Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-24


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Tijuana Form Chart TIJUANA HEX THTJESDAY MAKCH 22 1923 1 mile Ninetyninth day Tijuana Jockey Club Winter Meeting of 100 or more days Weather clear temperature 70 Steward Francis Nelson J V ColTrotli and L 1 Hose Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Associate Judges I J Uose and J S Rothert Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary J S Kothert Racing starts at 155 p m Chicago time 355 p m W indicates whip S spurs II blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 12 Milo May 12 191S 47 J 2 123 Purse 700 2yearolds Handicap Net value to winner 490 second 140 third 70 Index Horses AWtrrst Vi V4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 68791 KING HEATHER wn 118 55 4 3 11 A Claver J W Marchbank 6882 13 WIKI JACK wa 93 3 2 31 4 21 M Garrctt Allen Wilkcrson 683 16 AIj HOTFOOT w 10S 64 64G8G04 21 2 3 R Lee A Ncal G8G04 PORTER ELLA w 106 1 1 1 1 4 E Fator J W Marchbank Marchbank5J 68277 JPHINE NEWELL w 95 4 3 5J 5 = 1 5i H Long Neal Bartholome BartholomeC 67975 BAUDALID w 101 2 6 C C G J Maiben E OConnell ICoupled in betting as J W Marchbank entry JNcal Bartholomew entry Time 23 48 Track fast 2 inutuels paid J W Marchbank entry 220 straight 220 place Wiki Jack 220 place no show mutuels sold soldEquivalent Equivalent booking odds J W Marchbank entry 10 to 100 straight 10 to 100 place Wiki Jack 10 to 100 place placeWinner Winner mk c by Friar Rock or Disguise Antrim by Celt trained by H T Griflin bred by Mr J 11 Smith SmithWent Went to post at 201 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing KINK IIEATIIKR began slowly but moved up with a great rush on the last turn and taking the lead quickly won easing up WIKI JACK stood a long and hard drive well and was easily second best us weighted AL HOTFOOT showed much speed but came wide when entering the stretch and lost considerable ground POUTER ELLA set a fast pace to the last eighth where she gave way waySera Sera Iched CSGG5 S targo 107 107Overweights Overweights liardalid 4 pounds Josephine Newell 1 SECOND BJ5CE 1 Milo and 70 Yards March 10 1923 142 6 118 Purse 500 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt H i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt C882TENNILEE6880G C882TENNILEE w 5 110 3 3 1 11 1 1 l i G Rose J Pidgeon Pidgeonws 230100 23010047SO100 6880G CORK ws S 110 7 2 31 2 2 2si 2 = 1 J Shaffer H T Palmer Palmerwa 47SO100 68750 CIGALE wa 5 113 6 9 111 12 7l 31 3 V D Mlcr J G Givens Givensw t 2340100 68807 MODISTE MODISTE68G45MRS w 6 113 12 7 SI 71 53 53 4l D Powell J Hamilton Hamiltonw 2330100 2330100C20100 68G45MRS PAT w 4 103 11 4 61 G 91 7l 5 F Stevens A Patterson Pattersonw C20100 688 68814s 14s LITTLE DEAR w 5 115 13 8 101 91 83 Si 6 = E Fator T Harris 200100 G88063 JOHN ARBOR WB 5 110 410 73 10 12 9 71 E Blind Elander Bros 200100t t G880G DIENERO ws 10 110 10 6 51 41 4i 6 S3 W Wiley T AVhite AVhiteSB GK750PINK TENNT SB 7 108 8 1 23 3 = 1 3J 4 91 R Bauer G Lyon Lyonws 68585 SILKX II ws C 115 5 11 12 Sb II1 11s 10 = P Martinez Allen AVilkerson AVilkersonw 68807 CANVASBACK w C 110 1 12 91 II1 10 10 H3 F Seremba E Winters Wintersw 68681COUNTRY w 4 106 9 5 4h a G 12 = il21 E Kenger Tarn o Shanter Stable C880G LORENA MOSS wu 7 113 2 13 13 13 13 13 13 T Wilson Strite Valentine 52C100 52C100tMutuel tMutuel lield Time 24 49 116 143 148 Track fast 2 inutuels paid Tennilce GGO straight 4SO place 800 show Cork 75GO place 840 show Cigale lield 6SO show showKquivalent Kquivalent booking odds Tennilce 230 to 100 straight 140 to 100 place 300 to 100 show Cork 3CSO to 100 place 320 to 100 show Cigale field 240 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ur g by Colinct Tokalon by Tammany trained by W H Sperling bred by Mr J W Fuller FullerWont Wont to post at 222 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing TENNILEE rushed into the lead at once and easily won all the way CORK raced surprisingly well and was in closest pursuit throughout CIGALE closed a big gap In a fast finish MODISTE did her best MRS PAT had a rough race raceScratched Scratched GSSOG Hills Luck 104 104Overweights Overweights Mrs Pat 2 pounds THIRD EACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards March 10 1923 142 6 118 Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt li V vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt r 6875 1 PLUNGER wn 9 113 3 2 2 2l Ill1 I1 W Gargan J Sullivan C60100 C6010068308BALFOUR 68308BALFOUR wa 5 113 2 4 4i 6 6s 23 21 E Fator Nebraska Stable 330100 330100G8808 G8808 SENR DONLAN w 4 109 1 3 81 7 7J 51 3 T Wilson W Hunter 3610100 68813 JAY MAC w 4 109 8 7 7 = 1 5 1 5 4 4 C Rails C B Daniels 7201CO 8808SWALTER DANT w S 113 10 C 6 3 3l 3t 6 P Martinez C B Irwin 90100 68852 YERMAIC w 10 113 9 S 31 41 43 6 6 P Hum G F Hum 4030100 8794 PLANTAGENET w 11 113 7 5 Il in 21 7 7 i J Maiben A Jones J1320100 J1320100G8807 G8807 JOLLY SAILOR SB 3 9G 6 1 5 9J 9l 91 SJ II Long Remini Stable t 68751 GLENJAR w 4 102 51010 10 10 10 9l I Parke W G Jenkins t tC8770TOM C8770TOM BROOKS w 7 113 4 9 9J Sh S1 8 = 10 F J Baker S Elmer j jtMutuel tMutuel lield Timo 24 48 115 142 146 Track fast 2 muluels paid Plunger 1320 straight 540 place 480 show Balfour 400 place 440 show Senator Donlan 1280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Plunger SCO to 100 straight 170 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Balfour 100 to 100 place ljtf to 100 show Senator Donlan 540 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ir in by Hen Trovato Sweet Marjoram by Dinna Forget trained by J Sullivan bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went to post at 246 At post 1 minuto Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same PLUNGER waited on PLANTAGENET until rounding the far turn where he rushed into the lead and kPiping it finished gamely and held 1SALFOUR safe through the final quarter The latter gained ground steadily after turning for home and made a fast finish SENATOR DONLAN closed a big gap and finished with a rush JAY MAC ran a good race WALTER DANT and YERMAK finished close up PLANTAGENET set the pare to the far turn and quit quitScratched Scratched 6S813 Colonel Matt 108 GSSOG Obstinate 111 GSS33 Lewis C 103 G3793 Cannonball 111 111Overweights Overweights Plunger 3 pounds FOURTH KACE 1 Mile June 17 1916 138 3 95 Purse 000 3yearolds Fillies Special Weights Net valuo to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi V = i Str Fia Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 08811 TASSEL w 110 1 1 2 2 2J I1 11 B Kcnndy A C Bostwick 70100 188 10 MONARDELLA w 110 4 4 5 5 5 5 2 A Claver J W Marchbank 820100 68795 LITTLE HOPE w 107 5 3 3 31 31 3J 31 R Bauer C N Daniel 930100 68795 TULE WB 110 2 2 11 U 1 2 4 D Hum Nevada Stock Farm Stb 2140100 68826 JOELl A J w 110 3 5 4 4 41 4 5 W Pool Tarn o Shanter Stable 240100 240100Time Time 24 49 115 142 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Tassel 340 straight 300 place Monardella 480 place no show mutuels sold soldEquivalent Equivalent placeWinner booking odds Tassel 70 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place Monardella 140 to 100 place Winner 1J f by ISerrilldon Stake and Cap by Ellisdule trained by J W Ilealy bred by Mr L Garth Went to post at 311 At post 2 minutes Start coed and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing TASSEL raced under stout restraint behind TULE until turning for home where she took the lead with i rush to win easing up MONARDKJLLA ran last to the stretch then closed up with a great rush and headed LITTLE HOPE in the final strides LITTLE HOPE showed a good order of speed and fin ¬ ished well TULE set a good pace but quit after going threequarters in the lead JOELLA J ran much below IIIT best form fJQQr7 FIFTH RACERS 4 Mile Dec 20 1916 111 3 110 Purse 600 3yearolds OOO 0 JU Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi V = 1 Sir inn Fquiv Odds Strt G8738CRLOS ENRIQUE WB 109 82 1 = 1 1 1s l = i A Claver F R Irwin 263100 68757 = ALLIE OCHS WB 105 7 5 2k 2 2J 2 J Merimee AV Daniel 73100 73100C8811REAP C8811REAP WB 112 24 5 5 3 31 F Cantrell C B Irwin 6501CO 68795 REMIT we 102 1 3 3i 3J 5 41 I Parke W G Jenkins 2140100 68757 FABER w 101 4 1 4l 41 4 51 C Rails A E Stoke 2 40100 68757 SIR LEONID w 107 6 8 88 6i C1 H Long Meadowbrook Stable 8193100 68774 PEACE FLAG w 93 3 6 71 7 73 7 L Creery H Parton 161030100 161030100C82G3 C82G3 BOWSPRIT wu 105 5 7 61 6 S S F Stevens W Walker 5260100 5260100Timo Timo 23 47 113 Track fast 2 inutuels paid Carlos Enrique 720 straight 2SO place 240 show Allie Ochs 240 place 220 show Reap 2GO show showEquivalent Equivalent hooking odds Carlos Enrique 2CO to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Alliu Ochs 20 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Reap 30 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ill g by Sttth May Day by Leonid trained by F R Irwin bred by Mr E Trainer TrainerVent Vent to post at 339 At pest 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing CARLOS ENRIQUE took a good lead at once and showing high sixed set a fast pace and easily won aU the way ALLIE OCIIS away none too well rushed up into closest pursuit at once but finished tiring and was lucky to save second place REAP gained steadily after turning for home and would have been second in another stride REMIT showed speed speedScratched Scratched GS757 St Angelina 100 CS757 Endive U7 GS757 0 Henry 90 90Overweights Overweights Rowsprit 1 pound SIXTH SACE 34 Mile Dec 20 191G 111 3 110 Purso 1000 3yearolds and upward Handicap Net valuo to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPStVi Vz X Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 68795 DOLORES w 4 103 2 4 68811 DELANTE WB 3 97 1 1 4 = 4 2S 2 II Long B F McClain 450100 68776 CAPT CLOVER wn 4 90 5 5 61 G 53 3 I Parke G M Van Gorden 202S3100 202S310068K11 68K11 VAN PATRICK WB 3 90 8 6 51 5 y 4 = 1 W Dean C B Irwin f 710100 68755 DORIUS wn 4 106 4 8 T 71 61 5 = E Fator Pueblo Stable 1SGO100 1SGO10068671TEN 68671TEN BUTTONS w 5 102 6 7 8 8 7 61 D Hum C B Irwin f G8757PUD WB 3 M 7 2 33 21 4 7l M Garrctt J Cooper 1640100 68810 WILD HEATHER wn 5 96 3 3 in 3 8 8 P Hurn Colorado Stable 2313100 2313100tCoupled tCoupled in betting us C B Irwin entry entryTime Time 23i 47 112 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Dolores 300 straight 200 place 240 show Delante 340 place 380 show Capt Clover 14 IX show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Dolores 50 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Delante 70 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Capt Clover G30 to 100 show showWinner Winner U f by Disguise BerriUs Choice by Berrill trained by C Kirsclibaum bred by Mr John n Rossetcr RossetcrWent Went to post at 401 At post 1 minute Start good and slow for all but DORIUS and TEN RUT TONS Won driving second and third the HRI DOLORES raced her competitors into early defeat and drew away after rounding the far turn and finishing gamely although tiring barely lasted to win PELANTE finished with a nifih and barely failed to get up CAPT CLOVER made up ground and easily passed VAN PATRICK The latter ran well to the hist sixteenth where he tired PUD and WILD HEATHER showed speed but quit quitScratched Scratched 63853 Abadane 145 145Overweights Overweights Dorius 1 pound Ten Muttons 2 SEVENTH RACE 1 316 Miles Jan 1 1921 20075 4 107 Purse S700 3year olds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 490 second 140 third 70 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi a i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 687 15 REGRESO wsu 9 121 4 4 2 1 1 J U 1 P Martinez C B Irwin W 4 99 G 3 1 2 2 3l 23 W Dean E W Moore 68814 FIREWORTH WB 6 108 1 5 4 5 4 33 F Stevens W Walker G8814SBACCHUS WB 3 92 3 2 31 3 3l 2 ° 4 P Hum H Farrall 390100 39010068814ROUEN 68814ROUEN w 7 108 2 1 5 41 4 5 5 G Rose A Brent 820100 688 14 CHARLEY BOY w 5 108 5 6 Fell H Zander Sunflower Stable 1790100 1790100Timo Timo 25 51 116 142 202 Track fast 2 mntnels paid Regreso 440 straight 340 place 280 show Gipsy Joe 1040 place 020 show Fireworth 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Regreso 120 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Gipsy Joe 4CO to 100 place 210 to 100 show Fireworth 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Hastings Arline by The Commoner trained by C R Irwin bred by Mr C C Patrick PatrickWent Went to post at 429 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same REGRESO raced into a pood lead after passing the half and carrying his weight gamely fin ¬ ished resolutely under hard riding and just managed to outstay GIISY JOE The latter finished with a great rush and was wearing the winner down fast at the end FIREWORTII came with a belated rush through the stretch BACCHUS loomed up menacingly when turning for home but swerved out badly all through the final eighth EIGHTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards March 10 1923 1425 6 118 Purse 600 3ycaroda and upward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Kquiv Odds Strt C8756HERDEU wsn S 112 2 2 1 I1 1 I1 Il F Cantrell C B Irwin 68751 CANCION w 6 100 5 6 7s 7 6 4 23 II Long M Hudson 68774 PETEU PIERSON WB 3 86 7 7 5 4i 4J 21 3J W Dean K Blake 68688 ROYAL MAID w 3 95 4 S S S 8 61 41 P Hum E Murray 68798 SILK SOX wn 4 113 6 5 3h 3 3 3 5J D Powell II F Cloud 68756 PAY OFF ws 8 115 1 1 41 f 5 51 V J Merimee II Cooper 68651 VIBRATE WB 5 110 S 3 21 2 = 1 2 Ti 7 = 1 F Stevens W P Gaini 68560 POKEY B w 7 100 3 4 6 6l 7 S 8 G Rose G P Sherm Sherman 1239MOO 1239MOOTime Time 24 47 114 141 147 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Herder 700 straight 380 place 3CO show Caucion 32GO place 700 show Peter Pierson 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Herder 250 to 100 straight 90 to 100 place SO to 100 show Cancion 1530 to 100 place 250 to 100 show Peter Pierson GO to 100 show showWinner Winner Br g by Colin lielgra via by Ben Brush trained by C II Irwin bred by WicklifTe Stud StudWent Went to post at 451 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing HERDER set a good pace and drawing away from VIBRATE after going a half finished gamely under hard riding and easily held CANCION safe at the end The latter closed a big gap and finished fast and resolutely PETER PIERSON ran a good race from a slow beginning ROYAL MAID came from far back VIBRATE ran a good threequarters threequartersScratched Scratched G8824 Woohlay 100 G8434 Tag Day 93

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032401/drf1923032401_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1923032401_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800