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i I , , WHEELING ENTRIES The figures under the heading "Rec." -.n the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1922, no matter where it finished. In case where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. -■ 7«l«i IS FTflST IWDEX OF 1924. 79«8e 18 FIRST NUMBER OF JUNE. Racing starts at 2:30 n. m. Chicago time, 2:30. Probabilities: Weather clear; track good. Superior nm.l runner. xCood mud runner. *r"air mild runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice sllowaucc. bB I inkers. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: Aqueduct Aq Jefferson Park JP £""* An Kenil worth Ke Belmont Park BP Rempton Park KP Blue Bonnets BB Ring Edward Ki Bowio Bo Estonia La Churchill Downs CD Laurel Lu Columbus Co Lexington ..Ex Connanght p«k CP Maple Heights MH . Conneaut Lake CL Marlboro Kb r Dade Park DP Mobile ".Mo Devonshire Do Mount Royal MR DorT»l Do Omaha On Pufferi" Du Prmlico Pm Empire Em Reno Re Fair Grounds FO Saratoga Sa Fort Erie FE Tanforan Ta Hamilton Hm Thorncli/fo Tb Havre de Grace HO Tijuana Tl Hawthorne Hw Toledo ........"".." To Ha*»» » H» Windsor Wi Huntington Hu Woodbine We Jamaica j» First Race— About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 26, 1921— 59%— 2 112. Todays Ind. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 79562 bSirocco 9 1 »K. .725 79049 Rapidan 7 108x720 78056 bllappy Co Ijicky. 9 111.. 715 79782 bAdventure 5 98X715 f 75265 bMaiden Voter ... 7 100x715 78700 I/rch Lcvcn 6 106x715 79373 Virge 10 101x710 79786 bllanl Cuess 6 106. .710 79608 Warrior 4 103X705 79502 Spectator 4 101x705 79441 Klip a KKJ 7or, ., 49221 Ulnnic; Foster .... 9 10SX700 79008 bBill Simmons ... 11 108x700 73751 Starkader 8 103.700 79561 Marina velli % 103x700 70761 Jill 8 101.700 Second Race — About 5-8 Mile. , Purse 00. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. ; Track record: April 26, 1921-50%— 2— 112 I 79501 Lustre 5 Hlx7°5 . 79442 bMess Kit 7 106X720 79782 Klga 8 101x715 79664- Havana Electric. 4 101x715 F 79817 Aunt Deda 6 106X715 79784 Ukase 5 110x715 79817 bBabyloniaa 7 110x715 79817» Ethel H 8 101.715 1 79460 Josie Gorman ... 0 111x710 79670 Bessie Hope a 96X705 70466 bI«arelot S 111X709 70782* bKnot Crass a 108x700 6 10 ■ .. _ !e , •t 1; ; e d ; s M K 0 ,0 10 0 „ ; r r t i 8 . s 0 0 1 . J 0 • , t 1 J J 1 , • . 786*3 Gloom 7 104X700 798TB Hilloro 3 98x700 76320 British Isles 6 106. .700 70870 bThe Muleskinner. . 4 106x700 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. I year olds »nd upward. Claiming. Track record: April 22, 1921-1:16—0 — 110. 79614J nerron Hv 106 1:13% 7 110. .T25 78917 bCopyright BP 117 1:13% 7 112X720 79783 Asa Jewell ...Hv 100 1:13 3 105x715 79336s Red Hv 112 1:14% 8 107X715 79869 Little Romper. Ti 90 1:14% 6 111x715 79608 Recoup HG 111 1:16% 4 110x710 79817 W. V. Montgomery 7 112. .710 7S670J Happy Moments.. Lx 103 1:14 4 101.705 79611 Joe Joe 8 112x705 79870 John A. Scott Jr. IM Om 104 l:17%m 7 103. .700 79604 bHemlock II y 112 1:15% 10 112®700 79407 Dickie W 9 108X700 Fourth Race— About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 26, 1921 59% — fl -112. 79601 Quincy Ward 6iaiX"25 79786 Clenlivet 4 9S..720 73059» AthgarTen 5 108x715 79667 bliinctual 7 10« x715 72422 Anita K 4 10»JX7I5 78454 Hello lardnr ... 7 108x715 79816 Avalanche 4 10SX715 78574 hApple Jack II. .. S 10S:;:710 79873 blllusionist 4 HW. 705 79316 Helen I,ucas 1.101x700 78546 Dinty Moore 7 108x700 79821 Al Pierce 11 10S®7IX 78844 bEloyd Ceorge 8 108. .700 79611 bSahretash !l 108x700 78519 Humpy 0 10S X 700 78561 Blue Dale 4 108. 700 Fifth Race— 1 Mile a::d 70 Yards. Purse 1924.sh00. 3-year-olds aid Howard. Allowances. Track record: Sept. 4, 1923— 1 :54 — O-113. 79787 bSCNNY ftaatX BP 111 1:46% 9 105x725 79548 Fast Boy Ti 94 1:44% 3 96x715 79785 Recommendation . Km 106 1:40 4 111X715 79682 Eunice V. Bailey. MH 94 1:44 3 90.710 79785 Jolly 4 101X710 79682 Wood Lady ...Ba 104 1:49 3 99.. 705 Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 22. 1921 1:10— -5—110. 79784 Stella Maris 110 1:13% 4 105x725 79818 Jacobean Hv 110 1:1:1 « 112*720 79786 bWinchester bt 111 1:14%I 6 112.715 79565 bHatana Ft: 115 111 7 112x715 79817 Mary C. MH IM 1:13% • 110x715 79784 Reluctant Hw 105 1:14V* « 112.715 76819 Aconchla II. . . Lm 114 1:14% 8 112X710 79683 bBriarcliff MH 108 1:13% 5 108x710 79337 May Girl JP 115 1:15% « 101X710 79335 St. Paul 7 1 12 X 705 79565 Califa Hv 103 1:15% 5 112x705 78478 Oneida 3 94x705 78060 Rita B H" 92 1:15% 4 110.700 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Merchants Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds ani- upward. Allowances. Track reccrd: Sept. 1, 1923—1:54—6—113. 79665 bHuttontrope ..CP 112 1:47% 9 108.725 79821 Walter Turnbow. . CP 102 1:46% 9 104X720 79787 bPeace Pal Do 100 1:45% 5 108®715 79821 bRog MH 107 1:45 9 104.. 715 78060 Jap Mama H.- 103 1:46% ■ 104X710 79821 Straight Shot .Do 90 1:46% 5 107. .710 79614 Cruces MH 111 1:44% 10 97x705 79787 Illustrator 3 96. .705 79784 bHiibbuh Hw lOS 1 :47% 11 »X1M 79821 Eau Gallie ...MM MB 1:44% 4 97X700 79814 Polite La 110 1 :59h 4 104.700 7982I1 In Doubt Hv 96 l:57%m 4 104x700 79818 Mr. X Ti 108 1:47% 6 104x700 79614A bLa Kross MH 114 1:44 8 10lX"00 Eighth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 4-year-olds :.!id upward. Claiming. Track record: April 22, 1921-1:16—5—110. 79613 bZorro Li 105 1 :13% 5 115. .725 798191 Bill Blackwell.MH 109 1:14 7 107X720 79786 Forewarn MH 100 1:14% 4 112x715 797861 b*red Kinaey .FG 113 1:14 I 101.. 715 79281 Fria Lx 117 1:15.* 7 108*705 76712* bEvelyn White .L 102 1:14% 5 107x700