9th Race [9th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-24

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QiU DAfET nnil 7O Yards 4ycarolils anil iiptynrd Claiming Marcli yill nHUC J2J 14 5 J 118 W G McCLlNTOCK K br g 5 109 109Trainer By Jim Gaffney Ducis by Sandringhara Trainer E Sterrett Owner E Sterrett Bleeder Bianchi Wiggins Wigginsm70y 54 Tijuana Im70y m70y lGAfast lGAfastC8400 25 113 2 6 51 21 J Maiben II Double Van Tawseutha Lenieve C8400 Tijuana 1 1S l55Vifast l55VifastG8184 llf 115 5 10 10 1018 F Weiner 10 ToinOwens Kl Roble Dolph Dolphm70y G8184 Tijuana Im70y m70y l49 = shvy 3S 113 1 8 8 S C Thpson 8 SHedron PlowStl TVgeance 08105 Tijuana 1 l43fast S 112 7 3 7J 7 C Thpson 9 Don Jose Mis Emma G Baisy Baisy11C 07377 Tijuana 1 11C l47 ifast ifastTAWASENTHA 14 115 G 7 S S15 E Fator S ISyUight Walter Dant Dolph Dolphi TAWASENTHA ch i m 5 102 By Vulcain Belle of Arcadia by Plandit HerringG8754 Trainer H Cooper PlanditJooper Owner R Cooper Breeder H G Herring G8754 Leniere08G28 Tijuana Im70y l 6Vifast 35 1C6 7 3 3J 3 = 1 W Martin 11 DouVan WGMeCYk Leniere 08G28 Tijuana 1 1S l551ifast 4 103 7 1 2i C1 AV Martin 12 Bacchus lialfour Fireworlli 58610 Tijuana 1 144 slow 3 106C85G4 106 2 6 3J 3 = 3 W Martin 7 Poacher Tom Craven Anita K C85G4 CarC8342 Tijuana Im70y IMn mud 4 106C8342 106 1 2 2 2 AV Martin 10 Ycrmak Poacher Car C8342 Tijuana 1 ia l55 ifast 47 113C8299 113 4 3 3 3 G Cooper S Vio Bacchus liessio Young C8299 GipJotG8261 82U9 Tijuana 1 31C 201fast 77 101 101G82GI 6 5 6 C G Cooper G FkFogarty Doiuinator GipJot G8261 Tijuana 1 1S 202 202J Jihvy hvy 7 IOCTEO 106 7 C 5J 5S2 F Serernba S Cabin Creek Lariat Dolpli TEO EeacliiTrainer BRECKENRIDGE ch m 7 107iTrainer 107 By Suffragist Teo Beach by Bobby Eeacli ParhcG8855 iTrainer C Reed Owner H Kicsel KicselG8855 Breeder O G Parhc G8855 Tijuana 1 143 fast 9 111 S 7 6 = 5J3 E Fator S Klltoblc IlighOlympus Poacher 08731 Tijuana 1 l42fast 2710 111J8GGG 111 1 1 1 1 E Fator 11 Slicllivville FOClcy PlStcel J8GGG Tijuana M f l08Vifast 8 111 111G8435 5 2 l = i 1 E Fator 14 BonSante PhyllisK Miss Jane G8435 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 5 110 110G7G3G S 2 4 9 II Molters 12 Baifmir Meteor Hopover G7G3G Tijuana ImTOy 143 fast 5 108 108G71S8 7 3 9l 91 H Moltcrs 10 GMhlebach SnSeas PkTeny G71S8 Tijuana ImTOy 14S fast 11 IKG735G IK 566 = G = H Molters S TomCveii Fireworth Cafeteria G735G Tijuana ImTOy l47Mfast G 108 S 4 G S E Petzoldtll EIIarrigan LCochron Drifting G7300 Tijuana ImTOy l46 fast 17 105 4 2 5s 541 E Petzoldt 7 Toombeola C Barkley W Dant 67244 Tijuana ImTOy 14S fast 6 108 4 3 S3 93 E PetzoldtlO LittleOrplian Reydo Deckhand JOE CAMPBELL ch c 4 109 By Boots and Saddle VTeicor by Dick Welles WellesTrainer Trainer W I1 Gaines Owner W P Gaires Breeder C B H d 08824 Tijuana 1 l43 fast 1310 109 3 1 1J Ih F Stevens S PclleFlowtr Clearfield Woolday 08024 Tijuana 34 l15 fast 1 107 2 2 22i 1 = M MUrick 12 DodeAdams Irlcss0ne PTcnuy C8GOO PTcnuyC8GOO Tijuana 5S 103 slow S5 107 1 2 2 21 M Milrick 12 GalHerrv Onwa Mid I5ell 08542 Tijuana 5 5G8420 51 f 110 mud 1110 107 5 2 2 2s M Milrick 8 MissEdua LittleSmlle JayMac 08420 Tijuana 5 5C8399 5i f lCG ifast 10 10d 3 2 CJ 2s M Milrick 10 Vibrate Dancing Girl Bittern 58399 Tijuana 34 l14H fast 2310 107 2 1 21 2 M MilricklS Mistake PinkTenny Miss Kdna G8340 Tijuana 5S l01fast 32 12 3 4 3 = 1 33 E Dugan 9 Cannball BMcyers MrKrutcr G8125 Tijuana 5S It02 fast 135 106 2 2 22 2i F Stevens 12 SGtleman UorsPoint Peviert G7891 Tijuana I 34 llSlimud 2310 112 3 4 C1 6 ° II S Jonesll VledColn Canrasbk MttFIuk DON JOSE ch B 8 By Ballot Micaela by Watercress Trainer C E Groves Owner C E Groves Breeder J O G H Keene G8855 Tijuana 1 143 fast IG5 113 C 4 S S J C Rails 8 Elltoble HighOlympiis Poacher 8487 Tijuana ImTOy l45fast 10 113 1 7 8 S W Pool Pooli8385 S Vic Fannie Nail 1nrl 1nrlS i8385 838 Tijuana ImTOy 143 fast fastG8300 G 113 2 1 2 5 = H Long LongG8300 S Philanderer Delhimar Barriske G8300 Tijuana ImTOy 1 MG fast fastG8199 13 113 2 1 Ill5 W Pool PoolG8199 9 Kl Noble Iteydo San Iledron G8199 Tijuana 51 f l10imud l10imudG810 5 115 4 4 3 3 II Long 8 Full Moon Cicely Kay Caunzel G810 Tijuana 1 l43ifast l43ifastGS084 31 112 6 1 1 = I2 W Pool f 9 SlissEmmaG Baisy Figuration GS084 Tijuana 5S S 102 gooi good 1C5 110 874 4 G3 W Pool 9 Fond Hope Little Pointer Neg 68021 Tijuana 34 119 mud 65 110 2 2 I1 11 AV Pool PoolG7999 S Jack Ledi Fickle Fancy Baisy G7999 Tijuana 58 l03mud 2 116 G 5 5s 31 D Hum HumLITTLE 7 Careen Cicely Kay Velvet VelvetBy LITTLE OEPHAN ch K 9 109 By Brigade Amelia B by Sain Trainer E E Buchanan Owner E E Buchanan nan Breeder E E Buchanan G8808 Tijuana ImTOy l47fefast 110 10S S G 7 71 S11 E Ken Kenger 8 Balfonr Maysville Walter Dant G8G83 Tijuana 1 143 fast 17f 108 11 S 10 9 G Rose 11 Lciiieve She Devil Loue Pine G8400 Tijuana 1 1S l53V fast TS 110 10 7 8s S G Rose 10 TcmOwens El Koble Dolph 082 10 Tijuana fl f lllmud 9f 10S S 9 S 75 R Flynn 10 StAngelina Conichon Caunzel C7377 Tijuana 1 11G l4T fast 11 110 4 5 5l 5 E Petzoldt S ByUight Walter Dant Dolph C7244 Tijuana ImTOy 14S fast 6 IDS 2 4 2l Il C Rails 10 Kejdo Deckhand Dora LUCKY PEAEL b m 7 By Toddingtoa Mrs Sewall by Trainer J S Baldwin Owner J S Baldwin Breeder W W DarCss 08852 Tijuana 1 l42fast 89 106 4 7 S1 S11 E Kenger 9 War God Dolph Col Snider GKG83 Tijuana 1 143 fast 7 105 S 7 C = l G5i F Stevens 11 Lenieve She Devil Lone Pine PineG843G G843G Tijuana ImTCy l47ifast C 10S 5 3 13 K Flynn 13 Senator Donlan McCroan I ava avaC83GO C83GO Tijuana Im70y 148 fast 7 104 4 1 2 3 = 1 R Flynn 14 LittleGink Glenzar Gen Byng G8315 ByngG8315 Tijuana 51 f lOT1 fast 20f 10512 10 S1 T R Flynn 13 Sheloyville TomCraven Poaches PoachesG8144 G8144 Tijuana 34119 mud 3 105 1 5 5 = 1 G M Andson 9 Bellellower GNews BesYoung G7955 BesYoungG7955 Tijuana 34 l19Vihvy 4f 105 G 7 4 = 3 J Pevlc 7 Shelbyville CharSmith Thrills 07914 Tijuana 34 lilGrimud 40 105 G S C3 5 J Pevic S Delhimar JustUight Pretender 7785 Tijuana 51 f lOS lOSsfaat sfaat 41 115 7 H 11 1010 J Pevie 11 Olloniosfd MissDbar Itcview ItcviewOLD OLD McKENNA b p 6 109 By Transvaal Kuhla by Gold Heels or Treatola TreatolaTrainer Trainer G J Buskay Owner G Buskay Breeder S K Nichols NicholsG82G1 G82G1 Tijuana 1 18 202Hhvy 32 10S 3 8 S S11 F Watrous 8 Cabin Creek Lariat Dolph DolphC8182 C8182 Tijuana linfly l31hvy 21 109 3 1 13 1 = T Wilson S Mistake TOwens ChrisIIoltcrs ChrisIIoltcrsG80J1 G80J1 Tijuana ImTOy 134 hvy 2Cf 10S 4 S ol 613 E Kenger 10 NKBeal PlSteel Tawasetithn TawasetithnG7891 G7891 Tijuana 34 llSVsmud 15 107 7 G al 5J C Studcr 11 VledColii Cuuvasbk MliFluke MliFluke7f 7f 47 Tijuana 1 1S l33Hfast 15 110 6 6 63 CJ F Stevens S I W Harper AlWick Meteor MeteorG7ir3 G7ir3 Tijuana 1 l42fcfast GSf 112 4 S 7 = 1 75J W Wiley 11 WlspJndge TomCraven Flame FlameG7337 ArgentGG948 G7337 Tijuana 1 113 fast 41 10S 7 10 8s T I F Stevens 11 Baisy Ollie Wood Argent GG948 Tijuana 34 117 slop S3 110 Left at post I Thomas 7 John Jr Whippet Shoreacres ShoreacresCG899 CG899 Tijuana 1 11C l51islop 17 113 6 66 6 = M Andson C IUU Head Uta Dolph DolphDONATELLO DONATELLO br g G 104 By Horron Mollio by Kilkerran KilkerranTrainer Trainer F Trscey Owner S Elmer Breeder Taibot JUros JUrosC873G C873G Tijuana Im70y l44fast 28 113 6 6 5 5 1 F J Baker 8 Purl Harry Builder Full Moon MoonG8509 G8509 SumSighG8283 Tijuana ImTOy l45 fast 26 113 5 10 13 98 F J BakerlO FairOrient NebLad SumSigh G8283 Tijuana 1 l45 = islor G 112 4 3 5 = 53i F J Baker 8 FNail MesPink AVMtgoiner AVMtgoinerG8109 G8109 Tijuana ImTOy l44fast 4310 111 454 3J W Pool 7 Irosity Barriskane Ilaekamore IlaekamoreG7930 G7930 Tijuana 1 11G l5Hihvy 59 109 3 4 6s G5 F J Baker 7 Briskane Roisterer J Dundee DundeeG7875 FkFogartyG7791 G7875 Tijuana 1 116 l51mud 26 112 J 2 4s 41 F J Baker S Briskane Whippet FkFogarty G7791 PceFhigC7748 Tijuana ImTOy JMa fast 29 109 5 1 1i 13 F J Baker 9 ChleyBoy Fireworth PceFhig C7748 Tijuana 34 l14Vifast 166f 112 4 4 C S51 F J Uakcrll MManlsby llonnga Harslleir 7622 Tijuana 34 l14 sfast r5 111 9 11 91 S F J Bakerll Royal Maid Poaeher El Roble RobleLEWIS LEWIS B ch B 8 109 By Prospero Lady Marchmoat by Marcinnont II Trainer G W Criocen Owner Blackwoll Crippen Breeder S A Beckhnm BeckhnmG8754 G8754 Tijuana ImTOy l4Gfast 32 IDS 9 9 Si S3 FJ Kengcrll Don Van WGMcCck Tawtha 68G84 Tijuana 1 l41 = jfnst jfnstG8G08 6 108 9 9 10 = 10 J G Rose 11 ol Snider Tom OAcns Flaiiu FlaiiuS G8G08 Tijuana 1 141 slow slowG8304 S 108 7 G 51 C l W Martin S WalterDant DonbleVan Lariat G8304 Tijuana ImTOy l4Gtfast l4GtfastG8181 41 104 9 6 51 4 = 1 G Rose 9 Hatkamore Dolph N K Heal G8181 Tijuana ImTOy l49ihvy l49ihvyG8171 10 70S G C 4 = 1 4i G Rose S SHedron PlowStl TVgeance G8171 Tijuana 2 2i llS = ihvy ihvyCKOfiG ihvyCKOfiG 13 112 896 = 3 = 1 G Rose 12 Philander S Iledron DocTubhs CKOfiG Tijuana 1 l51fchvy l51fchvyC8019 8 1CS 2 1 lb 1 II Howard S Lariat GMuchlebach Olympd C8019 Tijuana ImTOy l53jmud 2 108 1 1 1 1 W Poo 7 Cabin Creek Ithymer Car JAY MAC blfc g 4 By Leonid ZIrl by Sain Traineer 7 McDaniel Owner C B Daniels Breeder C 3 Daniels 08870 Tijuana Im70y I46t faat 7 109 7 5 4h 4 1 C Rails 10 Plunger Balfoar SenatorDonlan SenatorDonlanG88J3 G88J3 Tijuana Im70y l46ifa t 24f 103 885 43 AV Pool S TomOwens SheDevil JudDaVid JudDaVidG8771 G8771 Tijuana IrnTOy l4S fast 2310 109 10 7 31 11 AV Pool 11 ChnCourt Kmelda YkshinMd 8r42 Tijuana 1 f 110 mud 1C 107 1 6 41 41 E Petzoldt 8 MissEdua JCampDcll LitSmilu 8101 Tijuana 34116 fast 13f 10611 11 11 11 E Petzoldtl2 Plow Steel Baltour Thrills ThrillsG774C G774C Tijuana 1 143 fast 19f 110 11 11 11 11 R Carter 11 HRudder FGCorley Mflovver 07187 Tijuana 1 l49 = ihvy 75 100 C fi 4 4i C Rails 7 llenecia Carcilan Norfordsl ist istG7099 G7099 Tijuana 1 l46Uhvy 20 9S 2 7 7 = 1 T II Long 8 Whippet My Ioso Dissolute 57038 Tijuana ImTOy 131 bvy 21 100 6 S 3s I11 C RalU 7 liarrisLaue Yeruiak JohnAibor LITTTE GINi GINiTrainer b g 10 10McPherson 101 2y Tim Payne La Poeta by Honduras HondurasKcFarlane Trainer J McPherson Owner J JImTOy KcFarlane Breeder Lawrence Comstoes G8753 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast 31f 31fImTOy 113 6 8 S S 3 AV Gargan 9 ShcDeTil WaltcrDant ColMatt C85G4 Tijuana ImTOy l49imud 23 108 10 S S5 S11 L Crccry 10 Yermak Tawasentha Poacher C8483 Tijuana 1 l42ifast 25 113 9 3 3s 351 P Hurn 11 Yukon Midian Yermak 08400 Tijuana 1 1S l35 ifast 9 9ImTOy 115 1 3 72 71 E Fator 10 TomOwens El Roble Dolph G83GO Tijuana ImTOy 143 fast 21 21ImTOy 115 2 2 11 1 = 1 E Fator 14 Glenzar Luck j Pearl GenByng G8312 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfast 5 5ImTOy 115 5 3 0 = 1 75i C Rails 11 TomCraven Cobrita Mike Daly G8239 Tijuana ImTOy 153 hvy 32 113 530 5 C Thpson 8 AnitaK Plurality Uttle Dear TUTT ch g 5 5Trainer 109 By Hamgan Beatrice Sonle by Peep oDay Trainer W H Sperling Owner J Pidcesa Breeder B A Jones G8730 Tijuana 1 l42fast 16 113 10 10 71 CTi W Pool 10 Ollie AVood Kirkwood Rafferty C8G84 Tijuana 1 IMl fast 5Sf 113 2 2 5b II1 C Thpson 11 Col Snider Tom Owens Flame G8G27 Tijuana 51 f lOTHfast 23f 23f5S 113 11 12 101 10 C Thpson 12 PrivPeat D deGuise Verallita G8S23 Tijuana 5S l01ifast 1H 115 3 5 01 S3 C Thpson 11 lobelia RoscoeGue RosaAtkin G774G Tijuana 1 143 fast 26 115 5 10 103 10 E Dugan 11 HRudder FGCorley Mflowcr G7G21 Tijuana 1 l44fast 7f 7f5S 114 1 1 Si 10 = R Carter 11 PceFlag Procmation UenCzar 675 12 Tijuana 5S l01 ifast ifast5i 115 6 S S S15 R Carter 8 Icon Candorosa Xindo G7375 Tijuana 5i f 1OS fast 7 108 2 2 4 = 1 4 3 E Fetzoldt C F G Corloy Nepr Kimono

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032401/drf1923032401_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1923032401_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800