7th Race [7th Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-23

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i • I I 1 I . 1 i - i 74U DA PC 1 1-1G Iil»vs. 3-year-olda and upward. Claiming. May 24, fill HAUL 1022 1:44 1 lltt. BREAKFAST BELL, br. f, 3 103 By Black Toney— Battsr Cake, by Buckwheat. Trainer, H. J. Thompson. Owner, Idle Hour Stock Faim Stable. Breeder. Idle Hour Stock Farm. 79039 Churchill 3-4 1 :12%good 6 101 5 3 l1 ll G W Coll 9 R. Mountain, Sympathy. Cleiioe 75535 Churchill . 7-8 l:26L5fast 11 110 5 2 2* 3* O W "rollU DareSay, MahJong. P. Politician 74851 LAteate rA f 108 good 61 115 2 1 ll 1* L McDottU; Waukulla. Mayl jyd, Cherry -ote 74633 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 61 112 11 9 10* 10* A Wilson 12 Sizzle Gibbons. Bay Jr. 74280 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 11 115 3 2 2* 2* C Ponce 12 PessDoreen, Pli .Louise. Bil Todd ROCKY MOUNTAIN, ch. g, 5 106 By Malamont— Mountain Mist, by Magnettzer. Trainer. J. S. Everman. Owner. C. A. Bedencope. Breeder. W 0. Parme. 79087 Churchill 7-S l:2J*5fa.st 19-10 113 3 5 2h 4=1 E Pool I Parader, Pnce TiiTii. Sympathy 79039 Churchill 3-4 1:12%good 12 115 7 4 3" 21! W Fronk 9 BkfastBell, Sympathy, Clarence 75457 Churchill 1 1-16 l:46fast 17 107 1 2 3« 2» W Lancet 6 Donges. Ladv Champ. Wida 75279 I-atonia 1 1 16 1:46 fast 21 112 1 1 3* 3*1 B Harvey C Blue Stone. Wida. Tavlor Hay 74979 Latonia 1 1-16 1 46SJ ast 5 110 5 1 1| 4* M Garner 7 Pree.Lula. Mi.-.Marv, i.lerSctli 74856 Latonia lm70y 1:4.". slow 61 111 5 3 3i 3* D Jone3 o MakeLp. HollMe SeaCourt 74691 Latonia 1 1 16 1 44%fast 8 104 1 2 6l 7" L McDott 8 Dr inMaker, I.adyAstor. MakeL-p WHITE STAR. ch. h. 6 109 By McGee— Sweet Charlotte, by Ingoldsby. Trainer. G. V. Barnes. Owner. C. W. Clark. Breeder. C. W. Moore. 72351 Hawthne 3-4 1 i:inutl 2 108 2 2 3 3«1 L McDott 3 Second Thoughts, L.rd Granite 72212 Hawthne 1 1-16 1 :18»mud 1-2 107 1 1 1* 1* L McDott 4 Chiva, Halu. Qi; :-n High 72156 Hawthna 3-4 l:ll%fast 4 105 6 3 !»!*!, McDott t» S.Thoughts. Bul.Proof. L.Marlia 71716 Latonia 1 1 :41%hvy 4 109 4 1 ll ll D Connlly I Makelp. LdyCliamp. PostHaste 71683 Latonia 3 4 110%fast 41 101 7 5 4* 4* R Doyle 8 Last One. Inquisition. Ararat SAN VICENTE, ch. c. 3 M 103 By Friar Rock— Santa Malta, by Sanctuary. Trainer, R. C. Frakes. Owner. R. C. Frakes. Breeder. J. H. Rosseter. 79007 Churchill 7-8 l:25*islow lOf 105 6 10 10 10« B Kenndy IS BorrbonEoy. Ciblon, J.C.Denny 78775 Lexgton ::-4 1 :13andfast 61 103 5 6 ft 5* H Gray 10 Delectable, HippvTop, TM Cast 74932 I-atoi la 3 4 1:13 fast 8 115 7 7* 7* H Gray 11 NewCold, Dullev. Muldraugu 74728 Latonia 3-1 LISifast 10 115 T C Cl 5*i H Gray 12 Program. Devil Cirl. Polvo* 71410 Latonia 3 4 113%fast 28f 115 11 10 8* 5* D Connllyl2 Baffling. I proa r. Corinth EXTRA EDITION, ch. g, 3 101 By The Manager— Attentive, by Allan-a-Dale. Trainer. R. Bolton. Owner, Cincinnati Stable. Breeder. T. Fiatt. 79087 Chuichill 7-8 1 25*fast 38 107 8 8 8 8" J Wallace S Parader, Pnce TiiTii, Sympathy 77974 Jefferson 1 1-S 1 :-".7%mua 60 117 7 11 10* !1»» D Mergler 11 BlackGold. BrilliantCast, Rinkey 77842 Jefferson lmTOy 1 :46%good 20 1121 1 « 6* 6» W Crump 7 BlkGold. Fredi ricktn. Bril.Cast 77802 Jefferson 2-4 1:14%fast 26 113 11 11 6 4J W Crump 14 Pathan, StakeMe, Qcnt harming 77409 F.Grnds 1 1-8 L53Hfast 50 95 12 13 121 12*| R Yelton 13 FlintStone, SetngSun, Dr Clark 77279 F.Grnds lm70y 145%fast 10 102 4 6 6 11 G W Croll 6 W.theWisard. Deronda, Fly.Fur 77149 F Or nds 1 1 40Vtfast 4 100 t 4 6 6*t F Lee 6 Thorndale, Invictus. Gee 76882 F.Grnds lmTOy 1 :45,islow 4 IOC t C 6 il B Mrinelli 6 K. Thoughts. Delante. Barracuda 76772 F Grnda 1 1:42 good 3| 106 6 6 « 6* J Wallace 8 Dreamer. Dobson. Blotter 76617 F.Grnds 1 1:40 fast 12 106 3 4 3 !• L McDottlO Boy O Boy. Blotter. Pathaa LIEUT. COLONEL, b. g, 6 109 By Light Brigade — Yolanda. by St. Florian. SI Trainer. H. Oats. Owner. E. C. Walker. Breeder. J. N. Camden. HIM Latonia lm70y 1 :46%mud 8 113 2 4 6" 6" L McDott S Tan Son, Haiti, Dernier ,ot . 74f34 Latonia 1 1-4 2:05 fast 11 105 6 4 4» 4"4 L McDott !t WildLife, Cukamo, SngamooU .1 7 IMS Latonia lm70y l:44%fast £3-10 111 2 3 2J V L McDottlO Amanda, M orCarrel, Simpleton ;i 73998 Lexton lm70y l:44%fast 8 115 3 1 1* 1" L McDott i Jupiter, Keliability. ** *• ■ II 7S175 Lexgton 1 1-16 1:49 good 6 115 3 2 1 1 L McDott 8 Kandel. Fair Orient, Blue Rl . NEW GOLD, b. c, S 103 Bv Oliver Goldsmi.h— Noowa, by Meddler. SI Trainer, K. Spence. Owner. Andley Farm Stable. Breeder. Himyar Stud. 78»74 Church.ll 3 4 l:12%good 33 1H 7 7 7 7" B Kenndy 7 Busier. JohnFinn Boysl.e veMc , 75616 Chnrchill ll:38%fnst l 107 8 8 8 8"»J Wallace 8 Graeme, Giblon. Lord Wart in , 75475 Churchill 1 l:S8%fast 31 111 « 5 61 V K Scobie 6 BlkGold. K .Covm I .. -Mai . 750S1 Latonia 1 l:C%OMd 13 118 4 3 6* V U Scobie S Altawood. 1-ret well. Do.ison _ J| 74»SS Latonia 3 4 1:13 act 43-10 115 2 2 21 la E Scobio 11 Dudley. Muldraueh. P»fJ«lte -. 746*7 Latonia 3-i l:13%fast 10 115 10 4 U 2- T Murray 12 I.Maloney. N.McChord. MinSpol D 74410 Latonia 3-4 1 :13%fast 9 115 1 7 51 C"l T Murray 12 Baffling. fpro.tr, ormth KEWHtEKET, ch. g, 4 10» By Wormleigkton— Polly Connelly, by Disguise 7: Trainer. A. L. Kirby. Owner, J. Livingston. Breeder. J. Livingston. 7: 79218 Churchill 11:43 hvy 19 113 2 4 4 4« R Harton 4 HhKw, An;: mMaid. MMfl , 75996 Jefferson 3-4 1:16%slow 6 105 2 3 5 6*3.1 Corcoran 7 John Finn. Boseate 11.. Brunei 75»56 Jefferson S-4 1 :16%hvv 8 100 5 5 51 4" W Fronk 7 John Finn. Thorndale A*M« J, 75514 Churchill 1-4 1 :ll%fast 54 110 6 6 5 5" T Brothers 6 Pegasus. Great Jaz. Betty I.eall . 75455 Churchill 3-4 l:ll%fast 63 110 5 7 7 7" T Brothers 7 Audacious, Dr. Hickman. 1 census L €5193 Belmont J-4 at 1:11 fast 60 117 23 10" 9J Callahan23 Sallys Alley. Zev, Wilderness C5128 Belmt 61 f MC l:05%fast 24 115 6 I 3 2» L McAtee 9 Curtis. Flagstaff. Comix.i - 65012 Belmont 51 f Bt 1 :03 fast 10 115 10 6 61 5*1 C Kunrmerll Cyclops, AinorPatriac, Shamrock ., 64544 Saratoga 51 f 1 08%hvy 7 115 8 5 6» 4»1 L McAtee 9 Daniel, Shamrock, Doughoregan - C4460 Saratoga 51 t l:05%fas t 6 109 7 7 6* t|M Garner ■ Enchantt. BhtTomorw. Alad n 7, 64286 Saratoga 5-8 59 fajt 4 117 3 « 6» 4«| A Jobnsonll Zev, Enchantment, Dunlin -, 68662 Latonia 6-8 101 fast 37-10 114 7 6 6« 5«i B Kenndy 7 Cherokee. Banter. Actuary -,. 62S24 Belmont 5-8 st 59 fast 20 106 3 4 1» 1» L McAtee 14 St. Valtine. Martgale. M. Smith 7 , i ■ .

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924052301/drf1924052301_5_4
Local Identifier: drf1924052301_5_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800