Mount Royal, Daily Racing Form, 1924-05-23


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: | J | ■ : I MOUNT ROYAL MONTREAL, Quebec. Thursday. May 22, 1924.— Mount Royal Park 1 mile. Fifth day. Back River Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. Stewards. W. W. I.yles. E. C. St. Pere and A. Laberge. Presiding Judge, Dr. F. W. Ashe. Associate Judge. Eugene W. Rury. Starter, Elmer Wilson. Racing Secretary, Dr. F. W. Ashe. Racing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time 2:30. 79284 "BST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Aug. 19. 1916—1:00—4—114. Purse 50. 3- olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 0; third, 5; fourth, 5. Bi. Odds Tnd. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 74966 Redtip 10S lJ C OMahney ss7i-166 7:t»12 Speed River 110 2» R Ball 6M-M6 79127 Skywards 108 3l N Foden tteii-lOU 79202 Asliumora 113 4» R McAlaney Bt-1M 7 924 5 Joe Gatti 108 5« R McCrann 10X5-100 79243 Gold Coast 110 6* E T Moore 1103-100 7-1 196 Crown Derby 108 73 H Gibson 235-100 79123 Fannie White 111 S C Jackson 26J0-100 Time. 1:04%. Track fast. mutuels paid Redtip, 3.15 straight, .60 place. 20 show; Speed River, .80 place, .85 show; Skywards, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Redtip, 557 V to 100 straight. 2fc to 100 place. 210 to 100 show; Speed River. 190 to 100 place, KU to 100 show; Skywards. 150 to 100 show. Winner J. A. Monasts b. c. 4, by Tippecanoe or Red Fox II. — Elfain, by Sain trained by W. Walsh; bred by Messrs. S. and A. E. Dyment. Went to post at 2:48. At post I minute. S*art good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights Speed River, 4 pounds; Skywards. .!: Joe iatti, S; Oold Coast. 2: Crown Derby. 5. 79285 v SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. Aug. 19. 1916—1:00—4—114 . Purse 50. S-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 0; third, 5; fourth, 5. Bq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 79196 Dependence 116 V H Chappell 157? -100 [ High Brow 109 23 C Jackson 166-161 j 79121 Dorienne 116 V R McCrann H9-M6] 79121 Dorantui US 4 M Simmons W-M6 71878:1DunIavey 121 5 W Hinphy 495-100 Time, 1:04%. Track fast. mutuels paid Dependence, .15 straight, .30 place: High Rrow, .45 place; no show mntuels sold. Equivalent booking odds — Dependence, 157% to 10. straight. 115 to 100 place; High Brow, 222 i to 100 place. Winner — N. Dacks ch. m, 7. by Tippecanoe — Depends, by The Friar trained by n. Sobel; bred by Messrs. 8. and A. E. Dyment. Went to post at 3:16. At post 1 minnte. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched — 79243 Jamima, 116; 79249Lady Felix. 116. 7Q28fi to*uv THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. Aug. 19. me— 1:00— 4-114. Purse 50. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valne to winner 60; second, 0; third, 5; fourth, 5. Bq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 79 1 99 3 Char. Summy 110 12 S Bank3 862J-1O0 78847 Avispa 113 2 * E T Moore 195-100 74922 = Kellys Queen HO 3» R McAlaney 875-100 74965 Allah 115 4J W Hinphy 1140-100 72649 My Grade 113 5* R Bali 1050-100 79202 J Avion 115 6 N Foden 125-100 Time, 1:03%. Track fast. mutuels paid — Charlie Summy, 9.25" straight, .10 place, .70 show; Avispa, .00 place, .00 show: Kellys Queen, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds — Charlie Summy, 8621-. to 100 straight, 255 to 100 place, 185 to 100 show! Avispa, 100 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Kellys Queen. 170 to 100 show. Winner — Mrs. U. S. Wishards b. g, 8, by As- I I — P.racktown Belle, by Canard trained by C S. W shard; bred by Mr. A. Brown. Went to post at 3:49. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Overweight Kellys Queen, 2 pounds. 70287 i«/*iui FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Aug. 25. 1916—1:13—4—103. Purse 50. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to . winner 60; second, 0; third, 5; fourth, 5. Bq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 780091 Alt Vezina 119 1«| W Hinphy 251-101 79156nYhippoorwill 119 t* E Atkinson 175-100 79I55-E1 Coronel 119 ,1JH Gibson 471-100 I I 79249 Miko 119 iJ H McAlaney 1383-100 j 79199 Mock O-ange 122 5s T Rowan 361-100 76093 Red William 119 ■ B Banks 2275-100 Time, 1:18%. Track fast. mutues paid AM Vezina. .00 straight. |U0 place, .00 show: Whippoorwill, .95 place, .60 show: El Coronel, .55 show. Equivalent booking odds — Alf Vezina. 250 to 100 Straight, 65 to 100 place. M to 100 show: Whp-poorwill, 47% to 1iO place, 30 to 100 show; El Coronel, 27% to 10 show. Winner--G. M. Ridges br. g, 9. by Rey Hindoo Dally, by iigantcum trained by O. M. Ridge; bred by Messrs. Lawrence and Comstock. Went to post at 4:21. At post 1 minute. Slart fair and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. 79288 FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Aug. 25. | __ 1916—1:13—4—103. Purse 50. 4- ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to wi-ner 60; second, 0; third, 5; fourth, 5. Bq. Odds Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 79199=Gratian 117 "nk E T Moore 380-100 79157Dr. Joe 122 21 S Banks 110-190 78926 Dixio Dick 110 3"* R Matthews 305-100 79 158 -Smart Money 119 43 R Ball 665-100 79199 Drapery 112 5s H Gibson 3220-100 77415 Foy 112 6 W Organ 1125-100 Time. 1:17%. Track good. mutuels paid— Oratian. S9.60 straight. .20 pa-c, $:..0 show: Dr. Joe, .75 place, .15 show; Dixie Dick. M show. I Equivalent booking odds— Oratian. 380 to 100 straight, 60 to 100 place, 65 to 100 show: Dr. Joe, 37% to 100 place, 57% to 100 show; Dixie Dick, 47% to 100 show. Winner Mrs. H. W. Rarncs h. m. 6, by Astronomer- Helen OC. by His Highness trained by J. Hill; bred by Mr. David Gideon. Went to post at 4:47. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. 7QOQQ t0£iV0 SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. May 23, 1922 _i:39_6— lie. Purse 50. 3-year-clds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 0; third. 5; fourth, 5. Bq. 0dd3 Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 79158 Plant.irede 111 V R Ball 1655-100 79125 Hcreb 116 2» H Gibson 133-100 79248 Armistice 111 6J C Jackson 260-100 79248 Neenah 109 4s R McAlaney 275-100 79160 D» P.onero 110 51 E T Moore 1230-100 791583Littlo Ed 111 6« S Banks 1285-100 79197 Vehement 102 7 R Matthews 3590-100 Time. 1:45. Track fast. mutuels paid — 1lantarede, 5.10 straight. 6.05 place, 4.60 show: Horeb, .15 place, .90 show; Armistice. .05 show. Equivalent booking odds Plantarede, 1655 to 100 straight. 702% to 100 place, 630 to 100 show; Horeb, 107% to 100 place, 45 to 103 show; Armis tice. 52% to 100 show. Winner — Mrs. It. Plants b. g. 8. by Go-to Bed or Oorgorita — La Polona. by Vinicius trained by B. E. Duffy; bred in France by Jules Jariel. Went to post at 5:17. At pest 2 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights — Plantarede, 3 pounds; De Bonero, 2. 799Q0 SEVENTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Aug. I0*0j 23 1916—1:06—3—107. Purse 50. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 60; second, 0; third, 5; fourth, 5. Bq. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 79161 Gupton 113 1 F Bullman 830-100 | 79126 Annette Tler 111 23i R McAlaney 2515-100 7924»nValter Whitr 113 3£ R McCrann 300-100 74965 Louis Adair 11! 41 R Ball 1350-100 79197Jota 111 o K T Moore 125-100 79122 Gilder 113 6s W Hinphy 745-100 79126 Dud Fisher 113 7 N Foden 710-100 Time. 1:10%. Track fast. mutuels paid tiupton. .i straight. 0.65 place. ?0. 70 i-how; Annette Teller. 0.30 place. 1.90 how; Walter Whitaker, .55 show. Equivalent booking odds — tiupton. 830 to 100 straight. 4321 to 100 place, 235 to 100 show; Anne-ette Teller. 915 to 100 place, 495 to 100 show; Walter Whitaker. 77 to 100 show. Winner— R Millers b. g, 4, by Hanbridge — Urandess, by Cesarion trained by R. Miller; bred by Mr. leorge II. Moore. Went to post at 5:48. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; seeond and third, drivinj:. ■Hatched 79161 -Homam, 113; 79244 Mollio Rarnes, 111.

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Local Identifier: drf1924052301_14_2
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