1041 3 4 4 7 1 63 B Ott 12 L. Vandirgrift, Marg.E.. Owana HMM sintoea BE t T07«-fast 6 10416 6 6 6 6»» B Ott U S. Vanity. Broomvale. M.Philbin ::.:.;- :,r,t„ca 5 t imOlvr 10 H2"2 2 2 2» ? B Ott B Poppee, Little Alta. Edna Kenna :l*;i latonia I l-S IJMfcfeat 61-20 110 2 2 2 21 2» BOtt i Impressive, M.Klliott. R.Sklflnd 21261 I-atonia 5-8 1:01%fast 41 10418 12 3" 3i B Ott 12 L. Bigger, BessteX.. JaneStraith LITTLE BIGGER b. t . t 104 By Transvaal — Grace Dixon W. P. Johnscn. •■■• 1 lliuii- " -4 l-1«r~hvy 23-5 ME S 2 3 7". 11 "• R 8af 1." Beauty Shop. V hit, Paymaster :-ri I "atonia 51 f l:09«imud 12 103 4 4 3 31 3i R Guy 11 Mary II., Blue Cap. Veldt r ■■•!•• Wdbine 3-4 1 :14%fast 13-5 101 4 8 9 71 4*5 J Morys 12 Gypsy Blair. Blue Cap, Immune :-174 Wdbine 3-4 l:13%fast 39-5 101 10 8 7 ri- 21 A Collins 12 Greetings. A. Mamici. FarAway "■•SMI Dorval 5-8 lOOfast 7 104 5 6 3 2= 21 .1 Smyth S lolite. Rose Water. Shaban •943 Uorval 3-4 116 slow 17-20 1041 ", 5 3 Is l1 F Cooper 8 Galeswinthe, Tush Tush. Lynn ~T-"» UlneHon 3-4 1 13 fast 30 104 3 7 5 5l 5« J Callahan 7 Prohibition. Milestone, lolite 235B Oon*eht r,lf l:l%mud 4 109 7 4 4 5 3 F Cooper MWelga. S. Stalwart. Galeswinthe 2981 Vmght f.i f 1:18 slow 8 102 6 8 7 4and 53 W I ral 10 Tiajan. Gentlewoman, Gold. List 22304 Windsor .:.-S l:C3%hvy 27-5 101 5 6 7 7s 3«1 P Lowder S Investment. Shaban GYPSY BLAIR b f 2 104 By Cyclades — Moonshine R. J. Austin. •IS Church" 1 11:45 mud S9-10 l i3 4 4 7 7 71 6" A Mott ! L.Wthington. Savino. R. Shooter ""••47 Chuvhl 3-4 l-14*fcgood 11 102 7 E 4 31 4;J E Pool 11 Taka. Paymaster. Ritle Shooter 23242 Wdbin* 3-4 1:14%fast fid 103 6 9 S 4s lJJ Cal1ahanl2 Blue Cap. Immune. LittleBigger r. .;,,., pun] ".-4 l:14%|!aat 39-5 MS 7 4 22 11 J Callahan 0 Far Away. Trout Flv. Ataka ::W BlucBon 51 f 1:09 slow 6 107 J2 11 8 10» 8*HA Schustr 12 Shrapnel. Broom Corn. Letfetti "■C7": BlueBon 3-4 1:15 fast 28-5 112 6 8 4 4J* 3* A Sch!icr12 Damietta. Greenwd, Mayme W. ""4U Windsor 5-8 l:00%fast 23 109 10 9 7 6= 6"! W WarlonlZ S.ofPlsnre. J.ODowd. B. Fellow 2:3»1 Windsor 51fl:10%hvy M 104 4 8 8 7i 8*| B McDotl 1 » In. Will. Galeswinthe. J. Bunny VELDT br f t 102 By Transvaal — Miss Doyle P. J". Millett. [ ••367". I itonia 3 4 1:16%hvv 101 95 3 5 4 3:1 :T- C Hunt 1.1 B. Shop. Paymaster. K. Mkaoter 23E8S ilatonia 51 f 1 :09 4mud 18 9S 6 3 4 4- 4-] C Hunt li Mary H.. BlueCap. LittleBi-ger "MS* "hurchl 2-4 1:16 hvy 39-5 MB E 5 3 Ill* R Goose ll Industry. Bolina. l.achls •"399 Churchl 51 f 1:11 hvv 37-10 110 4 2 1 22 2" R Goose J Josie. H.Thompson. D.Miekle •;3I9 Dougin ! 5lfl-o8%mud 16 98 8 6 5 V 6 Hunt 10 A 1 Pierce. Ingot. Beauty Shop •":180 Douglas 51 f l:08%fast 46-5 M7 4 4 4 3h 3| E Martin 7 C. Wilmot. Bernini. HufTaker •"•JS Latonia 5-8 103 slow 101 W5 5 7 7 5* 3" E Martin 11 Maty Mil I til, Sun Maid. L.Stone 20979 Latonia 5-8 l:02%slow 36 101 3 4 4 41 551 E Martin 7 NellieWelles. Dolina, Paymaster JOSIE ch. f 2 102 B7 Cyclades — Yuletree J. Walters. 23824 Taionii 3-4 l:lS%ata i 23-5 1"4 S 6 7 6- 613 11 Stearns 12 Impressive. Gcwonian. AlPierce "•399 Churchl 51 f Ill "hvv 17-5 110 2 4 3 l2 I8 J Kedi-ris 11 Veldt. H. Thompson. D. Meikle %a Douglas 51 f l:08%fast 41-10 90 C 7 8 3* 32 T Henry 12 Bernini. Dolina. Innovation aBS L-xgton 51 f 10S fa.=t 33-5 110 6 2 2 3* 5= R ioose It WaterK.. L.Vdergrift. Marg.E :-[: Windsor 51 f l:10%hvy 45 102 10 6 4 41 5*i F Cooper 10 In. Will. Galeswinthe. J.Bunny "*" BROWN VELVET blk. f. 2 104 By Transvaal— Mary Bess J. H. Nichols. I atoiiTr 5! f 1-09Umud 44-8 MB M 10 10 10= 112= A Mott I i Mary II.. Bluefap. LittleBigcr r:,475 Churchl 51 f 1 : »7%fast i4 106 3 2 3 2"i. 3J A Mot IS Impressive. B. Beauty. Eulogy 23*23 Lexgton 51 f l:0R%fast 77-10 98 4 3 3 41 43 J Acton 10 Cardome, Savino. H. Gardner 21481 Latonia 51 f 1 :10 hvy 14 92 5 4 4 41 4»J K LapallleU Mary II. . TheCarmet. Lit.Bigrer :,r«l latonia 5-S LOlVfcfast 41-5 105 4 10 9 9 9101L Gentry 12 Little Bigger. Bessie X.. Dolina Tli"A latonia 41 f 54%fast Tld 110 1 1 11 11 L Gentry 12 Bessie X.. Industry. Miss Atkln il«3 itxcton 41 f 66hvy 29 109 4 7 8« 8«1W W Tlorll MarylL. Thornwood. Innovation 35 Lexgton 41 f 55fast fid 112 S 6 61 55i L Gentry 12 Lucky R., Mai g. Ellen. Paulson MARGARET O b f 2 104 By Marathon — Golden. Fanctcs Milam and Levy. 23475 Church 1 " 5l f l:«J7%fast rid 1*6 12 S 11 11 12s* R Gooa# 18 Impressive. B. P.eauty. P.. Velvet 23218 Dooxtea 5-8 l:01%fast 61 105 2 4 3 3 67i W W Tlorll B.anchita. Pmaster. lirminator r:,416 Hillcrest Al 5-8 1:02 fast 3 111 5 6 4 A* 3 X Foden fi Peg.OBrien. Mrs.Jack. B. Reach 2T254 Hilicrest Ab5-8 1 :03%slow 3 110 6 6 6 E« «• M Foden R S. Maggie B Reach P.OBrien 22112 UufTerin Ab5-S 1 :02 ifast 3 112 3 E 5 4» 42XH "Watts 7 I.yndora. BlueCap. Belle Reach •%7 Dufferln Ab5-8 1:05 slop 3 110 5 6 C 41 V E Cullen 7 Lnatara, Barka. Sentinel 2161S KingEd. 41 f 58 fast 4 105 5 5 5 1» W Young 11 BlueCap. Lit. Gink. Sniil.M.iggh LOUISE STONE, b. f. 2 104 By Hastings— Ano J. S. Hawkins. ■•";"« 1 itonia 3-4 117 hw El 100 1 11 3i 4-J F KoMn* u . I.mdly. Dolina. Lady Mihlied 235*5 iltonia SE f l:09fcmud 47 MS 7 7 6 8* 7"iC Var.Uunl i Mary II.. BlueCap. LittleBiuger 21158 Douglas 51 f 1 :08%good 52 90 8 7 7 7 7,r- T Henry IS Paymaster, II. Cardm r, Savino 22*M Lexgton Eft f 1"8 fast 20-5 109 6 5 E 5h 8" F Keo-h • Blanchita. T.Mai ie. L.Vangrifl •u:A Latonia 5* f 1:09 good 17-5 107 1 2 2 11 1" A Mott li Capt. Rees. Manfred. Emily R. 21238 Latonia 6-8 1:03 slow 21-10 1081 G 3 2 1MJ W J OBnll Mary Estelle. Sun Maid. Veldt Itm I atonia 41 f 54%fast 24-5 109 7 5 5* 4«i W J 0Bn12 .T.C.Welch. Miss ACcin. Traction rW 1 atona 6-S 1 01 fast 16-5 111 2 2 2 21 21 W J 0Bnl2 Jane Straith, Triad, Mol. Klliott 5.916 Latonia 5-S l:02%hvy 81 110 9 8 4 31 2« W J OBnIO MurielsPet. B.Joe XellieWello WATER K. br f 2 104 By Waterboy — Beartice K. D. W. Scott. 2367" Latonia * 4 llOhvy 40 im 10 9 5 41 ."."ill Stearns 13 Beauty Shoo. V. hit. Paymaster ■" :-ve li.mirl-.s 51 f 1 ■ 9 104 11 11 11 11 11" W Meehaiili H.Cdner. L. Worth-ton. B.Ruty 23025 Lexlton "1 f 1:08 fast 38-5 106 7 6 8 41 1» W Mechull L.Vdergrift. Marg.E.. W.ODay OLD CHARTER, b. c. 2 107 By Gold Heels— Pouting J. N. SUebler. ■-Mr.nh "lilftlW M MTU 11 7 5l 7"1K P.m.I 1:1 Beauty Shop. Veldt. Paymaster 23S84 latonia El f lti9%hvv IS 1% 7 8 9 10 9"1II Stearns 10 Lindly. Infidel II.. Rifle Shooter S218 DoukIhr 5-8 101 « fast fid 1071 6 7 9 91 Si II IXnnler 11 Blanchita. Pmaster. IHinin.itor «~.Ks Douglas 51 f LOSgood fid 102 13 9 9 9 915 II Stearns U Paymaster. IL Gardner. Savino : I • xcton 5-8 1 OOVifast 47 107 2 5 S E PHI* Connelly B Checks. Prince Harry, Petlar :14T0 llatonia 3-4 llOmud 39 111 5 6 5 61 7si C Jones 11 BlackieDaw. CaneP.itn. B.Smok* ■•rMaona 51 f 1 liTSvy 48 107 7 8 7 4* 4 J B Ott B Checks, Thornwood. Cardome "1-6" I atona 5-8 lOOVCast 53 108 11 9 10 11 10" C Jones 11 John Jr.. BlackieDaw. BuckShot 2..9t» Latonia 6-8 l:03Hhvy 37-10 107 1 12 1» U M Garner 9 Elkton. Little Cove. Greenwood