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DETAILS OF NEW HAVANA PROJECT. Havana. Cuba. June 3. — Mayor Freyre de An-drade this morning signed the concession passed by the city council of Havana for an amusement park, exposition grounds and race track, applied for by Messrs. llenshall and Clark and local capitalists. The concession moans that Havana will have winter agricultural, berth utiiral and live stock expositions, an athletic park, baseball grounds, a new and well-equipped race track, at wdiich only mutuel betting will be permitted, a double-decked grandstand, a clubhouse with roof garden attached, and an all-the-yeur-roiind race meeting with summer races at night. The new athletic park will give an opportunity for Havana to now go to work in earnest to secure the International Olympic Games, an went which is to be resumed in 1020. The ii.-w park is to be located just beyond Palatini!, near the junction of the Vento boulevard and the Havana Central road to Marianao. It is but five minutes from the Central station, six minutes from Zanja Street station, twelve minutes by auto at ordinary speed from Central Park and sixteen minutes by electric cars. The grounds are so situated that the grandstand will face the east and will be high and dry. The fact that a baseball diamond is provided for is a subject of congratulation on the part of lovers if baseball, which may also lie called the national game of Cuba, for Almeiulares Park, after Oc-teher 1. will Is- divided up into city lots and placed on the market. Besides th" immense double -decked grandstand and clubhouse with roof garden attached, there will be exposition buildings erected, in which annual fairs for agricultural and stock shows are to be held. There will lie stables to accommodate a thousand or more horses. The preparations will all lie completed by November 15. or not later than December 1, when the racing season will begin. The exposition will open about the middle of January. The baseball park will lie ready for use in time for the opening of the winter league season.