untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-23


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SCHUYLER FLOYD Calvert Building Broadway at 41st Street New York City Telephone — Bryant 6333 A company with a continuous unblemished record — the largest organization of its kind in the world. YESTERDAYS FIVE HUNDRED DOLLAR "SCHUYLER INVESTMENT" POSTPONED Serious Mistakes HAVE COST TURF INVESTORS THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS Then why guess? — why burn your money? — why not treat your turf investments with the same consideration that you would any other class of investments? Before making them — consult the ones who know. THESE ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR "SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" are the result of experience — forethought — knowledge — and are arranged with the one object in view — that of Safeguarding The Investor WHAT OTHERS HAVE ACCOMPLISHED YOU CAN DO WITH 00 YOU COULD HAVE EARNED, LAST WEEK, WITH COST OF INFORMATION AND LOSSES DEDUCTED ,880[ Another "Schuyler Investment," prepared with the same precision and painstaking care as our previous successes, is offered for your consideration today Friday — an occasion of a lifetime. Terms: ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS in advance by telegraph or in person. The "Schuyler Investments" are like "Sterling" on Silver — THE STAMP OF DISTINCTION SHIELDS KNOWN TO TURFMEN FOR A GENERATION 0.00 WEEKLY .00 DALLY Yesterdays .00 Track Wire: Admirer ,85- Won Tuesdays 0.00 Occasional: Warning 1.00- Won Wednesdays .00 Track Wire: Repeater 2.70- Won I The kind that make the layers weep. Other Shields long shot winners: mnmwici .m- won FE11IE MORSE 6.20- WON SPOT CASH 2.20- WON EXTREME .S0- WON PARMACHENEE BELLE . .$ 8.8«- WON RAPID DAY 1.30- WON KIRKLEVINGTON 8. S0- WON EARL A BABY 4.30- WON TROPICAL WATER $ S.30-12 WON MARIONETTE 3.78- WON 0- TODAY Goes for my big .00 Track Wire at Churchill Downs today and it looks like the safest investment . at Kentucky today. I know something-. Make me prove it. The stable is down strong and that is just what j I advise my followers to do. Bee me today and know what it means to win. Terms, .00. A winner is guaranteed. 00.00 FREE SPECIAL GOES THURSDAY, MAY 29 And it will be given free to all weekly subscribers is my daily track wire. My past record should convince you that I handle nothing but winners. Terms. 0 week 6 racing days. Sheets mailed overnight in plain, sealed | envelope*. WT 0.00 OCCASIONAL GOES 1 W TODAY This erne has been kept under cover for a big • melon cutting today. LY ITS A WLNNER YOU f WANT, THEN GET TODAYS BIG OCCASIONAL. Call at office or wire. Terms, 0.00, and a i winner for your money. 0.00 for six winning 0.00 Occasional*. GEORGE SHIELDS M7 BROADWAY, ROOM 500, NEW YORK CITY ADVANCE FITB. CO., DISTRIBUTORS Subscribe for Daily Racing Form Ml PLYMOUTH COURT a CHICAGO, ILL. VNntr cmvvn THE MAN WHO CAN MAKE YOU WIN ] Hi i warn SOLD ON NEWSSTANDS, and "SPECIAL" WB* HOW CAN YOU LOSE? WE CLEANED UP AGAIN Yesterdays Big Advertised IT PARLAY WON AGAIN WT SPECIAL WON ALSO And once again JACK FIELDS army of followers BEAT the "BOOKMAKERS and MADE EM WEEP. Day Before Yesterday ■T- PARLAY WON ALSO And Also Last Week We Gave WT 3 STRAIGHT DAYS PARLAY WON "PARLAY" consists of JACK FIELD "Daily" and "SPECIAL". Day after day. week aftar woek. the ARMY of JACK FIELD followers are getting "RICHER and RICHER." Why. IF YOU ONLY KNEW the "real value" of JACK FIELD "INFO" you would be willing to pay 100 times the price this cost. You Cannot Beat 7 Races a Day JACK FIELD does not give 7 races or more. BUT 2 "SPECIALS— and "SPECIALS"— every day. STOP LOSING YOUR MONEY! Fall in line with the THOUSANDS of JACK FIELD army of followers by following JACK FIELD "every day" and you will be "BIG WINNER" soon. WF- ANOTHER BIG CLEAN UP WT TODAY Here is your chance to "CLEAN UP" again today, as we have 2 "HOT" ones today, so be SURE you get JACK FIELD both and "SPECIALS" and "PLUNGE, WIN ONLY," on both of these 2 "SPECIALS" today. NOTICE — JACK FIELD sold everywhere also mailed to you, 5 week for both and "SPECIALS". W Chicago Players, Read This Call at our office today. 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., and read the "WIRES" JACK FIELD sends to this office DIRECT from TRACK. Come and see us. Doesnt cost you anything. EVERYBODY WELCOME. FIELD PUB. CO.. ROOM 32 phone. HARRISON 0248 39 W. ADAMS St., Chicago, HI. THESPORTINGLEADER cAmericcfe Greatest Sport Paper 25CENT5- FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS £Jn Agaii "Al Gere !ft£gf X Cleaned np" A OiLr "C,ean Up lIHr i»4 0n His Daily Sheet and flfw/ His Adv. 0 Special Todays 0 Special A "Real Pippin " I tell you I got this so strong that only a BROKEN LEG could stop him from winning, says Bill to me last night. Get this one. Ask your newsdealer for AL GERNS DALLY SPECIAL Only at All Newsstands LOOK. LOOK! TODAYS FREE CODES: Louisville— Utica- Might - Level - Mount - Lease Woodbine— Utica-Launch • Level -Human -Launch And under no consideration whatever fail to get this pair. For code get the NEW ISSUE FOR SALE TODAY I . j BURKE THE BOY WHO KNOWS One a day. 0 Weekly. THE SAME OLD STORY THE ONE AND ONLY— Known by all turf followers. BIG 10 TO 1 SHOT TODAY. This one will be as good as my usual daily wire. Subscribe now. Yesterdays One Horse: LEASIDE 3.75- WON Wednesdays Wire: NEW HAMPSHIRE . 80- WON Tuesdays Wire: LILT . 40- WON Mondays Wire: JLMSON 3.90- WON Wire now, via Western Union or Postal. 0 for 6 days service, E. J. BURKE Room 303, 23 Dnane St., NEW YORK CITY | 1 • f i THE SECRETS of a Prostective Kentucky Winner are available to all persons of honest intentions. Name of the horse, jockey expected to ride and other details now on file with this paper. Write me today, enclosing- .00 to cover telegraph charges. State what you will wager straight for me. Please do not misrepresent amount. Details will be sent you at once. A prepaid telegram with the final O. K. will reach you day of the race. Letters without .00 will be disregarded. H. W. Shea P. O. Box 574, Springfield, Mass. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM f- IMPORTANT NOTICE TO S. O. SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS Subscriptions expire today. Wire 0 at once for our next 0 One Horse Special, goes Saturday. 00 Occasional free. Tomorrow Saturday for advertising purposes, our connections have permitted us to send our second 00 Occasional free to all subscribers to our 0 One Horses Special. These 00 Occasionals arc the acme of turf information. In future, as with our first 00 Occasional, subscriptions will be limited as to number and location. Our first 00 Occasional went Tuesday. It was: i GLIDE 6.40- WON Rush your subscription for tomorrows Saturday 0 One Horse Special by Western Inion at once and receive our second 00 Occasional free. Both these horses are in Kentucky and a big price should be on tap in the mutuels. it Miring subscription at once you will avoid delay and receive our telegram in ample time. Should tomorrows 0 Special lose our next two 0 Specials will be sent free. A parlay on these horses should pay the limit. Wire 0 at Once by Western Union. o Postal Here. S. O. Service, Jamaica, N. Y. SOTE: — Tell telegraph company to send address — it prevents delay. J EASTERN Handicapper SPECIAL ASD 50 CENT LETTER Yesterdays Long Shot Special : WB* Leaside ..5.75- Won Another one. of the Eastern Handicappers LONG SHOTS romped home. Well, MR. PLAYER, are you convinced by this time that we can make you beat the races? Mondays Long Shot Special : King Tut 6.90- Won There is no use commenting on our record ; it is known from coast to coast ; so get in while the getting is good. TODAYS LONG SHOT SPECIAL comes from the same source that gave me Repeater, 2.60r, Won. and King Tut, ?16.90-, Won. They expect 0 FOR on this bird today. Dont hesitate, go right now to your newsdealer and ask him for the Eastern Handicapper. For sale at all leading newsstands in principal cities. W Chicago Players, Attention! The Eastern Handicapper is for sale at our office daily from 9 a. m. till 3 p. m. Come up and see today. Also for sale at all LOOP NEWSSTANDS in the city. BY MAIL— SPECIAL OFFER Both the SPsKSAL and 50 CENT LETTER mailed you one week, 0 ; send the 0 to the EASTERN HANDICAPPER It SOUTH CLARK ST. CHICAGO, ILL. MACK ROSE Formerly known as the worlds greatest plunger. My service consists of ONE HORSE A DAY. Terms — .00 Daily or 0.00 Weekly. Well, We Cleaned Up Again! Yesterdays One Horse: KING TUT $ 9.90- WON Wednesdays One Horse: POLLYMARA .. . 8.10- WON Tuesdays One Horse: LILT $ 6.40- WON Mondays One Horse: OPPERMAN 8.30- WON Saturdays One Horse: MALAPERT 9.55- WON Fridays One Horse: COBWEB 8.30- WON Thursdays One Horse: AUNTIE MAY . . .$ 8.50- WON TODAY — 0 FOR — TODAY That is just what my hoss should pay today, so I advise you to get in on this long shot winner. Now if you appreciate winning information, send 0.00 by wire to avoid delay, with yonr correct address for one weeks trial and I will convince you that I will make you a WINNER as I am doing for my army of loyal followers. Address MACK ROSE 126 MAIDEN LANE, SUITE 203, NEW YORK CITY xr$ 149391493914939 1493914939 I m isP PREDETERMINED J£* TURF PROFITS I •• . The MIRACLE SYSTEM 1% nationally «9 I known a* "*:isy for player — hard for layer." Has Mood the ACID TEST for .** tn many years. We could not spend many v thousands of dollars per annum adver-•*, tising water as rough syru| — and con- ** tinue in business. Sold on installment payments paid from your profits. Abso- . v lutely FREE. lOO page racing manual, /» « review, sworn testimonals. etc. Invest!-gate today and make your Bookie obey. *** Public Relations Manager 4fl JB S. K. ARTIIlR _ /•%Fj| Box 10 11. y. Ton son. Md. /PV «W$ ** *1493914939$ Pay From Your Profits THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM of playing the races will be mailed you for one weeks trial. No charge unless it shows an average profit of at least 0 a day on the S3 scale of play. 1 or particulars mail this ad., with your name and address to J. K. WILLIS 225 Thirtieth St. Miami Beach. Fla. kBaaBaBBBaaaBBaaHaBiiasBSBsasaaaaaiaaBBEasaasaai Repeater 2.70- Won THE KIND THAT MAKE THE LAYERS WEEP Warning 1.00- Won TUESDAYS 0.00 OCCASIONAL I have a horse going Saturday, May 24th. that goes as a big "pool horse for a group of Wall Street brokers. The name of this horse is on file. The odds will be at least 7-1. I have purchased Western and Southern rights on this big horse and I want a few big players to join me on this melon cutting Saturday, May 24, 1924. The terms, 5.00, and no propositions accepted. These kind dont come every day. GEORGE SHIELDS 287 Broadway, Room 500 New York City Advance Pub. Co., Distributors. NINE WINNERS TWO SECONDS, MAY 5-21 are what our Chief Clockar wired us from track on Daily One Horse wire. SERVICE— FOR SIX STARTERS. Eventually yon will wake up and get wise. Why not now ! WORKOUTS AT CHURCHILL DOWNS Fastest 2-year-olds, three-eighths. :35. Older nulers, 1:40%. A page and a half. Hundreds. These are the horses that are ready to win first asking. Latest Reporter, all newsstands, 35c. Mailed 3 weeks, . k THE TURF REPORTER F*6?K2« 22 W. Quincy St.. CHICAGO, ILL. jSr/ Established 1904. / Originator and Oldest Publication la Existence. Turf Editors Weekly 50 CENTS AT ALL NEWSDEALERS TODAYS FREE CODES: Churchill Downs — Edward- News -Greatest- That Woodbine— Edward - News - Regularly - The A SPECIAL FREE TODAY WITH Turf Editors Daily At All Newsdealers, Only Kentucky Races A. MURPHY MENKE EXPERT CLOCKER Employ me. 0 for any 6 racing days. I wire two horses daily at 11 a. m. that are fit and ready to win at good odds. I wire no scratched horses; also send track conditions. Give me a trial. Bush your subscription; send your address. Telegraph remittance or send express order in letter. Cash only. Address: ELKS CLUB, LOUISVILLE, KY. r£?ut,a,tio,n™,""—™™?oh" Was Yesterdays Best LONG SHOT RAN THIRD Over 50 per cent winners on our daily one best. Remember, boys, we give absolutely only TWO A DAY If you want winners and an honest deal, get the O. K. 50c— AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 50c NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER 411 Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, HI. Monthly Form Book of April Racing NOW ON SALE DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1924052301/drf1924052301_15_1
Local Identifier: drf1924052301_15_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800