Woodbine Park Racing Statistics., Daily Racing Form, 1916-06-04

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WOODBINE PARK RACING STATISTICS. During the seven days of racing of the Ontario lockey Clubs spring meeting at Woodbine Park, 1oronto, which opened May 20 and came to a close-May 27. forty-nine races were run and 1,115 was listributed in stakes and purses, representing a daily average of ,730. This money went to sixty -one owners, of whom J. E. Seagram was the leader with the goodly sum of 2,335 to his credit, and the following thirty -four won 00 or more: Owner. 1st. 2d. 3d. Amt. Seagram. J. E 6 3 3 2,335 Ross, J. K. L 4 2 1 8.015 Mirasol Stable 4 0 1 6.075 Redwell. H. G 5 2 1 4,595 Parr. A. D 2 2 1 2,750 Straus. C 1 1 0 2,010 Lowenstein, J 1 0 1 1.605 Smith. W 2 1 2 1,430 Maupin, W. 1 2 1 0 1.365 Hendrie, J. S 1 0 1 1.285 Millar, C 1 0 3 1,215 Rrcokdale Stable 0 5 1 1.200 Pons, F. J 1 3 1 900 Parr. R 1 1 1 885 Fletcher, J. C 2 0 0 885 Trotter. E 1 1 0 730 Sheridan, P 1 1 1 645 lots. H 1 1 1 623 Garth, L. w l 0 0 620 Raymond. I 1 1 0 575 Hendrie. G. M 10 0 570 Lumsden. J 1 1 0 570 Viau. W 0 2 0 550 Macfarlane. N 1 0 1 535 Farriugton. F 1 0 1 510 Ottawa Stable 1 0 1 510 Weant. W. C 1 0 1 510 Thomson. J. A 0 1 0 500 Dorchester Stable 1 O O 450 Lonev. W. W 1 0 0 450 Batty, 11. R 1 0 0 440 Tvree. J. S 1 0 0 433 Coleman, F. J 1 0 0 425 McRride, J. S 0 2 1 400 Of. the 107 hones that placed, the following forty-seven were winners of 00 or more: J Horse. 1st. 2d. ML Amt. 5 Mandarin 2 0 0 ? 5,675 Klines 2 0 1 .",190 i Uncle Rryn 1 1 0 MM I Gold Galore 2 0 0 2.610 i Manokin 1 1 0 2.." l.r Sun King 2 0 0 2.423 J Yellow Sally 2 1 0 2.350 J P.imroseh 1 0 » 2.203 j Raincoat 1 1 0 2,013 Sweet Colleen 1 0 0 1,630 1 Hoenir 1 0 0 1.330 i Idle Michael 2 1 0 1.365 ■ Splutter 1 0 1 1,285 i Fair Montague 1 0 2 1.140 Gala Water 0 2 0 1,030 Ask Ma 2 0 0 865 J -New Haven 1 0 1 073 Karlj Light 1 0 0 043 , Stueeo 1 0 0 020 A. N. Akin 1 0 0 003 Irish Heart 1 1 0 373 lietween Us 1 1 0 370 Rancher 1 0 0 370 Achievement 0 2 0 330 Uidy London 1 0 1 585 Tarahera 0 2 0 323 Ken Quince 1 0 1 310 Commensia 1 0 1 310 Gentlewoman 1 0 1 510 Ornnihi 0 1 0 300 tally Curzon 0 2 0 475 The Masqiicradcr 1 0 0 4*50 The Spirit 1 0 0 400 tady Moll 1 0 0 400 Anita 1 0 0 430 Aprlsa 1 O 0 430 Kendel 1 0 0 450 Silk Rird 1 0 0 450 Meant if ill Morn 1 0 0 450 Kelle Malione 1 0 0 445 Savilla 1 0 0 445 Millfron 1 0 0 435 Hilly Mrtieu 1 0 0 435 Ieep SiRht 1 0 0 435 Mine Fox 1 0 0 425 Cadenza 1 0 0 425 Greetings 1 0 0 425 The record of the jockeys, who piloted one or more winners, is as follows: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. P.O. McAtec, L 27 5 7 3 12 .18 Parrington, T 31 5 5 6 15 .16 Mott, A 28 5 0 4 19 .18 liekens. A 26 5 0 3 18 .19 Kobiuson, F 22 4 2 2 14 .18 Anderson, M 25 4 1 2 18 .16 1 Kice, T 22 2 5 4 11 .09 Collins, V 8 2 0 2 4 .25 ; Smyth, J 26 3 6 0 17 .12 ; Dishmon. C 12 1 3 1 7 .08 ! Warrington. W 14 1 2 3 8 .07 , Forehand, E 14 1 2 0 11 .07 Hums, G 5 1 0 1 3 .20 I Connors. J 8 1 0 1 6 .12 : AVard. W 6 1 0 0 5 .17 Yull, F 1 1 0 0 0 100 The following placed, but failed to win: Jockey. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. Jones, 0 17 0 3 2 12 ; Pitz, J 9 0 2 1 6 Mrown, 8 10 0 1 0 9 | McKenzie, W S 0 1 0 7 1 Morrissey, W 1 0 1 0 0 ! Taplin. K 1 0 1 0 0 I Ambrose. E 10 0 0 3 7 1 JefTcott, H 4 0 0 1 3 McCleary, W 2 0 0 1 1 1 Mountain, M 8 0 0 2 6 The following had mounts to the number shown 1 and failed to place: Jockey. Mts. Jockey. Mts. Austin, J 1 Gould, 0 4 Hanks. A 1 Gray, B 2 Hell, J 1 Leaver, E 4 Cnrtiss, II 1 McDonald, II 1 Donaldson, A 1 Williams, J 5 Finnerty. L 1 Young, C 1 The record of the steeplechase jockeys who piloted 1 one or more winners is as follows: Kmcr. Vts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp I.t; Williams. F 4 3 0 0 1 .75 . AU?n. W 4 2 1 0 1 .50 Smith. J 6 1 2 0 3 .17 7 Tanscy, H 3 1 0 0 2 .33 I The following placed, but failed to win: Rider. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Unp. • Krooks. V -. 2 0 110 tandry, K 3 0 1 0 2 - lcmberton, E 2 0 1 0 1 1 Smoot, C 4 0 1 1 2 - Kussell. J 3 0 0 2 1 Stevenson, S 4 0 0 2 2 • Doyle, H 1 0 0 1 0 ", The following had mounts to the number shown and failed to place: Kider. Mts. • Beamish, J ] 1 The record of the trainers who saddled one or r more winners is as follows: Trainer. Wins. Trainer. Wins. Arthur J 2 McDaniel. II 1 Austin, A. L 1 I»wenstein, M 1 Kedwell. H. G 5 Nixon, J 1 Hoden, J 1 Oots. II 2 Brannon, W. II 1 Prcsgravc, W. F. ... 4 Hulcroft. A 1 KichiiiRs, O. F 1 Carter. .W. A 1 Salt, E. J 1 Edwards, J 4 Shannon, T. J 1 Farrar, F 2 Shields, W 1 Garth, L. W 4 Trotter, E 1 Garth. W 2 Walters, J 1 Easter, W 1 Kichardson, J. F. ... 1 Destcr. K 1. Whyte, E 1 Lit th field, H. T. ... 6 The following stakes were decided: Stake. Date. Winner. Value. Minto Silling Stakes. May 20; Hoenir ,530 I . Kings llat". May 20; Mandarin 4,015 • Woodbine Steeplechase Handicap, May 20; . Sun King 745 Juvenile Stakes. May 22; Yellow Sally 1,550 jj Woodstock llat". May 22; Dumrosch 2.1*115 - Queens Hotel Cup Handicap. May 22; Kunes. 760 Hreeders Stakes. May 23; Mandarin 1,060 I Toronto Cup Handicap, May 24; Klines 4.330 | Coronation Stakes, May 24; Gold Galore .... 2,155 I Maple Leaf Stakes, May 23; Sweet Colleen... 1,630 I! Connaiight Cup Handicap. May 25; Inele Mryn. 2,610 I, Street Railway Steeplechase Handicap, May 26; Sun King 1,680 fl Victoria Stakes, May 27: Manokin 2,315 k King Edward Hotel Gold Cup Handicap, May 27: Raincoat 1,S90 y William Hendrie Memorial Handicap, May 27; Splutter . 1,210 D The pcroccntago of winning favorites was far r above normal, as shown in the subjoined tabulation: Number of days 7 : Number of rices 49 j Winning first choices jm -, Winning second choices 13 i Winning outsiders 11 j Winning at odds-on 14 J Defeated at odds-oil 4 1 Percentage of winning favorites 31 , A new steeplechase record of 5:26 by Sun King over the about two and one-half miles course, was the only change made in the track records, which ure us follows: Mat. Horse. A.Wt. Date. Time 1-2 Beehive 2 110 Mav 26, 1913 ... :4s% 1 12 f South. Maid. 2 MS Mav 24. 1113 S3 5 8 Lady Vera.. 2 99 Juue 2, 1000 101 5 1 2 f Novelty 3 110 May 24. 1911 1:05% 3 4 Hack Bay. .6 117 Sept. 26, 1!14 111- 7-S Mar. Doyle. 9 110 May 22, 1911 1:26% 1 Sir Ralph... 4 104 June 1, 1900 1:39 Im20y Alston 3 89 Sept. 21. 1915 1:43* lni7 iy Cliff Edge. ..5 H| May 22, 1911 1:43% 1 1-10 Ar. Cumiiier.4 99 Mav 31. 1906 l:40i 1 It* Min. Adauis.3 M7 May 24. 1906 1:32 Tongorder ..4 US Juue 2. 1900 1:32 The Nigger.;; 90 May 24. 1911 1:32 Wutorliass ..3 104 May 30. 1914 1:32 114 Zeus 3 11.! May 27. 1911 2:04% 1 12 *»J. OGrady. .4 100 Sept. 18. 1906... 2:50 1 3 4 Inferno 4 131 Sept. 19. 1906... 3:02 2 110 War Whoop.4 96 Sept. 23. 1903. . .3:34 to -II Grt Britain. 4 126 Sept. 26, 1914 3:34:* •Hunters, gentlemen riders. Steeplechaies. Abll2Bayport ...3 137 Sept. 23, 1913... 3:11 1 3-4 L. Radnor.. 0 154 Sept. 23. 1905. . .3:14% 2 Spen. Rclff.8 157 Juue 5. 1908 3:55 Ab "2 The African. 6 134 Sept. 24. 1915 4:16% ■Ab„.t.B- Andrews. 5 139 Sept. 25. 1913. . .3:58?s 2 1-2 Hud Brook. 7 150 June «. 1908. .. .4:59% Ab 2 1-2 Weldship .. .6 132 Mav 29. 1915 4:M« Ab* 2 1-2 Sun King. 5 132 Mav 26. 1916 5:215 Ab 8 Fiucasile .6 136 Si pt. 25. 1909. ...V.V. S ■r. Hampton ; H4 Sept. 30, 1911. ..•:•§ •New course, told course

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916060401/drf1916060401_6_5
Local Identifier: drf1916060401_6_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800