1st Race [1st Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-24

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1 25IbL of RAPC u J KiirlonRT Iyenrolds and upward Claiming Keb 25 IbL rmUu iixia iron s iii Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish IIIDNIGHT BELL blk f 3 M 93 93Trainer By Lay Low Violet May by Peep oDay oDayBreeder Trainer G Cooney Owner G Cooney Breeder G Cossey G8848 Tijuana 4i f 56 fast 4i 107 D 10 10Ci 71 5 X M Garrett 13 KlmerW LitSmile MayBruen G8773 Tijuana Ci f lOSfast 2 J 9S 6 5 55S 3l 2l M Garrett 12 Charmant Prince Henry Onwa G8710 Tijuana 5S l01fast 15 9S H S S1 S10 M Garret t 12 StyMiss Mrlvruter InsHiignea G8GOG Tijuana 58 103 slow Sf S 6 1 14J 3 4s M Garrett 12 Gal Berry J Campbell Onwa 08338 Tijuana 4J f 5fast 52f 107 3 7 7 553 E Fator 11 NorHoney LtSrnile Mae Setli 08298 Tijuana 34 115 fast S3 110 5 6 6 6 M Wood 5 Monirdelli Cedric Nfordlloney G8237 Tijuana 5S 107 livy 26 99 5 G 6s 7 M Wood 7 Kllloble Trippawa Nd Honey C7742 Tijuana 5S l02fast 45 M 11 6 9l 9 M Wood 11 Iris Girl Bacchus Elmer W G7704 Tijuana 12 4Sitfast 45f 90 C 6 5s 5 1 M Wood S Hazel Dale Joe Tag Joe Blair INSPECTOR HUGHES b g G 113 113Trainer By Assagai Louisanne bv The Commoner CommonerBreeder Trainer J Crofton Owner H D Gates Breeder W 0 Parmur 68849 Tijuana S4 l14fast 9 115 3 2 2G8710 2 21 P Martinezl2 Harrigans Heir Undine Fiesta G8710 Tijuana 55 l01fast 4f 10S C 3 3G7787 3J 3i U Carter 12 StylihMiss MrKruter IhLugo G7787 Tijuana 1 142 fast 115 117 3 2 2G7724 31 C12 B Carter 12 Hkamore Plger TheVgeanto G7724 Tijuana 34 l14ifast S 115 S 7 7G7495 7G7495 9 9 G Bose 10 Purl Horace Ixicb It G7495 Tijuana 5i f lC6 5fast S12 116 4 6 65 a11 G Bose 9 JudgePryor Fireilace Mcssinca McssincaEy LITTLE SMILE ch c 3 M 100 100Trainer Ey J H Hoaghton Smiling Mag by Snula Trainer G V7 Crippen Owner Blactwell Crippen Breeder J A Blackweil Blackweilli 68818 Tijuana 41 f CC fast 7 104 2 1 li 21 K EricksnIS Klmer W May Brucn Jane A G8G14 Tijuana l l4ifast ifast 19 93 6 2 2mud 7l S W Martin 9 Glenzar Wann Girl Country G8512 Tijuana El f 110 mud 17 100 3 3 Si 3 F Watrous 8 Missldna JCampbell Jay Mac 68119 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast fast 7 101 6 3 21 7J W Pool II Syncopafn FdieFear Gdi a G8399 Tijuana sfast 23 101 9 7 7ifast C 7 G Bose 13 Mistake JotCampbell PkTemiy J8338 Tijuana ifast 165 107 4 3 22 22 y pool 11 NorHonry MacScth Tiippawa P8284 Tijuana 41 f 54 islow 209 101 3 C 7 7 R Bauer 9 KingliKe Angela Incognnnce G8237 Tijuana 5S 107 hvy 101 1 1 21 51 G Bosu 7 Kl Ruble Trippawa Norlloney NorlloneyBy LIE KRUTER ch g 7 108 By Transvaal Zillin Krutcr by Orirav OriravBreeder Trainer F Marmet Owner R Marmet MarmetGSR23 Breeder id Bpyle Bpyle4J GSR23 Tijuana 5S l01jrast 0 10S G 7 4J 33J P Stevens 12 Swplpll BekPrince Tennilee 58710 Tijuana 5S l01faat 2 IDS 5 G GG8359 41 2J F Stevens 12 StyMis InsIlughes Phillugo G8359 Tijuana 34 115 fast 5 112 5 1 I1 2i F Stevens 12 Flame Cave Man Llmerkk 68340 Tijuana 5S l01fast TCf 113 9 6 4 4 J T Bae 9 Cannball BMeyers J Campbell 68038 Tijuana 65 f l13ihvy icf 115 4 3 71 S J Pevic 8 IlnrBnrgovnc Trills Bacchui 66571 Akron 6 f l24fast S6 104 104GG4G9 2n P Gross 10 Cavalier Qof the Spa Black lit GG4G9 Akron SI f lI6V4slow H 115 4s T Rae S Star Banner Bashful Uranium 65659 NKton 1 147 fast 11 111 111BON 51 C Eames 0 Beveler Rapidan Punderusa BON SANTE b c 7 113 113Trainer By The Sharper Lillypad by Elsclistoc ElsclistocBreeder Trainer F Rinehart Owner F Einehnrtl EinehnrtlG8807 Breeder W E Mody G8807 Tijuana Im70y l4Sfast 7C 110 7 4 4G8729 71 711 E KengerlO JollySailor Moiliste YklTssic G8729 Tijuana 34 l14fcfast 19f 110 9 9 9G8GGG 91 11 G Bose 12 PPieron BIkMonkey Fiesta G8GGG Tijuana 5J f l03 faHt 3K 108 G 4 46860G 41 2 M MHrlckl4 TBkidge PhyllisK Misslano 6860G Tijuana 5S 103 slow 4J 113 9 11 12 125 W Gargan 12 Gal Berry J Campbell Otiwa 67892 Tijuana 3i 118 mud IJ4 107 8 7 10 10 E Donliuel2 Fickle Fancy View Krmitanu 67851 Tijuana 41 f tG mud Sf 112 7 7 8 7 E Donahue 8 Corncutter Fdllope QcyWarJ PEINCE HENRY ci e 11 13 13Trainer By Broomstick Sallie of Navarre by Henry of Na NaTure Trainer D Donnlson Owner D Doanizon Ture Breeder H P Whitney Whitney6l 08773 Tijuana 51 f IrOSrsfast 5 113 10 7 6l 3 i W Garganl2 Charmant MidnightBell Onwa C8CGG Tijuana CJ f lOSfast 3Jf 113 4 6 6 51 R Carter 11 TBkridge IJSanlc PhyllisK COC07 Tijuana 51 f 1OS good 910 107 7 88 SI 10 R Carter 12 DdeGuisc HRiiriie Rubber II 6C277 Tijuana 5S l02good 7f 110 4 10 10 Gl 5 R Carter 10 Itberll NoWder Hgansllelr 45130 Jeffson 1 116 l47fast 1310 104 i 4 2 4 61 61 F CUilctll 9 Bengali Bajazet Goldcrcst Boy 4 71 Jeffson 1 1161 47fast G3 IDS 6 3 3 2 31 2 F CUIIetti 8 MIssFilley Capitanln Lit String 44967 Jefrson 34 l15Hfast 85 105 105rBENCH 4 43 2 Il F Cltllettili SenatorJames Stnrdee Huinra HuinraBy rBENCH NTTRSE b m 8 8Trainer 111Millerick 111 By Key Hizdoo Trained Nurse by To el E y yBros Trainer G H Lambert Owner Millerick Bros Bleeder Lawrcncn tc Comstoch 08711 Tijuana TijuanaG8G06 5S l01fast 33 111 11 10 7 63 F T Bakef 13 Rescue Goose Icrcli Coombs G8G06 Tijuana 58 103 slow 13 113 S 12 12IDS 10 S J Mcrimc 12 Gal Berry J Campbell Onwa 8379 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 31 315S IDS 4 6 6IOC 4 4i M Milrick 9 No Wondcrt PcggyMartln Onwa ia 5S 102 fast 13 IOC 7 10 SI G JI Mirrickl2 Tabloid Jack Pot Coombs iata ta 34 l16 slow 115 1155S 105 G 3 I 2 M Mil rick S ITOlympns Ilopovcr Limerick 08121 Tijuana 5S l02 fast 59 105 9 7 65i 4 3 M MUrlcim RaboRuth GnlBcrry TDuncan 07955 Tijuana TijuanaG7829 34 l19V hvy 2S 100 5 6 610S 7 7 M Milrick 7 Shelbyville ChnrSmitli Thrills G7829 Tijuana 34 115 fast 17 10S 7 6 7 8 M Milrick 9 Sheka View Cnntiorball G7721 Tijuana 55 f l09Kfast IS 106 11 11 Sl 6J M Milrickl2 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame C7G15 Tijuana TijuanaOPEEATOE 51 f l09raat 51 103 4 8 8s S7Z M MUrickl2 Eafferty SwpUpIL PonzaRaj OPEEATOE b i G 113 By First Chip Gracie Gould by Eesi = = r rEdison Trainer G Edison Owner G Edison Breeder S Waring 08792 Tijuana 45 f 06 fast 7f 113 3 7 5 J F J Bakerl4 RMeyers Biglndian KTemplar 51 f 109 fast 2fi 113 8 6 71 91 F T Baker 13 Phyllis K Kabaui Tennikc C8G06 Tijuana 58 103 slow 3C 113 566 Cl H Molters 12 GalBerry J Campbell Onwa 08523 Tijuana 58 l01fast llf 11510 8 71 6s II Moltcrs H Lobelia U scoeGf scoeGfe e RosaAIUin 08311 Tijuana TijuanaG80I7 51 f lOSV fast 16f 107 7 9 9ll 95 F Watrousl2 Norfield Nizam Merry Iass G80I7 Tijuana TijuanaG7976 41 f 58mud 14 113 1 7 5l 2 H Molars 8 QyWard Nordlloney PokeyB PokeyB5S G7976 Tijuana TijuanaG7G39 5S l057 mud 10 110 4 3 31 4J H MolterslO Squash Bacchus Onwa Onwa5S G7G39 Tiiuara TiiuaraG7597 5S l01Vifast 51 110 6 6 6 C 3 H Molters 7 Full Moon Milda Alajaii Alajaii5S G7597 Tijuana 5S 102 fast ISf 110 3 7 71 6s H Molters 12 Lobelia Delanccy View BT7TH HARRIGAN D m G 106 106Trainer By Htrrigan Tyree by Broomstick Trainer E M Phillips Owner T Weeks WeeksC8773 Breeder B A Jones Joneslib C8773 Tijuana 5J f lOSfast 92 106 3 12 12G7702 lib n F Serembal2 Cmant MidtBcelle PrHenry G7702 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 27f 113 11 11 11G5257 11 11 F J Bakerll St Angelina RosaAtkin Coombs G5257 Hastings 1 116 lE2good 14 112 4 J Dawson 5 SDonlan BelleFlower Samllill 05152 Hastings ImTOy l50slop 115 111 4 J E McEwtn 7 Gen Byng CircnlBte M Fnllcr 05081 Hastings ImTOy l51mud 4 109 3 3 F Baker 7 Lola MontBelle BillDeitchman 05039 Iighoiu e lTiTOy l47good 19 1J3 6i J H Baker 0 Capon Bes Young D of Wrath 04950 Bghouse lm0y l47good 25 1 2 J II Bakcrl2 GeoJames GenByng DesRosc 04810 Bghouse 51 f IrtSfast 17 107 107Ot3396 S H Long 11 WotheWisp MHility Review Ot3396 Hastings Iro70y 153 mud 3 109 109G42G3 7 = C Gross 7 Medford Boy Mont Belle Lola G42G3 Hastings Ab 58 59fast 21 112 1120417G 5 C Gross 10 EdLeVan HKAsher JDSugg 0417G Hastings 34 l165 fast 26 110 110C4013 9 C Gross 9 MSedalia BBlaekwl Rleadcr C4013 Brhousa 1 141 fast 13 103 103ATTNT 6 W Miller S Black Top Al Wick Cork CorkBy ATTNT AGNES b f 4 110 110Trainer By Bard of Hope Aunty Sunshine by Paladin PaladinBresder Trainer J S Baldwin Owner T Harris Bresder K N Gilpin 08792 Tijuana 41 f LG fast 105 a S 9 4 i F Stevens 14 BMeyers Biglndian KTcmplar 08606 Tijuana 5S 1C3 slow Of 110 11 8 S 911 F Weiner 12 GallonBerry TCampbell Onwa 08241 Tijuana 5S lG5 hvy 10 104 5 4 4GG4GG 6 6 R Flynn S Midian Car Fickle Fancy GG4GG Akron Ab 5S l02 4slovy IS 110 110GG131 3 A Casey 7 MistJiggs Pcr aStIer BlPat GG131 Akron Ab 5S l03hvy Cl 113 4J A Casey SMcLane Almirante Starkader 06331 Akron Ab 5S l00fast 8 113 31 T Rae 7 Flip Right Angle No Wonder WonderII 05984 MHghts 51 f l09slop 25 110 110G3873 II J Pevic 8 Cuba Maj llaulsby Jack Led G3873 Kemptou 58 l13 good 18 102 C 1 C White 9 Bsb Capt Greet Navisco 03816 Kemptou GS l01fast 32 107 7 W Bogski S Kad Man Mike Avion MATJDIE WILSON WILSONTrainer ci m 6 106 By Harrigan Mazonia by Mazapan Trainer E Campbell Owner Campbell Kipp Breeder B A Jones JonesGJ 08G6G Tijuana GJ f IzOS fast 327 11210 12 11 101 D Powell 14 TBkritige HSantc PhyllisK 08025 Tijuana 34 l15 = fast 44 112 9 10 9 9 J D Powell 11 Clearfield Dora W C Dooly Dooly5S 08502 Tijuana 5S 103 fast 7S 112 12 11 S S5J G Thpson 13 Chrome Gal Berry Klmer AV 08039 Tijuana 51 f lUhvy 9 1CS 3 3 5 = 7 1 M MilrickU Rag Doll Onwa Tempy Duncan P7355 Tijuana 4 l19hvy 5 111 3 5 4J C i S Sykc 7 Shclbyrillc CharSmith Thrills 07890 Tijuana 34 llS = mud 10 110 3 2 2 3 H S JoneslO DbleKye I onePin C Master 07850 Tijuana 5 f 111 mud lOf 113 7 5 41 2 H S Jones 10 Alazon Coombs Mistake 07783 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast S7f 115 11 10 J 91 H S Jonesll OHcnesfU MissDbar Review El SABIO br c 12 103 103Trainer By Sorcerer Schwalbe by Sain SainBreeder Trainer J Kern Osmer J Kern Breeder 3 Schreiber SchreiberT1 03921 Brhouse rS l01 = jfast 6 114 T1 B McBwenll Celebrate M Hurry I Edmnloc 03592 Reno 5S 102 fast 8 103 J P Caron 9 DSMurray MayDawn LitOne 03522 Reno 5S lCl fast fastEJ 1910 10S Ifc II Molters 9 Olivel Piantasenet SanthiaC 03428 Reno EJ f l07fast 10 108 S = R Duggan 9 BIUkwell RiiiRider ColMatt 03361 Reno 3i l14faat 7 108 in H Molters 0 OIIomestM MyFtiller MDbar B3273 Reno 51 f l07 fast 16 108 3 R Duggan S SMaggic Shelby vc JSWigns DRAGOON b s 8 113 By Cunard Mrs F G Hogan by Sir Dixon DixonTrainer Trainer W A Cameron Owner Cameron Bangs Breeder E R Bradley 08054 Tijuana 51 f 114 hvy 41f 112 11 7 10IU M Andsonll Master OHomesfd TRoach 07270 Tijuana 5S l02irast 93 113 10 10 10 10 I Fletcher 11 LdgStar MryLnss MarnZorn MarnZornG7018 G7018 Tijuana 5S l03mud 67 116 6 S 8 S W OrKeefe S Jlilda Cascade Vcra Rita RitaCJ048 CJ048 Havana 34 l13fast 10 115 2 9 11 10 1 G Stone 12 Le Balafre Elmont PrecJeivei 00891 Havana 51 f l15hvy 10 112 6 4 5l 7 i C Robson 9 Clark M SmilTlirsh Bcrretta SQtTIEEEL HAWKINS b h 5 M 110 By nyinsr Squirrel Addic Hawkins by Logan Trainer J W SJiockley Owner W S SG8772 Knapp Breeder A Hawkins G8772 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 13f 11C 11C08GGG 3 2 21 12 E Fator 13 Phyllis K Kabani Tennilec 08GGG Tijuana 5i f lOSKfast 31f 11G 11GC8G05 1 1 2 6 i H Long 14 TBkridse RSantr PhyllisK C8G05 Tijuana 51 f 110 slow 14 116 3 3 5k S II Long 14 RunseorKe Contriot Big Indian 08462 Tijuana CS lC2r fast Sf 115 6 1 1J 4i 1C Fator 13 Jack Pot Huzzas Phillipe Lugo 08380 Tijuana 51 t lCOfast 23 113 113G8018 555 71 M Milrickl2 Ermltaiia Bonncbclle DAdams G8018 Tijuana 41 f 534mud 9f 111 3 7 10 10i M MilricklO theVay TpyDnncan B Ruth 01377 Tijuana 5S l02V fast 7 110 3 3 31 331 E PetzgoldlO LadyTiptoe RutbJohnson Ethel 01331 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 41 112 C 7 d 41 E Petzgolall Bookworm Apropos Rinkavouj

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032401/drf1923032401_7_4
Local Identifier: drf1923032401_7_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800