American Wins Grand National: Sergeant Murphy Carries Stephen Sanfords Colors to Victory in Worlds Greatest Steeplechase; First American to Ever Capture Famous Liverpool Race---Shaun Spadah, the 1921 Winner, Finishes Second and Conjurer II. Third---J. E. Wideners Duettiste Falls, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-24


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AMERICAN WINS GRAND NATIONAL Sergeant Murphy Carries Stephen Sanfords j Colors to Victory in Worlds Worldsti ti tiGreatest Greatest Steeplechase First American to Ever Capture Famous Liverpool Race Shaun Spadah the 1921 Winner Finishes Second and Conjurer II Third ¬ IE Wideners Duettiste Falls SPECIAL CABLEGRAM LIVERPOOL England March 23 The American turf colony in England tonight is celebrating one of the greatest triumphs ever scored by an American owner in English racing when at the Aintree course this afternoon Stephen Sanfords Sergeant Murphy thirteenyearold son of General Symons and Rosegraft won the Liverpool Grand National Steeplechase Englands and the worlds premier jumping race from twentyseven other fine steeplechasers Sir M McAlpines Shaun Spadah winner of the race in 1921 finished second and Major Dewhursts Conjurer II third thirdAfter After a brilliant morning a dense pall of smoke and fog settled over the picturesque Aintree course before the time for the racing arrived The visibility was so low that the spectators could not see beyond two fences In spite of these unfavorable conditions one The additional seating facilities provided by the management were altogether inadequate to accommodate the huge crowd which overflowed the stands and covered the lawns lawnsTwentyeight Twentyeight horses faced the starter in the big race Sergeant Murphy which carried 157 pounds was ridden by Captain Bennett He was quoted at 100 to C in the wagering wageringThe The dense fog obscured the running Sergeant Murphy and Shaun Spadah alternated in the lead in the first turn of the field By this time Libretto Alexander Smith Cochrans representative in the race Joseph E Wid ¬ eners Duettiste Arravale Forewarned and Taffeytus had been eliminated All of them fell before completing the first round of the course courseTwo Two fences from home Sergeant Murphy could be seen through the fog leading Shaun Spadah by open daylight and although the 1921 winner made a gallant effort to ovfr haul his Americanowned rival he failed by three lengths Six lengths behind him came Conjurer II well beaten for second place placeFour Four others managed to complete the course finishing behind the first three in this order Punt Gun Drifter Max and Cinders In the first turn of the field sixteen of the twentyeight starters came to grief leaving twelve in the contest Five of these fell on the second round of the course courseAlthough Although Forewarned and Arravale were the favorites the victory of the American owned horse was the occasion for one of the greatest ovations ever accorded a winner on an English race course courseSergeant Sergeant Murphy although never a spec ¬ tacular performer is a steady reliable jumper He finished fourth in the Grand National last year which was won by Music Hall and his preliminary races had shown him to be thoroughly fit for his great race this afternoon As a result he attracted strong support and many of the spectators left the course much richer than when they arrived arrivedMr Mr and Mrs Hugh C Wallace came from Paris to join the group of distinguished spectators including King George and Queen Mary who are Lord Derbys guests at a house party The Prince of Wales had a stand reserved reservedDuettiste Duettiste was quoted at 40 to 1 in the wagering wageringFollowing Following is a summary of the race Stephen Sanfords Sergeant Murphy ch jr 13 1 T General Syjnons Itosecraft by Ascetic 137 pounds Ciiptain Itennett 100 to 0 I ISir Sir M MeAlpines Shaun Spadah ch 11 l y yKaster Kaster Pride Kusialka by Hushey Turk 173 pounds Ueese 0 to t 2 2Major Major IVwhiirstjJ Conjurer II b K 11 by IJrab IJrabOr Or Mare by Jiisslrr 151 pounds Duwliursl 103 to 0 Mrs J PuriLiins Iunt Cuti pounds TiKhe I Widcers Drifter 110 pounds Watklnson Mr Crofts Max lt i pounds Ulogan and J H Us Cinders II 11J pounds Williams also covered tho course courseTwentyeight Twentyeight started seven finished finishedThe The Grand National Steeplechase was first run in 1839 as a sweepstakes of 100 each 23 forfeit with 500 added 16S pounds each Lottery with Jem Mason in the saddle won the first Grand National that year the race was run over five miles of the stiffest lino of fences ever put up at Liverpool Then there was a fivefoot stone wall which wan lowered to four feet six inches when Jerry 1840 won and finally pulled down and substituted by an artificial brook in Charitys 1S11 year In Lotterys 1S39 race Con rade the mount of Captain Becher fell when Continued on eleventh pase AMERICAN WINS LIVER ¬ POOL GRAND NATIONAL Continued from first page leading at the brook now known as Bechers Brook but nine of the seventeen runnel s completed that severe course In Jerrys 1840 race the distance was reduced reducedA A famous jockey in the early history of the great steeplechase was Tom Oliver who had nineteen mounts between 1839 and 1SV He won on Gay Lad 1842 Vanguard 1843 and Peter Simple 1853 and was second three times first on SeventyFour the run ¬ ner up to Lottery 1S39 then on St Leger when he beat all but Matthew 1847 and once again on The Curate when beaten by Chandler 1848 The next year Oliver got third on Jem Masons horse Prince George the winner was Peter Simple SimpleThe The first horse to win the race a second time was Abd el Kadir 185051 Others to complete the double have been Peter Simple 184953 The Colonel 180970 The Lamb 1SG871 and Manifesto 189799 The latter was also placed in 1900 1902 and 1903 The only winners to carry 168 pounds or more have been Cloister 1S93 Manifesto 1899 and Jerry M 1912 All three sailed lome under the welter burden of 175 pounds Manifesto gallantly carried 181 pounds into third place behind Ambush II 1900 When Salamander 1SGC won LAffricaine was ap ¬ portioned the preposterous burden of 184 jottnds but he was knocked over in running so it is quite impossible to conjecture what ic might have done as he was undoubtedly a wonderful steeplechaser even such a celeb ¬ rity as the late Mr Goodman favored him as the best he had seen during a long career Free Trader 1856 won with but 132 pounds in the saddle AVith the also ran was Little Charlie let in with 116 pounds this is the lightest weight ever carried in a National NationalIN IN ELEVEN GRAND NATIONALS NATIONALSReference Reference to Alex Goodman recalls the fact that he rode eleven Grand Nationals and never once came to grief He was suc ¬ cessful twice on Miss Mowbray 1S52 then again on Salamander 1S6G Another fa ¬ mous jockey equally fortunate at Aintree was J Page He like Mr Goodman never had a fall and strangely enough he had eleven mounts and rode two winners Over the severe steeplechase course Page was suc ¬ cessful on Cortolvin 1867 when that horse finished in the van under 1C7 pounds win ¬ ning again five years later on Casse Tete 1872 This jockey had earlier in his career ridden several winners on the flat including Fravola in the now defunct Earl Spencers Plate and First Lord the hero of the North ¬ umberland Plate day in I860 I860Jealousy Jealousy the heroine of 1861 was ridden by Joe Kendall a jockey who had carried off a French Derby a double that has in later history been completed by Percy Wood ¬ land the rider of Drumcree 1903 A flat race jockey not quite so fortunate in his at ¬ tempt at Liverpool was Bob Sly In Free Traders 1856 National he was second on Minerva beaten threequarters of a length later in that campaign when riding Melissa in the Epsom Oaks he was beaten in a sensational finish by Mincepie Avhich won on the post by a neck neckThe The oldest horse to win the blue riband of the steeplechases was AVhy Not 1894 successful when thirteen years old The youngest were Regal 1876 Austerlitz 1877 Empress 1880 and Lutteur III 1909 all fiveyearolds The oldest animal that ever ran at Aintree was Liberator He was seventeen years old when he started for Old Joes 1SSO race Only two fouryearolds have ever been saddled The first was Real Jam in Emblems 1863 journey the other by name Terrier started in Voluptuarys 1SS4 year yearChandler Chandler IS4S defeated three previous winners Matthew Pioneer and Jerry also a muchfancied candidate named Eagle the mount of Johnny Brom a champion middle ¬ weight boxer boxerHall Hall Court ran second three times behind Alcibiade 1865 Salamander 1866 and The Colonel 1SG970 He was the most unfortu ¬ nate horse at Aintree and ran in seven races Frigate also started for seven Nationals and was second twice but she won in 1899 Other horses that have run in seven different years are Gamecock 1877 and Liberator 1879 but they both won in their turn turnNATIONAL NATIONAL FULL OF IIOMANCE IIOMANCEThe The records of the famous steeplechase are full of romance Chandler had been picked up for 5125 when drawing a grocers gig Miss Mowbray having been returned as useless for racing was then sold for 500 but she was returned as unsound Later Miss Mowbray was sold to a Mr Mason for a few pounds and after winning three steeplechases with her she was sent to Mai ton to be trained by John Scott During the winter she was ridden by Harry Lampaugh with Lord Middletons hounds finally win ¬ ning the National 1852 in a field of twentyfour Miss Mowbray ran second to Peter Simple the following year Two years later she broke her neck at Bechers Brook Abd el Kadir the first dual winner was bred from a mare that had run in the Shrewsbury Coach Later Voluptuary the winner in 1SS4 was destined to finish a romantic career as a stage horse As a threeyearold he ran unplaced in Bend Ors City and Suburban The winner in 1909 Flubio was bred in America and sold with Mr Haggins horses at Newmarket for 75 Ltefore winning at Liverpool lie had been broken for hunting but broke down and like Chandler was driven in a travelers giK giKLord Lord Coventry won the race in successive years with Emblem 1863 and Emblematic 1864 they were sisters Then to add to the coincidence they were both ridden by G Stevens and strangely enough second place on each occasion was occupied by Ar bury buryAnatis Anatis I860 was trained entirely on the Hat in fact she was never put over an ob ¬ stacle after running unplaced the previous year when Half Caste won Neither had Alcibiade 1865 or Voluptuary 1884 each of these horses made their debut in a steeple ¬ chase with a success in the Grand National NationalEmblem Emblem 1863 won her Liverpool by twenty lengths on the other hand many winners have got home by a narrow margin Seaman 1882 defeated Cyrus on the post by a short head Half Caste 1859 won by a neck only from Jean du Quesne the unlucky Hall Court failed by a neck to Alcibiade 1865 later the race was landed by Regal 1876 when he defeated Congress by a neck neckMany Many outsiders have pulled through When Pioneer 1846 had a runaway win he started without a quotation Rubio 190S stands out as the only winner to start at 66 to 1 Three winners Salamander 18GC Playfair 1888 and The Soarer 1896 were all returned at 40s Twentyfive to one was the official starting price returned against Regal 187C Old Joe 1886 Drogheda 1898 and the New Zealandbred Molfaa 1904 AVhen Huntsman 1862 won threes was the best offer at flagfall at 7 to 2 Anatis starting price the same price was returned against The Colonel 1870 AVhen Lottery 1859 won 4 to 1 against was bet since then Emblem 1863 Ilex 1890 Come Away 1891 and Ambush II 1900 have all started at Lot ¬ terys price priceLittle Little Charlie 1S5S was ridden to victory by AAilliam Archer father of the more fa ¬ mous jockey Fred Archer Shifnal 1878 of a later date was piloted by J Jones father of Herbert Jones now his majestys jockey jockeyLutteur Lutteur the Frenchman came over to Eng ¬ land and after easily accounting for the Champion Steeplechase at Hurst Park defied tradition for so youthful a horse he was five years old to win the Grand National by cap ¬ turing the big race under the able riding of George Parfrement ParfrementCaptain Captain Little successful on Chandler 1846 was the first amateur horseman to win a Grand National Since then the ama ¬ teurs have Avon no less than one in three to be exact twentyfour Many have won the race twice including Mr Richardson on Disturbance 1873 and Reugny 1874 E P AVilson on Voluptuary 1884 and Roquefort 1885 also Alex Goodman and Thomas Pickernell

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