8th Race [8th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-24

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Qth RAPPotn RAPP 1 Mile ami IyearoIus and upivaru otn nAUc 10 loiy WALTER DANT ch g 8 109 109Trainer By Harrigan Willie T by Albert AlbertEroeder Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin IrwinG8870 Eroeder X A Jc = G8870 Tijuana ImTOy l46 fast 910 113 6 3 3 54J P MartinezlO Plunger 1alfour SonatorDonlan 63808 Tijuana ImTOy l17fast 710 113 1 2 2G875 2 31 P Martinez 8 Ralfour Maysvillc Plow Steel G875 Tijuana ImTOy 148 fast 1710 114 6 5 5GS685 31 2 P Martinez 9 SheDevil ColonelMatt Fireworth GS685 Tijuana 1 lJ2fast 4o 113 9 4 4C8608 1 1J P MartinezlO Car S Mueblebnch Peace Vlae C8608 Tijuana 1 144 slow 1710 113 1 4 3 1 P Martinez 8 DoubleVan Liriat Plow Steel 68545 Tijuana ImTOy 149 mud 6 110 3 3 34 1 F Cantrell 7 Dolpli Doctor Tubbs Leta G8438 Tijuana 1 12 236fast 4 105 2 21 2 F Cantrell G Charley ioy Dolph Ixita 68425 Tijuana ImTOy 146 faat 3 110 4 5l o1 F Cantrell S Vic Poacher Hackamore 683G4 Tijuana 1 1t 209fast 9 108 1 31 su F Cantrell 7 Reydo Charley Itoy Ualfour UalfourBy i DOLPH b s 6 104 By Brumrnel Thrilled by Potomac Trainer K G Marlman Owner A Keith Breeder A L Ferguson 22 lir G 4 41 23 C Rails 9 WarGod ColSuidpr QueyWard 68G85 Tijuana 1 l42ifast 2T10 108 6 9 S S W Martin 10 WaltetDant Car GMuolilebncti 68545 Tijuana ImTOy 149 mud 31 107 4 2 2 2h W Martin 7 WalterDant IoctorTubi 3 I ta 68438 Tijuana 1 12 2265sfast 7 103 3 5 5G8400 41 3 J Merimee G Charley Roy Walter Dant I Iftt ftt G8400 Tijuana 1 18 l55vifast 2110 113 3 2 2G8301 3 33 C ThpaonlO TOweiis EIRoblo LittleDear G8301 Tijuana ImTOy IMbVifast 2310 110 8 3 2 21 C Thpson 9 HacUamore NKIleal Ix wisll 68261 Tijuana 1 18 202V4hvy 710 IOS 6 5 4 3J E Petzoldt 8 Cabin Creek Lariat Argento 68130 Tijuana 1 1S l55 fast 21 110 S 2 2G8042 1 2 G Hose 7 Chleylioy Domator LCochron LCochronZ G8042 Tijuana ImTOy 153 hvy 7 106 5 S Z 4H W Pool G IILerch Florence Fireworth FireworthT 67534 Tijuana Im70y l4T fast 29 110 S 7 7COL T Ti E PetzoIdtlO I5y Right Tom Owens Vic COL SNIDER ch g 6 100 By Fireman Helen Scott by Cortestor Trainer J Edwards Owner Maple Leaf Stable 68852 Tijuana 1 Il2fast 2 113 2 3 3 3J D Powell 9 War God Dolpli Quincy Ward 68684 Tijuana 1 l41 ifast 31 113 1 1 11 I1 D Powell 11 Tom Owens Maine CoonolMitt 68504 Tijuana 51 f 1OS faat 9 115 S 8 61 41 D Powell 11 Ph Ward VanWelles Fdllope 68319 Tijuana 53 101 fast 63 112 7 7 7 42 D Powell 7 Anceli Settle Ask Jessie 67622 Tijuana 24 l14fast 4 102 U UG7493 9 8 7 J Thomas 11 Royal Maid Poacher El Itoble G7493 Tijuana 1 l2ifast 21 IOS 6 66739G 1 Ik 31 II Long 7 CharKoy SumrSigU Gipsy Joe 6739G Tijuana 5J f lOTfast 41 107 G 5 5 2i H Long 7 rolsintr Ciirnciitier ItosaAtkin 67264 Tijuana 34 l14ifast 3T10 10 109 5 5G7210 5 33 1 H LonK S DonJose IWUper FGCorioy G7210 Tijuana 34 I16fc3low 9 101 3 3POACHER 8 8 7 F Cantrel S liill Head Cafeteria Romulus POACHER ch B 8 104 104Trainer By Star Shoot Partridge by Longfellow Longfellowlk Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk lk Ereeder J E Madden 68855 Tijuana 1 143 faat S IOS 2 2 21 35i K Ericksn S El Rohle High Olympus Neg 687 1C Tijuana 34 IUifast 4 110 7 5 6 6 K Ericksnl2 OllieWood Dclamiy EWilliunn 68610 Tijuana 1 114 slow 8 1GS 4 1 1 1 K Krioksn 7 TCraTen Tawasentha Anita K1 68561 Tijuana ImTOy l43mud 6 IOS 3 3G8484 3 3 3 1C EricksnlO Ypnnak Tawasentha Car G8484 Tijuana 1 142 fast 3110 10 102 1 4 4 53 K Erioksntl Flame Kirkwood MiGeesPink 68425 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast 61 110 1 1 1 2J K Ericksn 8 Vic Hackamore Orleans Girl 68384 Tijuana ImTOy l46ifast II 112 3 1 1 K EricUsnlO PrnceFlag OrliaasGirl Theresa 68315 Tijuana 5i f lOTifast 23 110 10 6 6C8281 31 31 K Ericksnl3 Shelbyvilif Tom raven View C8281 Tijuana 1 f l033lov 13 IOS 4 3 3GEORGE 31 4 H Ericksn 8 Sister Susie Conichon TCraven GEORGE HUEHLEBACH b g 7 109 109Trainer By McGec Stolen Moments by Kineste KinesteManale Trainer J iLanale Uwner J Manale Breeder C W Moore Moore7f 68825 Tijuana 31 IrllTifast 7f 110 10 9 95 7 G Rose 10 July Fly Virg F G Corley 68753 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast 100 00 IOS 3 3 3G8G85 7 73 G Uose 9 SlitDevil WalterDant ColMatt ColMatt3t G8G85 Tijuana 1 l42fefast 3t IOS 4 2 2G8G08 2l 31 F Stevens 10 Walter Dant Car Peace Hag HagK G8G08 Tijuana 1 141 slow K IOS S S 6 ol E Petzoldt 8 WalterDant DoiibleVan Lariat 68437 Tijuana ImTOy l43ifast 29 113 H y 103 H A Claver 13 NohrLad HarRudder WJudge WJudge9f G8383 Tijuana 1 l427sfust 9f liS 4 7 51 rJ G Hoso 11 ColMatt NebraskaLad Yukon G8129 Tijuana 1 18 l53 ifast 5 110 3 3 11 Il E Petzoldt 9 Al Wick JudgeDavid Montous G805G Tijuana I 131 ih vy 6 10 3 4 3 3 F Stevfns S Uwis 1 luiriat Olympiad G8020 Tijuana 34 113 mud 11 110 444 3 = 1 W Pool 7 ra Rita Midian Tom Roach WISE JUDGE b 104 By Judja Wright Mrs Wright by Maietto Trainer H Tullett Owner Tarn o Shanter Stable Breeder Tyree Bate 68485 Tijuana 1 l12 ifast S3 IOS 2 2G8I37 23 9 E Petzoldtll Yukon Midian Little Gink G8I37 Tijuana ImTOy l45ifaHt 11 IOS 4 4G83GI 31 31 F Stevens 12 NebrLad HarRudder OlWood G83GI Tijuana 1 11 209fast 7 QS 3 6 6 E Petzoldt 7 Itcydo Chley loy Walter Dant 68181 Tijuana ImTOy IMJSjhvy 21 113 3 g 61S W Pool 8 SHtdron PlowSfl TVgeaneo G766I Tijuana 1 14 209 fast 163 112 1 41 1 E Petzoldt S JDavid Chllarkley Shoreacrea G7453 Tijuana 1 l12 tfast 2 112 5 5ImTOy 2i U AV Pool 11 Tom Craven Flame Cigal 67305 Tijuana ImTOy IMS fast G 110 4 407S43 4l 41 H Long 12 LitiraCophron I riat Rhymer 07S43 Tijuana ImTOy IMT fast 1310 IOS 10 5 4 W Martin 12 WGMCtk GUyns Obatinata G7190 Tijuana ImTOy 152 hvy 41 103 2 2 2 2J W Martin 9 Regreso Argento Lariat YERMAK ch g 10 109 109Trainer By Orraondale Lady Alicia by Sir Dixca DixcaBreeder Trainer G F Hers Owner G F Hum Breeder J C G H Sen C8870 Tijuana Im70y l ifast ifastfi8852 40 113 8 6b 64J P Hum 10 Plunger Balfonr SenatorDonlan fi8852 Tijuana 1 l42fast l42fastG874 93 113 5 C1 7 D Hurn 9 War God Dolpli Col Snider G874 Tijuana Im70y l46Vfefast l46VfefastG8G84 16 113 3 4 ° t 0 3 D Hurn 11 DouVan WOMcCck Taw tlia G8G84 Tijuana 1 lHvsfast lHvsfastC8G10 23 113 5 7 ST1 D Hurn 11 Col Snider Tom Owas Flame C8G10 Tijuana 1 144 slow slowC85C4 3 113 7 7T5 5s al P Hurn 7 Poacher TCraven Tawasentlia C85C4 Tijuana ImTOy iif imu l T5 113 4 4T8 I1 1 P Hurn 10 Tawasentlia Poacher Car 18483 Tijuana 1 l421ifast l421ifastG8437 T8 113 7 5l 45i E Fator 11 Yukon Midian Little Gink G8437 Tijuana ImTOy l45 fast 17 113 7 C 6 ° P Hurn 13 NebrLnd HarRndder WJudse C8383 Tijuana 1 l42 = fast 10 113 1 11C4 4 4J 43 D Hum 11 ColMatt Nebraska Lad Yuk YukQUINCY Yukon YukonBy QUINCY WARD b h 5 1C4 By Marathon Tildees L List st by Ornament OrnamentTrainer Trainer H T Palmer Corner H T Palmer Breeder J T Embry 58852 Tijuana 1 l42 fast 25 10S 3 1 1 4 = 1 F Stevens 9 War God Dolpli Col Snider SniderC8794 C8794 Tijuana 5S l02rifast lS5f 11012 11 71 41 E Kenger 12 PrivPcat Uclancey BessWeli BessWeliG8243 G8243 Tijuana 41 t iihvy 5 113 C C a 5 53 J A Claver 7 HazelDale JoeTag RlackPriiiK8202 RlackPriii K8202 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 2 115 4 2 3 = 4s A Claver 8 JackLedi DrTubbs HazelDale HazelDaleG8085 G8085 Tijuana 58 l01 ifast 3 110 5 2 2l 3 = J F Stevens 8 Philanderer Pueblo Stanley Stanleyf8017 f8017 Tijuana 41 f SJsVirnuil 2J 10S 3 1 1 1 V F Stevens 8 Operator Xorfdlloncy Pokey Pokeyfi789G H fi789G Tijuana 51 f l09imud 3Jf 110 6 64J 5 5t 7 710 ° E Petzoldt 8 Corncuttcr NShore EyeKriR EyeHriglit G7851 Tijuana 4J t 16 mud 23f 110 3 3Ab 3SJ J Shaffer 8 Corncuttcr Fond Hope Angela GG5G9 Akron Ab 5s 100 fast 5 105 105Ab 61 J Pei2 8 Flip Diocletian Right Angle GG501 Akron Ab 5S 102 slow S5 113 51 J Pcvic G Ulack Cat Propaganda Winkle FLAME ch m 8 107 107Trainer By Charles Edward Flicker by BerwentwaUr Trainer C Irby Owner P G Christopher Breeder Estate of W Hendrio liTOy l46fast 7 IOC 2 C Fell M Wooil S TomOwens SlicDevil JudDavid G8G84 Tijuana 1 l41Hfast 5 106 4 3 2 3n M Wood 11 Col Snider TomOwens ColMatt 0852 G Tijuana 1 IMl l41fcfast fast fastGS484 4 105 4 3 41 31 M Milrick 9 Hnrrylttidder ColMatt Theresa GS484 Tijuana 1142 fast fastG8437 15 103 2 1 1 1 P ValIa 11 KirUwd JIcGcesPink DrTbb DrTbbmTOy G8437 Tijuana ImTOy mTOy l431ifast l431ifastG8425 9f WS 9 S G1 5J M Wood 13 NobrLad HarRudder AVJudgf AVJudgfniTOy G8425 Tijuana ImTOy niTOy 14C fast fastG8359 It 105 5 3 7J 7 i M Wood 8 Vic Poacher Ilaekamore G8359 Tijuana 34 115 fast fastG82D7 910 111 2 2 2J 1J W Martin 12 JlrKrutcr CnvoJIan Linicrlcri Linicrlcri5J G82D7 Tijuana 5J f luS fast fastG80GO S5 111 344 4 J C Rails 10 Dclaneey NoWder Caniionbal G80GO Tijuana 58 l04 l04hvy = ihvy 2S 100 S S S S1 C Rails S Kslikc IIonGeorge DrJolmn AEGENTO br g 9 109 By Jake Argent Ardenes by Amso Amsodwards Trainer C Edwards Owner M Martin Breeder Estate of E J Baldwin BaldwinmTOy 58752 Tijuana ImTOy mTOy l4G fast 121 113 10 8 8G8G84 C = 451 R Carter 10 Gipsy Tee Kirkwood Car G8G84 Tijuana 1 l41 = ifast 5Sf 10S 10 11 11G8G28 11 8 i L Armsfg 11 Col Snider Tom Owens Flame G8G28 Tijuana 1 1S l55ifast 19f 105 10511 11 12 12G8483 12 121S L Arrnste 12 Ifacclms Italfour Fireworth G8483 Tijuana 1 l12ifast lOSf 108 11 S SG8341 6J 5 L ArmstBll Yukon Midian Little Gink G8341 Tijuana 1 1S l55 = ifast 43 115 8 5 C5 C43 M Slghter 8 Sliorcacres LitDcar NKUeal 8261 juana 1 1S 202 202ihvy ihvy OS 113 4 3 3G818G 3J 45J F J Baker S Cabin Creek Uiriat Dolpli G818G Tijuana 1 12 242 242Iihvy hvy 28 111 5 S SMcCROAN S S C Thpson 8 nominator NKIieal Tag Day McCROAN b B 7 104 104iTraicer By Modred Lcenja by Hastings HastingsSmith iTraicer S E Smith Owner M Jordan JordanC87S2 Breeder C B Danie DaniemTOy C87S2 Tijuana mTOy l45ifast 150 113 2 2 2G8557 3J G Rose 10 Gipsy Joe Kirkwood Car CarmTOy G8557 Tiiuana mTOy l50imuil CJ 110 1 1 1G843G 1 IX G Rose 8 Lorenallos GenltyiiK Siles II IImTOy G843G Tijuana mTOy l4T 4fa 4fat t ICf IOC 1 1 1G8379 1J 33 G Rose 13 Lky Pearl SeuatorDonlan I ava C8379 Tijuana 51 f lOS ifast 23f 110 7 7 7C7870 7i 7J W Martin 9 No Wonder PeggyMartin Oniva OnivaS8 C7S70 Tijuana S8 1 03mud 20 IOC 11 11 11 11 E Petzoldtll TomUoach Squash Plantagenet Plantagenet5i T7850 Tijuana 5i f 111 mud ICf 110 3 C G Gi H Lonp 10 Alizou MaiidieWilson Coombs Coombs5S C77G Tijuana 5S l01 fast Cl 107 12 7 4S 4JJ W Martin 12 Viva Ben Payne Irene Delsu V7G1G Tijuana 51 f l09ifast C2 11C 2 7 S = 9 F Smith 10 JParmer Tillutn GMhlebucli GMhlebuclich MAY MAULSBT ch m S 107 By S STrainer Stalwart Kisljcrdale by Jim Gore Trainer H T Griffin Owner J W Marohbank Breeder P Lansing G8829 Tijuana TijuanaC8B51 24 l14 ifast 5 113 6 G 6 = 43 B Kenndy S El Iloble It Neg C8B51 Tijuana 34 l13ifast 1110 0 106 lr 7 7 652 J Merimee 12 Dalton Fireplace Vibrate VibrateJ 08528 Tijuana 5 f l7 ifast 3 J 105 5 7 7S4 5 GJ M MUrick S SisSusie Herder HripansIIcir C7748 Tijuana S4 l14fast 35 5 104 2 1 1S4 31 int J Thomas 11 Horingt HarsHeir M Barnes 67041 Tijuana TijuanaC7G01 S4 l13ifast 135 5 303 4 4 4l S3 J Tnomas C Little Iteacli Settle Sam Keli C7G01 Tijuana 34 l14Afast 75 5 105 6 5 5 = 1 4 1 Thomas 8 HarryD SamlteJi ItilllUkwell 07455 Tijuana 34 l12 fast 1 101 1 C 5J Z F Stevens 10 Dr Corbett Coffield Tassel TasselS 07249 Tiiuana 51 f 103 fast S 1C4 S 6 6 in J Thomas 8 PhWard AnKpgina Co Cola 05084 MHghts Dl f 1 09 slop 910 1 107 3i W Bogski S Aunt Agnes Cuba Jack Led 1 G CORLEY br 100 By Jack Atkin Eglantine by Martinet MartinetJ Trainer J T John ja Owner J T Tokaion Breeder R Varfield G8825 Tijuana TijuanaG8731 34 l14fast 14 4 115 9 7 3 3 T Wilson 10 July Fly Virge Carl Roberts Robertsi G8731 Tijuana TijuanaG8G72 1 l42fast 7 i 113 C 3 3J SJ T Wilson 11 Tltkridgc Slibyville ISteel ISteelt G8G72 Tijuana TijuanaG84G7 1 l411 fast 4Gt t 113 S 2 2 4 i T Wilson 8 Itreeze Charley I5oy Theresa Theresat G84G7 Tijuana TijuanaG8422 34 115 fast 161 t 115 9 0 6 K Fator 9 HarRudder Oliie Wood Yukon G8422 Tijuana TijuanaCS3G1 34 l13 fast 23 3 113 S 6 6 73J E Fatcr in Amknssin KrnWilms HRudr CS3G1 Tijuana TijuanaG8085 34 l14fast 24 4 115 12 10 9 10 J P Walls 12 Amkassiu Siielbyvle Mllower G8085 Tijuana TijuanaG7933 58 l01 fast 31 113 6 i E Fator S Philanderer Pueblo QiilnWan G7933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 10 113 6 s E Fator 11 FdUope Philanderer FulIMoon

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032401/drf1923032401_10_2
Local Identifier: drf1923032401_10_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800