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r ■ 1 Entries and Past Performances OMAHA SATURDAY, JUNE 7 WKATHER CLEAR: TRACK FAST. The fitrures urder the heading "Rec." in the entries below stow tho best time of each horso at the distance since January 1. 1822. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 76460 IS FIRST INDEX OF NsHL 78688 IS THE FIRST INDEX OF MAY. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 3:30. ® Superior mini runner. X Good mud runner. :]-. Fair mild runner. «M Maideua. Apprentice j I loan nre. b lilinkers. The following abbreviations are used to iesignute tracks at which time records shown in entries were made : Aqueduct Aq. Jefferson Park XP Aurora An Kenilworth Ko Belmont Park BP Kempton Park HP Blue Bonnets BB King Edward Ki Bowie Bo Latonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Ln Columbus Co Lexington Lx Connaught Park CP Maplo Heights MH Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Mb Dade Park DP Mobile Mo Devonshire De Mount Royal MR Dorval • Do Omaha Om Dufrerin Du Pimlico Pm Empire Em Reno Ro FaL- Grou-ds FG Saratoga, Sa Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hra Thornclif f e Th Havre de Grace HO Tijuana Ti Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine Wo Jamaica Ja First Race— 5 1-2 Fnrlocga. I*urse SVOl 3 vcar olds and upward. Claiming. Track record; May 31. WH I 8M8j 8 IM1 Todays Tnd. nora». Wt. I e. AWt.Han 79*62 Cranny Ioe ..MH 102 1:06% 7 110x72-7 79696 -* Allen -MH 103 1:08% 7 110x720 79696 bBovcFroosi ...Om 116 1:07 5 120x715 79768- "St. Angelina ..Om 102 1:07% 4 110x713 7940and* Star Clondy ..Do 114 1:08% 3 107x71". 79362- Ktww Atkin . . -Ti 100 1 :0S 6 110x71". i 78729- IX-ertrail Ut 108 1:07% 7 lift. .71.1 7*782 Randal* RoyalOia 108 1:08 3 107.710 I 78440 Mountaineer ...Ti 111 1:08% 6 11.1. .710 i 78501 Bookworm Re 110 1:08 6 105 #7 0.1 . 71114 bDwtor Bines M 7 110. .700 i 72919" Few Acres ■ 115.. 700 i 74978 Little Abe . . .Om 115 1:07% 12 111x701 i 79862 bKinetic Om 113 1:08 6 115X700 777380 Kungeorge ...Om 121 l:00%m 6 115X700 77035 bl oub!e Van ..Om 103 l:OS% 7 115X70J Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Prrse 00. fids and upward. Claiming. iTrack retord: May 31. 1924 — 1:05%- -6—110. » , 79388 Angeli MH 07 1:07% 5 105X721 il 78400 Ask Jessie ...Om 109 1:07 8 110x720 l 79832 M *s Eniina G.HF 11 1:07% .1 110X715 i 78919 Pinaquana Ti 92 1:08% 4 110x711 | 79809 Mouxie Ti 112 1:07% § 115.715 i 797S2- Miriam Wood Om 103 1:07% ■ 1.12.715 . 78067 •Yukon T5 103 1:07% 7 110x71.1 I 78799. Quaver Om 108 l:12%h 3 107x710 79862 »Ja.k FouBtalu.Ti 113 1:03 8 110.710 I 78284 b.Ia.k I edi Ti 110 1:07% rt 115x710 78856 • Huuxel TI 108 1:08 5 105X710 79808= J.e*s Welch ..To 113 1.08% 6 110x70. . 71139 Itey Hmdo-j II. .. 5 115.. 701 . 79809 Blue Van T5 108 1:08% 9 113X70". . i I i . i i i , il l i | i . I I . . . 78502 Spirea Ti 9C 1 :08% I 102. .70 j 79810 Bobadil M 7 115.700 j Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse $.100. 3-yenr-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: May 31. 1924— 1:05%— «— 110. 79728 Bay Off Ti 105 1:07% 9 110X72.7 76834 Black Top ...MH 104 1:07 • 115X720 a 75809 bOlyrr.pian King Ti 113 1:10% 9 115x711 .9768 Carrie Moore . Hv. 112. 1 :06% 8 110x715 ■ 797C3 Fullanti Ti 107 1:08% 3 107X715 » t7! S 1 Finis Gloriosua Om 107 1:00% 8 102X71.1 78277 Klla Waldo ..Ti 110 1:03% 0 105X710 l 78319 n?ttj D. M 4 105.. 710 s 73910 bHindoosUn Th 106 1:07% 8 115X710 • 7SG36 Repent Om 107 1:00 0 110X701 r 79692 »Celia M ■ 97x100 ■ 78444 Twelve Billa ..TI 116 1:08% 9 110. 700 7C803 Fandango 4 110.700 ■ 79810 Gen. Petain ...Om 115 1:08 7 11.7. 700 • 79732 Innovation Om 113 1:08% 11 110X700 79769 St. Just 7 11.7X700 0 Fourth Race — 5-8 Mile. Purse J700. 2 year -olds. Allowances. Track record: Sept. 20. 1922 1:00% 2— 12a 79767 KARONGA 112. .725 S 79727 Recover 112. .71.7 .7 79851 Sequan 112. .710 0 79727* Runpreeerve 112.. 701 1 70861 Bsreeptona 117.. 701 ►7 79861 Runicor M 107.. 700 O Fifth Race— 1 1-8 Mile*. Ak-Sar-Ben Kings Cup. Purse 82.50?. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. t. Track record: Sept. 23, 1923-1:32—6—109. 79771* Second Thoughts.. 5 111x750 j 79771 Abadan- Hw 122 1:51% 9 113X745 - 79681 All Over TI 122 1:52 5 111X740 0 79731 blxmis A. ...MH 108 1:01% 7 107x740 " 79771 Chica La 102 1:52% 4 10JX735 J 79771 Wo Koin 3 103X730 10 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4 -year .Ids Ml npward. Claiming. f Track record: Jnne 3. 1924— 1 :11% —1—103. 79730J,bTop o th Morning Wi 109 1:11% 12 105®725 796»6: Nan M.Kiuuey.Ti 113 1:13 5 107x720 10 79884 l.Tubby A Ti 111 1:13 6 112x715 - * 78443* bCavaloadour II.TI 105 1:13% 8 106x715 74080 Mae Setli Om IOC 1.13% 4 107. 715 78284 »I.avinia TI 106 1:13% 4 98x710 78468 bMannikin II. ..Ti 101 1:13% 7 112x710 78866- Bigger Still ..FG 107 1:16 4 110. 710 0 76631 »My Roee Ti 111 1:14 0 100X705 .- 76038 bCrorawell 8 112x701 .- 5 79863 •bDuc de Juise .Om 108 1:13% 8 101.. 700 , 79769J Rogon Jr Om 115 1:16% 5 103. .701 76368 Bees Wing ..FG 110 1:15% 7 107x700 V 79687 bWhippet Om 110 1:16 0 112x700 * 79696 Chicken Om 101 1:16% 7 107.. 700 ■ Sr-vcnth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Iurse 00. 3-year-old* and npward. Allowance*. Track record: June 23. 1923 — 1:48%— 7— 111. 79733* Missouri Boy ..La 10441:45 0 11.7.. 721 H 79SC5 l.Sea Mint Em 107 1:46% 7 113X720 78279 The Dea?rt Ti 105 1.47% 8 110x715 ir, -,96£7 hJim Heffering ... J 110®71.1 ir, .9773 Smart Alex ..Co 108 1:51 5 10.7.710 10 74011 Boreas Om 116 1:46% B110X710 10 ,9763 Sea Wra -k MI.a 102 1:43% 4 110. .710 10 79:02 Tia Seth M 3 100. .70.7 X, 79770 Gen. Byng Ti 108 1:47% 8 110x705 X, 79732 Karley Belle M Om 110 l:54%m 6 103..700 rjo 79333 bWeiga 11 1030700 0 70CC-5 Hardman I.il08 1:53%h 3 103. .700 x .OSSebSwagger Om 115 l:52%m I 10.1x700 7D091 Joe Nugent M .. 12 110. .700 90 70769 Sient Sara MTi 113 1:50% 6 110.. 700 w ; 79770 bBubblin Louder . 9 110. .700 00