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1 Mile and TO Yards. .l-year-olda and upward. Allowances. mn/ipr- tlMV/C June Z.i, 1»23 1 :4« -5 7 111. MISSOURI BOY. ch. g, 6 113 By Harrigan — Shrewd, by The Sharper. 1 Trainer. H. C. McConnell. Owner. H. C. McConnell. Breeder. E. M. McCulIocb. 79733 Omaha 1 140%fast 4 110 3*1 P Hum 11 W.Hven, W Mgomery. Mdrono 77405 Tijuana 1 1-8 1 :55%fast 14-5f 103 2 4 3* 5*3 J Wood 12 Dolph. Miss Claire, Arravan | 77274 Tijuana 118 1:7.5 fast 41 106 1 7 4J 2*1 W Molters 10 Fayelle, Sea Way. Fireworth 77163 Tijuana 11 8 1 rrfast 53 104 3 8 8 8» W Moltere 8 Tlielimb. IrinceDirect. Rreeze 77093 Tijuana 1 1 :43Vtfast 16-5 108 5 7 31 1" ■ ODonn112 Theresa, OllieWood. E.Harrigan 77042 Tijuana lm70y 1 :46=»tfast 19 110 971 F Cantrell 11 Bn-ezc, Virgo, Encrinite 76957 Tijuana 11 16 1:47 fast 23-10 107 1» S ODonn112 Plunger, 1 he Wag, Colonel Lit SEA MINT, ch. h 7 113 By Sea King— Mictless, by Minting. Trainer, C. 3. Irwin. Owner. Mrs. C. B. Irwin. Breeder, T. F. Ryan. 79865 See todays chart. 79732 Omaha 51 f 1 07 Vast 81 115 6-1 F Horn 12 Quota. Miriam Wood. Fer h 79657 Omaha 51 f l:06Hfast 9 108 7*3 J Gerrity 12 Dthy Ryan. FinisGlsus, B. Allen 78110 Tijuana lm70yl:61 good 17-1W 114 10 12 12 12" P Martinzl2 Hartelle, John Arbor, Flea 78093 Tijuana 5-S 1:04 mud 38 121 10 9 95 8« P Martinzll Dr.Jhnan. KllaWIdo, NdHey 78002 Tijuana 51 f 1 :09mud 5f 116 11 7 lJ110"i P Martinzl3 Olympiad, Cannonball. Billyl.-inc 7 7730 Tijuana 51 f llOmud 61 115 5 2 3 12" P MartinzU MaryEllenO.. Josph. Newell. Seba 77641 Tijuana 61 f 1 :07*fast 107 11110 10 10 1011 W McKht 10 Speedball, Dutyltoy, CI. Stocking 76418 Tijuana 51 f 1:10 hvy 3 114 671 P Martinez 8 NorfordHoney, Flea, ChoirMaster THE DESERT, b. g, 8 110 By Black Sand— Parthenis. by Ajax. Trainer, W. Ormes. Owner, C. Vail. Breeder, Bclair Stud. 79867 Seo todays chart. 78279 Tijuana lm7 K- 1 49 %hvy 11-10 111 4 2 l1 l1 E Fator 8 J. Arbor. Promenade. Sal. Carter 78117 Tijuana 51 f 1 :09 good 90 107 11 11 11 10* F J Bakeill Brans*, Jack Ledi, ■**■ Ruth 76497 Tijuana Imi1 1 49*4.mud 2 113 4* E Fator 6 The I-anib. Wylie, Dolph 76403 Tijuara 1 1 10 1 :51*%hvy 2 111 34 E Fator 7 Ginger, Tule, Weddinglrince 76240 Tijuana I m70y 1 : 4S3th v y 27-10 111 l» E Fator 9 Toouibeola, DoubleVan. Olyiupd 76166 Tijuana lm70y 1 46Vfefast 27 104 8 A Claver 10 Poacher, Roisterer. Col. Lit 75972 Tijuana lm70y 1 46Hfa3t 35f 105 7*2 F Watrousl2 Sea Way, L.Manning, W. Prince JIM HEFFERING. b. g, 9 110 By Trap Rock— Fairy, by St. Fruzquin. Trainer, E. E. Sterrett. Owner, E. E. Sterrett. Breeder. E. L. Davis. 79866 Se« todays chart. 79697 Omaha I1:4l*4fa*t 63 105 8*1 H Zander 10 Figuration, M J Baker, C.Moore 79658 Omaha 51 f 1:07 fast II 113 7»1 H Zander I MayHrnen, Ft; "ley. fbHijT mi 79052 Akron 61 f 1 JBUflMi 8-5 107 6» J Cowan S Aimt.Km., l.ewislt. §* . B. Walker ! 78993 Akron 6 f 1 20 hvy 41 102 . I1 J Cowan 6 PcePal, Horaeel.erch, I Wehle ; 75293 Wheeling lm70y 1:58 hvy 11 106 4» V Horn !• Ularnev Boy, Nea|H !itan, Onii 75169 Wheels 1 1 16 2:0 hvy 8-5 99 CJ J P.crg 9 Phelan. Eternity. Amaze 75103 Wheel g Ab 2-4 1:23 slow 8-5 110 ; 2* C Jackson 7 Dr. Hall. Kentmcre. Itid Chant I 74907 Akron 3-4 1 13 111 7 J Berg 10 Chow, OurKale, TopKung SMART ALEX. cb. g, 5 105 By Cunard— Lady Levity, by Gold Spinner. Trainer. W. Glover. Owner, W. Gloyer. Breeder C. Alexander. 79773 Omaha llMl/fast 7 102 d A Bodgz 8 Kncrinite, Pemlimke, Pmimdcur 78849 Colmbus I MB laWtfnnt 25 107 7S1 O Atwell 8 Jex, Rog, Riddlcdec 78600 Colmbus I 1-16 ISHttna* 6 104 7* W Martin 9 Jlenn. Ti.lsa, Tnnpr 78565 Colmbus lm70y 1 :u0%ta.Kt 14 108 1 W Martin 7 Dancer, Grass Tree, Felix M. 78487 Colmbus 3-4 1:18»*hvy 8 113 4" W Mandrs 5 Stamp, Far Fast, CoIohhu* 75783 Jefferson 3-4 l:19*4,hvy 15 114 8 9 9 9** J Carroll ! Herald. Hutchison. Manokin 740U Omaha 1 lOandfast 14 112 i 3 £1 2J W Varley 12 J.Cauipl, U.Wright. M.Pperity 1 — T BOREAS, br. g. 9 110 By Zeus— Yuletree, by Halting*. ! Trainer, C. Jones. Owner, C. Jonas. Breeder. E. Renzbaw. 74011 Omaha 1 l:40%fast 19 107 10 10 91 V H Zander 12 J.Campbell, Sm. Alex. HalWrigbj 71187 Omaha lm70y l:4b*ifast 8 116 8 7 41 31 F Horn 9 Byrne, Regreso, Dancing Btar . 71117 Omaha lm70y 1:48 fast 41 115 1 C i I S ODonn110 Pinecrest, Hopover, DancingStai 70874 Omaha 11:45 good 2 110 7 3 6 6» S ODonnl 9 Texas Chief, Hopover, Kazaa 1 70807 Omaha 1 l.SOmud 13 104 C C 6 6** J ODonnl 6 Ch.HoIters, WterDant, KorbljJ SEA WRACK, b. g. 4 M 110 By Wrack— Delft, by Burgomaster. f Trainer. B. F. McClain. Owner. B. F. McClain. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 79663 Omaha 1 1-16 l:48ifast 16 102 5*2 J Gormley 6 FairOrient, NebraskaLad, Cblv* 77850 Jefferson 11-16 ISO fast 40 108 11 3 21 6»1 D Jones 14 Westwood. Lit.Ammie, Tay.Hay 77781 Jefferson 11:42 fast 30 115 7 12 131 14l» J Owens 15 Omnipotent, Servitor. Mr. Bectt 77192 FOrnds 3-4 1:14good 30 106 6 9 11 10" H Stutts 12 Arrowhead. Doughnut. Yenixelo*, 76858 F.Grnds 3-4 l:14%fast 50 99 12 9 11« 10*1 G Noel 14 Poppye, Arrowhead. Venizelos 76607 F.Grnds 3-4 l:13Sfast 30 95 12 12 12 ll» G Noel 12 Good Time, Hysteria, Rhinegoltl TIS SETH. ch. g. 3 M 100 By Seth— Tze-Lsi, by Voter. Trainer, B. F. McClain. Jr. Owner. Ak-Sar-Ben Stable. Breeder. B. A. Jones. 79692 Omaha 3-4 l:15fcfast 8 110 43 H Garner 10 Collision, Menage, Debtor 71718 Hawthne 5-8 1 :05*ihvy 10 115 6 6 61 7" E Petzoldt 7 Sarazen, Brandeis. No Lady 71113 Omaha 41 f 64*4fast 21 112 5 5 5» 562 E H Bnes 6 Crescent. Clever Seth, Baleful 70896 Omaha 41 f 58%mud 51 114 4 4 31 21 E H Bnes 6 S.sFlower. Maz Seth, A Chtnut 70801 Omaha 41 f 57Kmud 13 114 4 4 4l 4»1 E H Bnes 6 S.sAk S.-Ben. Brdeis. S.sFPer 68784 Havana 1-2 49 fast 6 104 9 9 9 97 F Merimee 9 Norseld. DixonsPride. Suzuki GEN. BYNG. br. g. 8 110 By Brummel — Florida Rose, by Farandole. Owner. Miss. I. Wazhburn. Breeder. H. McCarren. Jr. 79770 Omaha 1 1:41 fast 51 114 8* R fipicer 10 Praise. Full Again. Ella Wood 74224 Omaha 1 1-4 2:11 mud 40 109 6 7 6* 6« J Speedy 7 Arravan, Jolly Cephas, Doubful 74189 Omaha 1 1-16 l:54mud 47 112 4 4 4* 3 J Speedy 9 Pembroke. Jay Mae. Burgoyne 74125 Omaha 11:16 1:49 fast 69 112 6 7 7* 8s P Hum 9 Manokin. Full Again. Navajo 73960 Omaha 51 f l:093andxlow 55 112 6 8 71 Vs E Barhamll BrnCheck. FoxsChoice. Kinetic 73878 Omaha 3-4 l:18Hmud 24 116 1 4 4B 4" E Barham 7 BonBox. Rungeoige. Brn Check 73785 Omaha lm70y 1:54 mud 43 104 8 9 9 9» M Frey 9 Plantarede. Bgoyne. DrleyBelle 73572 Omaha 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 77 111 VI Ghridge 8 Bronston. JoeCampbell, Overstep DARLEY BELLE, br. m. 6 M 103 By Barley Dale— Newhaven n.. by Bay Ronald. Trainer. J. H. Gaertcer. Owner. J. H. Gaertner. Breeder, W. A. Porter. 79732 Omaha 51 f l:07*tfast 13f HO 102 R Ryan 12 Quota. Miriam Wood. Terrh 74188 Omaha 1 1-16 1:55 mud 7 111 4 6 4* 4° E Barham 7 Czardom, Toombeola. Jacquella 74127 Omaha 1 1-16 1:47 fast 20 110 9 9 9 8T« E Barham 9 TheWit, Brown Check, izardoin 73915 Omaha 11:50 hvy 20 109 4 5 31 21 E Barham 7 GoldenRed, Lil tie Florence. Zing 73785 Omnha lm70y 1:54 mud 55 110 4 7 74 3 E Barham 9 Plantarede, Bgoyne, Pinecrest 62649 Omaha 51 f 1 :10 fast 16 107 Sl J Allen S Sovereign II., Old Coin. Stark, y 62545 Omaha 3-4 1:19 hvv 41f 110 8J J Carroll 12 Fl.ofSteel, Innovatn. Aclamatn 62418 Omaha 51 f 1 :09?sBOod 43 105 4* J Carroll 9 FlossieF.. Prec. Jewel. I W H r 62310 Omaha 51 f l:09Vbfast 58 108 610 F Derby 12 Kimberlv, Okla Kid. Sir John Jr WELGA. br. m, 11 103 By King James — Wealth, by Rainbow. Trainer, C. C. Emmert. Owner, H. C. Glencross. Breeder, H. T. Oxnard. 79866 See todays chart. * 79333 Akron 51 f 1:10 fast 21 104 5*1 W Dellow f» P nampson, S. Cookie. M.Wood 79253 Akron 61 f 1:30 slow 8 107 4*3 W Dellow • Acouchla II.. Mary C, . Forewarn 79162 Akron 61 f l:3" **hvy 51 105 1* J Berg 4 Hercules. Eternity. Ruddles 79120 Akron 51fl:17hvy 8 106 3*2 T Thrkill 6 Fame. Princess Jane. RavAtkin 79075 Akron 61 f l:23%hvy 9 5 111 Fell. J AVinans I Doctor Zab. Waukeg. B:il 79051 Akron 51 f 1:24 mud 14 101 3* * Cowan 7 Fictile. Mary G.. Louie La* 78960 Akron 51 f 1 :18hvy 19 106 3» W Dellow li Rock Court. Milda. Uhlan Lucas 78431 Hunfton 5-8 1 :02Vtfast 13f 106 6*1 R Zucchinlll Red. Arthur Middleton. Bub 78386 ITuntton 61 f l:0S*if2st 30 106 S71 H Hay 9 Auutie Em, Josepe C, Old Blue HARDMAN, br. g. 3 103 By Manager Waite — Clara Louise, by Ben Strome. Trainer. S. Jones. Owner. S. Jones. Breeder, W. C. Goodloe. 79695 Omaha 51 f l:07=Kfast 9 106 1014 J Heupel 10 Yalta, Nan McKinney. Hel.Cook 78799 Irf-xgton 1 1-16 l:48? 91 107 7 6 7s 7" R Harton S Muskeg. KunieeBley. 78696 Lexgton lm70y 1:4«-Vivy 5 108 6 6 64 6" R Harton 8 Muskeg, Norseland, Isanian 78640 Lexgton 3-4 1:11 good 27 106 7 6 64 6*1 R Harton 8 Welcome. Finday. Auntie Millin 78248 Hunfton 51 f 1 :W4fast 41-10 108 11 R Harrton 8 Eunice Bailey, Bob. Vehement 74512 Latonla 3-4 1:12 fast 59 103 9 9 8* 7« J McCoy 9 Beau Butler. Bob Tail. Clarence SWAGGER, ch. g. 5 105 By Trap Rock — Souveraine, by Rayon dOr. Trainer, J, Parks. Owner, D. Bryan. Breeder, A. Belmont. 79866 See todays chart. 79694 Omaha 3-4 1:15 fast 23 115 771 R Dority 10 W.Wner. B Head. W Mgomery 77868 Jefferson 3-4 1:14 fast 100 115 9 12 12 12*« A Accardy 15 Bverglade, Dreamer. Stake Me 71145 Omaha lllSfast 22 112 4 4 6 7* B Maskrid 8 FullAgain. D ofWrath, T Owens 7I0I4 Omaha lm70y 1 :51Hmud 61 115 4 3 4 4«J S Carter 6 Manokin, Coaler. Day ofWrath 70901 Omaha 1 l:50*£mud 8 114 3 2 2 2 S Carter 7 Nonsuit, The Floater. Repent 70875 Omaha 1 l:45*fcgood 4 115 2 1 1* 12 S Carter 9 LottaG.. Mr.rtinCasey. Manokin 70729 Omaha 3-4 1 :18*4mud 31-10 115 4 3 21 21 D Bauer 7 FoxsChoice. J.J.Riley. Lotta G. 70645 Omaha 61 f 1:13 mud 4 114 1 1 2* 2l R Bauer 11 Bronston. Pembroke, CarmenLee JOE NUGENT, t. g. 12 M 110 By Secret— Becky Becker, by Scintillant II. or Riley. Trainer. N. F. Sale. Owner, N. F. Sale. Breeder. N. F. Sale. 79694 Omaha 3-4 1:15 fast 41 115 67i J RiehdnlO W.Wner. B.Head. W Mgomery 77141 Oul.Oily 3-4 1:15 fast — 112 4* E Kenger 7 Y. Huxter. Mary Mellon. Stive 76805 Cul.Ctty 3-4 1:14 fast — 116 3* T Johnson 9 Mr. X.. Steve, Canvasback 76797 Cul.City 5-8 1 :02*4fasl — 113 34 W Varley 7 "Reliable. Calzar. MaryMallon 76722 Cul.City 6-8 1 :02V4good — 105 5*2 J Cowan 11 Capilano. StPierre. China Jane 65635 Omaha 5-8 1:01 %fast 9 115 4*1 S Carter 7 Innovation. Mel. Man. Min Mack 65623 Omaha 3-4 1:15 fast 15 115 2* S Carter 7 Old Rose, Ingot, Tom Caro SILENT SAM. cb. g. 6 M 110 By Lay Low— Miss Naomi, by Deering. Trainer, W. Tobias. Owner. W. Tobias. Breeder. G. Coonev. 79769 Omaha 51 f l:07Vast 35 112 8* W Varley 11 F.sChoice. C Hsburg. RogonJr. 69000 Tijuana 5-8 1 :0314fast 133 lit 10 10 10* 10* H Zander 11 .losenia. Ruth BL, Hand Sweep 68770 Tijuana lm70y 1:49 fast 92 113 2 10 91 8»1 H Zander 10 Tom Brooks, Dienero. Cork 68503 Tijuana 1 60f 115 10 9 91 94 H Molters 11 SthiaC, Occidenla, Malzavenn 68381 Tijuana 1 l:43%fast 26f 113 5 8 61 6" E Kenger 8 Nizam, Gold Bryan, Dovesroost 67596 Tijuana 5-8 1 :02=»sfast 139 110 11 10 91 9" E Kengerl2 Alajah, Yukon. Hunters Poiut 67336 Tijuana 3-4 l:16%fast 69 119 10 12 9 9«J D Hum 12 Nizam. Norfield. Glenzar BUBBLING LOUDER, b. g. 9 110 By Cunard— Artbesia, by Siddartha. Trainer, W. F. Scully. Owner, W. P. Scully. Breeder, G. C Bennett. 79770 Omaha 1 1:41 fast 12 107 10*5 T Jarvis 10 Praise, Full Again. Ella Wood 72983 Lex.C.Fr 1 1:41 fast 27 114 8» W Meehan 8 S. Wiggins. Bon Box H. Moments 72886 Lex. C.Fr 1 1-16 14S fast 15 115 6« J Howard f. B.Watchll.. S. Wiggins. Rirks 72860 Lex.C.Fr 1 1-16 1 :48«ifast 19 107 6** J Howard 6 Jack Feld, Kimpalong. Sandy 11. C1781 M. Heights 11-8 1:54 Tast 75 106 9" T Burns 9 Donatello, A. Soldier, Jackstraw 61631 M. Heights 1 1-8 1:53 good 28 109 7" W Meehan 9 Bonneville. M.Fntaine, T.Logan 61492 Lexton 1 1-4 2:i0mud 46 112 6 7 7 7* W Meehan 7 Young Adam. The Wit, Sun God 61457 Lexton 1 1-16 l:46*tfast 79 113 7 10 10 10" W MechanlO LncleVelo, WaltHall, Mar. John