Kentucky Fall Racing Dates Allotted., Daily Racing Form, 1916-06-04


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KENTUCKY FALL RACING DATES ALLOTTED. Louisville. Ky., Juno 3. — The Kentucky State Racing Commission met at Douglas Park before the racing today. All the members except chairman Johnson N. Camden wore present. The latter is confined to his home at Versailles by illness. Vice-chairman T. II. Talbot presided. The following fall racing dates wore granted: Kentucky Association. Lexington Ky., Wednesday. .September 0 to Saturday, September 10 ten days. Douglas Park Jockey Club. Louisville. Ky.. Monday. September IS, to Tuesday, September 20 eight days. Churchill Downs. Louisville. Ky.. Wednesday, September 27, to Tuesday. October 5 eight days. Latonia Jockey Club. Saturday, October 7 to Saturday. Oeteher 2S nineteen days. The following amendment to rule No. 158 was offered: "In all sidling races the winner will not be sold at public auction. At any time within 1.1 minutes • after the official lioard has licen displayed, any person in good standing may put in a sealed bid for the winner with the racing secretary. The money must accompany the bid unless the panel bidding has sufficient funds in office to cover the amount. Rids may be made only in units of 00. Failure to place the proper amount in the envelope will not vacate the bid. but it will ha considered in force to the amount of the even 00 under the fraction of the 00 that might be placed in the envelope. Thus for example, if there should ha 2.1 in the envel i e the bid will be accepted as 00. When the envelops are opened, the owner of the horse will bo nidified and will have the option of protecting the horse for the customary $.1. or letting it go to the highest bidder, to whom an order for the horse will be given. Should there 1m- two bids for the same amount, those bidding will draw lots for the horse. The owner must protect his horse within five minutes after the bids are opened or tiie horse will go by default to the bidder. Ail other rules in conflict with this rule are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict." The application of William Buchanan for a jockeys license was referred to the license committee A notion was offered and adopted that W. H. Ilogan be allowed to get another trainer for his horses formerly trained by John Ilogan. The stevards of the New Louisville Jockey Club I reported its investigation of the charges made against certain horsemen to "pad" the Derby Con- ■ solation race at Churchill Downs. It was the sense of the commission thai laws now in force covered this and it was referred back to the stewards for suitable action in said case. I The committee appointed by the commission at • its last mooting to write the conditions of tlie Ken-I tiekv Cold Cup race, made the following report: t "The Kentucky Gold Cup, valued at ,000. with ■ money in addition to be added to a sweepstakes of S25 each, 5 additional to start, for three -year oids and upward, three-year-olds to carry 112 - pounds, four-year-olds 122. others 124; mares and gilding allowed three pounds." i Respootfullv submitted, J. B. Respess, T. C. McDowell, Hal Price Hoad-i ley T. H. TaUx.t. t The secretary of the Kentucky State Racing Com- • mis. ion was instructed to notify the other members of the committee of the action of those gentlemen t and to see if they approved the same or would • suggest any changes they might see fit, and to • report back at the next mooting of the commission ; ou June 24 at Latonia.

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