Edict Retired To Stud, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-24


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EDICT RETIRED TO STUD NEW YORK N Y March 2 Edict one of the bright juvenile developments of last year and winner of tho Spinaway at Sara ¬ toga for the Rancocas Stable has been re ¬ tired to the stud at Mr Sinclairs New Jersey farm farmHildrcths Hildrcths present plan is not to ship his horses in training from Rancocas until the last week in April when they will be sent to their Pelinont Park quarters Just now he seems to bo more interested in the foals thut have been coming than in his racing string There have been about a dozen thus far this season and those by Inchcapc have at ¬ tracted the most attention This murvcloursly fast but unsound son of Friar Rock and Rose of Gold for which Mr Sinclair paid an enor ¬ mous price promises to make good bounte ¬ ously as a stock horso even though his weak underpinning prevented his attaining great ¬ ness on the traclc

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032401/drf1923032401_1_7
Local Identifier: drf1923032401_1_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800