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i I Latoola Entries aid Past Performances for f rlday, October 22. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK SLOW. ; t - • " t i j . 1 I t ; I 1 I The figures under the heading; "Rec " in the I entries below show the best time of each horse | I at the distance since. January 1. MU. no matter , where it finished. In cases where record was I made on other than a fast cr good track, abbre- I viaticns show track conditions. 1 o . Racing starts at 2:00 p. in. Chieapa time. 2:00.1 XRuns well in mud. euperior mud runner. IM maidens. »Apprentice allowance. First Race — 1 Mile. 2-year olds. Maidens. Selling Track record: 14835—1:37%— 4— 114. mandm 5r*£ Wt Rec- A.Wt.Han. 2..I.22* -,- In ut I- ly Ill"/ 700 23liS0* .lames Oakley 10" 005 23503 Helen Thompson .. Mt*X MS 23501 Cossack 107XK»" r,:;! J."":;™011 mmxom •-•vi.," :"n,v 5 107.. two t 2.;i 22* :: : ., , Jeume z:l r .s *? :,- 1 07 .. ISO Small io» cy-. 2.;:.!I3* Queen of the- Mist.. 102»! .o75 Form icier.clnsive in race like this. Sscond Race — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: 3220— 1 :4tt%— 3—110.1 2305.-. Christie MM 1:4M% 111X725 23071 Little String 107 1:4*4 100x7"0 .7.:.:,::;;,! s-vri;in 10411:47% 1140720 23828 Shy tie: s 111x71, 2SMB Fly Home 106 1:47 KM; 710 ty.--l11 Uv"1",.10,*1 ■••• •? 1:4711 101X705 2.....,4 Mis; Iiehler *»4l:4Si- ],„, 70.-, 230.-.3 Rla.-kthorti 80 1:47% 10SX706 23518 Money Maker 109.. C!K Christie is extra good and likes soft going In top form. Third Race— 1 Mile. 2 year-olds. Selling. Track record: 14835—1:37%— 4— 114. 23S52** Barry Gardner ... 10°x7°5 23070 Inthlel II 103 1:40m 104X7r,0 23« 1 o2 Doiina 107x720 23673 Little Rigger 104x715 23420 Jypsy Rlair 103 1:46%m 104x715 £_££* __* 102X710 .314* Josie HY x 705 23563 Rrown Velvet 104 705 -••475 Margaret 0 104X705 23670 Louise Stons M4X6M 23GT3 Water K. 104.. K»0 — mo Old Charter 107Xk0 Harry Gardners general form is clearly the best. Fourth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap Track record: 14U77 -1 :50 -.— 3— 105. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt Han. C3.~.3!l Waterldessom 120 1 :57«: h 3 114x740 23052- Hank OFay !»s 1 :.",! -- 3 id x 735 2365Z* I.ady Rotha" Ms 1 :.V i-h 3 103X733 2353» One Step ;; ;.s-7;!i» 23507 Braaaewia* 117 1:51»: 4 M0 X 730 235.1 l»r. Samuel 1IK1 1 :51 4 102x730 23487 Embroidery 3 87x715 Waterhlo-som runs well in soft going and is accustomed to high weights. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds ami upward. Selling Track record: 15120— 1:11— 5- 110. 23521 Amazon 107 1:12i 3 MSXTO • 23553* Tory Maid 112 1:12 3 Oil t"i» 9672* Marion Oaeakf 101 1:12 3 IO3X730 23072 I r. Carmen 114 1:12% 3 164X730 23550 Huntress 168 1:12 4 MS 715 23051 Silver Rill 102 1:12 S 166X715 23027 Conning Tower ...MS 1:12.-, 3 MSX715 This is a race of evenly matched eonten.hrs. Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling Track record: 86150 — 1:42— 6— 86%. 23055J Sositi3 liu 1 :45-i I K»7iT7- -, 230712 Reno 1111:44% 5 107x720 23004 Mud Sill 107 1:43% 7 167x715 2W66 Grasreawt 1111:43% 5 107/715 23004- Transport 103 1:45"- 5 107x715 23023 Consider 108 1:15 7 M7X714 23537 I.ickrcse Ill 1:40-, 7 107 71» 235803 John Rearden 110 1:43-- 8 MTX716 23522 Star Actress Ill 1:42% 5 107x705 2302s Altatnaha 110 1 ;45-, 7 1117 x 705 23071 Aprisa 166 1:44% 4 167x705 2*866 Rendel 107 1:44% 4 110X7O5 Sosius should race better than in his last start. Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling Track record: 66155— 1:42— 3— 66%. 23522* JENNY BIDDB..JN 1:42% »"; i»7 7-5 23020" La Mode 07 1:45% 5 MSX715 23. 303 Irish Gentleman ...110 1:44 7 110x715 2350si* Stanley S 106 1:43% 7 162x716 23075 Miss Thorpe 160 1:43% r, 1117 710 23.3 Snrpassipg 107 1:44-. 4 167X716 H::":1-,, ;»ide Iost 166 1:43% 5 107..71O ~:, :£l g»Jj 1,1S :45% 4 1O7X710 £-r% 1.;,rki1 "; 107 1:44% 4 162X765 2..1...O Road master 5 107 ~- 23055 Jessie Louise ia5 l:44i 4 167X705 Z8566 Orange 107 1:15 4 M7X666 Jenny Geddea is In a better class than her •_«_. tion.