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SCALES OF WEIGHTS FOR JUNE, 1916. S* O 3 r. c K I = ~CH ~- c. c Age. . n g K . •! : ; One-Half Mile. Two-year-olds 91 92 Three-year-olds 117 113 114 111 Four-year-olds 126 122 124 122 Five-year-olds and upward. . .126 124 123 124 Three-Quarters Mile. Two -year -olds 91 86 Three-year-olds 120 112 115 111 Four-year-olds 133 122 127 122 Five-year-olds and upward. . .133 124 128 124 One Mile. Three -year -olds Ill 110 110 107 Four-year-olds 126 122 124 121 Five-year-olds and upward. . .128 126 127 121 One and One-Half Miles. Three-year-olds 109 105 107 105 Four-year-olds 126 122 124 122 Fiv-year-olls 129 j26 127 12» Six-year-old and upward. .. .129 127 127 127 Two Miles. Three-year-olds 104 101 103 10.. Four-year-olds 124 122 123 122 Five-year-olds 128 127 127 121 Six-year-olds and upward. .. .12S 128 127 IB Two and One-Half Mile*. Three-year-olds 102 ... 102 Four-ycar-oMs . 122 ... 121 Five-year-olds 12S ... 12- Six yeur-olds and upward 129 ... 129 Three Miles. Tfcirr liar ilje 97 101 99 101 Four-year-olds 120 120 121 122 Five-year «hls 126 129 127 111 Six-year-olds and upward. .. .127 130 128 130 Four Miles. Three-year-olds 100 ... 100 Four-year-olds 119 ... 121 Eiv year olds 130 ... 130 Six-year-olds and up.vard 131 ... 131 THE JOCKEY CLUB. In races of intermediate leiiRths, the weights foi the shorter distance shall be carried. In races exclusively for three-year-olds, or four year-olds, the weight shall be 126 pounds, and foi two-year-olds, 122 pounds. Except in handicaps and in races where the con ditions expressly state to the contrary, tillies twi years old shall be allowed three pounds and mare: three years old and upward shall lie allowed livi pounds before September 1 and three pounds there after. Welter weights shall be 2S pounds added to tin weight for age. In heavy handicaps the top weigh shall not 1* less than 140 pounds. In all handicap: when the added money exceeds 00. the top weighi shall not be less than 126 pounds. STATE RACING COMMISSION OF KENTUCKY In races of intermediate lengths, the weights foi the shorter distance shall be carried. In races exclusively for two year-olds, US pound-shall be carried. In races exclusively for three-year-olds, 122 pound,, shall be carried In heat races there shall be an allowance of fivi pounds from the scale of weights. Except in handicaps, fillies two years old and geldings of all ages shall be allowed three pounds. Fillies and mares three years old and upward shall be allowed nve pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter. JOCKEY CLUB JUAREZ. The Jockey Club Juarez has adopted the scale of weights of the Kentucky State Racing Commission, referred to in the preceding paragraph. PACIFIC JOCKEY CLUB. In races of intermediate lengths, the weights for the shorter distnnce shall be carried. In a race exclusively for two-year-olds the weights shall be 118 pounds. In a race exclusively for three-year-olds the weights shall he 122 pounds. In heat races there shall be an allowance of five nounds from MM scnlp of weights Except In handicaps and in races where the weights are fixed absolutely in the conditions, fillies two years old nnd geldings of all ages shall lie allowed three pounds, and fillies and mares three years old and upward shall lie allowed five pounds before Septemlier 1 and three pounds thereafter. CANADIAN RACING ASSOCIATIONS. In races of Intermediate lengths, the weights for the shorter distance shall tie carried. In races exclusively for three-year-olds or four-year-olds the weights shall be 122 pounds, and for two-year-olds 118 pounds. Except in handicaps and in all races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary, fillies two years old shall he allowed three pounds, and fillies and mares three years old and upward shall be allowed five pounds before the first of September and three pounds thereafter. Geldings allowed three pounds. In all races except in handicaps! where foreign hreds are not penalized as such, horses foaled in Canada shall be allowed up to and including inree years. 7 pounds: four years ami upward. 3 pounds. Welter weights shall lie 2.8 isiuuds added to the weight for age. In heavyweight handicaps the ton weight shall not he less than 14 t pounds. No two-year olds shall compete in an all aged race prior to August 1. In all handicaps, when the added money exceeds 00. top weight shall not be less than 12G pounds. CUBA-AMERICAN JOCKEY CLUB. In races exclusively for two-year-olds, 118 pounds. In races exclusively for three-year-olds, 122 pounds. In races exclusively for four-year-olds. 120 pouuds. Geldings of all ages allowed three pouuds. Fillies two years old, allowed three pounds. Fillies and mares, thiee-.vear-olds and upward, allowed five pounds before September 1. Fillies and mares, three-year-olds and upward, allowed three pounds after September 1. In races of intermediate lengths the weights for shorter distances shall be carried. NEW ORLEANS BUSINESS MENS RACING ASSOCIATION. In races of intermediate lengths, the weights for the shorter distances shall lie carried. In races exclusively for two-year-olds tbe weights shall be 122 pounds. In races exclusively for three-year-olds or four-year-olds the weight shall be 120 pounds. In handicaps when the added money exceeds 00, the top weight shall not be less llmti 1 16 pounds. Except in handicaps aed in laces where the conditions state to the contrary, fillies two years old, and mares three years old and upward shall lie allowed five pounds before September 1, and three pounds afterward. STEEPLECHASE WEIGHTS. At the eastern tracks all steeplechase races are run under the rules of the National Steeplechase -mil Hunt Association, which provides these weights: For steeplechases less than three miles — From January 1 to August 31, inclusive, three years, 133 pounds; four years, 149 pounds; live years, 157 pounds: six years and over, 102 pounds. From September 1 to December 31, Inclusive, for three years, 137 pounds; four years, 134 i ouiids; five years. 100 pounds; six years and over, 162 pouuds. For steeplechases of three miles and over — From January 1 to August 31, inclusive, four years, 143 pounds; five years. 155 pounds; six years and over, 160 pounds. From September 1 to December 31, inclusive, for four years. 149 pounds: live years, 158 pounds; six years and and over, 100 pounds. * For hurdle races— From January 1 to August 31. inclusive, three years, 133 pounds; four years, 142 pounds: five years, 152 pounds: six years and over, 156 pounds. From September 1 to December 31, inclusive, three years, 142 pounds; four years, 155 pounds: five years and over, 101 pounds. In races exclusively for three-year-olds, the weight shall be 145 pounds. Except in handicaps and in races where the iveights are fixed absolutely in the conditions, mures shall be allowed live pounds before September 1, and three pounds afterward. Geldings shall be allowed three pounds. For races on the flat under nunt Club auspices, the scale of weights adopted by the Jockey Club shall govern and In rcsi ect of such races welter weights shall Ik- 2S pounds uliove the weight for age. In the west the weights specified by the Western Jockey Club and the American Turf Association are identical and are as follows: Jan. April. July. Oct. Age Feb. May. Aug. Nov. March. June. Sept. Dec. 3-year-olds 125 129 134 140 1-year-olds 147 149 151 154 5-vear-olds 157 KM 163 104 0-year olds and up.. 168 170 172 172 The rules of the Canadian Racing Associations governing steeplechases and hurdle races provide that no horse shall lie permitted to start in any steeplechase or hurdle race carrying less than 130 pounds. When a scale of weights f«r age is not fixed *iy the regulations of nnv course or bv the nmilitloiis •if a meeting or race the following scale shall govern: For steeplechases and hurdle races less than three miles from January 1 to July 31. Inclusive, four vears. 145 pounds: five years, 159 pounds; six years and over, 160 pounds. From August 1 to December 81, inclusive, three years. 138 pounds: four years, 155 pounds: five years. 1C3 pounds; six years and over. 166 pounds. For steeplechases of three miles and over. January 1 to August 31. inclusive, four years. KM pounds: five years. 157 pounds: six years nnd over. 166 pounds. From September 1 to December 31 inclusive, four years. 149 pounds: five years, 101 pounds; ix years and over, 1G6 pounds. Except In handicaps and in all races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary, mares shall be allowed five pounds before the first of September, and three pounds therefler. Geldings allowed three pounds.