Conference At Montreal: Track Owners and Government Officials Hold Meeting.; Revised Taxes Remain Unchanged, but Concessions Are Granted Which Will Enable Clubs to Operate., Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-24


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CONFERENCE AT MONTREAL Track Owners and Government Officials Hold Meeting Ueviscd Taxes llcniain Unchanged bnt Con ¬ cessions Arc Granted AVIiicIi Will Knablc Clubs to Operate MONTREAL Que March 23 That thor ¬ oughbred horse racing will be conducted in Montreal again this season is now practicarty assured notwithstanding the rumors and tlsiv larations made that the tracks would not be operated under the revised taxation taxationIn In speaking of the conference with Hon Jacob Nicol provincial secretary and Hon Athanase David provincial secretary J K Ij Ross stated that he was well pleased with the promises made and that he could see a way to race at Blue Bonnets next spring springThat That the revised tax will remain unchanged is an assured fact but the owners of race tracks will be granted a concession which will compensate them for their expenditure in collecting the taxes taxesIn In view of this fact the Montreal Jockey Club will with the reduced daily tux be in a much better position to operate than a year ago Mr Ross stated that as soon as a definite announcement was made by the ministers he would call a meeting of his directors and recommend to them that rac ¬ ing be held at Blue Bonnets as he could see daylight after the conference held on Mon ¬ day dayMr Mr Ross stated that he had asked the min ¬ isters to deal with the matter at their earliest convenience as the Montreal Jockey Club holds early closing events annually and the entry blanks for such must be sent out at an early date dateFred Fred Richard owner and manager of the Dorval Jockey Club will follow the example of the Montreal Jockey Club He stated that hehad always worked together with the Mon ¬ treal Jockey Club and if his club could break even it would hold the regular spring and autumn meetings meetingsCOXXAUGHT COXXAUGHT PA UK WILL HACK HACKThere There is no doubt that if Blue Bonnets and Dorval are operated this season the Con naught Park Jockey Club will also hold meet ¬ ings Connaught Park is situated in the Province of Quebec and comes under the same taxation as the courses situated in Montreal and district districtIn In speaking cf the tracks under the juris ¬ diction of the Quebec Breeders and Racing Association operating this season T J Dug gan president of the Quebec Breeders and Racing Association stated Although we have had no official communication from the government from what we have been told it is practically assured that we will open the tracks next summer summerVe Ve believe that the government has tried to be fair and by granting a concession in compensation of the expenditure for the col ¬ lection of taxes it will be assisting the tracks and give the various jockey clubs an oppor ¬ tunity to at least break even on their meet ¬ ings ingsThere There are five tracks under the jurisdiction of the Quebec Breeders and Racing Associa tion four halfmile courses and the mile courses at Mount Royal Back River RiverWhat What portion of the governments share of the taxes from mutuel betting will be granted to the clubs to cover the expenditure for col ¬ lection has not been made public by the min ¬ isters in charge but will likely be put through as an orderincouncil at an early date dateThe The conference held by J K L Ross and Kenneth Dawes of the Montreal Jockey Club and the ministers has brought about a more restful feeling in racing circles and opinions were expressed yesterday by several of the local track owners that the government would deal fairly with the promoters and public alike

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