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AUSTRALIAN HORSES IN INDIA. Apropos of racing in India, the •Australasian" remarks- "Aoparentlv India, which is mucli closer to the war than we are. is not suffering any inconvenience as f::r as racing is concerned. We have not heard much of Indian racing this season. but Messrs. McKcima and Reynolds, who hae just returned from there, say that the Calcutta season was one of the heat on record. To Australians results have not liecii so interesting as usual, because it has never hapiieticil that our horses have been less prominent during a Calcutta campaign. The •Waler is not as popular as he was witli Indian owners. The first cause of the decline of the Waler was the increase in his home value. Owing to the great advance ill Australian stakes, which iMgan alM.ut the oiM-ning of this century, values went up with a jump. It paid owners better to sell in Australia than take the prices which the Indian buvers had- 1 n in tin- habit of giving for horses to supply the wants of the big stables in India. The action of the commonwealth authorities in refusing to allow horses to return to Australia when their racing career ended was another deterrent. In the cireiimstanct s Indian racing men turned their attention to the English market, and found that for all but the Vi-eroy Cup horse, thoy could get better value for their money in the old country than in Australia. This HUM th ly Walcrs of anv note running at Calcutta were Cider, Jacamar. Soultline. Fhimeu. Widgicwa and lart.iina. Not one of the party won a race at the fixtures. How difierent from the results of many pre hms c:m-paigns."