Tijuana Jockey Percentages., Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-24

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TIJUAXA JOCKEY PERCENTAGES From January 1 1922 to 3Inrcli 14 1U Inclusive At or orOver Over OverPC Jockey JockeySingleton PC Wt Mts 1st 2d 3d Singleton J 20 108 140 28 23 21 Slaughter M 20 111 127 2G 14 19 Kennedy II 19 103 C3G 121 107 01 Wilson T 18 100 817 147 139 124 fool W 18 102 7GS 135 121 111 Claver A 18 101 Molteis H 17 112 Martinez P 17 111 470 79 Krickson K 17 100 29 5 Merimee J 1G 101 385 60 Stevens F 1C 101 318 51 Walls P 15 95 4G2 71 Thompson C 15 112 390 58 Gargan W 15 113 277 42 Petzoldt K KLong 14 105 841 121 Long II 14 92 831 119 Balls C 14 99 7G8 107 Jones II S 14 112 3i7 50 Bae T 13 110 5S9 75 Studer C 13 105 523 GS Smith S 13 103 133 17 Watrous F 13 98 99 13 Hum P 12 S3 528 G2 G234G Carter R 12 111 34G 43 Atwell 0 12 114 283 33 Howard II 12 84 34 4 Fator K 11 105 459 r0 Pevic J 11 100 305 40 Powell D 11 111 57 5 Hum D 10 101 540 54 54S5 Martin W 10 90 S5 37 Maiben J 10 104 319 33 Parke B 10 112 323 31 Cantiell F 10 101 155 1C Glass J 10 111 48 5 Flyini 15 09 100 214 20 Weiner F 08 102 429 35 Miller W D 08 95 318 Seremba F 08 107 215 IS Baker F J 08 113 218 17 Jockey JockeyGarrett Garrett M Defcrd J Fletcher I Buol C Carter B R Taylor K Milerick M Rose G Chiavetta F Barham B Dean W Donahue E Tullctt II Creery L Kensinger E Parke I Barber L Broadfoot G Zander II Ioirier P Lee IS Armstrong L Anderson F Smith F F Wiley W Cooper G Shaffer J Wood M OKeefe W Jarrell W Bauer R Galasso Beed L Edwards 31 Pendergast A Mcehnu 1 OBrien B J Blind K Collins G Sykes S

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032401/drf1923032401_7_3
Local Identifier: drf1923032401_7_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800