Hawthorne Improvements: New "Bleachers" Erected--Old Buildings Removed--Parking Space Under Construction., Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-24


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HAWTHORNE IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTSNew New Bleachers Erected Old OldBuildings Buildings Removed Parking ParkingSpace Space Under Construction Shortly after the first of the year the Illi ¬ nois Jockey Club announced that the work of preparingthe Hawthorne track for spring racing would begin immediately and con ¬ tinue weather permitting until everything was in spick and span order orderA A visit yesterday to the old Cicero course found that no time was lost in taking ad antage of the mild weather that prevailed here in January with the result thai con ¬ siderable progress has been made in the many improvements contemplated contemplatedA A new bleachers 210 feet long nas been built jtisi east of the paddock with plonty of shelter underneath in case of rainy weath ¬ er Work on the grandstand is under way while new railings around the track are being erected erectedThe The scars of the wartime occupation of Uncle Sam are fast being obliterated the buildings in the infield which were leveled to the ground for the ireeling last filL rre being removed The old lumber has been sold to a wrecking firm wlile the n v all purchased from the government is bein used in erecting the new buildings atables and fences fencesSeveral Several of the old stables have been torn down and in their piaco argerantl more modern stabling faciliUe will be provided providedThe The government tracks bick of the grand ¬ stand are being taken out and the entire space between the stable and the fence will be made into a parking srace for ait nO j biles There will hac to be much wtik on the track some filling nnd raising in spots at the head of the stmch snd there will bo a slight banking at the urns The infield rail is still standing together with the posts newly painted last year Two rails will be built on the stand side of the track the usual fence for the turf rail and then a leaning rail for spectators four feet back of that The brick walk in front of the old stand is in fair shape and can be used without further repair repairGeneral General manager Thomas Bourke was not on the scene he having departed for Tijuana with the intention it is said of trying to secure a wellknown racing official to come here and serve at Hawthorne this spring

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032401/drf1923032401_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1923032401_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800