Seventh Race [7th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1915-10-22

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■ SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. [*MP— Ittt H%J ■ I .TENNY GEDBES. b. m. 6 107 Br Ceaarion— Hull Down J. B. Respesa. t . : 22 Katoiiia 1 1-16 1:46 fast l-S Ill 3 5 4 3 2 V . G.nlrv K iMjca Slar. Goldy. tliilla S ■•::!» K «.ut4lus lni70y 1:44* fast 5-4 lot; :: I I I 2 l1 K Ucatry 7 Kdelost. Flitaway, liroomwHlce 2: KlSa K-.MiErie I I It 1 IfTtfaat 9 5 H!S 4 6 4 4 4 1= E McEwen • KIwali. It. ol.lirht. Father Kiley 2 l-o|5 KoitErie 1 1-16 1:45 fast 9 5 111 2 2 2 3 3J R ■ MeKuea ■ Bay O* UcM. T.IIane M-k, Khvah t 1S83 Haiuton 1 1-16 l:4*%fmM 11 5 .07 5 5 5 4 2s 1* F Keosrli 8 Elwah. D.R.K.Swarenjrr. CJMax I 17 733 Windsor lni7o- l:42=ifast 3 105 6 2 6 5 3 3J G W tarU I Tow. Field. FatlierRIIey, HaekaVf 1 IMM Windsor 3*4 l:12%fast 12 in M 10 10 91 8,s G W FarMHO n.R.L.SViifrer. R.F.eade, Striker • 15901 l.a:onia, 1 1-16 l:44ifast 8-5 105 I 5 5 4 2* 2* G W Carll 5 Star Actress. Be. Alador " LA MODE. b. m. 6 102 By Peep oDay— My Gyps T. P. Hayea. 23626 Iitonia 1 1-16 1 : 49% mud 2-» 1«3 113 4 3J 3*1 C Hunt 1; Bonanza. Father Riley. Transit 2 ::; " litonia 1 3-16 2:03Vsmud 13 M4 S 5 I I 5* 4K,.,F Judv 8 Transit. Any Fort, Reno 2 7 -9S Douglas 11-16 1:48 slow 43-10 Mi 3 4 2 1 1= 1° K Kapaille !• L.Mexican, Fidpet, I.Gentleman 2 "***~ Pl—laa 11-16 1:47 good K 5 1116 6 5 3 3 21 23 W Meehan i Justice Goebel. Oholus, Denjrro 2 Z34B5 Loxgton 1 l-S 1 :574/smud ii K6 1 3 3 3 45 V W W Tlor 5 ILBall. Transportation. AnyPort 2 22*71 Lex*stoai lm7ovl :43%fast 14 112 10 1111 11 11 11" L Gentrv 11 BNM Flower. Ol-nStar. Fidset r OBJ UxKton 1 1-16 l:45*4fast 27 107 5 4 4 4 51 6"JL Gentry 8 Sleeth. L. Ianchita, Beulah S. o 22457 Windsor 1 1-16 l:53%mud S 16 4 1 1 1 1* 1U L Gentry 1 Moseowa. Sthearn. Cmauretta ■ 2:306 Windsor 1 1-16 l:5l7shvy 33-6 103 2 3 4 4 5* 6,3JJ Smyth S Redland, Ealfron. Aprisa j IRISH GENTLEMAN, b. h. 7 110 Br McG»e— Tb« Lady 3. H. Mead. 23:.99 I alalia laaTty I ITMuf 16-5 114 4 6 4 3 21 2»* J Metcalf 1" Surpassing. C King. W. Wonder - SO Katonia 1 1-16 1 :46%fast 17-5 113 I I 4 I 1" 1" J Metcalf !t Christie. Mud Sill, First Degree j ZMMJ Iitonia lm7oy 1 :43%fast 27-5 111 2 2 1 1 li 3 JR Goose 12 MudSill. Mockery, JessieLouise 2 OH Church" 1 1 1-16 l:52%hvv 14 115 4 5 3 4 2 2i J Metcalf i Edith W., Flying Feet, Fidget S 23298 Douglas 11-16 1:48 slow 46-5 111 5 5 4 3 4s 4!,i L Genlry 10 U Mode, Lady Mexican. Fidget I 23219 Douglas lm70y l:41%fast 12 112 113 4 5s ,r.» ] Metcalf 7 Jen.Geddes, Gdelos-t. Flilaway ! 23154 K ouglas 3-4 lSigood 33 114 6 8 8 61 8J R Goose 12 M. C.ooshy, Charineuse, Furlong 2 21269 Iatonia 1 1-16 l:46%fast 14-5 110 8 7 6 2 21 21 K Lapaille 9 L.Puchita, Fellowinan, Wryneck - STANLEY S., blk. g, 7 102 By Jack Point— My Gem D. E. Stewart. I 23SW Katonia lm70v l: 7%kTy 21 Ml 13 2 2 Is 1* J Morys ! Hard Ball. Eendel, York Lad 2251K litonia 1 1-16 l:46%fast 32 10S 6 2 2 2 4" ::• C VanBun S Counterpart, Erin, Joe Stein 2MS4 Douglas lm70y 1 :144ilast 3S-5 Mi 3 2 2 4 7" iJ ! VaiiDiiu • F.iika. Consoler. C.iilla 2:w4s Kcxgton 3-4 1:13 fast 121 112 2 6 7 6" S"C VanDun S L. Jane Grey. Dr.Carnien. Birka , tWn Kexgton lm70vl:445sfast 38-5 109 111 1 li 2?. C VanlhinlO Disillusion. Moseowa, Flitaway ! EMI Windsor 1 1-16 l:1S%fast 106 102 7 6 5 5 5» 5C VanDun 7 Mockery. King Box, Martian 22166 Fort Erie 1 1-16 1 :43Migood 17 107 3 7 6 4 3i 6J O VanDun S Cliff Stream. Aprisa, S. of Kove * 22037 FortErie lm70yl:52%hvy fid 195 111 1 V V C VanDunll FstStar. Fellowman, Bal.ySister j MISS THORPE, b. m. 6 107 By Woolsthorpe— Her Ladyship A. B. Lowe. 23675 Latonfa 1 !-S 1 :57%hvy 33-5 P 12 2 4 3 2 6° CJ J Morys S Ringling. Wilhite, Transit " i:::.r.4 Uttonia 1 1-16 1 :46Hfast 46-5 115 I 2 17 n* 4r-S J Hanover 10 Wilhite. Mockery. Joe Finn 33509 Iitonia 1 1-16 l:45*sfast 13 10712 1 2 3 2l 2" J Hanover 7 Bonanza. Expectation, Resign J •3449 ihurehl 3-4 l:14%hvy 43-5 109 8 3 3 2 2« E Fool 10 D.Carmen, Bckthorn. R.Iterest : 222SO liuichl 5.1. f 1:09 hvy 11 1«»9 1 2 5 41 45 F Rchinsn 5 Sosius, Billv Joe, Dr. Carmen i 2 3!49 Church-1 lm70v 1:14 good M MS 12 6 5 62 5*J F Rohinsu S Sleeth. Bonanza. Wilhite I 2SM» Douglas 1 1-16 1 :47*good 4 111 12 5 I 5 5== C Jones S GoMcrpst Bov. Resign, Wilhite ! 22tHl Kexgton 3-4 l:12rfefast 43 110 3 3 3 41 4« O Jones 7 Iron Mask, Con. Tower, B.Toney ; SMI Kexgton lm70yl:44%fast U| IOC 1 1 1 1 I* 1* C Jones S Guide Post, Sleeth. First Degree r SURPASSING, b. g. 4 107 By Ultimus— Dancing Water J. C. Hansen. •.:;i..".3 LaUonia 1 1-16 l:50*ih-y MJ 107 10 9 S 6 5s 7; A Mott il Syrian, K.Mexican, L. Panchila 1 TMI talaaaa liMj l:4g%fcry 19 us 10 1 I 6 # M A Matt 10 c.Kins. I TTatlialaa. w. Wonder 1 23146 Wdhine 1 1-16 1:4S good 14 105 4 6 6 6 6l 6C3 A Collins 10 HarrvLandcr. Aprisa. Cuttvhunk : ::;o43 Dorval 1 l:42Vsfast 49-5 105 4 2 2 1 l5 l"k A Collins 8 L.V.Zandt. Ahbotsford. N.Boots ; S9U Dorval lm70y 1:4413fast 45 101 S S 8 S 8 8-J E Ambrose R II. Kamler. D.s Pet. R. Kangdon , 22363 Conght 1 1-16 l:7.11f.good S 110 3 6 8 8 7U 7"i T Rice S Runwav, The Ruiap. Beau Pere I 22486 "on*Kht 1 1-16 1 :52*;hv.v 12 107 9 7 7 6 2J M E Ambrose]!- Marshon. Balfnm. Beau Pere 2J457 Windsor 1 1-16 l:53 imud 10 111 6 5 4 4 4= 513jE AmbroselO La Mode. Moseowa. Strathenrn GUIDE POST. b. to. 5 107 By Filigrane — Lady Augusta B. Rosenthal. 2X3M Kalonia lin7iy l:47:;..hvy 22- 111 4 2 4 5 3- t*W Andriss : Stanh-v S.. Hani Bal, Bendcl 235 tS Katonia 1 m7-y 1 : 43?if ast 21 10S S 4 6 7 7l 7" K Kapaillel2 Mud Sill. Mockerv. I.Gentleman ; 23274 Douglas 1 3-16 2:0t«fcfast 16-5 111 1 1 1 1 l1 1» R Goose 8 Mockerv. W.sWonder. Consoler | L3219 Douglas 1m70y l:44%fast 3 109 5 3 2 2 1» 2l It Goose 7 J.Geddes, Flitaway. Brooniwdze ; 22944 Ixgt on 1 1-16 l:45*sfast loj lffi 4 4 4 3 4» 4«i F. Pool 7 B«-nlab S.. LadvPancUita Sleeth --32S7S Kexgton 1 1-16 l:45%fast 6-5 1C8 3 3 3 3 35 4J F Keogh S Sleeth. L. Panchita. Beulah S 22815 Kexgton lm70yl :44%fast 11-5 10S 6 4 3 4 41 25 F Keogh S Miss Thorpe. Sleeth. FirstDegree 22415 Windsor 1 l-S 1:53»£ fast 23-2* IM 111 1 1* Is F Keogh ft Tiff Stream, Mockerv, Subject 22253 Windsor 11-8 1:65 fast 27-5 102 4 4 4 4 5* 3 J A Mott f BhyHead, B.Heusley, Burwood ; ZALI. ch. r. * 107 By Zal— Wasti fA. L. Taylor. 23671 Latswaa 1 1-16 l:M%fcvy 37 112.13 4 4 4 m Mj ■ Carter 7 Little String. Reno. Hard Ball MM Katonia 3 4 1 :13%mud 32 97 4 4 4 4* 4-H Stearns 5 Converse. Dr. Carmen, Cmonada 3S2S6 Mf.Koyal lm20yl:42%fast 1 109 5 3 1 1 3J 5« W Hlnpliy i Tecarrier. Bricklev. R.Knngdon 7224 Mt.Koyal lm7oyl:4.. fast 3| 108 1 2 1 li 2= W Hinphy ti MudSill, R.Kangdoh, VoladavJr. TTilT.l Mt.Royl lni20yl:45 slow 5 106 5 4 1 l1 l" W Hinphy S Euterpe. R.Kangdon. Talecarrii-r -2464 HlUcreat 61 f 1:25 slow 2 114 6 5 5 5= 6"1 Caldwell 7 K.Worth. Ceopsis, L.Capricious 1 22423 Hillcrest 6i f 1:24 fast 3 114 6 I 6 3J 3= 0 Caldwell 7 Suregf-t. Curious. Carrie Orme 32393 H merest ■ f 1 :22%fast 11-5 114 1 1 1 1= 1= O Caldwell I King Worth. Van Bu. Miss Jean -3314 Hillcrest 7-8 l:30%fast 15 109 4 1 1 Is 2and 0 Caldwell 7 Al Court. Altamaha. Imprudent BIRKA. br. f . « 102 By Solitaire n.— LUy Golding J. Lowensteln 7.694 Katonia lm70y 1:17 slow 32 106 3 4 4 6 6 6" H Stearns 10 Change, Ttaaaport Mockery 23623 Iitonia lm7oy l:4.y5mud KJ 10915 2 1 2 42 5"»JV J 4 is nil Broiusedge. Transport, JoeStein 7.;r 62 Iatonia 3-4 l:1575mud 13 114 8 7 7 6; 5fli II Steams S Nobleman. Zin Del, Inquieta 7;184 Douglas lm70y !:44%fast 24-5 103 8 7 7 1 1 1 D II Stearns 0 Consoler. Chilla. Transport 23048 I -xgton 3-4 1:13 fast 12 112 6 5 5 41 3~l K Gentry 8 L. Janp Grpy. Dr. Carmen, Tvpr 22978 Lexgton lm70yl :43%fast 31 107 3 2 4 3 5* P»F Judy ]| Broom Flower, OlgaStar Fidget 32386 Windsor 1 l:42%fast 24-5 109 2 1 1 1 ll 1» L Gentry 0 .T.H.Hghton. IKIuder Balfnm 1 22083 Fort Erie lm70yl:45 good 2.-5 107 2 11 2 31 3" K Gentrr 0 Dicks Pet. Flitaway. Cnttvhnnk 21549 Hamton 1 l:40%slow 8 96 4 2 3 4 51 67 K Kapaille 8 Bushy Head, Martian, Car. Orme ROADMASTER, b. g. 6 107 By The Roman— Buzzer T. H. Ryan. 23C50 Katonia 3-4 l:16%hvy 21 107 S 4 6 6= P»C VanDun S D.Kendall, Transport, PalmKeaf gMCkaKafl 3-4 l:la%hvy 14 lu21 4 4 4 4 4= J Kedcris 4BaacoeGoose G Hughes Sosius I 23153 Kexgton 3-4 1 :«Hfast 42-a 106 3 12 4h 5 = J Kederis 0 Black Toney. Syrian, Amazon 1WS3 Juarez 1 l:37%fast 3 105 5 5 4 4 o" 6- G MolesthlO Mud Sill. Ringling. Kootenay 19949 Juarez 51 f l:0.«4ifast 8 105 1 1 3 3n 4« G Molesth 8 Imperator. K. Worth, Kootenay 1MSS2 Juarez 5| f l:03%fast 4 104 1 4 5 5 5-J G Molesth I Seneca. Mex. Kootenay 19781 Juarez 5-8 5S%fast 8 10., 4 4 4 4*1 3s G Molesth 5 Imperator. Grapeshot, J. Blnir 1H4«r7 Juarez 3-4 l:121ifast 8-5 104 2 3 4 4» 4»1C Gross I Con. Tower. G. Hughes. Othello I 19438 Juarez ll:41%goodo 103 6 3 3 2 2* 21 C Gross 7 P.Zareta, G.Mchmont, Executor . JESSIE LOUISE, ch. f . 4 107 By Marta Santa— Dollie Mc J. M. Goode. 2MES I«it.»nia 1 1-16 1 :50%hvy 21 110 3 3 3 3 t | 6=1W Andress S Ckriatle. Moseowa. Sosius 2X599 Katonia lm70y l:47%hvy 26-o H16 2 2 2 2 51 a | sj Stearns 1 Surpassing, f.King. I.Gntleman 1 Mot I-it dna 1 1-16 l:46«, 111 104 . 7 8 3 4h 10=* II Stearns in Wilhite. Mockerv. Joe Finn tSm I-itonia lm7oy l:43%fast ;1 MS I 1 2 3 41 #*J H Stearns 12 Mod Sill. Mockerv, I.Gentleman "3490 fhurchl 1 1-8 l:52%fast 91-10 102 2 1 1 4 63 6 H Stearns 7 Disillusion. Reno. Transit •2349 Church 1 1m70y 1:44 good 18 Ml I 3 I I 0 S"1 W Andress S Slec tli. Biaianza. Wilhite 23272 Douglas 1 1-16 1:45 fast 12 104 4 11 ! 23 21 II Stearns R McAdoo. Bonanza. Hani Ball 23186 Douglas lm70y 1 :44%fast 19-a 103 5 1 1 1 1- 1r.k u St,.arns s Firing Feet. Fels. Waterproof 2297S lexgton lm70yl :43%fast 2 104 2 a 3 5 6s 7« E Collins 11 Broom Flower, OlgnStar. Fidget . ORANGE, br. g. 4 107 By Hastings— Scarlet and Green L. J. Brown. :t-.WS lttonia 1m7"y 1 :li-f,hvy 24 HIS S S S S S ! == f Heiiiert !t Stanley S.. Hani Ball, B ndi-1 BSM Katonia 1 1-16 1 :4«%fast 91 1 iS 3 S S 8 71 7 «IW .1 OICn s Counterpart. Erin. Stanlev S ZS*4 Ivitonia ln.70y l:44%fast f Id 107 12 10 8 6 41 3= E Martin 13 Christie, Jo* Finn. BrnomFlower 23379 Church I 3-4 1:17%hvy 99 112 2 5 4 2= 21 W .1 OBn :• Erin. Grecian, Furlong MM Church 1 1 1-16 1 :47=*good 1 Id MS 14 14 14 13 13 12= .1 Metcalf U Mockerv. Grosvenor. Flitaway 23154 Douglas 3 4 l:13good f d 111 9 11 ]1 12 l-J E Pool IS M. Coosby, Charmeuse. Furlong 31463 Katonia 1 l-S 1 :.;2fast f Id 10a 7 I I 8 1 II" K Pool H Transit. K. Panchita. Fellowman n 31299 Katonia I !■*■• hvy o9-10 112 6 2 2 2 1 1 J Domink i Kris Kringlp, Mattie C. Cot. Top ., 31213 litonia 3-4 l:13fast f Id 107 8 10 9 10 8»J K Lapaille 12 Galirio. Rio Brazos. Bell Bov 3 W7S litonia 3 4 l:14«£slow 2T» IM 3 3 3 31 38 W J OBn ! Grumpy. Malheur Kris Kringle MMKLasaaal* 3 4 l:14%hvy 60 110 10 9 6 6» 4» D Stirling 10 LadyPanehita, R. Tea, Fellowman n

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