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A JOCKEYS TBIBTJTE TO DANNY MAHFB. L. II. Hewitt, who rode with marked success in New Zealand and Australia a few year; ago, has returned to Sydney, after an absence of nine years, during which period he followed his calling iu England. Germany and Austria. Anart from the fact that he has put on weight, there is little change in the versatile New Zeahinder, who wll again ride here. It will be remembered that Hewitt was a pronounced exponent of the American seat, but he now rides two or three holes longer than when lie won the Epsom Handicap on Maximize and the Metropolitan en Solution. Discussing jockeys at present riding in England, he remarked that S. Donoghue was good, without approaching the stand ard of D. Maher. whom he regards as the most nnshed horseman he ever saw. ••Oiu-c Maher got to the front on any horse, it was a most unusual occurrence for him to be beaten." added Hewitt, in emphasizing that riders judgment. He credits W. Huxley with lieiug quite the equal of any otho-j.nkey now in the old country. "Your horses l . fc small by coniparis-.n with F.nglish horses." commented Hewitt, as be noted them tiling in .on to the training tracks, and he adhered to the corr: .-i ness of that idea notwithstanding it was coin-batted by a trainer who spent Boaoc time in l-.nul.ii.d. Knglish horses are not as a rule trained as fine as ours, and the extra beef they carry iu consequence would naturally give the impression Hint thev are framed on a much larger scale. — Sydnty Beferee.