General News Notes Of The Day., Daily Racing Form, 1916-06-04


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. A late dispatch of yesterday from London concerning the great sea battle says: With the return of the battling armadas to their home ports and the official reports of the fleet commanders the world began to obtain a coherent account of the greatest naval battle that ever has been fought. A careful perusal of the statements of Herliu and London place the British losses at seventeen ships and 5.985 men and the Germans at fifteen vessels and approximately 3.000 men. These figures include the vessels which enemy statements claim were sunk, but which are now admitted at the home admiralty offices. Among these are the AVarspite, the Derflinger and Hindenburg. Two British admirals and three captains are officially listed as killed. They are: Rear Admiral Hood, second in command who went down on the flagship Invincible. Rear Admiral Arbuthnot perished when the Defense was sunk. Capt. Prowse and the entire personnel of the Queen Mary. apt. Sowerby of the Indefatigable and Capt. Oay of the cruiser Invincible. An official report says all alioard the AVarrior were saved and lists the other vessels loss of men. No hope is held out for survivors on any of the other ships sunk. The admiralty announces that the late reports indicate that the Kaisers greatest dreadnauglit. the Hindenburg, was sunk in the North sea battle. The dreadnauglit Hindenburg is Germanys newest dreadnauglit. It was completed since the opening of the war and regarded as the last word in German naval construction. It is admitted the battleship Marlliorough was hit by a torjiedo. but was towed safely to port. The dreadnauglit War-spite was damaged by gunfire, the admiralty added, but escaped torpedoes. The loss of the Nomad and Nestor is admitted also. The German admiralty admits the loss of the dreadnauglit Westfalen. according to a wireless dispatch received here today from Berlin. The AVestfalen displaced 18,602 tons. It was 451 feet long, 88 feet lieam and 20 feet deep and carried a complement of 901 men. The AVestfalen was equipped with twelve 11-inch guns, twelve 5.9-lnch guns and a number of pieces of smaller caliber. It was also fitted with six 18-inch torpedo tubes. It cost approximately 0,000,000. Eight German warships have taken refuge in Danish waters according to reliable reports received here today. They will lie ordered to leave by noon today or intern. Seventy-four thousand and fifty-one Ohicagoaus, parading as a demonstration for preparedness, had passed the reviewing stand at the Art Institute before 12 oclock yesterday in the most remarkable parade in Chicagos history. All estimates agreed at that hour that the total number of marchers would approximate 250.000 liefore the final count was given out covering results of the preparedness parade. The spectators numbered more than one million and it was the most enthusiastic crowd ever gathered within the memory of any present. Promptly at 2 p. m. the entire column, then numbering about 20.000 in all streets, halted. Every band blared out the strains of "My Country "lis of Thee," and the anthem rose in swelling waves of sound throughout the entire downtown district. More than one million sang. The sound drowned every other noise in the loop. Elevnted trains flashed by overhead, the roar which has become so familiar to every Chicagoan, drowned by the mighty song. Mayor Thompson declared after the march had been on for a few hours that he considered it the most inspiring spectacle he ever had witnessed. "I am proud of Chicago," said the mayor. "This is a demonstration such as I do not believe can lie duplicated on short notice by any other city in the world." The greatest naval conflict of modern history, and between the latest types of modern naval vessels of the greatest destructive efficiency, took place AVednesday between the British battle cruiser fleet and the German main fleet. Complete details are lacking, but the British admiralty admits the loss of the great battle cruisers Queen Mary, Indefatigable and Invincible, armored cruisers Defence, Black Prince and Warrior and of seven torpedo boat destroyers. The admiralty claims the destruction of the German battle cruiser Derfflinger, two dreadnaughts of the Kaiser class, of 24,700 tons, the battleship Pommern and the light cruisers Frauenlob and Wiesbaden, also six German destroyers. The loss of Jife was great and is thought to have included Lieutenant Commander Powers Symington. Inited States naval attache at London. who is reported, without confirmation, to have been on the sunken Invincible. The battle took place off the coast of Denmark. The German fleet retired to its base on the arrival of the British main fleet. The Germans class the affair as a brilliant victory for their navy.

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