5th Race [5th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-24

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C4U DA PET t S 3IiIc yoarolils anil upivard Claiming 3Iay 2O IDilO Din nAUt 5 4 107 DODE ADAMS br1 m 7 113 113Trainer By Luck and Charity Tripod by Bonnio Joe JoeBreeders Trainer H Cassity Owner H Cassity Breeders J H Barnett 08791 Tijuana 58 l02fast 1S5C 113 1 15J 31 543 D Hum 12 PrivPeat Delancey BessWelch 08010 Tijuana Tijuana08G24 5J f lOSitast 1S5 111 1 13 13 II Long 11 RoscoeGoose FdieFearll Indian 08G24 Tijuana 34 liri ifast 25 110 1 15S 1 2J H Long 12 JCpbt11 PrlessOne PkTenny 08102 Tijuana 5S l02Vifast 6 111 3 7 10 ° II Long 13 J ck Pot Huzzas Phillipe Lugo 08380 Tijuana 51 f lC9 ifast 9 113 1 15S 21 33 H Long 12 Ermitana llonnebelle Tillotson 08340 Tijuana TijuanaG77G4 5S l01fast 7 111 2 72 S H Long 9 Canball IlMeyers JCampbcll G77G4 Tijuana TijuanaPERCH 5S l02J fast 2s 4i II Long 12 Caneion Santhia C Woolday PERCH b m 8 108 By Ivan the Terrible Skeptical by Hiinyar HiinyarBarnett Trainer R Barnett Owner Z E Barnett Breeder E S Gardner Gardner5i 03850 Tijuana 5i f lOSrsfast 1 11D 7 6 C 4 = 1 C Rails 10 Date Candorosa Lnvaga Lnvaga5S 08711 Tijuana 5S l01fast 145f 116 64 42 L Armstg 13 RoscoeGoose Coombs Biglndian 08587 Tijuana 34 117 hvy 21 108 7 6 S S7 L Armstg S Due dcGuise LonePine Conichon 6GOI4 Hthorne 51 f l14 l14shvy = shvy IS5 111 1 2 2J1 2 M SI enter 7 DiffirtEyos Railbird Bonltlue BonltlueCJ 05830 Hthorne CJ f 109 fast 12 111 5 6 6 6 M SlghterlU End Man BMcCloy Ed Lc Tan TanEl C5G38 Omaha El f 107 fast 6 107 6 i M Rrtlson C lUilnckxvl ISWelch EdLeVan EdLeVan5S 05423 Omaha 5S l02slow 30 112 I4 M Slghter S LPointer FnshnUirl Indianola 05377 Omaha 58 l01Vsfast 13 112 1 M SlghterlO Don Jose EdLeVan LitPointcr NO WONDER ch g 8 110 By Fireman Belle of Portland bj G W Johnson JohnsonTrainer Trainer H T Palmer Owner H T Palmer Breeder Mrs I McPheo 08733 Tijuana 51 f l07ifast 37f 106 6 93 5 J F WatrouslS Trusty MissManage MisriBoy 08422 Tijuana 34 l13ifas t t5J li 113 G 51 5i W Pool 10 Amkassin EmWilms HRudr 08379 Tijuana 5J f lOSHfast 12 115 2 13 1 = W Pool 9 Peg Martin Onwa FrenchNurse 08297 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast fastAb 51 113 4 33 23 W Pool 10 Delancey Cannonbali Flame CG398 Akron Ab 5S l03imud l03imudAb 9 109 Tl T ISuel 8 Virge Chisca Jueen of the Spa 06331 Akron Ab 5S l00fast 31 112 1122G 441 J Pevic 7 Flip Right Angle Aunt Agnes 05055 NKton Ab 5S 1 02if jist 2G 113 Ini C Eames 0 Midian Marchtone Amer Rose 05414 NKton Ab 5S l01 fast 10 113 113TOM 5J F Lux C Neg L Gentry Gilder GilderBy TOM CRAVEN b g 4 114 114Trainer By Magneto Lakelet by Orlando Trainer C Irby Owner C Irby Breeder C C1 T T5i 08753 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast 5 109 5i G3 J Merimee 9 ShcDevil WalterDant ColMatt C8G10 Tijuana 1 141 slow 6 109 6 Ik 2nt J Merimee 7 Poacher Tawasentha Anita K 08543 Tijuana 34 Ii6imud 11G 112 7 7I 4 = t 4s J Merimee 9 Alazon Lone Pint Plow Steel 083R3 Tijuana I j42ifast 41 103 11 7 10 AV Martin 11 ColMatt Nebraska Lad Yukon 08315 Tijuana 51 i l071ifast 1110 113 6 1 2 C Rails 13 Shcbyville Poacher View 08281 Tijuana 51 f lOSslow 4 111 5 23 3 = C Rails S Sister Susie Conichon Poacher 07900 Tijuana 24 llGihvy 7f 107 3 6 = 71 C Rails 9 LilFlorce HGeorge BBlackl 07910 Tijuana Im70y H9mud 41 100 S S SGALLOTJBERRY S S M Wood S Rajah Silk Sox Yermak YermakBy GALLOTJBERRY b g 5 115 115i By Galatine Kato Kittleberry by Cerasus CerasusBreeder i Trainer H E Davis Owner H E Davis Breeder J E Seagram Seagram3i C8G47 Tijuana 5S l01fast S 113 4 3 3i 25i J Glass 13 Lit Pointer ColMatt RosaAtkin OSOOG Tijuana 5S 103 slow 5 113 2 1 129f 1 = 1 = 1 J Glass 12 Joe Campbell Onwa Mid Bell 08524 Tijuana 5S l01fnst 29f 113 7 5 5 = 34 M Andsonll LitPointer JoeTag Stanley 08502 Tijuana 5S 103 fast 3 113 2 2 S 2 t M AndsonlS Chrome Elmer W G Trimble 08218 Tijuana 34 llSmud 9 112 6 1 1 53 M Andson 9 Circulate Review An Revoir 08197 Tijuana 39 115 9 9 9 9 J Glass 9 Rifle ISillyGibson NellieUarper 08124 Tijuana 5S l02ifast 5 113 4 3 Ii 2 M Andsonll liabcKuth TDnncan FrNurse G7722 Tijuana 5S l02ifast 13 113 11 11 M S4 T Wilson 11 Yukon Dclancey Phyllis K KBy CICELY KAY b m G 103 103Trainer By Robert Kay Siss Loe by Oddfellow Trainer J L Crawford Owner R Parton Breedir W S Payne PayneS G8G72 Tijuana 40f 106 2 S S = L Armstr S Hreeze Charley Boy Theresa 08314 Tijuana Bl f OSMfast 27 1CS 3 5 4 W Martin 12 Notfield Nizam Merry Lass 08222 Tijuana 51 f llinud 5 111 1 4 = i 641 T Wilson 12 Ilaisy SthnGentleman Micljan P8199 Tijuana 51 f 10 mud 31 113 3 3S 2i 2si T Wilson S Full Moon Don Jose Cauuzel 08054 Tijuana 51 f 14 hvy hvy5S S 113 1 4 4 = 1 T Wilson 11 CMastcr OHomestd TRoach 07999 Tijuana 5S 0o7iraud 0o7iraud5S 15 114 2 23 2l T Wilson 7 Careen Don Jose Velvet 07911 Tijuana TijuanaVIRGE 5S 04 mud 23 11 T Wilson 14 You Bet Car I Gentry VIRGE ch m 9 9Trainer 113 By Leonid Virginia Lindsey by Pirate of Pan PanOwner Trainer C E Owner C E Davisan zance Breeder Col M Youmr 08825 Tijuana 31 l14 = ffast 5 113 4 1 U 2 T Rae 10 JulvFly FGCorley CRob rts 08793 Tijuana 5S l02Vifast 14 113 9 6 44 23 T Rae 13 KortChurchill Ncg JackPot G8C47 Tijuana 5S 1 Olrsfast 4 11110 10 10s S 3 F Stevens 13 Lit Pnter ColMatt GalBerry GalBerryISf 08G27 Tijuana 51 f l07Vifast ISf 103 12 9 9 = 91 J Merimee 11 PrivPeat I dcGuise VeraRita VeraRitalOf 08423 Tijuana 34 intvifast lOf 111 2 o C1 333 T Rao nv Hv Dclancev Vera Rita f8404 Tijuana BS l01ifast 51 113 S G 41 5 = T Rae 12 IlazelDale JoeBlair MissriBoy 07872 Tijuana 5S l03imud 10 108 10 7 7 7J G Rose 10 Cormii tier Mild Count Boris 07744 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 17 111 4 1 13 lh W Martin S TCravcn NcbrLad Philander 07072 Tijuana I 8 1 fl2 fast 135 110 6 2 ICl H Long 11 Fondllope NebraskaLad Nizam NizamlOf C7431 Tijuana lOf 108 2 1 1s 1 = II Long 11 Alajali Syncopation FVhNurse CHROME ch s 6 115 115Conner By Sigurd Qucencup by King Faustus FaustusR Trainer R Conner Owner R Connor Connor5S Breeder H K Trowbridije Trowbridijel 08047 Tijuana 5S l01 l01sfast = sfast l 16f f 113 S S5S 7 7 7 1 F J BakerlS Ijt Pnter ColMatt GalBerry 08502 Tijuana 5S 103 fast 10 113 1 1 U Ink F J Bakerl3 GaLBtrry KlmerW GTrimble 08380 Tijuana 51 f l09Jifast 10 115 9 4 8JHi F J BaUerl2 Krmitana Uounebclle DAdams 07595 Tijuana 58 1 027fast 9 11G 2 2Bl 3 3 57 F J Baker 12 Philanderer Viva Bacchus G718fi Tijuana Bl f 112 hvy 7 112 7 7Si 6 6J 5 F J Halter S IIorLerch CicelyKay PhyllisK 07079 Tijuana Si f lllihvy 13 112 4 4 4l 35 F J Baker S Jt Cascade Cuba G7035 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 12 114 1 4 4 33 F J Raker 9 Count Itorls Jerry Merry Lasi G7000 Tijuana 5 f 110 mud 25 112 4 7 54 B S F J Baker 8 Harry D North Shore Pueblo 86895 Tijuana 58 104 slop 27 lit 1 1Ab 2 2Z 21 F J Balierll Tutt Virjrc XfK 65181 Hstinga Ab 5S l007ihvy 22 114 3 B McEwen 7 Torsida Fick Fancy LadyEileCD JOE TAG b K 5 115 115Trainer By Flammarion Bells Rod by Nimrod Trainer R Jones Owner Nacoff coff Jones Breeder W Mikel G85G5 Tijuana 51 f 110 mud 21 lOu 3 2 2 ° k 2ij M Milriekll Red Man Neg Stanley II G8524 Tijuana 5S l01ifast 21 115 3 4 4 2si II S Jontsll LPointer GItcrry StanleylT StanleylTlit G84G7 Tijuana 34 115 fast lit 113 3 3 7i SJ H S lone 9 liar Rudder Ollie Wood Yukon 08243 Tijuana 41 f 57fchvy 4 113 1 2 31 2 H S Jones 7 HDilc Rlklrince SGentlemn 08223 Tijuana BS l044imud 32 110 423 31 E Petzoldt 7 Hazel Jale It Oioir Miter 0804 I Tijuana 51 f l13bvy 145 1C6 2 1 13 1 F Stevens 7 JkLrdi Ollie Wood E Williams 08003 Tijuana 5S lK9jtnud 9 113 5 2 5 C l M Andson 9 BBlacivl Connutter BPrinct BPrinctC 07701 Tijuana 12 4Sifast C 108 2 2 3 2 G Rose 8 Hazel Dale Joe Plair LGeutry CLEAR THE WAY br g G 110 By Von Tromp Directa by Vinctor Trainer S Smith Owner M Jordan Breeder E Cebrian CebrianICf G8G47 Tijuana 5S l01 l01sfast = sfast ICf 113 1 4 51 9 = T Wilson 13 Ijt Pnter ColMatt GalPrrry 08018 Tijuana 41 f 59Vtmud 9 113 2 1 1 13 T Wilson 10 TliyDiintan Babe Ruth Thrills 01135 Tijuana 34 l15igood 13 117 6 S S 3 H Jones S Ly Bourbon RedMan Coombs C11I4 Tijuana 1 11C l49fiist fc2 1C9 7 Wheeled M Fator 7 ClJunia DuintyUnly Caaniuno 01085 Tijuana 1 116 l49ifaat 21 10a 4 4 7 73 M Fator 7 Ytrmak Audrey K Rhymer 01055 Tijuana 51 f 108 faat 13 109 1 G B 43 P Hum 8 RAtkin Th Seven Mayflowei C09G8 Tijuana 32 115 C i Z I4 P MartlnezlO Rosa Atkin Coombs Careen JACK POT b c 4 114 l lTrainer By First Chip Graoior Gould by Register Trainer T Polk Owner T Polk Breeder S Warinr G8793 Tijuana 68 l82fast 14 114 8 2 31 4 1 TI Molters 13 Fort Churchill Virgc Ncg 08733 Tijuana El f l071tfast S7f 113 4 408G2C 3 21 4 H MolterslS Trusty MissMannge MLsriBoy 08G2C Tijuana Ei f l07fast Slf 110 3 3 Q 83 H Molters 10 VanWolles LPointcr Fdllopo 68524 Tijuana 68 l01Hfast 8 114 6 7 74 7 H Molters 11 LitPointer JotTag GalHerry 084 G2 Tijuana 5S l02Vifast 2710 113 9 3 2 1 ° H Mjlters 13 Huzzas PLugo SiiuirIIawkins 08339 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 31 105 1 2 il 2 H Petzoldtl2 Tabloid Coomlm AmericanMaid 081 GO Tijuana 5S 105 hvy 75 1CS 2 2G7709 1 14 21 H Molters 9 PokcyB AnnsSister AmMaid G7709 Tijuana 5S l01fast 2 t 113 6 6G0944 3 6 633 II Molters S HazelDale R L Owen Neg G0944 Tijuana 5J f l0igood 160 107 3 3ANGELQ 6 S S = H Molters S DancgGirl SirJVergne LSmall ANGELQ ch c 4 111 111Trainer By Rock View Orlo by Orby OrbyBreeder Trainer A Brent Owner A Sciiidt Breeder J Livincton 08794 Tijuana 5S l02fast 33 103 3 5 10l 910 E PetzoIdtlU PriirPeat IKlancey BessWelch 08627 Tijuana 51 f l075fcfast 19S 110 S 6 7l 7 J F J Bakerl2 PrivPeat I deCuise Vera Rita 08481 Tijuana BJ f lOS lOSsfast sfast 4G 112 4 2 3i 3i A Claver 12 Conichon MMeelick Nel Harper 08315 Tijuana El f l07fast 15 108 5 4 10l 10 E Petzoldtl3 Shclovville TomCnivcn Poacher 08280 Tijuana 51 f 109 slow 14 106 1 1 2J 44i K Petzoldt S EyeBright DonbleKyc Shelbyle 68084 Tijuana 5S 102 good 10 10S 4 5 84 S E Petzoldt 9 Fond Hope Little Pointer Neg 07918 Tijuana 5S lQ3mud 3 107 5 3 41 4 F Stevens S HazelDale Stleyll DdcGimo 07851 Tijuana 41 f 55 mud 25 106 6 6VERA 6 7 7 II Howard S Conicutr Fdllope QucyWard QucyWardBy VERA RITA gr m 5 113 113Trainer By J F Crowley Cisne by Flambean Trainer W I Stanfield Owner W 1 Stanfield Breeder W L Stanfield 68710 Tijuana 34 l14fast 41 10S 9 9C8G27 5 74 C51 F Stevens 12 OllitsWood IKlanwy EWilliams C8G27 Tijuana 51 f l07jfast 61 109 2 4 3 31 J Maiben 12 PrivPeat Due deCnise Uiiieve 08588 Tijuana 34 l17ibvy C2 113 2 3 23 3 J Maiben 8 Double Van It Rafferty 08504 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 18f 113 6 6 GO 6 J W Martin 11 PhWard Van Welles Fdllope 68123 Tijuana 34 l14Hfast lOf IOG 3 6 61 44j F Stevens 12 July Fly Delaniey Virge 08084 Tijuana 5S 102 good S 10S 7 5 7Z 73 F Stevens 9 Fond Hope Lit Up Pointer Neg 08020 Tijuana 34 119 mud mud68QOO 6 10S 3 368QOO 3 3s 1 F Stevens 7 Midian GMuehlebacli TRoach 68QOO Tijuana 5S l04Vstnud l04VstnudG7933 15 114 2 2G7933 3 41 4 M Andson 10 Yukon Plow Steel Billy Joe G7933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 22 111 G GAUDITOR 8 6 = 6 i II Molters 11 FdHopc Philanderer FullMoon FullMoonBy AUDITOR ch r 8 8Owner 115 By Starbottle Uarda by Strathmore StrathmoreBreeder Owner H Landram LandramG2G81 Breeder G W Wingfield G2G81 Omaha 41 f 55 fast 23 F Grimes 7 Corncutler Mayo B RubyOriole 02648 Omaha 51 f 110 fast 21 F Grimes 9 KdLcVan Sir John Jr Virgin 6254 G Omaha 41 f 56 hvy S F Grimes 10 PhroneWard BulaMaid OldCoin

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032401/drf1923032401_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1923032401_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800