6th Race [6th Mobile, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-24

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Gi ClaimingDill DA PC Aliout G 12 Ifnrlonsrs JJycarolds and ujtivard Claiming Dill HAUII Olarcli 1 1922 123 25 S 120 120SKOOTER SKOOTER h f 1 103 By Vandergift Sarida by Bourbon Eoan EoanTrainer Trainer A H Vivell Owner A H Vivell Breeder E L Davis 68837 Mobile Ab 5S 103 hvy hvyG8321 13 111 7 7 7 71 C Jackson 7 tAlomker Dalitnda PHpson G8321 Jefferson 01 fl07fast 13 115 11 10 10 91J C Jackson 12 Hirdie C Sultan Uumbfouudcr 68062 FGrnds 31 l13 l133mud mud 5 10J 2 G 10l 101J C Jackson 11 Clksnn Dbfoiinder IteesWing 67943 FGrnds 34 l14Vifast l14VifastGC850 20 106 5 6 6 GJ C Jackson 12 Feodor Adventure BFkllackle GC850 Bowla 61 f 122 fast fast6G828 i3 103 S 10 11 11 W Organ 12 Cum Sih Kttalie Fusee Fusee6J 6G828 Bowie 6J f l2Jfefast l2Jfefast65G82 33f 110 7 S 8 GTJ C JacKsonlSSo It Goes Tidings Care Free 65G82 Kworth 1S l2Gfast 25 107 6 8 7i S15 C Jackson 11 Osarite Colaiido The Wag 65 136 Dorval 51 I l12mud 5 107 4 4 3 1 = C Jackson C Meuse Silk Sox Little Patsy G5023 Dorval 34 l13V6fast 84 107 5 6 6 5J C Jackson 7 Mumtimibo Tilania Mavournn 64581 Conncht 34 1 13 fast 163 10512 12 10 1PJ C Jackson 12 Fusee Quanai Camouflnge GJ521 Connsht 5i f l07iieood 191 IOC 6 11 V 9 C Jackson 11 HidJewel Quanah Mavourncen AMAITOA br rn 6 103 103Trainer By Dick Finnell Flaming Flamingo by Cesarion CesarionS Trainer I R Doyle Owner S Jones Breeder J C Rogers 68880 Mobile Ab 58 101 good 45 111 1 I1 Il R Doyle S Ppasanda MMoore Flypaper G8831 Mobile Ab 5S 104 hvy 143 43 116 1 133 3 i J Bell 7 KPatsy CAComkey KCartei 68739 Jefferson Im70y 1 47f5faat 12 103 767 Sl U Doyle 12 Lucy Kate Loveliness Ogarile 68613 Jefferson 51 f lOS1xfast 8 103 3 3 3l 2 R Doyle 12 Fusee Sprint Vale ilary O 68226 Jefferson 1 316 149 ifast 8 109 4 7 8l 11 J Chalmers 11 Ashland JFairman WHaven 68111 FGrnds 34 lillrifast 15 101 5 6 31 2J n Doyle 13 Jphlirant SUrSprings Quality 67142 FGrnda 1 116 l53hvy 10 101 3 1 li 3 It Uoyle 9 AmerSoldier BnllybvII Demos 67310 Jefferson 1116149 fa = t 12 105 698 Sl n Doyle Natural Tulsa White Haven C7223 Jefferson 1 11S l50i slow 10 1 J1 C 2 2 3 R Doyle 12 Natural BritisiiLincr ViraCnba ViraCnbaBy MUSITO ch K 7 113 By ST STTrainer Sweeper Musette by Juvenal Trainer N J Hernandez Owner N J Hernandez nandez Bred in France by H B Duryea C8881 See todays chart 6883 1 Mobile Ab 61 f 1 32vihvy 15 117 4 5 G Gl J Beii G Mary G Amaze Grayson 67121 FairGds 1 31G 207 hvy 20 101 5 6 10 30 L McDottH llallotcar Matineeld Huoncc 67150 Jefferson 114213 hvy 30 103 1 S S S E Martin S Rama Little Ed Honolulu Boy BoySO 67093 Jefferson 1 11S 130 Vnvy SO Hi 7 10 10 10 H ThurberlO MtnHoselL Amaze HonluBoy 66464 Toledo 1 l10 fast 7 TO 2 2666 6 6 G51 II S Jones 0 Tamper Dancer Rex Gaiety 66187 MHehts Im70y 200 hvy 4 113 511 T Burns 7 Itooneville My Laddie Lavaga 66152 MHghts 34 l21 = imul 1S5 5 103 2 2l T Burns 7 CapePillar Maloivuiot Advance 66054 MHEhts 1 316 211 mud 85 5 10S Il W Taylor G Puzzle Ollic Palmer Booneville GYPSY LIGHT b m 5 103 103Trainer By Beacon Light Gypsy Star by Sorcerer Sorcerer3ond Trainer V Bond Owner V Bond Breeder J M Bumpass 68881 See todays chart 68831 Mobile Ab 38 l01ihvy 20 116 116G8469 7 6 G1 C E Atkinsn 7 LPatsy CAComkey Aminda AmindaCO G8469 Jefferson 1 116 l34 ihvy CO 103 4 11 10 9 R Mthewsl2 Tinslins K Carpenter Npolltun 68111 FGrnds 34 lH ifast 30 106 12 12 12J 12 A Wilson 13 Jphltrant Amanda SilSpring 6747 FGrnds 34 l16Shvy M 101 9 10 10 Sl R M thensi I Moon Winks Feodor Silence 67200 Jefferson 34 l16 = ihvy 12 103 S 11 11 11 W Organ 12 StrghtShot SprgVale HAtkin 63440 T TingEd ingEd Ab 34 l201 slow 910 10 110 110MARSE IJ W Hinphy S Navajo Skirt Dance Tommie C MARSE JIMMY b h 8 103 By Cameron Bermuda by Frederick William Breeder J Sureget 68857 Mobile Ab GJ f 12S slow 10 117 G 5 6 2 A Fraley 7 Sandy II Consort Kinglinj II 8836 Mobilo Ab 5S 103 hvy 12 115 5 5 5i 3 = A Fraley S Grandee Pit Tatter Hap Girl 68573 Jefferson 51 f lGCKfast CO 105 10 10 10 = 10 A Fraley 11 Sandal wood Feodor Jago 68119 Jeffernon 34 1 17Ahvy 30 11212 12 10s 10 G Mein 12 Marimba Herald Ardito 67943 FGrnda 31 l14fast 30 110 10 S 95 9 R Doyle 12 Feodor Adventure BlkllacUe BlkllacUeKINGLING KINGLING II b h 10 113 By Ethelbsrt Kings Favorite by Hanover HanoverTrainer Trainer J Arthur Owner J P Mayberry Bred in France hy A Bclmont 68857 Mobile AbBJfl2S slow 31 122 4 4 4J 4l K Parton 7 Sandyll MarceJimmy Consort ConsortOK290 OK290 Jefferson I 18 15S fast 20 1091 1 11 11 HJ K Smwodll Buxom Pastoral Pirate McUei 554 FGrnda 31 lH7igood 39 107 2 H 11 11 A Abel 11 HillFdale Yotinced Clarkson Clarkson3G2 3G2 Jefferson 34 114 tfast M 10312 11 11 = IV C I ins 12 Royal Dick Grayson Jock Scot 67220 Jefferson 34 l15Tislow 30 110 9 10 91 3 A Abel 12 Mouse Gen Cadorna Hereafter 06791 Marlboro 1115158 fast 1 109 1 1 1 E Jelley Jelley6G776 7 JiipMumn GWash tcu SirIack 6G776 Marlboro 1 115 l5vgood 3710 106 7 1 2 21 A Abel 7 Plantaifde Horeb Deltas Best 66749 Marlboro 1 116 l55ifast 32 10S 3 1 1 2S A Abel G AThere Dots Iest Zennntta 66735 Marlboro Ira70y 153 fast 2110 111 5 1 31 3 A Abel AbelG59G3 S May Girl Sir Adsiim liar One OneG59G5 G59G3 Kworth 78 l31 ihvy 17 103 S 8 Cs 6 6l A Abel S Tribune Tarascon Ciceronian CiceronianGRANDEE GRANDEE ch g 7 120 By Loreaio C Crowborongh by Crowberry CrowberryTrainer Trainer 0 Wendel Owner 0 Vcndel Bred in England by Major J C CHartley Hartley 68861 Mobile 1 151 slow 95 110 3 1 3 4 K T Moore T HarKing Hutchison TokMarch TokMarchCS836 CS836 Mobile Ab aS 1 03 hvy 31 120 3 1 1 1s E T Moore 8 PitPatter HappyGIrl FastTrial 68832 Mobile Ab 3S l01fchvy 7 121 733 3J E T Moore 8 I incelot Hijli Value Not Yet YetCG98G CG98G Jefferson 1 11C l17fait 25 110 S 9 9 9 A Wilson 12 LishtWine Handfull AivaCubt AivaCubtfiG5G8 fiG5G8 Akron 31 l17Hfa t 2310 112 3J E T MoorelO Our Kate Lender DintyMoore 66470 Akron 61 f l26Hslow 12 107 7 E T Moore 7 Old Red Rafferty Pretender G0432 PretenderG0432 Akron Ab 5S 106 hvy 2 113 2 E T Moore 8 Fringe Miirgaret N Suds SudsC145J C145J Krie 1143 fast 41 113 C F Lux G St Kevin Little Niece Tittin TittinC4349 C4349 Toledo 1 116 l53 slow 15 llJ 2 E Hileman 8 WillSoon WArrow MaJDomo MaJDomoSPECTATOR SPECTATOR ch c 3 M 104 By Prince Hermis Paschal by Candlemas CandlemasTrainer Trainer A Bordeui Owner A Bordeau Breeder G L Blackford BlackfordG8856 G8856 Mobilo Ab iS l lSjslow 13 112 9 8 S S R Holway 9 BIIern IlishValue MiiaLghton 68572 Jefferson 51 f lOSf 3t 41 110 11 0 9 9 E Pool 12 Glenlivet SpFlai MI igbton igbtonC8131 681 C8131 31 FGrnda 34 llGlisJow 7 110 5 G 10 S E Martz 13 CAlfhart Reformer RCn RCrown 67983 FGruda 34 111 fait 12 115 14 13 13 ll L McDoU14 Eulalia Sultan First Blush BE SURE CyllenoTrainer T h 5 113 By Helmet Presanella by Cylleno Trainer R L Smith Owner R L Smith Brooder E R Bradley BradleyG8861 G8861 Mobile 1 151 slow 30 113 7 7 7 7 = T Thrkill 7 HarKing Hutchison TokMarch TokMarchG2187 G2187 Churchill 1116148 fast 31 113 S 8 S S W W Tlor S Hany 15 Warsaw Link Boy G18C9 Churchill 110 113 8 8 S Ss G Fields S GteenGold CoIlJuker HonorM n 61809 Churchill 70 111 S S 8 S A Johnson S GndSwell TonySue Col Taylor G07U Mexico 1 1S l59 last 16 1074 653 3 4 4s E T Moore C Stimental Lucy Kate TLogan SPEARLENE h g 8 120 By Spearmint Mare by Cyllene Thimbl Traitor R Rice Owner Rie Willraert Died in England by H De WaMea WaMeaC8859 C8859 Mobile 1 l30 slow 30 113 5 4 4 4 I Gordon fi SVliLightllL Tyranny FRster 68811 Mobile Im70y t tTsslow Tsslow 30 109 5 5 5 5 J Fchlger 5 Magicinn Ardito HarvestKing HopsG231G G2745 Aqueduct 1 ItSlim 30 102 6 6 6 5s F Catronu 7 Cliarvon Calialin Mount Hops G231G Belmt Gi f MC l20islow 25 114 7 6 12J 13tz L Lyke 19 I5eckna Copyright Pansy

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032401/drf1923032401_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1923032401_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800