Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-23


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, — Entries and Past Performances BELMONT PARK FRIDAY, MAY 23 WEATHEIl CLEAR: TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below shew the best time of each horse at tho distance since January 1. 1922 no matter where it finished. In cast where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 76160 IS FITIST INDEX OF 1924. TSSSS IS THE FIRST INDEX OF MAT. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. and Shim rior mini runner. X Jooi1. mud :•: Fair inml runnel. LI Maidens. •Apandrenlica a tie trance, b Blinkers. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown i in entries were made: Aqueduct At Jefferson Park JP Aurora, Au Kemlworth Ke Belmont Park BP Kempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowi« Bo La tenia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington Lx Con naught Park CP Mandpla Heights MH Conr.eaut Lake CT Marlboro Kb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire Da Mount Royal MR , Dorval Do Omaha Om Dufterin Du Pimlico Pm , Empire Em Reno Re | ; Fair Grounds FG Saratoga Sa Fort Erie FE Tanf oran Ta ! Hamilton Hm Thornclif fo Th j Havre de Grace-- HG Tijuana Ti : Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana ..... Hv Windsor Wi I i Huntington .. Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica Ja I First Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs Straight Course. .. I | Purse ,000. 2 -year-olds. Claiming. I Track record- June Z, 1922 — 51 — 2 — 115. I Todays | Ind Horse. Wt R*c A.Wt.lIaa. 79043 Wilbur C. Whitehead 108.. 725 79043 Rill Winfrey 106X"20 79181 Gad 105X71-, 78990 Candy Stick 110x715 79227= Kumonin 100.. 710 78954* Charlie Anderson i Ml 106. .710 79043 Hidalgo M» 106.. 710 79140 Wax tasJJ Ml..- 103. .705 78639 Tango Ml 103. 700 77768 Fearmmght iMl.. 106-.700 79140 Zero Hour Ui... 110.. 700 Galnt.a 107 Rodeo 106 •Armorer 101 . | Beth Page 110 i Second Race — 7-8 Mile- I Purse ,000. 3 year-olds. Claiming. • • Track record. Oct. 16. 1906—122—5—126. I 79070 Exalted Ruler .. 101X750 I 790131 Ruck Pond 109X745 I 79095- Anne 97x745 79178- Prince Hamlet -. 100x745 79013 »Kscob« dOro ... 96x745 79138 Frederick town .Rol00 1:2g 103x74r. 78663* Pathan Bo 100 lU»«s 105x740 79046- Ormesvale - 108. .740 78690 Sun I*dy 104.. 735 78881 ano 112X735 78986 Rriggs Buchanan. 102. 7*5 78947- Golden Armor ... 10SX7S0 78569* Kings Ransom .. 111.. 730 79095 Pasaport 102. .730 i , , | ; ! j : I i I I | I I | i | i I • I I I 79095 Venus 101.. 730 79965 Friday 13th . . . Bo 108 1 :29%m 108. .725 78663 Delmor I0SX725 77912 D-rjnda 10SX725 79095 The Poet Ro 109 1:31 %m 102.. 725 •Corn Products ... 97 Third Race — 1 Milo. Puree ,200. 4 year olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Sept. 13, 1923 1:35%— 3—113. 73627* bTHUNDKR- CLAP To 128 1:37% 8 123.800 74454* Athelstan IIP 97 1:36% 5 103. .785 78840 Nose Dive RP 110 1:37% 5 108.770 79177 High Prince ..IIP 101 139 4 108.760 79180 Jaunebar BP 112 l:39!is 5 90X750 Fourth Race — 1 Mile. Hyde Park Handicap. ,500 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Track record: Sept. 3. 1923 1:35%— 3— 113. 79177 bRed WingfieldBB 105 1:39% 5 100X750 78713 Prince of Imbria RP IOC 1:35% 4 107. .745 79091 Nautical 3 107x745 77840 b.Nose Dive . . .RP 110 1 :37Vs 5 107.740 78881* Little Celt .. .Aq 116 1:37% 4 118.735 74931 Check 3 97. 735 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Sept. 3. 1923 1:35%— 3— 113. 79180 Royal Charlie. HO 102 1:41% 5 113x750 79139-»bAladdin IIP 99 1:38 4 115X715 79224* •Olynlhus Aq 93 1:39% I 106X745 79068 bDnvid Harum .RP 112 1:38 7 113X710 79015 Relcross 3 97 . . 740 77801 Orcus Aq 100 1:39% 0 111®740 79135* Outcross M ... I 95. .735 79013 Ets.-oba dOro I 92*7.Jo 78989 High Commander Sa 10411:41 4 113. 735 79176 Keenan Aq 112 1:41% 4 110.730 79224 »St. Martins M.. 3 90. .730 I 79180 Shine Ou 3 S7..7* 790S5 MiUu 3 :r,..73 77216 Sweepy Pm 100 1:11 is 5 10X72* 79135* The Kenian M.. 3 95. 73c 77871 Our Flag 6 111x725 79176 Bessie Iightou Aq 103 1:41% 4 100X7J5 7S098 Cork El;n RP 109 1:42 4 105X725 79176 Bright Lights -S 111x725 79176 Trite Ja 113 1:39 V, 9 10i;x7:.5 71785 Prima Donna ... i 102 1:41% 4 105x725 74504 Star Man M 3 102. .720 i 79070 Lagoon 3 H0..7J0 Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile Main Course. Purse ,000. 3 -year -olds. Maidens. Special weights. Track record: Sept. 4. 1923—1:10% — 4—122. 79228 Repartee Ja 105 1:12% 109. .725 79223 Rugby 114. .720 , 79223 Polycarp Ja 96 1:12%m 114. .715 78808 long Point ...Pm 108 1:13 114. .7151 79223 Magic Call 114. .71.5 i j j 79070 Sophv RP 105 1:13% 109x715 . j 78784 Upsal Ja 107 1.13% 114. .715 . : 74891* Starbeck ..... .L« 115 1:13% 114. .710 i 79899 Rowman Ja 115 1:14 114. .710 I 70223 Dolomite Ja 112 1:14 114. .710 I 79223 I.ouverne 111. .710 1 72722 Previeux 114. 705 1 75335 By Plav 109. 705 . I I i 78875 Pep to Pe-.-p ..Pin 1C8 l:19%sy 114. 705; i] i 79073 Hands lp Ja 106 1:14% 114X700 I 73617 Trapstick HG 109 1:16% 114.700 • 7922$ Joe Marrone II. RP 114 1:15% 114.. 700 1 i 73288 Romantic 109. .700 1 78985 Cuba Relle J.i 106 1 :15%h 109.. 700 1 79223 King of Fortune.!* 10J 1:14% 111.. 700 1 78789 Day Trap 114. .700 1 Redskin 114 Com Products 114

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Local Identifier: drf1924052301_10_1
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